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Displaying results 701 - 800 of 1109
Sequence 13Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 117layers with the powers of observation and the proximity of the farm, it was our hope that these areas would seek their own… |
Sequence 137Despite the hardships, Elena's engagement and self-direction were also evident five years later, although life events had… |
Sequence 183one or both arms onto something so they can use their hands to manipulate. Once they are standing, they do not want to sit… |
Sequence 206Connected Studies: • MTEC Erdkinder Study Project for the Third Plane of Develop- ment; Montessori Education and Optimal… |
Sequence 211IN MEMORIAM SISTER MARY JACINTA SHAY, R.S.M. DECEMBER 31, 2000 I wish I could have told Sister Jacinta goodbye in person.… |
Sequence 90HOMO LOQUENS: LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Placing language in the context of human… |
Sequence 23PaAJ 1: 1/ie, ttf~ e~ AN OVERVIEW OF ADOLESCENCE by Phil Gang Dr. Gang's overview of adolescence provides a backdrop… |
Sequence 31to be more realistic and open with close friends, and this helps them develop a clearer sense of themselves. At the onset of… |
Sequence 115toward that. It's also important for Montessori children to understand their Montessori heritage, to understand in a… |
Sequence 233Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 272Insofar as the Montessori Erdkinder is in loco parentis, we must provide common moral aims for the community. And although… |
Sequence 280After the Second World War, several secondary Montessori schools were founded in Germany. In general, they followed the same… |
Sequence 298A difficulty, certainly felt in Europe-but in this country too-is the anxiety related to curriculum: that students might not… |
Sequence 373is true that if a person blows a cylinder in a tractor right during harvest, someone will step forward. Farmers are the most… |
Sequence 4932. The development of practical skills and knowledge related to geometry through applications on the land. 3. The ability to… |
Sequence 494and basic algebra. Therefore, the next stage of mathematics must use and develop this power of abstraction. The second… |
Sequence 498the first principles-definitions, postulates, and common notions. Thus, although the language can be archaic and the… |
Sequence 596CONTRIBUTORS Devan Barker was a founding faculty member of The Hershey Montessori Farm School, having completed his doctoral… |
Sequence 597Victor Davis Hanson is professor of Greek at California State University (Fresno) and lives on his family's farm in the… |
Sequence 10to work. Also with these expanded career opportunities, we experi- enced, in the United States, a great mobility of families.… |
Sequence 28logical needs, which are very close! y related to the child's biosoma tic growth. It is here that the teacher training… |
Sequence 183THE IMPACT OF THE ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY PROGRAM ON PRIMARY CHILDREN by Liz Hall When a Primary ( ages three to six) class… |
Sequence 253... Come To The Beautiful, Pacific Northwest For MONTESSORI TEACHER TRAINING AMI Primary Certification MACTE Accredited… |
Sequence 259The Post Oak School in Houston, Texas is accepting applications for AMI trained teachers at all levels for the 2002-2003… |
Sequence 18THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 11ALIGNING CLASSROOM PRACTICE WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele presents his… |
Sequence 174Well, rather than going into all these details, let me just concen- trate on one important ecodesign area, and that is energy… |
Sequence 176a fuel that can be stored, so hydrogen can be piped like natural gas or oil and can be stored in cars to drive. This brings… |
Sequence 180development in ecodesign. In this second part I shall discuss the implications of all these ideas for education. I should tell… |
Sequence 213A second way nature education is problematized is through the sentiment that we should avoid nature at all costs. Many… |
Sequence 219which does not forsake nature but rather celebrates the American landscape as part and parcel of our natural heritage. Where… |
