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Displaying results 401 - 500 of 621
Sequence 109Erica: I am so lucky to be living, and living in such a great place. Studying the Hubbell Telescope though has made me think… |
Sequence 234reality directly without assuming that all truth lies with their founders. They need to take responsibility for the… |
Sequence 91Montessori continues in To Educate the Human Potential: The child of six who has been in a Montessori school has the… |
Sequence 190scheduling practice, and assessing levels of achievement, as a teacher usually does, the guide, based on his or her knowledge… |
Sequence 221We are located on the far north- west side of Chicago, nestled in a corporate office park and conve- niently located near… |
Sequence 227landandnaturetrailsinfastestgrow- ing area of Minn. Barn, workshop, and farmhouse on property. Water and snow activities,… |
Sequence 232Mail/fax/emailresumeto:Mary Gaines, Head of School, Metropoli- tan Montessori School, 325 West 85th Street, New York, NY… |
Sequence 236We are looking for two caring and responsible individuals to work in our small, private school located in the Dallas area.… |
Sequence 239mitment to Montessori education. A proven record of developing objec- tives and strategic goals is critical as well as… |
Sequence 30that-all in one word, which we don't do in English. We tend to depend much more on syntax or word order or stringing… |
Sequence 47have seen it in my own children. My third child is actually probably the slowest with language of any of them, but he's… |
Sequence 73sentence, or a short paragraph that describes, defines, or highlights an experience in the environment.Descriptive labels for… |
Sequence 113something that's a sign that's inevitably linked to a particular occa- sion, like traffic lights at intersections,… |
Sequence 149The trees The ancient guards The silent watchers They follow me with eyes unseen And that silence That terrible silence,… |
Sequence 154PROCESS WRITING: FINDING FLOW IN ADOLESCENT SELF-EXPRESSION by Kim Kinzer-Brackbill Process writing has been a mainstay for… |
Sequence 188CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Montessori International School, an AMI recognized school for pri- mary and lower elementary, is seek… |
Sequence 209Westside Montessori School, es- tablished in 1977, is seeking AMI or AMS directresses to apply for pri- mary and toddler… |
Sequence 55THE CULTURE OF CIVILITY: THE COHESION OF THE SOCIAL COMMUNITY by Pat Ludick Comparing the common characteristics between… |
Sequence 78I am reminded of the truth of these comments every year. The fact is that adults, in general, don't like this age. Many… |
Sequence 88And adolescents need to engage in real work that they see as important to others, to their community of peers or to the larger… |
Sequence 194• Values and Attitudes Having worked with all of the above models that explore Place as Pedagogy, it is easy to applaud the… |
Sequence 216exercise his mental powers. Instruction is considered the on! y goal in secondary school, but what sort of instruction? What… |
Sequence 293WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 391microcosm. They re- semble a child's aquarium. In his au- tobiography, Loren Eiseley writes that his most important… |
Sequence 494and basic algebra. Therefore, the next stage of mathematics must use and develop this power of abstraction. The second… |
Sequence 5132. Lay down a baseline and measure it as accurately as possible and precisely as necessary. This is the most important stage… |
Sequence 542bottom line pressures? From journalistic sensationalism or the patenting of genetic breakthroughs, some prac- tices that… |
Sequence 561brings wholeness rather than fragmentation to one's life and requires the courage to use life-affirming principles to… |
Sequence 585• Understanding work as a product of commerce necessary to community life, leading to a beginning view of economic… |
Sequence 51ATTACHMENT PARENTING: A STYLE THAT w ORKS by William Sears It is important to fully explore the questions of attachment and… |
Sequence 106Around five to six months of age, precisely because his motor abilities have improved so much, the child may decide to get out… |
Sequence 248gree/Masterspreferredandmustbe OCCS qualified as director 1 or di- rector 2. School administration ex- perience minimum 2-3… |
