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Displaying results 12001 - 12100 of 40606
Sequence 182004-05 Salary Ranges for Administrators Entry 1-5 Yrs. 6-10 Yrs. >10 Yrs. Range Level Exoer. Exoer. Exoer.… |
Sequence 192004-05 Salary Ranges for Administrators, continued $117,000-$119,999 $120,000-$122,999 1% >$123,000 1% Total… |
Sequence 202009-10 Percentile Rankings for All Age and Experience Levels 50th Age and Experience 25th Percentile 75th Number of… |
Sequence 212004-05 Percentile Rankings for All Age and Experience Levels 50th Age and Experience 25th Percentile 75th Number of… |
Sequence 22Percentile Rankings of Salaries Percentiles by Age n11d Experience Level To summarize the data in the salary range tables and… |
Sequence 23opening up are not for heads of school but are positions like busi- ness manager or director of admissions, which would not… |
Sequence 242009-10 Median Annual Full-Time Salary for All Experience Levels Combined 50000 ~------------------~--~ c.':'… |
Sequence 25Percent of Emolovees at Entry Level 2009-10 2004-05 Aqe Level % entry level % entry level Infant-Toddler 14% 28%… |
Sequence 262009-10 Percent Deviation from Median Salary bv Diploma Held Median Full- Median Full- Median Full- Median Full- Time with… |
Sequence 272009-10 Additional Compensation for Attained Decirees Median Median Fixed Percent Degree Premium Premium Bachelor… |
Sequence 282009-10 Annual Subsidy for Professional Develooment Percentage of Subsidy per Year Schools <$200 20% $200-$399… |
Sequence 29SCHOOL INFORMATION The survey attempted to answer several common questions about schools in relation to compensation. It… |
Sequence 302009-10 Entry-Level Teachers' Starting Salaries Across All AQe Levels by Geoaraphic ReQion 50th 25th Percentile 75th… |
Sequence 312004-05 Entry-Level Teachers' Starting Salaries Across All AQe Levels by Geographic ReQion 50th 25th Percentile 75th… |
Sequence 32Facility Ownership Forty-seven percent of the responding schools rent their facilities while 53% own them, up from a 50-50… |
Sequence 332001-10 Percent Deviation from Median Salarv by School Profit Status Public District or Aqe Level Nonprofit Schools For-… |
Sequence 342009-10 Surve" 2004-05 Survev Infant-Toddler Infant-Toddler Infant-Toddler lnfant-T oddler 9-10 Mos. 9-10 Mos. 9… |
Sequence 352009-10 Surve~ 2005 Survev r- (") Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary Primary 9-10 Mos… |
Sequence 36<.,J TI 00 (0. C: 2009-10 Survey 2004-05 Survey al ~ I\) !" ~ () ~ 0 3 ~ "'O… |
Sequence 37Ele111e11tnry (6-9 nnd 9-12) and Adolesce11t (12-15) Tuition Ranges Figure 22 shows tuition ranges for lower elementary (6-9… |
Sequence 38Comparison of 2009-10 and 2004-05 Median Annual Tuitions (9-10 month school calendars} Percent Increase of 2009-10 Median… |
Sequence 392009-10 Percent Tuition Increase over the Past Five Years Percent Tuition Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 No… |
Sequence 402009-10 Percent Salary Increase over the Past Five Years Percent Salary Increase 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 No… |
Sequence 41Percent Salary l11crease Figure 27 shows answers to the question, "What was the per- centage salary increase over… |
Sequence 42using the primary (3-6) level as an example. Median salaries at the 3-6 age level are shown for teachers employed at schools… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND STRUGGLE by Paula Polk Lillard Paula Lillard believes one of the key approaches in these hard times has to be… |
Sequence 2L1FE Is CHANCE My first point is that life is change. We all know this, yet there is a human tendency to see life as keeping… |
Sequence 3bon would still be there for ironing and reuse the next day. When I was old enough, she showed me how to clean my own nails… |
Sequence 4process itself. As a result, their self-formation and appreciation of the strengths that they did possess were actually… |
Sequence 5for the beauty in her surroundings. She never allowed any sense of unhappiness or anxiety about life to invade our home. Thus… |
Sequence 6are bad actors in these areas of life, of course. They seek power and are filled with greed and corruption. They are guilty of… |
Sequence 7In the intervening years, we have added other prohibitions for the sake of the children, such as limiting use of computers ;:… |
Sequence 8grow an expensive bureaucracy but administer the school ourselves, following the British tradition of a "teaching… |
Sequence 9Montessori children do grow up with a great desire to change the world. Tf you want to see a group of such students gathered… |
Sequence 1ENROLLMENT STRATEGIES FOR WEATHERING THE STORM by Anita Chastain Anita Chastain's succinct article suggests ways to… |
Sequence 2right thing in the right place at the right time for our twenty-first-century world. As Dr. P. Krishna predicted at the… |
Sequence 3To foster good relationships with parents, extra diligence is due in communication, and maintaining open communication is… |
Sequence 4Tn addition, the school could offer a tuition credit for families that make a referral that results in an enrollment. Tuition… |
Sequence 5parents to be physically in our environments for a tour. Confirming appointments the day before cuts down on no-shows. Take… |
Sequence 6RcrERC CES Burge, Weldon. Tiu• Ad111issio11~ F111111d: H()W lo Strt•n111/111e th1• Priz•nlt• Sc/11>11/ A1i111i,sio11… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI MARKETING: STORIES AND STRATEGIES by Mark Berger Mark Berger urges schools to "levernge the voices… |
Sequence 2ply never heard about Maria Montessori and her little school in San Lorenzo? It's far more likely that we shouldn't… |
Sequence 3I go on to tell prospective parents that it's because Dr. Montessori was on to something. She had in fact discovered… |
Sequence 4If we are to solve the recruitment/ enrollment problem and take Montessori "over the top," we need to show… |
Sequence 5tessori school(s) we are doing this very "such and such," it helps to ma kc parents comfortable and to see… |
Sequence 6the one that we generally find ourselves speaking to. But this au- dience comprises a good portion of our parent population-… |
Sequence 7more frequent career shifts. An "education" should prepare people for that. Montessori schools do just this… |
Sequence 8which typically are very difficult to see, imagine, or demonstrate. We need to be clear about our message, though. In a recent… |
Sequence 9These are stories that are irrefutable. Th is is no longer an intellectual discussion or act of persuasion. We can still line… |
Sequence 10then argued for a very different sort of school, one that would al- low children to discover their own selves, their own… |
Sequence 11as such had little "cash value" to the average parent. Certainly it wasn't going to be sufficient to… |
Sequence 12fact that someone is successful and their Montessori background or their educational preferences. On this front we would lose… |
Sequence 13Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |
Sequence 14Eissler, Trevor. Mo11tessori Madness. Georgetown, TX: Sevenoff, 2009. Fryer, Bronwyn. "How Do Innovators Think?&… |
Sequence 1SCHOOL PROMOTION: How IT Is CHANGING by Annette Kulle Annette Ku/le begiHs with a disc11ssio11 of "i11ter11al… |
Sequence 2made the right choice in selecting your school for their chi Ldren or for their workplace. External marketing is telling your… |
Sequence 3games over the IL1nch break to get some physical activity into Ollr day, and we end the week by singing ollr school song.… |
Sequence 4The school is committed to making the work environment for the staff as friendly as possible. Teachers who are well paid,… |
Sequence 5to the school and even if things are difficult with a spouse's job or mortgage payments, they know they are valued at… |
Sequence 6as few as twenty-five, but the number of parents participating has diminished every year. Two half-hour, face-to-face… |
Sequence 7Jude Rogers ( .:mfor.-nc. k,•pt•rt hy Niellc-lc-,t,ptMI s,nllC 4!00', Per!.Onal ,1nd • Social ' -:~… |
Sequence 8set up where children can do their holiday shopping and nothing costs more than a dollar, the elementary children present a… |
Sequence 9companied by only a short sentence. We have traditionally sent hard-copy photos of children at work on an ongoing basis. But… |
Sequence 10Several parent partnership meetings (parent education) are of- fered throughout the year, including two focusing on Montessori… |
