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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 102
Sequence 3we must now ready all children for school success. Some of these conditions include the fact that: • 1 in 5 American children… |
Sequence 4teach students about the politics, sociology, and economics of the revolution- ary world changes that we' re living… |
Sequence 3viewed her educational principles from the very start as anything less than a contribution to the whole planet. Accordingly,… |
Sequence 2SELF-DISCIPLINE AND THE ARTS by Lilian Bryan Lilian Bryan places high priority on creative expression, including the visual… |
Sequence 1/J~ ---------------------- MONTESSORI EDUCATION: p AST, PRESENT, AND POSSIBLE by David Kahn In 1998, Renilde Montessori… |
Sequence 4He was almost alone in supporting us, and although it was never possible for him to visit the various training centers, he… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE CHALLENGE, THE DREAM, AND THE PROMISE by Orcillia Oppenheimer The African challenge is… |
Sequence 2South Africa is the southern tip of the African continent. A country of contrasts-from the trees of the dinosaurs to the… |
Sequence 4It became apparent that to be successful, one had to have beautiful and extended envi- ronments-and not just to do with the… |
Sequence 5Marina Gafoor also has been involved with training at her center and has made a great impact in the child welfare world. I… |
Sequence 5Service to the Community: The Art of Living Developing and using our individuality does not preclude serving the community.… |
Sequence 12• an international network of training and study centres dedicated to the propagation of Montessori's teachings and the… |
Sequence 3If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 104South Africa: Grassroots Networks South Africa: Montessori in the Context of Social Reform Jenco School, o villoge-operoted,… |
Sequence 105neighborhood elders or councils in the remotest areas, in certain cases barely accessible by car. One such training program… |
Sequence 140Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences "The eye that sees and the hand that obeys:• South Africa, 2006 Dramar:ic… |
Sequence 143Studying the time/ine of life on earth, a geologicof.biological progression of animals, plants, and earth changes, Japan,… |
Sequence 148Montessori Farm Programs in Africa, Australia, and Mexico Shepherding pygmy goats, Telperion Farm School. serving ages 3-18… |
Sequence 155The child is universal. He has existed in all ages and will continue to be born until the end of time. There is no child of… |
Sequence 159For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 13trees, and all life that emanates from the natural world (Montessori, From C!tildhood to Adolescence 19). This inner… |
Sequence 14or what we perceive something to be, we open the world of possibility with endless boundaries. ln a speech delivered in South… |
Sequence 3Among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, the most common greeting, equivalent to "hello" is the… |
Sequence 18participation in actions meant to bring social justice to people in the classroom, in the community, all over the world. We… |
Sequence 11129 Stephenson • Cosmic Education which touches and educates that sentiment, they see it as a reality that happens every day… |
Sequence 2274 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 beyond Monocultures From Chipko, I learned about biodiversity and… |
Sequence 3153 Stephenson • Cosmic Education to infancy program in Rome in 1947, parents have been guided in preparing an environment… |
Sequence 1Building spoken language in the first plane by Joen Bettmann Through a strong Montessori orientation to the parameters of… |
Sequence 1JOEN BETTMANN _________________________________________________________________________ Joen Bettmann was a highly regarded… |
Sequence 5with tools: if a skilled carpenter happens not to have brought his chisel to the job, he can usually use something else in its… |
Sequence 2social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 514 Cued speech is not that difficult to learn, especially for Montessori teachers. During the State hearing a member of the… |
Sequence 174176 Meyer, Judith Wangerin. (1975). Participants, publicity, and schools: Elements in the diffusion of American… |
Sequence 141CANADA SASKATOON MONTESSORI SCHOOL needs AMI directress(3to 6)forSept. '90. AMI adminis- trator; est. 1979, 2 classroom… |
Sequence 111we must now ready all children for school success. Some of these conditions include the fact that: • 1 in 5 American children… |
Sequence 38teach students about the politics, sociology, and economics of the revolution- ary world changes that we' re living… |
Sequence 113call (608) 238- 2228 (days) or (608) 231-2596 (evenings). AUSTRALIA AMI trained uachtr (6-12) required 1992. We are an… |
Sequence 208A school atf111i11i11ra1or a11tflor rlr111e111ary dirmorlro (6 ro 9) is sough, by ,he SOUTHERN MONTESSORJ EDUCA- TION CENTRE… |
Sequence 144WHOLE LANGUAGE CONFERENCE IN HOUSTON WELL-RECEIVED ln January, Mary Boehnlein and Hildegard Solzbacher presented another… |
Sequence 150Peggy Skinner, 400 E. Evergreen Blvd., Van- couver. WA 98660. CANADA THE NORTH YORK MONTESSORI LEARN- ING CENTRE, 9600… |
Sequence 210NORWAY LOOKlNG FOR A CHANGE-would you con- sider Norway? The Dr0bak Montessori Bamehage needs a replacement for its current… |
Sequence 9viewed her educational principles from the very start as anything less than a contribution to the whole planet. Accordingly,… |
Sequence 73Renilde Montessori, granddaughter of Maria Montessori, is General Secretary of AMI. Orcillia Oppenheimer is founder of The… |
Sequence 116SELF-DISCIPLINE AND THE ARTS by Lilian Bryan Lilian Bryan places high priority on creative expression, including the visual… |
Sequence 348PRESENTING.,, Kay Baker is AMI Elementary Director of Training at the Washington (DC) Montessori Institute. Wmfried Bohm is… |
Sequence 351organization of story, logic, and truth, which comes to the inevitable realization that to serve is to balance one's… |
Sequence 352first Montessori training in South Africa, the country has experi- enced the burgeoning growth of Montessori schools (nearly… |
Sequence 1Vol. 24, No. 1 Winter 1999 Montessori Past, Present, and Possible: A Global Reality Moateaorl Ed■adoa: Put, Prae■t, ■ad… |
Sequence 6/J~ ---------------------- MONTESSORI EDUCATION: p AST, PRESENT, AND POSSIBLE by David Kahn In 1998, Renilde Montessori… |
Sequence 23He was almost alone in supporting us, and although it was never possible for him to visit the various training centers, he… |
Sequence 66MONTESSORI IN SOUTH AFRICA: THE CHALLENGE, THE DREAM, AND THE PROMISE by Orcillia Oppenheimer The African challenge is… |
Sequence 67South Africa is the southern tip of the African continent. A country of contrasts-from the trees of the dinosaurs to the… |
Sequence 69It became apparent that to be successful, one had to have beautiful and extended envi- ronments-and not just to do with the… |
Sequence 70Marina Gafoor also has been involved with training at her center and has made a great impact in the child welfare world. I… |
Sequence 262by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn in this Journal issue). He reported on the project to the AMI Pedagogical Committee in… |
Sequence 267Ohio Montessori Training Institute ♦ Primary level (ages 3-6) • Nine-month, full-time course • Bachelor's degree… |
Sequence 264Ohio Montessori Training lnsfiMe Now ACCEPTltG APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2000-2001 ACADEMIC YEARI • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 148Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2000-2001 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 206Connected Studies: • MTEC Erdkinder Study Project for the Third Plane of Develop- ment; Montessori Education and Optimal… |
Sequence 220Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2001-2002 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 195Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2001-2002 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) ♦… |
Sequence 555Service to the Community: The Art of Living Developing and using our individuality does not preclude serving the community.… |
Sequence 243Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JUNE 2002! ♦ Convenient three-… |
Sequence 229Ohio Montessori Training Institute Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2002-2003 ACADEMIC YEAR! • Primary level (ages 3-6) •… |
Sequence 225Please note that the program is in Cleveland, Ohio, rather than Loyola College in Maryland, the traditional location of NAMT A… |
Sequence 226the one hand and grassroots training on the other. Due to the generous sponsorship and leadership of Mrs. Orcillia Oppenheimer… |
Sequence 88Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 296Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level (ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 221Ohio Montessori Training Institute Primary level ( ages 3-6) Now ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR JULY 2004 • Convenient three-… |
Sequence 251• an international network of training and study centres dedicated to the propagation of Montessori's teachings and the… |
Sequence 159If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 254al} Montessori Institute of .Jltfanta ., Primary level (ages 3-6) Now accepting applications for September 2007 •… |
Sequence 106South Africa: Grassroots Networks South Africa: Montessori in the Context of Social Reform Jenco School, o villoge-operoted,… |
Sequence 107neighborhood elders or councils in the remotest areas, in certain cases barely accessible by car. One such training program… |
Sequence 142Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences "The eye that sees and the hand that obeys:• South Africa, 2006 Dramar:ic… |
Sequence 145Studying the time/ine of life on earth, a geologicof.biological progression of animals, plants, and earth changes, Japan,… |
Sequence 150Montessori Farm Programs in Africa, Australia, and Mexico Shepherding pygmy goats, Telperion Farm School. serving ages 3-18… |
Sequence 157The child is universal. He has existed in all ages and will continue to be born until the end of time. There is no child of… |
Sequence 161For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of… |
Sequence 166Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 19trees, and all life that emanates from the natural world (Montessori, From C!tildhood to Adolescence 19). This inner… |
Sequence 315or what we perceive something to be, we open the world of possibility with endless boundaries. ln a speech delivered in South… |
Sequence 102Among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, the most common greeting, equivalent to "hello" is the… |
Sequence 123participation in actions meant to bring social justice to people in the classroom, in the community, all over the world. We… |
Sequence 166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Shepherding pygmy goats, Telperion Farm School, Balmoral, Mpumalanga (not… |
Sequence 139129 Stephenson • Cosmic Education which touches and educates that sentiment, they see it as a reality that happens every day… |
Sequence 144134 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Leaf forms provide the basis for classification of plants. Courtesy of… |
Sequence 284274 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 beyond Monocultures From Chipko, I learned about biodiversity and… |
Sequence 158153 Stephenson • Cosmic Education to infancy program in Rome in 1947, parents have been guided in preparing an environment… |
Sequence 4337 Bettmann • Building Spoken Language in the First Plane Building spoken language in the first plane by Joen Bettmann… |
Sequence 6262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 JOEN BETTMANN… |
Sequence 27with tools: if a skilled carpenter happens not to have brought his chisel to the job, he can usually use something else in its… |
Sequence 40social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 1814 Cued speech is not that difficult to learn, especially for Montessori teachers. During the State hearing a member of the… |
Sequence 55Personals: Positions Available Trained AMI ELEMENTARY teacher for 6-9 class needed for 1983-84. Our Montessori depart• ment… |
Sequence 69Persona ls: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Seeking two Montessori teachers: An experienced teacher for an established class of 30… |
Sequence 61portation provided. Contact: Mrs. C. Wolhardt. Taipei Montessori School, No 10, Alley 4. Lane 43, Tien-Mou E. Road. Taipei,… |
Sequence 182176 Meyer, Judith Wangerin. (1975). Participants, publicity, and schools: Elements in the diffusion of American… |