Sequence 260,--------------------------- - --- ---- of ll0children. Currently our school has one toddler class, three primary and one… |
Sequence 48Goo's CosMic PLAN AND THE WORK OF THE CHILD by Carol Cannon Dittberner Integrating the broad vision of cosmic education… |
Sequence 79EXCELLENCE AND ETHICS IN BUSINESS I would like to say a few words about what happens at the other end, once you are into… |
Sequence 120CIVILITY AND CITIZENSHIP: THE ROOTS OF COMMUNITY CONNECTION by Patricia Ludick This article weaves into the adolescent… |
Sequence 161components describes the real parameters of a philosophy of educa- tion, the important ones in any case. Today l'm going… |
Sequence 197interesting that this is what he drew from that. Six million Jews die, and he's talking about indifference and wonder.… |
Sequence 6history, in the earth's logic, in nature's bounty, in the wonders of the human-built world. We are keepers of human… |
Sequence 16The totality of the cosmos may not be compartmentalized into subjects. Subjects are helpful for the teacher to keep order… |
Sequence 66The first and third planes, ages zero to six and twelve to eighteen, are periods of creation of characteristics that were not… |
Sequence 124closing or revolutionizing the traditional types of employ- ment. ... there is a need for a more dynamic training of… |
Sequence 163extremely valuable and will have these larger social and political effects. With that, let me begin to talk about the topic… |
Sequence 170This shift of focus from objects to relationships is not an easy one because it is something that goes counter to the… |
Sequence 12need to go inside of our being and get in con tact with our "True Self," the divine core where divine Light… |
Sequence 59cient history, astronomy, geology, and chemistry-in other words, a cosmic curriculum. The work of the child at the second… |
Sequence 88memorization of puzzle words, or math facts, our goal should be to hear the child asking questions such as these: "… |
Sequence 96upset if they are given any kind of gift, which is what anthropologists used to do originally when they visited. They left… |
Sequence 119to provide any kind of alternative to these old traditional ways of development. Then there is this fourth category, which is… |
Sequence 192an Extended Day Program as well as both Before and After School Pro- grams. Please contact: Maureen Quinn 168 Turnpike… |
Sequence 28But this cosmic vision belonged not only to Maria Montessori; it belongs to the whole of our Montessori movement. It imparts a… |
Sequence 44This is the time, says Montessori, "when the social man is created but has not yet reached full development"… |
Sequence 52The "Energies" of Infancy In the lecture that Montessori gave with the help of this second chart (Second… |
Sequence 118also" the mother with six children of different ages is far better off than the mother with one."… |
Sequence 136Figure 7. World Map Showing the Main Peninsulas of the World. Etymologies The teacher or children can research the stories or… |
Sequence 236We consider mathematics from three points of view: arith- metic, algebra, geometry. Under the guidance of our experience with… |
Sequence 291on 12 lovely acres with vegetable and flower gardens, fitness course, farm animals and a nature trail through our wooded… |
Sequence 7inquiry, and sharing ideas help us make predictions about ages and stages. We learn about the multitude of possible roles to… |
Sequence 77really mean? The dictionary says to explore is to search through with a view to making a discovery, to look into all parts of… |
Sequence 103One could see how little children, because of their inno- cence, can feel the need of God's presence in a purer and more… |
Sequence 135The end result of an ill-prepared environment, lacking in compas- sion and understanding, is a deviated human being-a human… |
Sequence 141Obedience is not merely compliance. Forced obedience is not the same as true obedience. If we make the child behave by fear,… |
Sequence 163The educator must not imagine that he can prepare himself for his office merely by study, by becoming a man of culture. He… |
Sequence 212For more information please con- tact: Margo S. O'Neill, Head of School at Khalsa… |
Sequence 12It is not surprising that Ms. Dwyer renamed her reading classic, originally entitled A Reading Scheme for English (assembled… |
