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Sequence 13knowing that we would choose wrongly at times. This gift was so great, that He felt it was still worth giving; the good that… |
Sequence 14to needs and tendencies. What are the things that humans need in their life? Spirituality is one of them. Q: I think it is… |
Sequence 198 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 3 • Summer 2002 |
Sequence 2COSMIC EDUCATION: LINKING THE HUMAN TO THE UNIVERSE by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele places Cosmic Education in… |
Sequence 3You will notice that I talk about contents. Cosmic education, among other things, is about what to put before the children.… |
Sequence 4an environment and then, according to observation, put before the chil.dren what the children want to pick up. So the amazing… |
Sequence 5Greek idea, was the universe in order and harmony. And that is particularly the aspect that we are supposed to put before the… |
Sequence 6love the flower, yet they take the pollen and bring it to the next flower. The corals don't know that they do a marvelous… |
Sequence 7mony and peace were very much on her mind. She did a lotoflectures on the subject. After all, she had lived through the entire… |
Sequence 8There's another great story for life and how it developed that leads into the wonderful timeline of natural history. Then… |
Sequence 9ment what we will introduce to the children. What the children are eventually researching and developing and questioning, that… |
Sequence 10many times. Why isn't physics in our training, or at least most of it? I guess it has historical reasons. We should come… |
Sequence 11the children have no idea what corals are and what salts are. So you have to prepare the environment for studying these things… |
Sequence 12THE CLASSROOM Is AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE CHILD'S LIFE That is frequently forgotten, at least in general education. Go… |
Sequence 13Prepare the environment for the child's interest. And then after preparing the environment and after introducing all… |
Sequence 14writing and philosophy and architecture. It's a springboard of inter- est. THE IMPACT OF HUMAN LIFE ON THE COSMOS All… |
Sequence 15they know all the people don't care anyway, so they can do what they want or maybe give token attention to that little… |
Sequence 16Questions and Answers Q: T have two questions. What's the last point you mentioned that the spiritual issues are… |
Sequence 1CIVILITY AND CITIZENSHIP: THE ROOTS OF COMMUNITY CONNECTION by Patricia Ludick This article weaves into the adolescent… |
Sequence 2To go another step, citizenship is a strong investment in the life of the community. Given a voice of its own, it calls the… |
Sequence 3These are no insignificant agenda items! Our gathering here in Seattle this weekend is aimed at bringing to our attention a… |
Sequence 4Let us think for a moment. As Montessori uncovers the wonders of human formation such as the secret of childhood, the… |
Sequence 5The social cohesion may be compared to the warp of a material, the threads of the personality arranged side by side and fixed… |
Sequence 6Here is another promising consideration from Education and Peace: "The child who has felt a strong love for his… |
Sequence 7understanding Montessori's vision ... but that is material for another lecture.) And so, take a look at dependence,… |
Sequence 9children where the young personality constructs herself with activity upon the environment. This construction is based upon… |
Sequence 10one's experience there. In From Childhood to Adolescence, she speaks of work with the hands and work with the mind. We… |
Sequence 11self. A well-developed will and a clear sense of belonging enable the adolescent to create a polite forum for debate and… |
Sequence 12increased understanding of body language among the adolescents, body language in itself being an intriguing term. If the… |
Sequence 13cent comes to respect this extraordinary gift of being in the world. The gift of belonging! Realizing oneness with natural… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 1130 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 3 • Summer 2002 |
Sequence 2THE NATURAL WORLD AS PREPARED ENVIRONMENT by Louise Chawla Louise Chawla masterfully weaves Montessori and Edith Cobb,… |
Sequence 3Because creative thinkers in- fluence the development of their societies, ... their child- hood experience of the outer… |
Sequence 4A working girl-no family money This caught me up short. I don't think of Dr. Montessori as a vagrant-and you probably… |
Sequence 5I read that and thought, "Well, you have your work cut out for you!" And last, a brief statement that can… |
Sequence 6with the outer world. In these memories, the child appears to experience both a sense of discontinuity, an awareness of his… |
Sequence 7When I arrived in New York, I visited Cobb's collection of books at Columbia Teacher's College-and I noticed that… |
Sequence 8or on a city street, in a place awash with the light and atmosphere of the natural world. The legacy that they most… |
Sequence 9trembled in the morning sun. They were golden, translu- cent, amazing sheaves of wheat. The light drove down the shafts of… |
Sequence 10is never any bad weather, only wrong clothing." These experiences also confirm the importance of flexible schedules,… |
Sequence 11This work became a book, In the First Country of Places: Nature, Poetry and Childhood Memory. What I found was that it was… |
Sequence 12help your students find their own way through. 2 There is always new work to do, to combine the precision of a scientist with… |
Sequence 13through other means. What these family members gave them was simply the example of noticing the natural world as something… |
Sequence 14ciation, but this is the conclusion that a series of studies now suggest. 3 This formula of free time in the natural world,… |
Sequence 15some locations, the project has involved eight through eighteen year olds. All of us believe that younger children can be… |
Sequence 16the Children's House, let them first know a friendly world, which they can love, admire, and feel at one with. Where they… |
Sequence 17personal dignity" (101). One of the great discoveries of the last decade is that the protection of the natural world… |
Sequence 18Annan, K. We the Peoples. New York: United Nations Publications, 2000. BBC. Soul. Three part video series. London: BBC-TV,… |