Sequence 222action-are each represented at various levels of schooling in the United States today. So too each forwards a contrasting view… |
Sequence 248AMI Elementary Directress. With a toddler class, five primary classes, three lower elementary classes, two upper elementary… |
Sequence 101time they are their grandparents' age, look like their parents do now, but not like their grandparents. In other words,… |
Sequence 183miles long, magnificent mountains for hiking and skiing and is a half- hour from the best rock climbing in the United States… |
Sequence 205seek a candidate with the same en- thusiasm as our founding teachers who believe in the advantage for life children wiU have… |
Sequence 1894. ERDKINDER AND THE "URBAN COMl'ROMJSE" 5 I have always found it disconcerting when the adjective… |
Sequence 192Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 202Back in 1974, I suggested toMarioMontessori,Jr., that he ask those involved with the Erdkinder experiment to procure the… |
Sequence 203of the individual is different during the different planes of develop- ment, then the Montessori approach must also be… |
Sequence 298P.O. Box315 Bellingham, WA 98227 Phone: 360-714-1762 or cedar_ Work in a two-classroom school, ona wooded… |
Sequence 7inquiry, and sharing ideas help us make predictions about ages and stages. We learn about the multitude of possible roles to… |
Sequence 67"Mamie, what is Anna saying?" "She's telling you she cut celery at school." I said… |
Sequence 101God and the child have a unique relationship, particularly before the age of six. In the context of religious formation, the… |
Sequence 127North Avondale Montessori Elementary School 2003 School Report Card. Columbus: Ohio Department of Education, 2003. Sixth-… |
Sequence 232take 9-12 certification, experience in a Montessori classroom. Salary com- petitive, medical benefits. Send resume and… |
Sequence 17point of basic trust, is ready to turn away from the mother-world and turn towards the larger world. The father's role… |
Sequence 224New Zealand Montessori teacher(s) 3-12yrs re- quired in Hamilton, New Zealand. We have an established Montessori programme… |
Sequence 34The way you find success in life, whether you're a child or an adult, is to figure out the things you do well and make… |
Sequence 43taught by Spanish speakers and given to Spanish speakers in a Spanish-speaking country, so I decided I needed to learn Spanish… |
Sequence 77How ARE You SMART?: MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND CLASSROOM PRACTICES by Bruce Torff One should not address the concept of… |
Sequence 791965, and I'm driving along listening to NPR and out comes Charles Murray, one of the authors of The Bell Curve,… |
Sequence 182MONTESSORI WITHOUT BORDERS by Silvia C. Dubovoy Based on her contact with the United Nations and Educateurs sans Frontieres… |
Sequence 185life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 261Outstanding Opportunities- AMI Montessori Teachers Primary, Lower Elementary and Upper El- ementary, Montessor.i Magnet… |
Sequence 290qualified and experienced Montessori trained teachers to run our two classes starting late January 2006. Teaching in NZ… |
Sequence 45MONTESSORI TRAINING CENTER OF NEW ENGLAND Montessori Teacher Training Assistants to Infancy Course September 2005-May 2006 (… |
Sequence 64cents and AMI Montessori training preferred. Please contact jmaughan China Eton International School… |
Sequence 66unfortunately I was unable to find the millionaire to fi- nance it. It was so visionary and also so revolutionary that it… |
Sequence 69Mr. Grazzini did recognize the contribution of urban programs 1 over twenty years in learning about the adolescent from the… |
Sequence 218great Italian poet, Dante, has said: "La somma sapienza e il primo amore," or "The greatest wisdom… |
Sequence 306In the summer of 2005, several adolescent practitioners gathered in Hiram, Ohio, to begin work on developing a curriculum in… |
Sequence 411THE MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE STUDY OF NATURE AND SOCIETY A PROPOSAL by David Kahn David Kahn presents a high school… |
Sequence 414Local Demand for a Montessori High School Model Cleveland (northeast Ohio) is the second oldest Montessori hub in the United… |
Sequence 441THE THIRD ADOLESCENT COLLOQUIUM: p ARTICIPANTS Kathleen Allen, United States Deborah Bricker, United States Dexter Camejo,… |