Sequence 6To WoRK Is NoBLE, TO BEHOLD Is DIVINE by David Kahn When Montessori schools struggle with finances, admissions, and finding… |
Sequence 140How much independence should an adolescent have? How do we help them "enter into society" while offering the… |
Sequence 203CLASSIFIEDS California New World Montessori is seek- ing a primary and a lower elemen- tary teacher. We have one infant/… |
Sequence 20405, followed by the natural exten- sion to an Adolescent program with the Arts Center as the prepared envi- ronment. Enroll… |
Sequence 226School for Sale For Sale: Montessori primary school, lo- cated in Healdsburg California, an hour north of San Francisco, in… |
Sequence 59career in psychology?" What is getting an A in an education course on classroom management going to have to do with… |
Sequence 103EIGHT MONTESSORI INSIGHTS by Angeline Stoll Lillard Here follows a small excerpt from Angeline Li/lard's new book… |
Sequence 107with how we know the very best learning takes place. Rather than memorize facts chosen by a faraway state legislative body,… |
Sequence 131hensive formal education; the same themes that were lived out during the twelve-to-fifteen period developmentally now can be… |
Sequence 202family and her close contact with Annie Besant, she became familiar with theosophical thought at an early age. Her intention… |
Sequence 258Tel: 408-615-1254 Positions Available Pacific Rim International School (PRINTS) is seeking… |
Sequence 260Denison is a magnet school in the Denver Public Schools and opened its first Children's House in 1986. Currently there… |
Sequence 82part of the Ruffing mystique. You only realize what has actually happened to you after you leave, but that's why Ruffing… |
Sequence 173gether, and play together, after a while you must meet each other's eyes over and over again and cannot hide behind masks… |
Sequence 288adolescents are being prepared for entry into society, it's not enough to have teachers-do you know what I mean? They… |
Sequence 372a child. Just as Frank Lloyd Wright declared that architecture must be a constant breaking out of the traditional structure of… |
Sequence 401goals must be the realization of the values of the human personality and development of mankind" (Education and Peace… |
Sequence 403weekly trips to Cuen tepee: The school is on the land. The work is daily. At Cuentepec, the students must strive for community… |
Sequence 406Anyone who works with adolescents knows that they have feel- ings, strong feelings, angry feelingsr loving feelings, but most… |
Sequence 437catered to. Cosmic education both deepens and narrows our view of the universe. The Great Lessons are outlines to give the… |
Sequence 74conditions he cannot walk no matter how much liberty he's given to do so. On the other hand, the individual who cannot… |
Sequence 79The other fact is that this independence, this continuous conquest toward independent functioning-which gives us existence as… |
Sequence 86And that object became part of him for the day, or a certain part of the day, or for many years, or stretching cycles of… |
Sequence 194duction, soil analysis, seed ordering, planting, watering, weed- ing, harvesting, decisions about how much to preserve for our… |
Sequence 204of Mexico and California, today we are exploring new ways to refine our understanding of organisms and molecules at the micro… |
Sequence 25experiences are so deeply felt is partly explained in the following quote from Abraham Maslow: "Perhaps [our]… |
Sequence 249CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Certified Monte5sori Teacher<, Needed in orth Phoenix, Ari/ona Montessori school located in beau… |
Sequence 86A History of War and Peace "Enchance. Mademoiselle." An exercise in grace and courtesy, Paris, 1918… |
Sequence 37complexities involved in the maintenance or the loss of life. One message that is apparent is that Life is fragile and… |
Sequence 172exhibited in the later, experienced, seasoned tone of the old Plato of his last work, The Lnws. Intimidating? You bet. In… |
Sequence 241the good leader, the good manager will exercise that power in a partnership structure. These are very important distinctions… |
Sequence 333How do we both direct and protect the power of the will so that it can grow? This, in my opinion, is our greatest challenge… |
Sequence 355tobea LargeCenterDirectorwith the CO DeptofHumanServices. Strong communication skills, written and oral are a must.… |