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Displaying results 1 - 78 of 78
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 4The word is obviously German. Literally it would translate into English as "earth children." It is a plural… |
Sequence 1THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 1NORMALIZATION AND NORMALITY ACROSS THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by David Kahn With the current emphasis on the four planes of… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 31REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 4developed a program for the third plane of development. For the children at that age she created the term Erdkinder. The word… |
Sequence 18Hershey Montessori School, Coo:ord Twp., OH (Laurie Ewert-l<rockex) Adolescent Program at Salila, SWedE!II 0enn y Marie… |
Sequence 1CAMILLO G RAZZINI: INNOVATION WITHIN MONTESSORI THEORY AND METHODOLOGY by David Kahn Visiting Bergamo, Italy, last summer… |
Sequence 1Camillo Grazzini, Italy, 1982 Mario Montessori 78 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 29, No. 1 • Winter 2004 |
Sequence 2ON THE SUBJECT OF SUBJECTS by Baiba Krumins and Camillo Grazzini This particular matter has cropped up in so many guises and… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 32is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 52is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 82A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 160ON THE SUBJECT OF SUBJECTS by Baiba Krumins and Camillo Grazzini This particular matter has cropped up in so many guises and… |
Sequence 177Camillo Grazzini, Italy, 1982 Mario Montessori 78 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 29, No. 1 • Winter 2004 |
Sequence 254CAMILLO G RAZZINI: INNOVATION WITHIN MONTESSORI THEORY AND METHODOLOGY by David Kahn Visiting Bergamo, Italy, last summer… |
Sequence 6The key that again opened my spiritual vision quest here was the role of "calling" within me, the teacher (… |
Sequence 2MORAL FORMATION ON THE SECOND PLANE: NURTURING AND HINDERING by lta Williams !ta Williams asserts that moral development is… |
Sequence 2THE GREAT RIVER by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The Great River is sometimes referred to as a metaphor for human unity, which has… |
Sequence 2ESTABLISHING THE ERDKINDER APPENDICES AS AN AUTHORITY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini was chosen to open… |
Sequence 1THE ROLE OF THE DISCIPLINES FOR COSMIC EDUCATION by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini continues to discuss… |
Sequence 1THE ROLE OF THE SPECIALIST by Baiba Krumins Grazzini This article touches on the roles of specialist and generalist as… |
Sequence 1HISTORY: HUMAN SOLIDARITY: MAN WHITHER BOUND by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The human solidarity concept is a second-plane… |
Sequence 140Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences "The eye that sees and the hand that obeys:• South Africa, 2006 Dramar:ic… |
Sequence 1REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF SOFIA CAVALLETTI AUGUST 23, 2011 by David Kahn, 2012 Other i111portant threads in these… |
Sequence 10116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 1the montessori adolescent and the Pedagogy of Journey by Larry Schaefer Another historic Montessori essay puts into writing… |
Sequence 1hiStory and civility by Larry Schaefer Larry Schaefer’s history of civility is a succinct summary of the implicit and… |
Sequence 1the hungry mind: from the first to the seCond plane of deVelopment by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini has… |
Sequence 1how The MonTessori upper eleMenTAry And AdolescenT environMenT nATurAlly inTegrATes science, MATheMATics, Technology, And… |
Sequence 1HISTORY: HUMAN SOLIDARITY: MAN WHITHER BOUND Baiba Krumins Grazzini is director of training at the International Centre for… |
Sequence 1A TRIBUTE: DAVID KAHN The NAMTA-AMI legacy would not be complete without recognizing the impact David Kahn has had on NAMTA… |
Sequence 4154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 In September, 1996… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Development: The Montessori Approach To Mathematics by Carnillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini, prominent Montessori… |
Sequence 2model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |
Sequence 146The word is obviously German. Literally it would translate into English as "earth children." It is a plural… |
Sequence 214THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 44COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 127NORMALIZATION AND NORMALITY ACROSS THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by David Kahn With the current emphasis on the four planes of… |
Sequence 72Camillo Grazzini is AMI Elementary Director of Training at Fondazione "Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani,… |
Sequence 138A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 168REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 261culminate in a book featuring the model school design, principles of Montessori architecture, and documentation of existing… |
Sequence 262by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker and David Kahn in this Journal issue). He reported on the project to the AMI Pedagogical Committee in… |
Sequence 210guest. She praised the school for its extensive prepared environment and for the high morale of the students. The Montessori… |
Sequence 294developed a program for the third plane of development. For the children at that age she created the term Erdkinder. The word… |
Sequence 578Hershey Montessori School, Coo:ord Twp., OH (Laurie Ewert-l<rockex) Adolescent Program at Salila, SWedE!II 0enn y Marie… |
Sequence 8CAMILLO G RAZZINI: INNOVATION WITHIN MONTESSORI THEORY AND METHODOLOGY by David Kahn Visiting Bergamo, Italy, last summer… |
Sequence 85Camillo Grazzini, Italy, 1982 Mario Montessori 78 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 29, No. 1 • Winter 2004 |
Sequence 102ON THE SUBJECT OF SUBJECTS by Baiba Krumins and Camillo Grazzini This particular matter has cropped up in so many guises and… |
Sequence 180A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 210is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 284"citizens of the world," a concept as valid for elementary teachers as for elementary children. Bergamo… |
Sequence 54The key that again opened my spiritual vision quest here was the role of "calling" within me, the teacher (… |
Sequence 102MORAL FORMATION ON THE SECOND PLANE: NURTURING AND HINDERING by lta Williams !ta Williams asserts that moral development is… |
Sequence 160THE GREAT RIVER by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The Great River is sometimes referred to as a metaphor for human unity, which has… |
Sequence 35ESTABLISHING THE ERDKINDER APPENDICES AS AN AUTHORITY by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini was chosen to open… |
Sequence 229THE ROLE OF THE DISCIPLINES FOR COSMIC EDUCATION by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini continues to discuss… |
Sequence 281THE ROLE OF THE SPECIALIST by Baiba Krumins Grazzini This article touches on the roles of specialist and generalist as… |
Sequence 347HISTORY: HUMAN SOLIDARITY: MAN WHITHER BOUND by Baiba Krumins Grazzini The human solidarity concept is a second-plane… |
Sequence 142Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences "The eye that sees and the hand that obeys:• South Africa, 2006 Dramar:ic… |
Sequence 93REFLECTIONS ON THE DEATH OF SOFIA CAVALLETTI AUGUST 23, 2011 by David Kahn, 2012 Other i111portant threads in these… |
Sequence 126116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 107101 Schaefer • The Montessori Adolescent and the Pedagogy of Journey the montessori adolescent and the Pedagogy of Journey… |
Sequence 109103 Schaefer • History and Civility hiStory and civility by Larry Schaefer Larry Schaefer’s history of civility is a… |
Sequence 9791 Krumins Grazzini • The Hungry Mind It is always reality that the child seeks, but the only way to see, picture, and… |
Sequence 8983 McNamara • Naturally Integrates Science, Mathematics, Technology how The MonTessori upper eleMenTAry And AdolescenT… |
Sequence 9794 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Baiba Krumins Grazzini is director of training at the International… |
Sequence 151McNamara • A Tribute: David Kahn 151 A TRIBUTE: DAVID KAHN The NAMTA-AMI legacy would not be complete without recognizing… |
Sequence 154154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 In September, 1996… |
Sequence 42Curriculum Development: The Montessori Approach To Mathematics by Carnillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini, prominent Montessori… |
Sequence 46model to meet the objective conditions required for the continuation and expansion of Montessori elementary training. Such… |