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Sequence 7dimension: Will Montessori graduates be focused on making the world a better place or on making money? The differences… |
Sequence 8center of our efforts to insure, in Gianna Gobbi's words, "healthy psychic life and [to pave] the way for human… |
Sequence 9The NAMTA Joumal 5 |
Sequence 10Sofia Cavalletti 6 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 11DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 1) by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti cites Montessori's description of… |
Sequence 12in an experience of religious education known as the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd… |
Sequence 13In these pages I would like to make a short commentary about the two elements Maria Montessori mentioned-the joy and the… |
Sequence 14-------------------------------- -- --- Three-year-old Mark (USA), being told by his mother that the Good Shepherd calls… |
Sequence 15A little three-year-old Mexican girl said to her mother, who wanted to make her pray, "I pray alone and in silence.… |
Sequence 16At the beginning we reacted with some fatigue, because it was hard to see that themes that had been studied with great care,… |
Sequence 17But the point which always strikes the child-no matter what the child's environment or culture-is that the Good… |
Sequence 18love." "With eternal love I love you" say the prophets of Israel (Isaiah 54:8,Jeremiah31:3). &… |
Sequence 19To be faithful to my tradition-is it a limitation? In some sense it is, but I have to remember here that there is another… |
Sequence 20I wish you to enjoy the vision of the human being in the first season of life, blossoming at the warmth of a Person, or of a… |
Sequence 21Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 22ogy and Semitic culture and history. Over the years, I slowly became aware that, in addition to Italian and Hebrew, Sofia… |
Sequence 23II Sofia dear: Thank you. Why? It is difficult to be essential when you would like to thank a wonderful friend for so many… |
Sequence 24Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro 20 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 25DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 26Human beings became really human when reflexive thinking and spirituality could develop from their inner potential. We have… |
Sequence 27ing for a relationship with the Creator and the creation, and we will not be satisfied unless this fundamental discovery can… |
Sequence 28order to make it possible for me to do my journey with the support of an unconditional love." Montessori wrote,… |
Sequence 29(Genesis 1:26). Because of such a miracle, the parents (and all others interested) must acknowledge this great gift and… |
Sequence 30The current spiritual renaissance, even outside traditional reli- gious institutions, shows the necessity and the desire of… |
Sequence 31The NAMTA Joumal 27 |
Sequence 32Tina Lillig 28 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 33THE HISTORY OF THE CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD by Tina Lillig Ms. Lillig gives a concise histonJ of the Catechesis of… |
Sequence 34If we delay catechesis until the customary age of six, the child has moved into a new ethical stage in life when God is more… |
Sequence 35child. One is her demonstration, through numerous examples, of the catechetical potential of children as young as three.… |
Sequence 36Cavalletti had taken Hebrew classes with Zolli and, after earning her doctorate, became his colleague. He is well-known… |
Sequence 37joy of the children at their" awkward efforts" was the impetus for the pair to do something more organized… |
Sequence 38-------------------------------- -- Many catechists have observed that the atrium becomes even more important to older… |
Sequence 39atrium, children sometimes make a first discovery that they have an inner life. THE Gooo SHEPHERD The Catechesis of the Good… |
Sequence 40calling them out, the shepherd going ahead of them, the sheep follow- ing. This opens the way for them to work with the… |
Sequence 41AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 42Maria Christlieb Robles on the road to Hueytlalpan, May 1998. 38 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 43THE TOTONACA PEOPLE AND THE CATECHESIS OF THE GooD SHEPHERD by Maria Christlieb Robles Illustrating the spread of the… |
Sequence 44religious sense. They are a way to worship and to express adoration, love, and a total gift of themselves, in a cosmic… |
Sequence 45an oral language and therefore oral tradition is very important. Their principal arts and crafts are embroidery and working… |
Sequence 46In March of that same year, they came back and we looked at history as a history of the gifts from God. I presented the… |
Sequence 47• "We want to be Good Samaritans." • "You have given us consciousness of a love that never ends, an… |
Sequence 48moment of a real encounter with the incarnate God. They knew Jesus walking from town to town as they do, hungry, thirsty,… |
Sequence 49• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 50will help us to go deeper into this aspect of our work and to remain faithful to it." A big hope is ahead of us:… |
Sequence 51DOING WHAT THE HEART ALREADY KNOWS A PERSONAL STORY OF THE LIFE OF THE SPIRIT by Gertrud Mueller Nelson A delightful memoir… |
Sequence 52Our mother, 1 five years in America and fresh to the ways of Ameri- can Catholicism, was not daunted by being a woman. A lay… |
Sequence 53everyone! Oh. So that's why lcan'tquarrel with my sisters-because I'd be fighting with Jesus in their hearts?… |
Sequence 54chairs in a bare beige room, the sun beating hot and yellow through drawn shades. My fear of Father Moore was the same terror… |
Sequence 55I passed. On my first communion day, my mother took out my bap- tismal robe-a broad, linen cloth, which she had fringed… |
Sequence 56up's book. But I could read it all by myself. I could understand it! I could use it. And best of all, I never had to… |
Sequence 57I think that the beginnings of the liturgical reform (and Romano Guardini and his students were certainly at the forefront of… |
Sequence 58With my own children now grown, I am grateful for children who bring me down to earth and keep me grounded. Children- if we… |
