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Displaying results 25301 - 25400 of 40606
Sequence 223handful will know the word Montessori and even fewer wiU appreciate its broad implications. When, in the normal context of… |
Sequence 224HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 225So Montessori was excluded, and eventually the progressive educa- tion movementcentered in Geneva became "the center… |
Sequence 226ofMontessori's. We have no direct evidence that Vygotsky read Montessori,butwedo know that a Montessori class was… |
Sequence 227Reeve), the distance between actual development and the potential level of development possible with guidance or help (… |
Sequence 228learner goes from one step to the next. Once mastered in that appropri- ate form, the learner can go on to more powerful, more… |
Sequence 229initially shown spontaneous interest, quickly lose that interest. They now realize that rewards reduce a child's desire… |
Sequence 230flexible curriculum; accommodating a broad range of individual dif- ferences; supporting individual, cultural, and linguistic… |
Sequence 231have defined and refined what were originally Montessori ideas through empirical research and clarified them through critical… |
Sequence 232Another idea that has been missed is the idea of freedom within limits. If we do not provide freedom within the limits of a… |
Sequence 233when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
Sequence 234DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 235Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 236METANOIA FOR MONTESSORIANS by Gary Looper Gary Looper's response to the whole-school development process sug- gested by… |
Sequence 237Our efforts soon focused on the mindset necessary to bring about fundamental change in an organization .... As a former… |
Sequence 238When this team of representatives from every part of the school community met for the first time, we experienced a compelling… |
Sequence 239Metanoia. It may happen in a flash of insight or a slow warming of the heart, but this personal transformation is a necessary… |
Sequence 240school's distinctive features as well as some challenges. A consensus seemed to be forming around these goals: •… |
Sequence 241According to this "guide" model, our school leaders would ob- serve, give lessons, model values, interact… |
Sequence 242school leadership, these are relatively easy to achieve compared to the heart attitude that is central to leadership. One… |
Sequence 243One particular organizing model that had worked elsewhere was being seriously considered for the (soon to be) two schools.… |
Sequence 244were skeptics at first became strong ad vacates of the visioning process. Their help and encouragement kept the fire burning… |
Sequence 245to understand others' points of view and sees diversity as a strength to be tapped. 7. Without the commitment of both… |
Sequence 246OBITUARY MARIA CHRISTLIEB ROBLES Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd lost a friend,… |
Sequence 248The study will be done in cooperation with the University of Chicago's Department of Psychology and the Peter Drucker… |
Sequence 251CLASSIFIEDS Arizona Good Earth Montessori Charter School is looking for an AMI trained elementary teacher for the 2000-… |
Sequence 252in large part on the cooperative ef- forts of an experienced and corn mit- ted faculty and board. Position requirements: A… |
Sequence 253children of all socioeconomic back- grounds in bilingual environments. Resume to Deborah Sullivan, 2246 Federal Blvd.,… |
Sequence 254will haveexperiencew / conflictreso- lution & class meetings, thrive on collaboration & autonomy, team- work… |
Sequence 255AMI school seeking a 6-9 Elemen- tary Directress for the Fall of 2000 in Tampa, Florida. Call Roberta at 813- 354-9511.… |
Sequence 256The modern, spacious facilities in- clude over 12,000 square feet of class- room environments in eight rooms as well as a… |
Sequence 257and a very low turn over of staff. Most teachers have been with our school for over 15 years, some much longer. We are a non… |
Sequence 258established in 1966, 22 beautiful acres of developed outdoor class- room for exploration and discovery. Centrallocation… |
Sequence 259Contact us today to learn more about preparing for a career as a Montessori teacher. Graduate Admissions Office, Loyola… |
Sequence 260Springfield Pub I ic Schools 59 Howard Street Springfield, MA 01105 413-787-7747 or 413-750-2059 The Eliot Montessori… |
Sequence 261Traverse City, MI 49684. FAX: 231- 929-9384; e-mail: traversemonte Minnesota Lake Country School is seeking an… |
Sequence 2628 Elementary Training (for 6-12 years) BeginningJune 2000 Ending August 2002 Presented by The Texas Montessori Education… |
Sequence 263We are seeking to fill this position as quickly as we can and offer com- petitive salary and benefits as well as the support… |
Sequence 264Nienhuis and hand made materials. Attractive salary, fringe benefits. Located on Long Island, less than 1 hour from Times… |
Sequence 265mary,Lower/UpperElementaryand Middle School. The school year sala- ries range from $22,000-$29 ,000 with opportunity for… |
Sequence 266Huntsburg, Ohio. We enjoy stable enrollmentandstaff,andofferacom- petitive benefit package. Please send resumes to Deborah… |
Sequence 267Ohio Montessori Training Institute ♦ Primary level (ages 3-6) • Nine-month, full-time course • Bachelor's degree… |
Sequence 268motivated Primary directress to help build a strong, community-oriented environment. All applicants wel- come. Please call… |
Sequence 269CMS is an AMI recognized school, founded in 1981, and serves over 100 children with toddler, primary, and lower elementary… |
Sequence 270Virginia The Fredericksburg Montessori School, located in historic down- town Fredericksburg, Virginia, is seekjng an… |
Sequence 271Ron Ackerman, Head of School, (email) Christine McDonald, Director of Studies, (email) cmcdonald@… |
Sequence 272FORTYYEARS OF HISTORY Founded by Mario M. Montessori in 1961, the 'Centro Jnternazionale Studi Montessoriani' of… |
Sequence 273serves 3-6 year olds, with morning and afternoon classes. The island is proud of our school and it shows through the support… |
