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Displaying results 26801 - 26900 of 40606
Sequence 544Montessori education was soon launched and later carried out by subsequent generations. This leads us to the second question… |
Sequence 545contained and invited me to come talk about them at the October 2001 NAMTA conference in Columbia, MD. McMillin realized that… |
Sequence 546pable of handling the foundations of positive psychology as content or curriculum, and to benefit directly from the teachings… |
Sequence 547A few other of Einstein's ideas about individuality have proven equally intriguing to the adolescent mind. Einstein held… |
Sequence 548Csikszentmihalyi. Himself a student in a regimented German educa- tional system, Einstein felt that the most counter-… |
Sequence 549Another axiom declares, "The historical embodiment of human culture takes precedence over dogmatic ideology and… |
Sequence 550account of the significance of each work to the course, which empha- sized the teachings of their protagonists in particular.… |
Sequence 551Search for Meaning and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Elements of Enjoy- ment, which describes the conditions of optimal… |
Sequence 552AN EXAMPLE OF INDIVIDUAL HUMANITIES IN ACTION Individual Humanities is similar to other studies in the humani- ties in that… |
Sequence 553hood of Albert Einstein, he recognizes some similari- ties to his own. Einstein was considered a slow stu- dent in grade… |
Sequence 554Many educators would fear that treating ado- lescent students as adult equals might result in subject matter flying over… |
Sequence 555Service to the Community: The Art of Living Developing and using our individuality does not preclude serving the community.… |
Sequence 556Balancing Creativity and Service Although creativity and social service may seem dichotomous notions, it is the combination… |
Sequence 557development: "Luther's emphasis on individual conscience prepared the way for the series of concepts of equality… |
Sequence 558Teachers like McMillin, who combine passion for their work with genuine concern for their stu- dents, possess the rare power… |
Sequence 559compared Individual Humanities to a complete life philosophy. It also explains why they have continued to admire and revere… |
Sequence 560A CHALLENGE TO THE TEACHER I have spent the majority of my life as a student or teacher in some ea paci ty. Yet I have… |
Sequence 561brings wholeness rather than fragmentation to one's life and requires the courage to use life-affirming principles to… |
Sequence 562Erikson, E. H. Young Man Luther. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1958. Gardner, H. Creating Minds. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 563Palmer, Parker J. The Courage to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Rathunde, Kevin. "Adolescent Engagement… |
Sequence 564542 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 26, No. 3 • Summer 2001 |
Sequence 565HERSHEY MONTESSORI FARM SCHOOL: PLACE-BASED HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY by Judy Venaleck and Pete McDonald As farm school"… |
Sequence 5663. Laboratory Extensions (Indoor lab activities) 4. University Field Station-Land Applications at University Farms (… |
Sequence 567Contextual Studies Contextual studies are formal learning tasks selected from a variety of sources including the National… |
Sequence 568bridgework for all studies. Once these place focuses were chosen, the land-application studies, contextual studies, and… |
Sequence 569Forest Contextual Studies Forest biology calls for the contextual studies of botany, taxonomy, and classification. The study… |
Sequence 570Field Place Focus Field Place Applications Managing and working the farm is an integral part of the school's overall… |
Sequence 571University Farms Collaboration The ideal area of content integration with this facility emphasizes a study of genetics and… |
Sequence 572V, V, 0 Figure 1. The Hershey Montessori Farm School Ninth Grade Biology Curriculum Overview J'ARMFOCUS FOREST FIELD… |
Sequence 573predator/prey simulations and investigations of food webs, and analyzing amino-acid sequences to determine evolutionary… |
Sequence 574the results from water analysis studies done on the existing ponds on the property. The unit concludes with an investigation… |
Sequence 576THE MONTESSORI PAST AS PRELUDE TO A MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL Montessori adolescent education takes place squarely in the con… |
Sequence 577Timeline: Montessori Secondary Development 1907-Rome: Opening of tht Ctlsa dri Biim&mi, the flm MonleSiori e,iperiment… |
Sequence 578Hershey Montessori School, Coo:ord Twp., OH (Laurie Ewert-l<rockex) Adolescent Program at Salila, SWedE!II 0enn y Marie… |
Sequence 579(Bergamo, Italy), the Farm School provides the basis for continuing authentic Montessori education through the end of high… |
Sequence 580farm's natural and human-made environment asan optimal environ- ment in which adolescents assume various roles that… |
Sequence 581These "noble" or "true" characteristics" have been en- capsulated as character… |
Sequence 582unfathomable and incommensurable reality. (Cavalletti 138-139) There are two "faiths" that can uphold man:… |
Sequence 583The consciousness of knowing how to make oneself useful, how to help mankind in many ways, fills the soul with noble… |
Sequence 584The "supra-natural" man is the king of the earth, of all things visible and invisible, he penetrates the… |
Sequence 585• Understanding work as a product of commerce necessary to community life, leading to a beginning view of economic… |
Sequence 586• Accepting the needs of others through reciprocity, exchange, service, and economic relationships through a set of workable… |
Sequence 587resources through the use of ur- ban educational, cultural, and business institutions. At the same time, The Montessori High… |
Sequence 588Whereas the "occupations" of the Farm School were limited in scope to roles on the farm and nearby small… |
Sequence 589WHAT WILL A MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL LOOK LIKE? The high school must be seen as integral to the Erdkinder model. At the high… |
