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Displaying results 801 - 900 of 1109
Sequence 167/915 Second trip to the United States, accompanied by her son. Mario. Addresses International Kindergarten Union and… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Centenary Exhibit. The collection also contains Lisl's beautifully handwritten notes of Dr… |
Sequence 189Another Viennese Montessorian and Holocaust survivor who made a significant contribution in the United States was Lena Gitter… |
Sequence 190Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 11Dr. Maria Montessori's first work, Tlte Mo11/essori Method, was published in English in New York in 1912. It was an… |
Sequence 76The specifics, however, depend greatly on the values of the child's parents and society. If a family and culture,… |
Sequence 169Each generation naturally accepts that it is cutting edge in com- parison to the past without realizing that the imperfect,… |
Sequence 235the stairs, and J saw that brutality. But I also saw something else that made a profound and lasting impression on me. It was… |
Sequence 241the good leader, the good manager will exercise that power in a partnership structure. These are very important distinctions… |
Sequence 261mission: "The next generation of leaders will come from this program. Soon they will be sitting here, and it will. be… |
Sequence 270We know that this industrialization continued for the next forty years. From the family, the disconnection spilled over into… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 359Montessori Institute of Atlanta Primary level (ages 3-6) Now accepting applications for September 2008 • Comprehensive nine-… |
Sequence 375The environment is fuUy equipped with Montessori materials and handcrafted furnishjngs made by Balinese craftsmen. The… |
Sequence 239through Upper Elementary programs we are bursting at the seams. Our land searchcontinuesasdoesourneed for more,experienced… |
Sequence 246professional development of all our faculty and staff. Applicants should have an appropriate AMI Diploma and at least a… |
Sequence 252medical benefits plan. SEP retire- ment plan. Seven paid personal or sick leave days. Beautiful and sup- portive work… |
Sequence 99years and most are already represented in our classroom materials. One large area of biology study that may not be as… |
Sequence 150PEDAGOGY OF PLACE: DEEPENING ERDKINDER PRINCIPLES WITHOUT THE f ARM by Pat Ludick Pedagogy of Place is now a standard of… |
Sequence 197Here's another head line-this one came from the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), whose… |
Sequence 265ideas about gover- nance, social justice, and sustainability. Psy- chology helps students All disciplines are appropriate… |
Sequence 9WHY IT Is IMPORTANT TO KNOW THE CHILD by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Citi11g the words of Marin Montessori, Dr. Montanaro… |
Sequence 132Lynn and I were attending the AMI International Congress in Amsterdam in 1979 when Dr. Silvana Montanaro first described Dr.… |
Sequence 169Medically oriented birth practices can greatly interfere with na- ture's design for bonding by disturbing physical and… |
Sequence 243peti tive salary and benefit package. Nest led against the Cascade Moun- ta in foothills in the picturesque Willamette… |
Sequence 244school continues to serve children from diverse cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. Houston is the fourth… |
Sequence 250Wa Ora Montessori School sits in a semi-rural location but is just half an hour from our nation's capital city. It is… |
Sequence 49,------------------------------------- -- disability feels pain and knows they are different. I'm perceived as a grand… |
Sequence 312healthy, best practices living. The school serves students from diverse cultural, religious and socioeco- nomic backgrounds… |
Sequence 221Peace Stories in A111ericnn History covers North America, mainly the United States. The stories begin long before Columbus set… |
Sequence 265FROM SOWING SEEDS TO HARVESTING SYRUP by Tony Losasso This prese11tntion trnces ti,e ndolesce11t occ11pntio11 of 111nple… |
Sequence 315Rota, Gian-Carlo, & Fabrizio Palombi. /11discrete Thoughts. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser, 2008. Steen, Lynn Arthur… |
Sequence 338with the mathematics staff to take full advantage of academic syn- thesis whenever it occurs. This course also develops the… |
Sequence 385NAMTANEWS ADOLESCENT 01H£NTATION SHOWS RECORD ENROLLMENT IN 2009 Summer 2009 is NAMTA's biggest Orientation to… |
Sequence 409an enrollment of 250 students, ages fourteen months through fifteen years. Weare the first LEED, (green) school in Texas and… |
Sequence 71ply never heard about Maria Montessori and her little school in San Lorenzo? It's far more likely that we shouldn't… |
Sequence 135ditional financial responsibilities for extended family members in crisis. For many families in the school community, a… |
Sequence 142may sound unusual, but it's important to remember that prospec- tive parents aren't necessarily out to make a… |
Sequence 157We also seek resumes for a house parent and a licensed Spanish tead1- er. We are a stable and dedicated community that is… |
Sequence 158The Montessori Training Center of Minnesota Enjoy Ille rewards of /le/ping children develop in llannony with life ...… |
Sequence 71• "He doesn't look at me. It's as if he looks right through me." • "She's such a… |
Sequence 143MENTAL MATH AND NUMBER SENSE I put a lot of emphasis on mental math, estimation, number sense. In {111111111erncy, John… |
Sequence 146shows the hierarchy. It leads to understanding. Other base systems: My students enjoy doing the different charts with the… |
Sequence 257The school and its well-estab- lic;hed AMI programs are highly reputable in the Greater Austin and Central Texas areas,… |
Sequence 262Kim Feerer, Director Cedar Tree Montessori 2114 Broadway Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225. 360-714-1762 cedar… |
Sequence 13say that we have lived in peace and we have had a Lot of conflict. Peace is the capacity to face the conflicts, overcome the… |
Sequence 17potential friends. Tt is not that difficult, but it is not natural. If we consider them potential enemies, believe me, they… |
Sequence 84• While a shopping boon to mall-haters such as my- self, the Internet lacks the centuries-old practice of exchanging goods… |