Sequence 274being accepted for the 2000-2001 school year for all levels, primary, lower elementary, upper elementary and adolescent (3… |
Sequence 275400 students in a mid-size commu- nity, just 2 hours from Toronto, Canada. Salaries are competitive with private schools in… |
Sequence 276renovatedAMischoolwith400stu- dents ranging in age from 18 months to 14 years. Send resume or queries to: Pat McLaughlin,… |
Sequence 277THE NORTH AMERICAN MONTESSORJ TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION SPRING CONFERENCES, 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Process of… |
Sequence 278Art Music History MONTESSORI SERVICES 836 Cleveland Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 A Resource For Preparing The Child'… |
Sequence 279The Children Deserve The Best Working with Monteuorlans for over 65 years, we support all major national and International… |
Sequence 1Volume 25 Number 2 Spring 2000 N·A·M·T·A J 0 u Montessori Education: Positive Psychology for Today's Challenges R N… |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? The North American Montessori Teachers' Association provides a medium of study, interpretation, and im-… |
Sequence 5MONTESSORI' S POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: A LASTING IMPRINT by David Kahn Often it is difficult to create a cohesive… |
Sequence 6ics of a changing universe and natural world and the uniqueness of every individual's contribution and adaptation to the… |
Sequence 7The NAMTA Joumal 3 |
Sequence 8Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 4 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. 2 • Spring 2000 |
Sequence 9POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: THE EMERGING PARADIGM by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Positive Psychology takes the focus off… |
Sequence 10THE POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY MOVEMENT I will try to tell you a story-a real story, which is really the beginning of the historical… |
Sequence 11as quickly as possible, but I couldn't get a handhold on the rocks because they were slippery, and I kept getting slammed… |
Sequence 12We have to change the knowledge base; we have to look at things differently so we understand them differently. And the second… |
Sequence 13selected fifteen from those who were nominated, and we spent a week in Mexico, in Akumal, a small resort on the Caribbean… |
Sequence 14WHAT Is Pos1nvE PsYcHotoGY? I've told you what the movement is about, but what is the content? I can at this point only… |
Sequence 15Another interesting study was that by a young professor at the University of Virginia who has been studying what he calls… |
Sequence 16ously. He was always a great scholar. He loved to study everything and he still does, so I expected him to tell me about what… |
Sequence 17we want to cultivate, that we want to understand better so that we can implement them better. Of course, my own contribution… |
Sequence 18climber: Mountain climbers don't climb in order to get to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is the goal… |
Sequence 19todo the activity to the point that you don't have to think about your skills anymore. There is an expression in… |
Sequence 20FAITH IN POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY The title for this second session is Faith in Positive PsychologiJ. Since I read this, I have… |
Sequence 21increasing, ever so slowly, the complexity of the material organization of the cosmos. At this point, the human brain and its… |
Sequence 22interest and people's tendencies towards politics to bring about a more unified approach to education? A: Well, I think… |
Sequence 23Q: If there's a Flow, does this also suggest that there's an ebb, and how do we prepare and strengthen ourselves for… |
Sequence 24Q:Then, as teachers, how do we counteract that, if that's the kind of home they're growing up in? A: Well, I think… |
Sequence 25percent of people, both here and in Japan and Germany, where they have also done research, say "No, I don't know… |
Sequence 26I think Flow is so useful in education because most children don't want to go to school. They want to learn on their own… |
Sequence 27And the obstacles, well, those are also legion. You can think of one particular thing that educators have control over, for… |
Sequence 28mathematics? What is fun about math?" And children are curious and they see that you are having fun, you are excited… |
Sequence 29Q: Do you think that a child absorbed in a video game is in Flow? A: Yes, they can be in Flow, and usually they stay in Flow… |
Sequence 30Annette M. Haines 26 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. 2 • Spring 2000 |
Sequence 32organized their personalities and optimized their potentialities: "Man builds himself through working, working with… |
Sequence 33itself according to the shape of that world. The logical process of structuring the personality must orient that personality… |
Sequence 34At birth all babies are pretty much alike; babies everywhere babble at six months, walk around twelve months, and talk around… |
Sequence 35Moreover, some unexpected tastes emerge from the social life of a Montessori classroom. The children come to prefer one… |
Sequence 36to Montessori' s plan, around the age of two and a half or three, children would enter a Casadei Bambini or Children… |
Sequence 37activity, children seem refreshed and satisfied. They demonstrate "higher social impulses" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 38• Children choose their own activities after they have been introduced to a certain material or procedure. • Since there is… |
Sequence 39ognize each other as individuals and "have a reciprocal feeling for each other's worth" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 40Conclusion Social outcomes of the first phase of life (birth to three) include: • individuation, the "birth"… |
Sequence 41an "animating human spirit" driven to take human form "in or- der to act, to express itself in… |
Sequence 42fear of disturbance by an unreasoning creature, combined with a proprietary sense where objects are concerned that might be… |
Sequence 43If the environment is warm and safe, however, and if adults deal "sweetly and kindly" with them (Montessori… |