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Displaying results 21301 - 21400 of 40606
Sequence 107The Prepared Environment: Building a Way of Life, Not Just a Curriculum To retain the emotional vigor which underlies… |
Sequence 108through the total prepared environment. And this, I hasten to add, is real work, the work of transforming the self, the work… |
Sequence 109are lo be transformed; instead of frustrating the learner's eager desire for work, as they so often do today, they are to… |
Sequence 110important action without help from others, the ability to solve one's problems for oneself, to reach a difficult goal by… |
Sequence 112Edwin J. Delattre 106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 18, No. 1 • Winter 1993 |
Sequence 113THE INTELLECTUAL LIVES OF TEACHERS by Edwin J. Delattre Edwin Delattre recommends 1hat professional in-service challenge the… |
Sequence 114commission stresses that other countries are get- ting ahead of us in one educational race or another. The essay tries also… |
Sequence 115To use more familiar language, the divine arts are theology and related studies. The liberal arts (traditionally classified as… |
Sequence 116interesting and being important were the same. Worst of all, they may leave the impression that the arts beyond the teacher… |
Sequence 117books with contemplative power: to understand technical and nontechnical arguments and tell the reliable from the illogical or… |
Sequence 118to designing curricula for children and adolescents. They emphasize becoming a teacher and not becoming a practitioner who… |
Sequence 119is commonplace to think of moving from teaching to administration as a promo- tion! Benjamin Franklin knew better, as he… |
Sequence 120For these reasons, it is imperative that teachers, principals, and superin- tendents become members of an intellectual… |
Sequence 121questions, and methods worth thinking about. These are the necessary intel- lectual conditjons of sound in-service programs.… |
Sequence 122develop far-reaching programs of study for all who wish to participate. In the following four sections are described two real… |
Sequence 123rights and their chairs than they do about the Golden Rule, about how they would have wanted other families to treat Baby Bear… |
Sequence 124from the Bible and from oral and written folk traditions, Mother Goose, and McGuffey's Readers along with McGuffey's… |
Sequence 125Had the faculty done the right kind of homework and thought clearly about the words they were using and encouraging their… |
Sequence 126The "Values" Case In the 1970s, teachers and administrators in a public high school in Virginia decided… |
Sequence 127The group read and reread books and essays already assigned to their students, such as Ibsen 's An Enemy of the People… |
Sequence 128determination, the willingness to seek assistance from colleagues, and the readiness of administration to lead. The faculty… |
Sequence 129teachers to work with administrators on a plan for released time distribution and an in-service schedule for the system.… |
Sequence 130released time, and for a thorough program of readings that could be used by other teachers on their own time, seeking guidance… |
Sequence 131The best response to the objections is to insist on telling the truth. Administrators must have the courage to face the public… |
Sequence 132the percentage drops so low that failure is virtually assured. If students are to achieve the beginnings of mastery of… |
Sequence 133Naturally, it is possible to be so unrelenting as a teacher that too much is demanded of students, or the wrong things… |
Sequence 134Third, and finally, all excellent teaching-all-is done by practitioners of the intellectual life who teach. For these… |
Sequence 135PART III MONTESSORI: THE SOCIAL MISSION The Montessori movement is propelled by a sense of mission and revitalized by its… |
Sequence 136The \ns i cf e. StoRy of A meRiccJ'.s Most Succtssf ul Educational Expe.Rirnent 130 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 18, No… |
Sequence 137EXPAND THE HEAD START PROGRAM-BY REVAMPING CHAPTER 1 by Edward Zigler and Susan Muenchow Head Start using Montessori methods… |
Sequence 138insufficient, and a program of one or two years' duration is not enough for the children at greatest risk. If more… |
Sequence 139schools use their Chapter I allocations at their discretion, so that there is no coherent "program" that can… |
Sequence 140Given the problems that have plagued both Follow Through and Chapter I, it is heartening to see a new demonstration program… |
Sequence 141Editor's Note: A Recommendation to Integrate Montessori and Head Start prepared by Montessori Development Parmerships… |
Sequence 142• discussion meetings covering the overall curriculum and the unique aspects of a particular classroom. • classroom open… |
Sequence 143Montessori Provides an Answer It is in fact Montessori's uniqueness that makes it a strong answer to the critics of Head… |
Sequence 144have shown, for instance, that the gains recent Head Start graduates show in scores on intelligence and socio-emotional tests… |
Sequence 146Toni Flowers at School #91, Indianapolis, Indiana 140 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 18, No. I • Winter 1993 |
Sequence 147AUTISM AND MONTESSORI: OLD WISDOM, NEW IDEAS by Toni Flowers Toni Flowers' personal account of her program for autistic… |
Sequence 148What is Autism? According to the Autism Society of America, autism is a severely incapacitating, lifelong developmental… |
Sequence 149had difficulty mainstreaming Arron, and only this year did we succeed in integrating him in gym, lunch, and recess. How… |
Sequence 150Sometimes he folds his ear back so that it stays in this position. When he is upset, he covers his ears with his hands or uses… |
Sequence 151Arron spends from an hour to an hour and a half each day in a Montessori primary classroom. He goes on field trips with his… |
Sequence 152Do they talk to their mommies and daddies? Are they sick? Can they read? Can they walk? How do you teach them to talk? Why… |
Sequence 153Maps of the world and of the United States are of special interest to Arron. One day I gave him a blank paper map of the… |
Sequence 154Dear parent or guardian: CATS PROGRAM (Children as Teachers) Your child is interested in participating in the CATS Program,… |
Sequence 155had completed another task, he became interested in other materials. For children with autism, even though repetition is… |
Sequence 156As the school year draws to a close, I look at Arron and feel such joy that he has discovered learning-not a small feat for a… |
Sequence 157PART IV MONTESSORI AND THE ADOLESCENT Montessori experiments in adolescent education are herald- ing the advent of a… |
Sequence 158Peace Art by Elizabeth Kahn Ruffing Montessori School East Middle School Cleveland Heights, Ohio 152 The NAMTA Journal •… |
Sequence 159RUFFING MONTESSORI SCHOOL PEACE CURRICULUM: AN INFORMAL NARRATIVE by John Long In these excerpts from a talk presented at… |
Sequence 160At the same time, there's an emphasis on the children understanding their relationship to society. There is a respect for… |
Sequence 161The ways in which conflicts are resolved within a classroom are impor- tant, too; invariably conflicts come up. It's… |
Sequence 162Let us take a look at what Montessori was really saying about peace and education. I want to read a little here from the… |
Sequence 163So we read The Buuer Battle Book. It was Dr. Seuss' metaphor for the Cold War and the devel.opment of atomic weapons. Our… |
Sequence 164Personal Conflict Narratives Let me read to you some of the beginnings of these stories so that you can get an idea of some… |
Sequence 165awful. I hated it," I answered firmly. I had a feeling that she would not appreciate that response. It turns out I… |
Sequence 166In terms of the idea of empathy, we did not only the interviewing but reading as well. Each of the students read, over a two-… |
Sequence 167quotation marks, Terkel is asking. even if it refers to World War II, in which our involvement was not controversial, is it… |
Sequence 168This will always stick in my mind: two men, talking about two black, disabled soldiers who had not been shot by the enemy but… |
Sequence 169I remember Margaret Stephenson talking in training about the idea of total reading. She defined it as understanding the… |
Sequence 170done and Japanese peace lanterns that were made; there was a kids' coloring book that talked about social skills leading… |
Sequence 171push us further down a black hole. Talking is the key to peace. Indeed it is what we must do. Conclusion To conclude, let me… |
Sequence 172Appendix: Teaching Unit on War and Peace in the Nuclear Age Traveling Teaching Unit (TTU): Many of the materials for this… |
Sequence 173Afterward: Extending beyond the six weeks was continued work on refining their Mission Statements in preparation for… |
Sequence 174it a little, thus relieving them of responsibility for engaging in such a childish activity. Besides, they still enjoy being… |
Sequence 175work first used this resource to record wars fought during the 1980s on a large world map (3' x 6') which had been… |
Sequence 176"Christmas in the Trenches" (Si Kahn): Students listened to and discussed this folksong which tells of an… |
Sequence 177Peace Projects: Interest Grabber: "Bombs Aren't Cool" (video). Students were challenged to work… |
Sequence 178I 72 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 18, No. I • Winter 1993 |
Sequence 179THE MONTESSORI ERDKINDER: THREE ABSTRACTS The inventive, pioneering spirit of the Montessori movement advances toward an… |
Sequence 180Unique Opportunity The Laufenburg Ranch, under the ownership of the Sonoma Land Trust, is unique in offering rich… |
Sequence 181Replenish and Restore The first objective is to replenish the lands used for agriculture and to carefully restore the non-… |
Sequence 182agencies in offering a viable model for the preservation and enhancement of agricultural, natural, and historic lands.… |
Sequence 183but also because it listed Maria Montessori as one of the four visionary educators of the century whose work was instrumental… |
Sequence 184children from their earliest entrance into the educational community will be accli- mated to the developmental possibilities… |
Sequence 185experience that involves them in an ecologically sound approach 10 interacting with the natural world over a number of years (… |
Sequence 186Proposal To develop a farm campus and nature center (called the Land School) as an integral part of the educational (… |
Sequence 187Communities: plant, animal, human Diversity and Stability: preservation, agriculture, forest and wildlife manage- ment, soil… |
Sequence 188attitudes and values; and by our political, economic, and social systems. 10. The management of The Land School would be… |
Sequence 190MONTESSORI 2000 MARCHES ON Projected as an integral part of America 2000 (New American School Development Corporation),… |
Sequence 191Seattle (Washington) Montessori 2000 entails a conversion of a private Montessori institution to a public school spanning the… |
Sequence 192tram mg centers and from national projects organized by NAMT A, the Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative, and the… |
Sequence 193pants who seek graduate credit will have an opportunity upon their arrival in Baltimore to complete Loyola application forms.… |
Sequence 194Sharon Dubble Kendall, Montessori-trained at both preschool and elementary levels, currently administers Northwoods Montessori… |
Sequence 195study on language development. She includes preliminary language games, question games, sound games, sound analysis for adults… |
Sequence 196Patricia Ludick has facilitated language and field experiences at Ruffing Montessori School East (Cleveland Heights, Ohio).… |
Sequence 197dents to Latin. (Academy participants without a Latin background will be provided with enough rudimentary pointers to teach… |
Sequence 198the outdoor/indoor curriculum design for children ages three to twelve. Activities include observation, maintenance and… |
Sequence 199Registration-Montessori Academy Summer, 1993 Name Home Streel Address Cily/State/Zlp Phone Social Secutiry Number School… |
Sequence 200Housing-Montessori Academy Loyola offers 1wo 1ypes of air-condi1ioncd housing: efficiency and apar1mcn1. An efficiency has one… |
Sequence 201MONTESSORI PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSORTIUM SELECTS NEW DIRECTOR Endorsed by both the Association Montessori Internationale and the… |
Sequence 202SPRING WORKSHOPS ALL-DAY MONTESSORI! BUILDING A NATIONAL CONSENSUS at the Sheraton World Resort, Orlando, Florida March 18-… |
Sequence 203POSITIONS ALASKA THE ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT has an established Montessori Program which needs ccnified elementary… |
Sequence 204have three primary and one low elementary classes 10 feed our own high elementary class- room. Beautiful school, warm… |
Sequence 205plicant must have AMI or AMS certification, minimum 3 years experience, strong interper- sonal, communications, and community… |
Sequence 206three primary and two elementary classes (ages 6-12). The new Head of School will have the exciting opportunity to implement… |
Sequence 207gram development challenge and will compen- sate our new administrator with a very competi- tive salary and benefits package… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |