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Displaying results 22701 - 22800 of 40606
Sequence 29with that which he has and asks for something else. This unknown may be some other objects or some other exercises, which… |
Sequence 30Probably we would try to have him rest by taking him into the garden and letting him play. But the teacher who knows the… |
Sequence 31because he is tired and seeks respite from strenuous labor. When we have had some pleasant exercise in the open air and then… |
Sequence 32Another example: The period for the examinations of the student teachers is at hand and the children must be used for the… |
Sequence 33quantity of water acquires a motor force which, for instance, may be utilized for the production of electricity. Any teacher… |
Sequence 34It is concentration of power which gives strength, and whatever be the means that provoke this concentration, they become a… |
Sequence 35THE MOTHER AND THE CHILD by Maria Montessori, MD This incredibly forceful article looks at the need for attention not only to… |
Sequence 36In some countries these practices are doubtless forgotten, but in some they are still in use. Who does not remember the means… |
Sequence 37then the swathing-bands and recommend great peace and comfort when he rests. The child, with his limbs free, should be left… |
Sequence 38ltisnature,itiscreation, which directs all these things. When once we are convinced of this, there is born within us the… |
Sequence 39this terrifying truth was universal. It has two factors: One undoubtedly is the characteristic weakness of the child; the… |
Sequence 40It was science which, redeeming the children, brought about trained nurse girls, cradles for all, rooms and proper clothing,… |
Sequence 41it really hygiene which helped them to increase in weight, in stature, in beauty, and also in general growth? Hygiene did not… |
Sequence 42tion-that is to say the possibility of living well-is based on rights acquired by force and incorporated into laws, what are… |
Sequence 43What distinguishes us from cannibals and pirates is the fact that the rights of the adults are recognized. Not so the child… |
Sequence 44perching ourselves on it. We would like to brush our dress, but the big brushes are so heavy that our hand cannot even grasp,… |
Sequence 45short, one has the intuitive feeling that they are perfecting their lives, as a chrysalis slowly perfects the butterfly within… |
Sequence 46of hatred of these giants, but only because of the love for an inner tendency to let our life function freely. There is… |
Sequence 47But the child loses not only a product, but himself as well, for the masterpiece which he is creating in his immortal self is… |
Sequence 48EDUCATION IN RELATION TO THE IMAGINATION OF THE LITTLE CHILD by Maria Montessori, MD Touching on the significance of… |
Sequence 49this savage state being a passing state and one which has to be overcome, education must help the child to pass through it. It… |
Sequence 50that they were being carried along by stationary chairs. They would say of such children: "They are poor and do this… |
Sequence 51works with his own brain. He must picture for himself what the teacher tells him at that particular moment. Though he is not… |
Sequence 52the mind tends to lessen the state of credulity. Wisdom, as is often said, dissipates the error of ignorance. In this void,… |
Sequence 53ties, of great effort on the part of the child-holding him back in the arduous state of infancy. This is what we are doing… |
Sequence 54Religion is not the product of fantastic imagination; it is the greatest reality, the only truth for the religious man. It is… |
Sequence 55Greek art has survived all other arts as though it were immortal and superior to them all. Truth positively sought for is… |
Sequence 5650 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 20, No. 3 • Summer 1995 - ___________________________ __J |
Sequence 57PART II EDUCATION AND PEACE As the United Nations celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, it is appropriate to… |
Sequence 58Peace art by eighth grade, Ruffing Montessori School East, Cleveland Heights, Ohio (1992). 52 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 20,… |
Sequence 59PEACE THROUGH EDUCATION by Maria Montessori, MD, and Mario M. Montessori, PhD "Educational reform cannot be… |
Sequence 60To determine the conditions for establishing peace in the world, indirect and complex factors must be studied and organized… |
Sequence 61tory, the teaching of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and the teaching of a common language. That education ought to be… |
Sequence 62To determine the conditions for establishing peace in the world, indirect and complex factors !'lust be studied and… |
Sequence 63society. If a teacher left the class, pandemonium broke loose as soon as his steps died away. Objects were thrown, ink was… |
Sequence 64love for their companions and for their teachers. They went out of their way to assist those who needed help, and they did it… |
Sequence 65COMMITMENT TO PEACE by Renilde Montessori In the coming weeks, Renilde Montessori will assume duties as head of the… |
Sequence 66The thought of so condemning greed and ambition seems alien for a society apparently rooted in greed and ambition, although… |
Sequence 67misery as it does in prosperity, in oppression as in freedom, in war as in peace, and that he did not really know what life is… |
Sequence 68Julian Huxley has this sentence: "We, mankind, contain the pos- sibilities of the earth's immense future and can… |
Sequence 69of something far older, far larger than we are; when we discover nature as our partner, not our slave, and laws applying to us… |
Sequence 70information. Our sense of ethics and aesthetics is disoriented and we need guidance. Very fortunately, guidance is at hand-the… |
Sequence 71A friend of mine, speaking of suicide, made a lovely comment. She said, "To think I could never again sit in the sun… |
Sequence 72This type of spiritual hardiness can only be attained through effort- the constructive effort which keeps us too busy to hate… |
Sequence 73PEACE AND EDUCATION by A. M. Joosten AbsJoosten'scommentarycitestheMontessorieducationalviewpointasintegral to the… |
Sequence 74asserted without hesitation that no research study of peace even ofa rudimentary character has been undertaken. Stranger… |
Sequence 75perhaps had not yet suffered enough. Of this period we may well quote the ancient prophet who said: "We supported… |
Sequence 76conception of the world and our own place in it. Teaching a common lan- guage, even efforts to find and inculcate a kind… |
Sequence 77modernized procedures, making use of the discoveries of modern psychology and the conquests of modern technology-it still… |
Sequence 78all its well nigh unendurable hardship, its unnatural destruction of lives and goods, its unnatural risks to one's own… |
Sequence 79ment, by bringing out and realizing the hidden riches of the human personality and of the world, all the glorious… |
Sequence 80already in our possession or still to be developed) must then be to help the child teach this great lesson of life, this new… |
Sequence 81development, can build up in and around itself the foundations of peace. They have opened to mankind a new and luminous road… |
Sequence 82Book cover illustration by Kelsey Martin-Keating (14) and Rory Mehlman (13), Ruffing Montessori School East, Cleveland… |
Sequence 83MARIA MONTESSORI: w ORLD PEACE THROUGH THE CHILD by E. Mortimer Standing E. Mortimer Standing's remarks concerning… |
Sequence 84tion. More wonderful still-if possible-has been the skilled research, both theoretical and practical, which has culminated in… |
Sequence 85It is only to be expected, then, on a priori grounds, that in the great and complicated phenomena relating to wars between… |
Sequence 86This does not mean that there can be no such thing as a just war. No one could doubt that-things being as they were in Europe… |
Sequence 87mechanical men. That is why, as Montessori says, "man of today is like an abandoned child who finds himself lost in a… |
Sequence 88"The plague, as we know, appeared at long intervals just like wars. After a certain time, it disappeared… |
Sequence 89pray and organize religious processions, in public places, that the plague might cease. By doing so, however, they caused the… |
Sequence 90tory moral judgements which are entertained by the generality of men on these subjects. "At one and the same time we… |
Sequence 91The other sin, the mortal sin of avarice, reveals itself in the prevailing desire to get rich. "Both these sins… |
Sequence 92Only the other day, a friend of mine told me that she possessed three cats who were constantly at war with each other. But it… |
Sequence 93present-have been built up on adult values. By this, she means built up on competition and the struggle for existence-which… |
Sequence 94The idea Montessori is trying to get across is something so novel, so stupendous, that-as she herself says-she really needs a… |
Sequence 95these great lords of the earth, these dominating all-powerful adults, so confident in their own powers, so conscious of their… |
Sequence 96value in itself. It is in fact the "other leg" on which civilization must walk; hitherto it has tried to… |
Sequence 97kind to the same degree as we have lea.rned to control the unlimited physical energies in Nature. "Man must become… |
Sequence 98to such narrow limits that it was quite useless in helping us to solve our social and international problems." This… |
Sequence 100I What could be more poignant and disturbing than the photo- graphs of the faces of victimized children over the past 50… |
Sequence 101another of a Euro-American provincialism, as though a majority of the world's population and their historical… |
Sequence 102that we are now faced with a crisis of global proportions. This situation takes the form of a crisis in energy, food, ecology… |
Sequence 103food triage, depressingly, has been considered as a serious option on the grounds that in time, there will be enough food for… |
Sequence 104verbially both good and bad in its distributions. The sacred and the accursed are potentialities of the same situation; and… |
Sequence 105this behalf, the messages of ecologists should be built into every curriculum, from the teaching of preschool children on… |
Sequence 106helping us to cut between the twin pitfalls of sentimentality and indifference in our relationship to children. Third, we can… |
Sequence 107the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 108Yet, in these troubled times, which point to still more vast difficulties, her philosophy of the child takes on increased… |
Sequence 109innovation. Fifteen years ago I wrote on this issue as follows (McDermott, 1965, p. xii): The notion of structure, so central… |
Sequence 110of the materials is analogous to our deep need in the next generations to arrive at a state wherein we do not plunder, that is… |
Sequence 111be consumed and non-renewable. The question here is who gets to use them. Finally, I would introduce materials which not only… |
Sequence 112REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1915). The school and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kramer, R. (1976). Maria… |
Sequence 113NAMTANEWS MONTESSORIANS CELEBRATE 50 YEARS OF THE UNITED NATIONS Executive Director David Kahn will represent NAMTA at the… |
Sequence 114their behavior and get involved in their communities. Available in all six official languages of the United Nations, copies… |
Sequence 115kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intra personal. This unique conference will use the Gardner model of intelligences to expand… |
Sequence 116Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences Phoenix, Arizona February 29-March 2, 1996 Speakers to be announced. Montessori educators… |
Sequence 117chology, and materials of the primary classroom, including problem- solving, classroom management, and new ways of seeing the… |
Sequence 118CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Toddler, Primary, Elementary and Sec- ondary Teachers. Arizona Montessori Charter Schools and… |
Sequence 119Montessori Learning Center is accept- ing applications for a teaching posi- tion in our expanding elementary program. Our… |
Sequence 120sections of which are forested. Thriv- ing Primary and Elementary class- rooms directed by enthusiastic and committed staff… |
Sequence 121care" one. Work with qualified and experienced Mon tessorians who prac- tice Montessori-all day. Applications are… |
Sequence 122Knoxville Montessori School is a small school of 45 students with a Primary Program of 30 students and an El- ementary… |
Sequence 123358-6188orcall for an application 703/ 358-6100. Arlington Public Schools, Personnel, 1426 N. Quincy Street, Ar- lington, VA… |
Sequence 126Name MOUING? Don't ntlss one NAMTA Journal, Job Bulletin, or conference- mail your new address to: NAMTA 11424… |
Sequence 128School Listing in 1995-1996 NAMTA Directory Use this form to 11st your school In the NAMTA Directory. Name of School:… |
Sequence 1291994-1995 membership expires August 31, 1995. RENEW NOW! JOIN NAMTA NOW NAMTA 1995-1996 Individual Membership Use this form… |
Sequence 130Montessori materials are never chosen at random - whether for the nido {birth to one year), infant community (age one to three… |