Sequence 19Hoffman, E. Visions of Innocence. Boston: Shambhala Pub- lications, 1992. Huchingson, J. E. (Ed.) Religion and the Natural… |
Sequence 1David Hutchison 150 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 3 • Summer 2002 |
Sequence 2BUILDING THE BIOCENTRIC CHILD by David Hutchison, PhD Dr. Hutchison' s profound view of developmental theory as… |
Sequence 3that. Normally, I don't stop the activity until everyone does, but David Kahn has only given me one hour to speak. He had… |
Sequence 4instead need to have a biocentric view, an earth centered view of the child. And that's what I'm going to talk about… |
Sequence 5Now I said to you at the beginning that I believe strongly in an environmental philosophy of education. One thing that I… |
Sequence 6If you go over to the top right hand corner of the figure we have" the social context." This is extremely… |
Sequence 7components describes the real parameters of a philosophy of educa- tion, the important ones in any case. Today l'm going… |
Sequence 8an individual level, perhaps as parents, in the way we rear our own children; but we also create it on a cultural level in the… |
Sequence 9conception of childhood. The wonder of Montessori, of course, and many other holistic theories, is that she integrated… |
Sequence 10And then finally I want to talk about this notion of the pitfall of progressivism because progressivism today is the dominant… |
Sequence 11One at a time, children step up, quite literally, to adulthood. Yet there are other models of childhood that we can also draw… |
Sequence 12mentioning earlier called Harmful to Minors, which argues in some cases for a lower age of consent. I think the argument… |
Sequence 13education and for children too. That's what I mean when I say, "Heed the social context." I think we… |
Sequence 14in: holistic theories of childhood. I think there are perhaps four basic notions that really establish the holistic notion of… |
Sequence 15the playground and in other settings as well. Also important to the notion of the inner life of children is the need for… |
Sequence 16featured quite prominently in this conference. There's a gentleman whose name is David Sobel who's written a number… |
Sequence 17birth and they're learning as human beings. But fundamentally the reworking that's going on in those first six years… |
Sequence 18it's a move from biological to cultural fulfillment, it's also a move from a certain degree of introversion in the… |
Sequence 19Now I think we see that in early childhood the mastery orientation is rooted in the young child's will, which is a good… |
Sequence 20don't even see themselves at all; they are the world, essentially. And so the world exists as an extension of themselves-… |
Sequence 21speaking very succinctly and directly although all of this is happen- ing, of course, on a subtle level. But this whole notion… |
Sequence 22period of middle childhood. I want to actually juxtapose what I just described-this sort of infancy and early childhood… |
Sequence 23Yet there are two fundamental processes that I think are in play in adolescence and they're just like the ones that we… |
Sequence 24children are still close enough to the world that they're able to enter into it in a meaningful way: dealing with the… |
Sequence 25also our species identities. By integration I mean that when I look at the audience here I identify with those things that… |
Sequence 26half sphere and you take any point on it and aim it towards the center, you're looking at integration. Everything leads… |
Sequence 27clams, jellyfish, starfish, sponges, spiders, vertebrates, leeches, lawyers, and other species began to develop. (Adapted… |
Sequence 1Mitchell Thomashow 178 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 27, No. 3 • Summer 2002 |
Sequence 2BRINGING THE BIOSPHERE HOME by Mitchell Thomashow Mitchell Thomashow discusses his orientation to the local environment as… |
Sequence 3I'm going to talk about. I'm very concerned about issues of global environmental change, climate change, and… |
Sequence 4western birds. I'll hear a bird song and think, "Well, that's some kind of warbler, that's some kind… |
Sequence 5They were just improvising, playing outside, discovering nature- and this is what needs to happen, as you well know. About… |
Sequence 6eminent ecologists and conservation biologists had a similar message. They were speaking a message of love and loss. They… |
Sequence 7on earth. Over 3.5 billion years there have been five of these events. Isn't it amazing that humans have reached the… |
Sequence 8to a philosophy class about Thoreau. Now I don't know about you but when I was sixteen or seventeen years old I wasn… |
Sequence 9old kids were capable of classifying well over one hundred species. It's just that the species were Pokemon cards. So the… |
Sequence 10thousand years ago is almost incomprehensible. I mean think about ten thousand years into the future-it's not even… |
Sequence 11better. So if I had been looking at birds instead of baseball .. .I Jove basebalJ and I want to goto the Mariners game tonight… |
Sequence 12tions and the really beautiful path that this drizzle has taken before it landed on us and got us wet. Next it moves across… |
Sequence 13challenge. It's a challenge of scale, it's a challenge of place, it's intertem poral, it's in terspatia I… |
Sequence 14aware of the infinite varieties of drizzle. And the infinite variety of drizzle is how the biosphere expresses and creates… |
Sequence 15interesting that this is what he drew from that. Six million Jews die, and he's talking about indifference and wonder.… |
Sequence 16embarrass anybody. This is a very interesting era in human history because we were born into a time of both magnificent… |
Sequence 17So I tried to write a book that covered all of this stuff in a way that was warm, non-technical, and filled with narrative and… |
Sequence 18more. So a group of eight or ten birders is really going to cover the island. They will see everything that needs to be seen… |
Sequence 19flow, the birds are going to be held south or they're going to be driven inland." And we had had a lot of… |
Sequence 20they have some interest in the natural world. So-will the airline pilot please take a course in environmental interpretation… |
Sequence 21right around my place. It's a cognitive necessity. Then the challenge becomes how do we expand the cognitive awareness?… |
Sequence 22faculty for analysis and empiricism, the faculty of imagination, and the capacity for compassion. This is how we study nature… |