Sequence 59And if we complain that the elements of our liturgy have lost their savor because we are no longer an agrarian culture, then… |
Sequence 60Guardini, Romano. Sacred Signs. Trans. Elinor C. Briefs. Westminster, MO: Newman Press, 1955. Jung, C. G. The Symbolic Life.… |
Sequence 61The NAMTA Jo11mal 51 |
Sequence 62Maria Montessori, California, 1915. 58 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 63SCIENCE AND FAITH: MARIA MONTESSORI' S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION by Robert G. Buckenmeyer Dr. Buckenmeyer' sarray of… |
Sequence 64Psychologists, on the other hand, were traditionally foot-bound, over- burdened with statistical evidence, viewing "… |
Sequence 65the child from scholastic slavery nor, even more, from annoy- ing results. The same Froebe I, whose education of children was… |
Sequence 66Doctors merely assist the natural process called health to develop within the patient. Teachers, like doctors, merely assist… |
Sequence 67phers from Socrates, in the Apology, referring to himself as a midwife; through the early Medi- eval period, beginning… |
Sequence 68is why they start a search for know ledge of that Truth. Such is also the case with Montessori's search into how children… |
Sequence 69nation, she rejects Froebel's way of doing so on the basis of fantasy because, as she says, it forces the child to &… |
Sequence 70room, calmly smiling. She sat down at the edge of my bed and asked me: "Mario, do you see the chandelier swinging… |
Sequence 71made possession with which he can do as he wishes. Rather he will be keenly aware that the child belongs to God much more… |
Sequence 72At the same time, she identifies herself as a student of philosophy. She even translated an 1866 English edition of a book by… |
Sequence 73Kingdom of Heaven." Now let us picture among those to whom these words were spoken, an ardent, worshipping soul, who… |
Sequence 74Likewise, in The Montessori Method, she emphasizes that the "sec- ond form of preparation, that of the spirit&… |
Sequence 75the teacher and the scientist an Apostolic spirit. This Apostolic spirit sees not only the spirit of study about the child but… |
Sequence 76life, the first flowers of affection, of gentleness, of spontaneous love for righteousness which perfume the souls of such… |
Sequence 77in the child an epiphany of human nature, a Jerusalem as a city of God, as she states in the introduction to Education for a… |
Sequence 78this Ezekielian, Christlike, and" Apostolic" spirit while teaching chil- dren. 4 This, of course, means that… |
Sequence 79not yet fully formed: he has not yet gathered about him the last folds of his robe of flesh and of love which is made up of… |
Sequence 80Montessori, Maria. Education for a New World. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1946. Montessori, Maria. The… |
Sequence 81THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CHILD'S WORK AND COSMIC WORK by Gianna Gobbi Gianna Gobbi' s essay speaks to the &… |
Sequence 82All living creatures carry out specific tasks that are directed at their own survival: They nourish themselves, protect… |
Sequence 83Theseplantsnourish us, heal us, and delight us. What's more, their work of respiration, in which they absorb carbon… |
Sequence 84spider web is the product of the adult. What interests us is the silk, the work of the child; thus, we want to observe the… |
Sequence 85nourishes himself, breathes, and lives in favorable climatic conditions no longer grows (physiologically, that is). Puberty… |
Sequence 86• Adjusting ourselves to the child's rhythm of work; • Proposing appropriate and intelligent projects and activi- ties… |
Sequence 87• We will get to see how the human being is formed, the human being who is made "in the image of God" and… |
Sequence 88Gerard Leonard 84 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. 2 • Spring 1999 |
Sequence 89COSMOS, HISTORY, AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT by Gerard Leonard A rare weave of classroom examples, literary allusions, and… |
Sequence 90I long to be in the heart of an island, on a rocky peak, to look out often upon the smooth surface of the sea. To see the… |
Sequence 91must be aroused in the coming generations," she said (The Child, Society and the World 113). The Montessori approach… |
Sequence 92The Story of our Universe is the most awe-inspiring tale that ever could be told. New dimensions are added to it almost… |
Sequence 93Montessori was deeply interested in serving the child's religious needs and creating an environment that would foster the… |
Sequence 94Here is a Universe Story written by eleven-year-old David: It all started when I was naught but sixteen-googolplex years old… |
Sequence 95"Let us give the child a vi- sion of the whole uni verse. The universe is an imposing real- ity, and an answer to… |
Sequence 96The epic is so grand and inspiring that many layers of meaning can be discovered by the child and the childlike among us.… |
Sequence 97millions of years ago, the first animals to do so. Earthworms have this great little grinding gizzard and very strong muscles… |
Sequence 98one boy told me I had a cousin earthworm in Australia measuring twelve feet long, and it was discovered that I had five hearts… |
Sequence 99accomplished its adventure with joy, conquering the earth, aspiring to the heavens, gripping the soil with strong roots to… |
Sequence 100individual soul. "Drink in the beauty and wonder at the meaning of what you see," says Rachel Carson in her… |
Sequence 101so beautiful. Thank you for being with us this evening as we sit here on the ground together." And it's about… |
Sequence 102fulfill the needs of others" (Education and Peace 138). She tells the tales of other heroes: the baker, the miner,… |
Sequence 103grateful have apparently been also self-serving, a strange and intrigu- ing paradox! To begin to see that "an… |
Sequence 104A marvelous way of helping children to understand the cosmic task of the human being is to take advantage of our deep human… |
Sequence 105wants the children to see the grandeur of human achievements, how human modifications have improved human life and often… |
Sequence 106Listen to this poem by twelve-year-old Matthew: Plants Making animal life possible, The gracefully growing plants are near… |