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Displaying results 1 - 79 of 79
Sequence 6can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 10of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 19Early Years of Exploration and Settlement in America I. Ideas to Investigate for Reports a. Europeans who reached North… |
Sequence 3tory, the teaching of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and the teaching of a common language. That education ought to be… |
Sequence 7was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 18know it today will be destroyed or saved because of the West- maybe destroyed in the rain forest and maybe destroyed in… |
Sequence 3The change of behavior surprised not only Dr. Montessori but the visitors who flocked from all parts of the world to witness… |
Sequence 2THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 3TURMOIL Reality of Turmoil The argument whether the Sturm und Orang (storm and stress) of the teenage years is a natural and… |
Sequence 10something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 183something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 10start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 21right around my place. It's a cognitive necessity. Then the challenge becomes how do we expand the cognitive awareness?… |
Sequence 23do you contemplate four billion years or ten thousand years if not through story, if not through music, if not through art?… |
Sequence 4only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 134only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI CENTURY CONCEPT: A CONTINUING PROCESS IN REALITY by David Kahn When we look back to the origins of the… |
Sequence 180Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 18participation in actions meant to bring social justice to people in the classroom, in the community, all over the world. We… |
Sequence 4to go home and defend her borders, she left behind a rich reposi- tory of artistic, political, and architectural artifacts.… |
Sequence 296Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Students then pose one… |
Sequence 297Montesso ri National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Second Period of the… |
Sequence 10child as the agent of change. In The Discovery of the Child (67), Montes- sori writes of a British family who lived in India… |
Sequence 9PART II Growth For the first decade or so, our work took place in a generally uniform social environment; therefore, it… |
Sequence 8142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 we can help the child see how each contributes an essential part in the… |
Sequence 12102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 A wise, global citizen loves his home, his land, and his own people and… |
Sequence 3141 Hacker • Promoting World Citizenship that the human family can be divided into separate groups based on inherent… |
Sequence 51337 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Listen: this might be using an mp-3 player, playing • a drum or a… |
Sequence 2169 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule inspire students in the creation of action plans that could be used for… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 32AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 33AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 752 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717) Swiss-German Maria Sibylla Merian has a… |
Sequence 853 Allen • Of Natural Science of Amsterdam, and the rest from a sale of her artwork. Maria Sibylla was 52 and Dorothea was 21… |
Sequence 473 Christian • The Anthropocene: Threshold 8 twenty nations signed the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), which… |
Sequence 3lug the jerry cans to and fro, emptying them one by one three times over. If we were care- ful, the water lasted about two… |
Sequence 1JOEN BETTMANN _________________________________________________________________________ Joen Bettmann was a highly regarded… |
Sequence 60can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 55of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 206three primary and two elementary classes (ages 6-12). The new Head of School will have the exciting opportunity to implement… |
Sequence 193and a supportive AMI trained administrator. Call and send resume to: Rosina Orr Cullinane Children's Own School 86… |
Sequence 68Early Years of Exploration and Settlement in America I. Ideas to Investigate for Reports a. Europeans who reached North… |
Sequence 61tory, the teaching of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and the teaching of a common language. That education ought to be… |
Sequence 56Should this sound like you, please send details of your qualifications, refer- ences etc to: Paula Mallasch, Little Sprouts… |
Sequence 120was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 256to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 257know it today will be destroyed or saved because of the West- maybe destroyed in the rain forest and maybe destroyed in… |
Sequence 108The change of behavior surprised not only Dr. Montessori but the visitors who flocked from all parts of the world to witness… |
Sequence 40THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 113TURMOIL Reality of Turmoil The argument whether the Sturm und Orang (storm and stress) of the teenage years is a natural and… |
Sequence 64something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 353start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 203right around my place. It's a cognitive necessity. Then the challenge becomes how do we expand the cognitive awareness?… |
Sequence 205do you contemplate four billion years or ten thousand years if not through story, if not through music, if not through art?… |
Sequence 128only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 138The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 6THE MONTESSORI CENTURY CONCEPT: A CONTINUING PROCESS IN REALITY by David Kahn When we look back to the origins of the… |
Sequence 182Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 123participation in actions meant to bring social justice to people in the classroom, in the community, all over the world. We… |
Sequence 234to go home and defend her borders, she left behind a rich reposi- tory of artistic, political, and architectural artifacts.… |
Sequence 302Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Students then pose one… |
Sequence 303Montesso ri National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Second Period of the… |
Sequence 76child as the agent of change. In The Discovery of the Child (67), Montes- sori writes of a British family who lived in India… |
Sequence 109PART II Growth For the first decade or so, our work took place in a generally uniform social environment; therefore, it… |
Sequence 152142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 we can help the child see how each contributes an essential part in the… |
Sequence 107102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 A wise, global citizen loves his home, his land, and his own people and… |
Sequence 146141 Hacker • Promoting World Citizenship that the human family can be divided into separate groups based on inherent… |
Sequence 343337 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Listen: this might be using an mp-3 player, playing • a drum or a… |
Sequence 7569 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule inspire students in the creation of action plans that could be used for… |
Sequence 138AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 5552 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Maria Sibylla Merian (1647–1717) Swiss-German Maria Sibylla Merian has a… |
Sequence 5653 Allen • Of Natural Science of Amsterdam, and the rest from a sale of her artwork. Maria Sibylla was 52 and Dorothea was 21… |
Sequence 7673 Christian • The Anthropocene: Threshold 8 twenty nations signed the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), which… |
Sequence 65lug the jerry cans to and fro, emptying them one by one three times over. If we were care- ful, the water lasted about two… |
Sequence 6262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 JOEN BETTMANN… |