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Displaying results 201 - 207 of 207
Sequence 77Wikramaratne • The Child In Nature 77 At the end of the two years, Dr. Montessori reviewed all of the materials prepared to… |
Sequence 42Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 35older ones with their spontaneous and enthusiastic delight in seeking to learn. This spontaneity carried over to the spirit… |
Sequence 2016 Maria Montessori, a musical play in ten scenes on the life of Maria Montessori, was written and produced by the students… |
Sequence 2218 Teacher: (After 2 minutes) 5, 4, 3, 2, I - TIME! Everybody stop! Now count the number of words you have written - put this… |
Sequence 2Treasure Article 2017 page 1 i. introduction ‘To ask anyone to speak on peace would appear quite foreign to our time, since… |
Sequence 3Treasure Article 2017 page 2 that most people still would not ordinarily associate with children. What causes such a change… |