Sequence 590• Opportunities for social, athletic, and artistic participation that are creative and individual; and • Progressive opening… |
Sequence 591cation in ways that are appropriate for the older adolescent, thus completing the vision of Maria Montessori from birth to… |
Sequence 592• Case Western Reserve University, which is currently prototyping a Montessori high school biology course at its University… |
Sequence 593The Montessori High School will be developed under the auspices of Montessori Development Partnerships (MOP) for the planning… |
Sequence 594The following timetable for implementation is suggested: 2001-2002 School Year: • Consolidate and refine the content of the… |
Sequence 595• Begin site and facilities development work • Begin student recruitment • Finalize staff, drawing in part from the advisory… |
Sequence 596CONTRIBUTORS Devan Barker was a founding faculty member of The Hershey Montessori Farm School, having completed his doctoral… |
Sequence 597Victor Davis Hanson is professor of Greek at California State University (Fresno) and lives on his family's farm in the… |
Sequence 598Jan Koning is Professor Emeritus of Pedagogics at the University of Amsterdam. He was the first principal of a secondary… |
Sequence 599land, OH). He also teachessports,music, and mathematics at the Farm School. John McNamara is teaching principal of Ruffing… |
Sequence 600written a number of book chapters and articles onstudentengagement in classrooms. Margaret E. Stephenson is AMI Elementary… |
Sequence 601The original Montessori Material Kaybee's Favorites Collection including: Wooden Grammar Symbols INFANT/TODDLER… |
Sequence 602For All Your Montessori Materials ... Nienhuis Montessori has been working with Montessorians since the1920's. We… |
Sequence 1N·A·M·T·A J 0 The First Three Years of Life |
Sequence 2WHAT Is NAMTA? The North American Montessori Teachers' Association provides a medium of study, interpretation, and im-… |
Sequence 3THE NAMTA JOURNAL VoL. 27, No. 1 • WINTER 2002 THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF LIFE In affiliation with the Association Montessori… |
Sequence 8forty-five years prior to any of the early brain research on the potentials of children under three. So once again she was a… |
Sequence 9these little tiny children, they begin to function quite independently. Their language explodes, and they become very joyful,… |
Sequence 10to work. Also with these expanded career opportunities, we experi- enced, in the United States, a great mobility of families.… |
Sequence 11parents-is something we call the Nido, or the situation for infants. I don't think anyone in this room would disagree… |
Sequence 12What about paternity leave? How many companies in this country give paternity leave? A family is not just a mother and a baby… |
Sequence 13that within a short period of time the children were coming five days a week. But we have to be careful not to get into this… |
Sequence 14Infant communities function first for the needs of the children, and in an all-day situation, still the needs of the children… |
Sequence 15children individually-not collectively but individually-becom- ing independent within an atmosphere of understanding and nur… |
Sequence 16We have to provide a space that will allow the movement development that needs to occur to take place. Movement is a big… |
Sequence 17way to a breast, but they don't have many other physical capabili- ties yet to support their physical body. When… |
Sequence 18situation of unconditional acceptance and love. A child may not experience that in their family. But they deserve to… |
Sequence 19His tranquillity and happiness, the intensity of his efforts and the constancy of his freely chosen responses, bear witness… |
Sequence 20have a group of families that do a "meals on wheels" thing: ''I'll bring dinner for the first… |
Sequence 21can repeat it every year, and there will always be someone who says, "Oh, that was the most wonderful parent meeting… |
Sequence 22physical environment and our attitudinal environment. Once chil- dren pass their first birthday, we generally treat them… |
Sequence 23The NAMTA Journal 17 |
Sequence 24Adele Costa Gnocchi 18 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 1 • Winter 2002 |
Sequence 25A TRIBUTE TO ADELE COSTA GNOCCHI by Salvatore Valitutti Adele Costa Gnocchi believed in the redemptive power of educa- tion… |
Sequence 26people's depths, distinguishing essential from non-essential, allowed her to be an educator in even her most spontaneous… |
Sequence 27A TRIBUTE TO THE INFANT CLASS TRADITION A PHOTO ESSAY by Rita Messineo Rita Messineo annotates this pictorial essay… |
Sequence 28logical needs, which are very close! y related to the child's biosoma tic growth. It is here that the teacher training… |
Sequence 29Child Getting Dressed For the infant class, getting dressed and undressed is part of their school work. It may take any-… |
Sequence 30Food in the Infant Class Snack is an occasion for present- ing the child with techniques for eat- ing. The Italian food… |
Sequence 31Group exercises for children under two. The NAMTA Journal 25 |
Sequence 32---------------------------------- -- Individual Work Care of self is really much differ- ent for the young child. When… |
Sequence 33Mystery Bag Group Exercises Unique objects of interest, such as a mirror or top, are placed in a bag for individual… |
Sequence 3428 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. I • Winter 2002 |
Sequence 35"The prepared environment of the infant class has to create the right conditions for the young child's… |
Sequence 3630 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 1 • Winter 2002 |
Sequence 38There is a very critical series of separations and attachments in these first three years. Silvana Montanaro often says that… |
Sequence 39This time frame is very short-unless you' re in the middle of it, and then you think it's a lifetime. When you'… |
Sequence 40Montessori said in The Absorbent Mind: The child's adaptation to the world is thus favoured on natural lines, because… |
Sequence 41The next opportunity, then, that usually presents for detachment is around food. This is detaching from mother's milk… |
Sequence 42find another way of nurturing. Nursing is not the only way to nurture a child. So, we do this gradual process. When we… |