Sequence 442THE THIRD ADOLESCENT COLLOQUIUM: SPEAKERS David Ayer, United States Guadalupe Borbolla, Mexico Clare Boyle, United States… |
Sequence 97diving off cliffs into deep cold water, finding ways to glide on the winds of the air, in imitation of the glorious flight of… |
Sequence 137We tell many stories of the great and famous inventions and discoverers of history from Archimedes to the present, and other… |
Sequence 172Million Firearms 6--------------------- 5 4 3 2 1 Source: Amfire 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Figure 2. U.S.… |
Sequence 181techniques, that after the 1970s the catch per person was at least stable, but since the 1990s it has gone down. Scarcity of… |
Sequence 183tion-infested field, where nobody can live any more, including those who ignited the bombs. 3. WHAT CAN We Do? With a threat… |
Sequence 156Moore, R. (1996). "Outdoor Settings for Playing and Learn- ing: Designing School Grounds to Meet the Whole Child and… |
Sequence 159If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 160claim that these people had different backgrounds than others who appear less environmentally concerned. Several studies,… |
Sequence 164was not the overall quality of their new home, but its amount of improvement in terms of natural views and more natural yards… |
Sequence 171ences are associated with concern and care for nature in adolescence and adulthood. I have also reviewed ways in which… |
Sequence 194However, right to the end she continued to devote herself to the education of the Tibetan children and to the continuation of… |
Sequence 202A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO LEARNING ANOTHER LANGUAGE by Diane Ceo-Difrancesco Or. Ceo-Di Francesco puts tlte Montessori method… |
Sequence 203A review of second language acquisition research to date reveals that there are three major components that must be present… |
Sequence 254al} Montessori Institute of .Jltfanta ., Primary level (ages 3-6) Now accepting applications for September 2007 •… |
Sequence 20America Welcomes Dottoressa Montessori Elementary class, The Washington Montessori School, Washington D.C., around I 9 I 6 18… |
Sequence 21the Children's Houses firsthand in the years up to 1915, returning to write books and articles in support of the new… |
Sequence 28American Media, continued McClure's Magazine, May, 191 I This issue of McClure's magazine carried the first… |
Sequence 29found its way into Head Start and public magnet schools, joining the War on Poverty, while established private Montessori… |
Sequence 39need for simple beauty in mind. Its model school building was designed by the architect Franz Schuster in the Bauhaus style… |
Sequence 48Musica Montessori and the Art of Woodworking, continued Original folio of musical selections collected by Elise (Lisi) Broun… |
Sequence 49A spontaneous explosion into singing was repeatedly observed in Vienna and later again when Lisi worked with children in… |
Sequence 61Doc-N:h MARIA M.OSTe.SSOkl PSI C 0 ARITMETICA I\ \1U1')1'-11C\ n'"""-\ ■lhl.L\llA… |
Sequence 65In 1925, Clara Grunwald founded the Deutsche Montessori Gesel/schaft. In 1926, Maria Montessori held a training course in… |
Sequence 99Lower and Upper Elementary Montessori school and in 1950 was reluctantly recognized by the newly independent government as… |
Sequence 129To balance requires great attention, New Zealand, 2006 Walking o balance beam, United States, 2000 Happily striding towards… |
Sequence 137Enacting a story from the infancy narratives, the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Mount St Peter's, United States, 1993… |
Sequence 145Studying the time/ine of life on earth, a geologicof.biological progression of animals, plants, and earth changes, Japan,… |
Sequence 146Adolescent Boarding Program in the United States Q. 0 :c C " J ]Q1;;.;..«=.i,.:....¥al....:=~ilell Adolescents… |
Sequence 152Montessori's Social Mission Montessori in Public Schools Montessori today has almost 400 public schools throughout the… |
Sequence 158Peace and Education, continued Montessori in Latin America: From Argentina to Mexico, 1911 to 2007 Montessori schools had… |
Sequence 166Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |