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Displaying results 21901 - 22000 of 40606
Sequence 133humanistic manner. Although using a perhaps unfortunate set of meta- phors in his title, Jerry does posit that leaders in… |
Sequence 134------------------------------------~- 4. Political astuteness---to be aware of and master the political environment but not… |
Sequence 135leadership. Montessori teachers, parents, and students are already prepared to enter into dialogue with visionary and… |
Sequence 136international in scope. Montessori has a proven track record in over one hundred school systems. Montessori education also… |
Sequence 137rightful place in a reform agenda, perhaps a leadership role in helping others articulate their visions for schools that are… |
Sequence 138We need to examine the work of the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education, a consortium of twenty-eight school… |
Sequence 139We must have a conversation that stretches out across this nation and creates an advocacy for children that rejects all nay-… |
Sequence 140SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGY REvlsITED by Margaret Loeffler, PhD From her perspective as coordinator of the Teachers' Research… |
Sequence 141and must be carried out by teachers in their own classrooms. Although much verbal agreement has been given to this original… |
Sequence 142The time seems to be right to suggest a new view of teachers as scientific pedagogues who study children in a classroom… |
Sequence 143and writing. Teachers have written about their experiences, anecdotaJly and informally, through diaries, logs, and narratives… |
Sequence 144a plan for carrying out a specific project in their own school or classroom during the next school year. Also, during the… |
Sequence 145A Montessori teacher who is willing to learn and change based upon his or her own ob!3etvations and careful record keeping… |
Sequence 146In assuming the role of a scientific pedagogue, one of the first problems that a teacher/researcher needs to confront is the… |
Sequence 147Idaho, who had introduced a physically handicapped child into her classroom, did a study using sociograms to show the… |
Sequence 148children with a group of non-Montessori third graders in schools in the same school system enrolling children of comparable… |
Sequence 149References Hubbard, R.S., & B.M. Power 0993). 7be art of classroom inquiry. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational… |
Sequence 150F~I'-------------------- BREAKTHROUGH IN EvoLunoN: TowARD A PARTNERSIDP FUITJRE by Riane Eisler Jn The Chalice and… |
Sequence 151which it is based. We have also seen that a gylanic 2 or partnership society, symbolized by life-sustaining and enhancing… |
Sequence 152example is the cross. The original meaning of the crosses incised on prehistoric figurines of the Goddess and other religious… |
Sequence 153the transformation of androcratic to gylanic consciousness. An important index of this transformation is that, for the first… |
Sequence 154as "an impediment" or "a danger" (p. 87). Thus, they can perceive service to others not as… |
Sequence 155Freud's observations bear out that the androcratic psyche is indeed a mass of inner conflicts, tensions, and fears. But… |
Sequence 156Evelyn Fox Keller (1985), Carol Christ (1987), Rita Arditti (1979), and other scholars point out how, under the protective… |
Sequence 157A central motif of twentieth-century feminist literature has been the probing not only of existing power relations but also of… |
Sequence 158from "first wave," or agrarian, to "second wave," or industrial, and now to "… |
Sequence 159of resources, including our advanced technological know-how, to higher ends. A striking aspect of these projec- tions is… |
Sequence 160unpaid, or at best low paid, productive activities are systematically exploited. As the United Nations State of the World… |
Sequence 161hearts have been numbed. And yet our striving for truth, beauty, and jus~ce has never been extinguished. As we break out of… |
Sequence 162children-the growing consciousness of our linking with all other mem- bers of our species should gradually also narrow the… |
Sequence 163Since technologies of destruction would no longer consume and destroy such a vast portion of our natural and human resources,… |
Sequence 164The life-formative years of childhood will be the active concern of both women and men. Not just biological parents, but many… |
Sequence 165Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 166Miller, J. B. 0 976). Toward a new psychology of women. Boston: Beacon. Montagu, A. (1986, August 7). Qtd. in Woodstock Times… |
Sequence 167NAMTANEWS NAMTA Fall Conferences in Review: Linking Montessori to the Educational Mainstream Theory into Practice SanJose… |
Sequence 168imagination, and John Wyatt of Beloit College introduced his model curriculum centered around the ancient city of Alexandria… |
Sequence 169POSITIONS Arizona Elementary AMI (6-9) qualified teacher for a small AMI recognized school in sunny Mesa, Arizona. We are… |
Sequence 170Colorado COME TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS-- AMI/ AMS-primary, elementary and middle school Montessori teachers needed for Fall,… |
Sequence 171current resume a.s.a.p. to: Andrew K. Wagner, Wagner Montessori School, 6330 S.W. 40 Street, Miami, FL, 33155- 4826. Hiring… |
Sequence 172Massachusetts The Eliot Montessori School, South Natick, MA, founded in 1971, serves 130+ students in grades 1-8. Our pro-… |
Sequence 173children ages 3-6. Full day. Sal. open. Priv. owner. Founded in 1968. Jersey shore Joe. w/in commuting dist. of NYC. 2 hr.… |
Sequence 174Oklahoma Undercroft Montessori School is ac- cepting applications from AMI or AMS Elementary guides. Experience is pre-… |
Sequence 175proximity to Rice University, a world renowned Medical Center, and a thriv- ing, vibrant cultural artS community. The School… |
Sequence 176U.S. Virgin Islands VIRGIN ISLANDS MONTESSORI SCHOOL seeks applications for MON- TESSORI JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER for September… |
Sequence 177years. Preferably small city mountain area. Please contact Lee Elion, 47 Beach Road, Tahvnanui, Nelson, NZ; phone (03) 348-… |
Sequence 179"The most important book since Darwin's Origin of the Species." -Ashley Montagu "Some books… |
Sequence 180Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative Forthcoming Courses mer:Prl Commencl level Three Consecutive Summers June… |
Sequence 181- Man: A Course of Study Cleveland, OH February I 0-12, 1994: Begins Feb. I 0, 7:00 pm • Ends Feb. 12, 4:00 pm Featuring:… |
Sequence 182Nienhuis Montessori ... on the cutting edge of Educational Reform. z ci»I = =- = -- en Educational reform? No easy task… |
Sequence 19, No. 2 Spring 1994 Montessori: In Support of the Child and the Family Preface: Truth in Parenting by David Kahn '… |
Sequence 2WHAT IS NAMTA? The North American Montessori Teachers' Associa- tion provides a medium of study, interpretation, and… |
Sequence 3THE NAMTA JOURNAL VoL. 19, No. 2 • SPRING 1994 MONTESSORI: IN SUPPORT OF THE CHILD AND THE FAMILY 9 In affiliation with the… |
Sequence 5P~----------- TRum IN PARENTING by David Kahn Expen·ence has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our… |
Sequence 6The articles in this NAMTA]ournal, while they are compatible with Montessori thought, are not meant to represent the… |
Sequence 7INTRODUCTION THE ECOLOGY OF TifE MIND Dr. Mazzetti's almost poetic rendering of human encounters and humanization looks… |
Sequence 8Luciano Mazzetti 4 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. /9, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |
Sequence 9THE ECOLOGY OF TIIE MIND by Luciano Mazzetti The title of this lecture, "The Ecology of the Mind," comes… |
Sequence 10physiology. In the past, teeth were strong instruments meant for ripping and cutting. This little technological discovery, the… |
Sequence 11When Maria Montessori speaks of man, she often uses ::i c::ipit::il "M.'. What does this capital letter… |
Sequence 12of the word, in the sense of Socrates and Plato, the master or majenta who recognizes that in every child and perhaps in every… |
Sequence 13importance of the environment? Each of you well knows what it means to organize and care for an environment. You know what it… |
Sequence 14In short, humanizing man, helping him become more human, is possible only ifwe are very conscious of these different… |
Sequence 15a less visible prince but perhaps more dangerous than the ruling princes and kings of the past. Each of us here must achieve… |
Sequence 1612 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 19, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |
Sequence 17INrn.ooucnoN MoTHER-CHUD BoNDING Pearce explicates the neurological design of the newborn, suggesting that the first… |
Sequence 18Joseph Chilton Pearce 14 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 19, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |
Sequence 19MOTHER-ClllID BoNDING by Joseph Chilton Pearce The Big News with the evofttlion q( mammals is the progressiue attention and… |
Sequence 20as well as caretaker. Her role is absolutely critical at childbirth, the focus of this chapter. First, recall the reticular… |
Sequence 21tion and successful adaptation to the new environment. Originally called "attachment behavior" by John… |
Sequence 22particularly in the early months when the infant spends about eighty percent of his or her "visual time"… |
Sequence 23operative, leading to impaired muscular movement, curtailed sensory intake, and a variety of emotion::il disturbances ::incl… |
Sequence 24of this has been dutifully signalled to the heart, which organizes the triune brain into synchronous response and locks the… |
Sequence 25wisdom that opens spontaneously if the mother is given the proper structural-coupling with her infant. As John Kennell and… |
Sequence 26stabilized as the mother carries her infant about. This gives the infant a variety of visual environments and continual… |
Sequence 27caretaker's) own subtle-sphere for a sufficient amount of time. Within that sphere the infant is fully functional and… |
Sequence 28Bowlby, J. (1969). The child's tie to his mother: Attachment behavior. In Allachment. New York: Basic Books. Chamberlain… |
Sequence 29Maclean, P. D. 0985b). The triune brain in conflict. Fam.if;y, Play, and the Separation Call, 12. Maturana, H. R., &… |
Sequence 3026 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 19, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |
Sequence 31INTRODUCTION THE DEVELOPMENTAL CRISES OF THE FIRST THREE YEARS Dr. Montanaro portrays growtb as a series of c1·ises which,… |
Sequence 32Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. 28 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 19, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |
Sequence 33THE DEVELOPMENTAL CRISES OF THE FIRST THREE YEARS by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Introduction In our growth… |
Sequence 34In the long process of development, a human being goes through many times of "crisis," many moments of… |
Sequence 35urge towards a qualitatively and quantitatively better life. This requires discarding an outgrown past in order to move… |
Sequence 36This is what happens to many newborns who are not allowed to demonstrate their full range of abilities and express their… |
Sequence 37The Crisis of Weaning The second important developmental crisis is that of weaning, which underlines a physical change… |
Sequence 38has always been large, acquires more functions every day, func- tions that need to be used. This is where the environment… |
Sequence 39into a cLifferent way of being together, which requires less direct contact and more contact through tele-receptors-that is,… |
Sequence 40the child before he has made the first movement himself and has clearly shown that he wants to enter into contact with the… |
Sequence 41to move away (but only a few feet!) from the mother. Accepting this modest separation implies accepting the road that human… |
Sequence 42modest means. We should never forget that a giant tree grows from a tiny seed and a little water, earth, and sun. This life-… |
Sequence 43Another frequently made error is thaL of wanting to keep Lhe infant attached to you longer than necessary, either at the… |
Sequence 44ognize their own child. In reality, what the child is no longer accepting is our style of addressing him by continually… |
Sequence 45that the child will go out wearing whatever garment he chooses, even though we would have preferred the other one. In this… |
Sequence 46and shares in responsibilities. There is no difference in the psychological mechanism that decides between "biscuits… |
Sequence 47It is also very dangerous for the future of human beings to let children perceive that life is always a conflict and that,… |
Sequence 48continue its growth up to the last moment of life. With appropriate human mediation everything is possible. Crisis periods are… |
Sequence 49INTRODUCI10N DR. MARIA MONTESSORI AND TIIE CmLD THE CHILD AND TIIE AoULT Both Mario Montessori and Sofia Cavalletti connect… |
Sequence 50Dr. Mario Montessori 46 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 19, No. 2 • Spring 1994 |