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Displaying results 1 - 73 of 73
Sequence 8dom, out of harm's way. On several occasions, snipers could have shot the perpetrator of the crime, but the chief refused… |
Sequence 7Footnotes 1. Thomas Berry. (1988). The dream of the earth. Sierra Club, p. 206. See also: (a) Thomas Berry, "Coming… |
Sequence 18References 'Abdu'l-Baha. (1982). The promul,gation of universal peace. Wilmette. Baha'{ Publishing Trust.… |
Sequence 7find it unfamiliar and unpleasant and do all they can not to listen their "inner voice." Like my little… |
Sequence 8In an effort to expand the last item on their list concerning the farm family, which from my own observation was a very… |
Sequence 13There might have been many reasons that we have not begun to fathom. But one clear difference was that practically all the men… |
Sequence 14fixing the buildings he owned and being as thrifty as was humanly possible. Why were the lives of Henry and Julian, and the… |
Sequence 16whether that enjoyment contributes to their ultimate goals and the well-being of society. Julian found pleasure in a simple… |
Sequence 5woman in Europe. Eleanor looked to King Louis for help and he offered his sixteen-year-old son, also Louis, to become her… |
Sequence 6the wife of two kings and later was to become the mother of two kings. For some years, Eleanor and Henry were content. They… |
Sequence 28Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 31Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 2We were fortunate to be able to stay next door to an Amish family, the Yoders. During our trip, we had numerous encounters… |
Sequence 4Church, and I wanted a change. The castle walls were like cages: cold, dark, and dull. He gathered his armies and I gathered… |
Sequence 5king, and he needed a queen. He needed a good queen, a queen with experience. Louis and I were separated on the first day of… |
Sequence 6And in 1189, Henry died, leaving the throne to my beloved son Richard the Lionhearted. Rkhard knew he was my favorite, and… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. Childhood Education. Translation of Formazione dell'Uomo [The Formation of Man]. 1949. Trans. A.M.… |
Sequence 16I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI, SAMUEL ORTON, AND ANNA GILLINGHAM by Barbara Kahn This brief biography of Samuel T. Orton and his… |
Sequence 2Montessori far more than her American counterparts. At the same time it offered opportunities to enhance and enrich her… |
Sequence 3in reading and spelling among her students with high IQs. "Some of these bright students were being thwarted… |
Sequence 4They sorted, with computer-like efficiency, the words of our language containing various single phonograms, those containing… |
Sequence 6teacher training programs. Like the international and national Mon- tessori organizations, the International Dyslexia… |
Sequence 16phrase meanings (semantics), sentences (syntax), longer passages (discourse), and the social uses of language (pragma ties).… |
Sequence 17Wolf, M. Proust and tile Sq11id: The Story a11d Science of the Reading Brain. New York: HarperCollins, 2007. TIie… |
Sequence 21in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 10116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 37207 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment 65. King, p. 18. 66. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, p… |
Sequence 40248 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 and Communities.” Lecture. Linthicum, MD. October 18, 2013. Dunn, W.… |
Sequence 2030 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 of education, for this is the only way to build a new world and to bring… |
Sequence 6The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 37The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 38The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 6970 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 88Rhymes and rhythm. (1960). Around the Child, 1, 55-56, (2). Selman, Ruth,. (1984). First words: Anecdotal observations of… |
Sequence 158160 Z. Task Persistence/Time on Task Hamilton, V. Jane & Gordon, 0. (1978). Teacher-child interactions in… |
Sequence 182184 Turner, Charles & Turner, Joy. Constructive Triangle, .!.Q, (1983). Science, you, and your child. 8-12, (5… |
Sequence 109TEACHER AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED !RISH MONTESSORI TEACHER AVAILABLE: Qualified to teach children between 2 1k and 12 years of… |
Sequence 22dom, out of harm's way. On several occasions, snipers could have shot the perpetrator of the crime, but the chief refused… |
Sequence 27Footnotes 1. Thomas Berry. (1988). The dream of the earth. Sierra Club, p. 206. See also: (a) Thomas Berry, "Coming… |
Sequence 63References 'Abdu'l-Baha. (1982). The promul,gation of universal peace. Wilmette. Baha'{ Publishing Trust.… |
Sequence 148find it unfamiliar and unpleasant and do all they can not to listen their "inner voice." Like my little… |
Sequence 135In an effort to expand the last item on their list concerning the farm family, which from my own observation was a very… |
Sequence 194There might have been many reasons that we have not begun to fathom. But one clear difference was that practically all the men… |
Sequence 195fixing the buildings he owned and being as thrifty as was humanly possible. Why were the lives of Henry and Julian, and the… |
Sequence 197whether that enjoyment contributes to their ultimate goals and the well-being of society. Julian found pleasure in a simple… |
Sequence 234woman in Europe. Eleanor looked to King Louis for help and he offered his sixteen-year-old son, also Louis, to become her… |
Sequence 235the wife of two kings and later was to become the mother of two kings. For some years, Eleanor and Henry were content. They… |
Sequence 187Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 45Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 164We were fortunate to be able to stay next door to an Amish family, the Yoders. During our trip, we had numerous encounters… |
Sequence 452Church, and I wanted a change. The castle walls were like cages: cold, dark, and dull. He gathered his armies and I gathered… |
Sequence 453king, and he needed a queen. He needed a good queen, a queen with experience. Louis and I were separated on the first day of… |
Sequence 454And in 1189, Henry died, leaving the throne to my beloved son Richard the Lionhearted. Rkhard knew he was my favorite, and… |
Sequence 192Montessori, Maria. Childhood Education. Translation of Formazione dell'Uomo [The Formation of Man]. 1949. Trans. A.M.… |
Sequence 119I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 203MARIA MONTESSORI, SAMUEL ORTON, AND ANNA GILLINGHAM by Barbara Kahn This brief biography of Samuel T. Orton and his… |
Sequence 204Montessori far more than her American counterparts. At the same time it offered opportunities to enhance and enrich her… |
Sequence 205in reading and spelling among her students with high IQs. "Some of these bright students were being thwarted… |
Sequence 206They sorted, with computer-like efficiency, the words of our language containing various single phonograms, those containing… |
Sequence 208teacher training programs. Like the international and national Mon- tessori organizations, the International Dyslexia… |
Sequence 224phrase meanings (semantics), sentences (syntax), longer passages (discourse), and the social uses of language (pragma ties).… |
Sequence 225Wolf, M. Proust and tile Sq11id: The Story a11d Science of the Reading Brain. New York: HarperCollins, 2007. TIie… |
Sequence 219in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 126116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 213207 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment 65. King, p. 18. 66. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, p… |
Sequence 254248 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 and Communities.” Lecture. Linthicum, MD. October 18, 2013. Dunn, W.… |
Sequence 3630 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 of education, for this is the only way to build a new world and to bring… |
Sequence 133The Totality of Montessori page 132 notes 1 Montessori, Maria. (1949). ). “Lecture III, The Absorbent Mind.” The San Remo… |
Sequence 7770 Holmes, H. W. (1912). The Montessori methods. Education, 33, 1-10, (6). Holmes, Henry w. (1913). Promising points in… |
Sequence 96Rhymes and rhythm. (1960). Around the Child, 1, 55-56, (2). Selman, Ruth,. (1984). First words: Anecdotal observations of… |
Sequence 166160 Z. Task Persistence/Time on Task Hamilton, V. Jane & Gordon, 0. (1978). Teacher-child interactions in… |
Sequence 190184 Turner, Charles & Turner, Joy. Constructive Triangle, .!.Q, (1983). Science, you, and your child. 8-12, (5… |