Sequence 100However, the ownership of this atoll gives Japan the exclusive rights to huge areas of the sea bed, areas in which there are… |
Sequence 109society, Mary's scientific work was at the highest level. In recognition of her work, despite a deep male bias, she was… |
Sequence 110I want you to imagine Kerala-a long, thin state that stretches along the southwest coast of lndia-a state where the av- ernge… |
Sequence 111pared to many developed countries. Life expectancy in the United States is only two years more than Keralas, and our literacy… |
Sequence 133Modern Education in Asia, and the Need for Montessori Today, modern education based on the British system can be found in… |
Sequence 175change for this privilege, the students have built an outdoor horno (adobe oven), constructed a beautiful fence, fabricated… |
Sequence 264students travel to Fairfield for day- long nature hikes, while Middle school students camp for extended periods of time… |
Sequence 98SPANNING SPACE by Claude A. Claremont Claude Claremont's little treasure book Spanning Space is a11 imagina- tive… |
Sequence 236periods of Roman history, namely: Etruscan Kings, Republic, and Empire. The first two seminars are taken up with visualizing… |
Sequence 266disparate writers, one the sixth century BC Greek philosopher Hera- clitus who said, "You can't step in the same… |
Sequence 120106 Part Two - For a Science o.fthe Formation of Man teaching setting and care for physical life, while criticism focused on… |
Sequence 121On the Move with the "New Child" 107 Spanish one in I 9 l5; the Dutch in 1916, and the Danish in 1917. In… |
Sequence 122108 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Ma11 was white with snow! He made friends with Mario who as far back as then… |
Sequence 124110 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man character-building. [ ... ] And this must be developed in our country,… |
Sequence 129On the Move with the "New Child" I 15 attention to the study of the dynamics of child psichic life. The… |
Sequence 130116 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man materials; playful and expressive activities, with particular regard lo… |
Sequence 132118 Chapter II School, Family and Society 11.1 Let's save the children! San Diego, 1917: "Last summer I went… |
Sequence 133School, Family and Society 119 committee included Ernesto Nathan. The trip also had the patronage of the National Education… |
Sequence 135Schoof. Family and Sociezv 121 organization of work, penrnttmg the possibility of self-development and giving outlet for the… |
Sequence 143School, Family and Society 129 would be respected and guaranteed in Italy. In the "Introduction" to the… |
Sequence 146132 Part Two - For a Science o.f the Formation of Man Luigi Sturzo. in exile there. It was Sturzo himself who recalled this… |
Sequence 44A PLACE FOR WONDER: READING AND WRITING NONFICTION by Georgia Heard Georgia Henrd's intuitive knowledge about wonder… |
Sequence 178are prepared for in a sense but we can't use our abilities, courage, determination, choice, and decision-making powers… |
Sequence 94the sheep. Johnny was perfectly still and the sixty students looked on with anticipation. "The shepherd calls and the… |
Sequence 2414 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 one for a library, one for a kitchen, another for a laboratory, and so… |
Sequence 2515 Montessori • The House of Children Returning to the topic of the House of Children, everything was all right except the… |
Sequence 152142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 we can help the child see how each contributes an essential part in the… |
Sequence 171161 Leonard and Allen • Experiences in Nature: Resolute Second-Plane Directions Toward Erdkinder The study of cells—… |
Sequence 175165 Swimme • The Resurgence of Cosmic Storytellers the resurGence of cosMic storytellers by Brian Swimme Brian Swimme’s… |
Sequence 202192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 fear of taking children outside—a concern for the wildness of nature (… |
Sequence 205195 Hutchison • Teaching Nature: From Philosophy to Practice aim is to help children go confidently into the real world,… |
Sequence 208198 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 activism, social justice, the developing world, and other topics not… |
Sequence 218208 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 the last chapter of my last book I have an extensive discussion and… |
Sequence 219209 Capra • Deep Ecology: Educational Possibilities for the Twenty-First Century fuel cells that promise to inaugurate a new… |
Sequence 220210 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 have developed better technologies. The impli- cations for all this—… |
Sequence 231221 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design could start work on the outdoor renovation plan, a time-… |
Sequence 243233 Moore and Cosco • Greening Montessori School Grounds by Design Kaplan, R. “The Nature of the View from Home:… |
Sequence 289279 O’Shaughnessy • Epilogue: The Child and the Environment ePiloGue: the child and the environMent by Molly O’Shaughnessy… |
Sequence 146140 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 materials and some featuring computer-topped desks set in rows.… |
Sequence 183177 The NAMTA Journal classifieds Arizona Montessori Teachers Needed, Advance U We are looking for creative, dynamic,… |
Sequence 71 Kahn • Preface Preface from early childhood to adolescence: community as oasis and the origins of Peace by David Kahn… |
Sequence 8377 Sobel • Place-Based Education Lieberman, Gerald A. and Linda L. Hoody. 1998. Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the… |
Sequence 9286 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 time provided services that supported the whole without anyone directing… |
Sequence 182176 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 the classroom into the real world and examining how individuals shape… |
Sequence 199193 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds classifieds California Immediate Need: Adolescent Teacher, Bowman International… |
Sequence 200194 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Montessori School, our mission is to cultivate the whole child for… |
Sequence 93 Kahn • Preface Montessori associations are working together, and we all can see new Montessori expansion ahead as the… |
Sequence 115 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest The BesT for The YoungesT: The PaTh Toward uniTY by Connie… |