Sequence 11A local health club asked us to do a demonstration for their members that was a lot of work for the school and resulted in no… |
Sequence 12We have small business-card size tent cards with our mission and three points about our school. We give these to parents to… |
Sequence 2Many of the models available to school administrators that intend to inspire respectful collaboration among staff come from… |
Sequence 3Among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, the most common greeting, equivalent to "hello" is the… |
Sequence 4family is a whole system as are the members of a faith community. One of my favorite metaphors for this is the cartoon by… |
Sequence 5to create a consensus process with a staff. They look amazingly like a Montessori classroom: • Guided though structure, not… |
Sequence 6not cluster in this way we describe as a "school" of fish. In a sense, they are emotionally wired to each… |
Sequence 7in order to create safety so people are free to discuss and brainstorm. We all know that interacting with adults can get… |
Sequence 8+ Gather Reportln + y Reportln IDENTIFY Priori • Figure 1. The Consensus Process Cycle. tasks the small groups will… |
Sequence 9,---------------------------------- Limit checking in is to simply ask each person to say one word or one thought about the… |
Sequence 10REPORT IN: First time around, a small group taps into the issues and scans the landscape so that deeper dialogue can later… |
Sequence 11REPORT IN: Group work moves to a deeper level, refining insights and forming proposals for consideration that will be… |
Sequence 12First is a simple tool for determining where the energy lies in the process that comes from Claes Janssen, a social… |
Sequence 13defuses negative reaction and increases inclusion. lf no one does join in, the leader does the joining. He or she can say… |
Sequence 14Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 2In time, we at MSLF learned from our parents that they needed us to do two things: to offer them timely, useful, and… |
Sequence 3event will be an afternoon reception from 3:00 to 5:00, since it will include children. A member of each of our four… |
Sequence 4listen and participate, they use our child care and enjoy our din- ner. And we feel nourished in return. No, not every parent… |
Sequence 1OuR TRUE STORY OF BUILDING A RESERVE FUND by Aidan Montessori School A cash-flow crisis forced A idn11 Montessori School to… |
Sequence 2• Changed our parent contract so it was completely solid and would require a parent to pay even if they left. We have… |
Sequence 3is unrestricted, making it a nimble source of funding for capital projects for the future. Our cycle of fiscal activity also… |
Sequence 2short-term goals and programs were inadequately described within the scope of plans in place at that time. At an advisory… |
Sequence 3during the fall retreat of 2008 were, on re-examination during the fall retreat of 2009, open for drastic and complete… |
Sequence 4lars to make up shortfalls. This will allow fund raising to be focused on special projects and programs and provide a clear… |
Sequence 5and wi II require coordination with the Director of Finance, Admissions and Development Office initiatives to maintain… |
Sequence 6layout and construction of the existing elementary facilities to accommodate anticipated growth. Again, however, the new… |
Sequence 7Provide a strong focus on Endowment funding to fi- 11a11cial aid T/1is goal will be obtained through a rebuilding of the… |
Sequence 8ship funding and support of the Foundation Board will be critical in achieving the financial goals, enrollment projections… |
Sequence 1STRATEGIC FINANCIAL AID: ONE SCHOOL'S STORY by Becki Hardie and Loraine Koepenick Keeping i11111i11d Montessori ideals… |
Sequence 2ditional financial responsibilities for extended family members in crisis. For many families in the school community, a… |
Sequence 3considerably more difficult to replace older students with those who either have a Montessori background or, if not, can adapt… |
Sequence 1COMPETING WITH MONTESSORI AND NON-MONTESSORI SCHOOLS by Jerri King Jerri Kiug challenges sc/1ools to embrace their distinct… |
Sequence 2a significant outdoor component. Some schools have long histories of stability and strong school A common mistake is to… |