Digital Object Call of Education, Maria Montessori Honoured at Rome In 1924 Maria Montessori's great friend, Maria Maraini, organised a reception for her in Rome to celebrate the recent honorary doctorate from Durham.
Digital Object Portrait of John Wight Duff Portrait of John Wight Duff, MA, DLitt painted by Allan Douglass Mainds (1881–1945) for the Newcastle University.
Page Maria Montessori's Work Maria Montessori travelled extensively in Europe, India, the United States and South America to deliver courses and lectures. Learn how the person and her philosophy on child development were received across the globe, and acknowledge, with us, the importance ...
Page Maria Montessori's Life This section holds some of Maria Montessori’s personal memories and anecdotes, snippets from letters to her parents and her father’s recollections of her childhood and school years — all providing glimpses of her life as a young girl on her way to adolescence ...
News Tulips Blossoming in AMI's Garden We thought that you would like to take a look at the ‘Maria Montessori’ tulips that are blooming in AMI’s small garden. They were named after Maria Montessori to celebrate her 150th birthday and since then we have heard from many friends around the world that ...
Page Style Guidelines and Conventions The Association Montessori Internationale uses the following style guidelines for its publications and websites. British English is used for spelling, date formats and punctuation. For all other editorial style conventions, AMI refers to the The Chicago Manual o...
Digital Object AMI Season's Greetings 2001 The cover illustration of AMI's Season's Greetings card for 2001 represents the "Child on the Sea of Life", which was developed in collaboration with Maria Montessori in the late 1920s. The illustration was used as the basis of a silver brooch. This drawing…
Digital Object Maria and Mario Montessori, 1915, USA Maria and Mario Montessori photographed with Adelia Pyle (translator) and students from the 3rd International Montessori Training Course held in San Fransisco, California. The course was held during the Panama–Pacific International Exposition. A Montessori …
Digital Object Maria Maraini Guerrieri Gonzaga Ex Libris Maria Maraini Guerrieri Gonzaga Ex Libris of 'L'Autoeducazione Nelle Scuole Elementari'