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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 394
Sequence 9weekend. We certainly had an interesting discussion yesterday in that little workshop on using this information in-did we ever… |
Sequence 14Q: Because I think that would be very unthreatening to parents and to the kids. A: Yes, if you don't call it sex… |
Sequence 15realize your child is not your child anymore. Your child is now entering a phase of life when they could physiologically be… |
Sequence 16up and certainly encourage the parents to talk to their children. Because that is the value system-you're right-the… |
Sequence 18A: Yes, you certainly would now. But I think, again, that is a discussion for the adolescent. Q: 1 think of my own son, eight… |
Sequence 21A: To address your first issue, that whole value about the essence of love and the creation of new life is there before we… |
Sequence 24exclude the idea of families with a father and a mother as from the picture of love. I don't think you should need to… |
Sequence 5OTHER WORLD MODELS Let's see what models we find. There are creation myths, like the turtle that carries the world on… |
Sequence 13All kids should have an understanding of this. In fact, it should be the basis of all education. The first thing a child… |
Sequence 15even at this time. It's really difficult to measure successful develop- ment at that age. So we thought that their sense… |
Sequence 4instead need to have a biocentric view, an earth centered view of the child. And that's what I'm going to talk about… |
Sequence 14in: holistic theories of childhood. I think there are perhaps four basic notions that really establish the holistic notion of… |
Sequence 3I'm going to talk about. I'm very concerned about issues of global environmental change, climate change, and… |
Sequence 10thousand years ago is almost incomprehensible. I mean think about ten thousand years into the future-it's not even… |
Sequence 12tions and the really beautiful path that this drizzle has taken before it landed on us and got us wet. Next it moves across… |
Sequence 17So I tried to write a book that covered all of this stuff in a way that was warm, non-technical, and filled with narrative and… |
Sequence 30say, "Well, if this happens these will be the consequences. If we driII in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge this is what… |
Sequence 20earliest stages is the only power on earth that can change the course of humanity in one gen- eration. So I'm more… |
Sequence 21development in ecodesign. In this second part I shall discuss the implications of all these ideas for education. I should tell… |
Sequence 35Q. Is there grant and foundation money toward green schools, green buildings? A. Yes, there is grant money. You should… |
Sequence 2THE EVOLVING NATIJRE OF WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Beginning with a definition of work built around a systems view of… |
Sequence 12There came a point in the development of our schools when two trusted staff members sat me down and said, "Terry, you… |
Sequence 13As for our schools' cosmic task, the State of Texas has given us permission to open up to six charter schools. Our big… |
Sequence 7It was again the children themselves who have led us on in the work for adolescents. Clearly, they deserved an environment… |
Sequence 3search for psycho grammar gets the NAMT A website advertising Annette Haines. So I guess I'm the only one talking about… |
Sequence 14Now, you know that we usually have two object boxes: One is totally phonetic, like dog or hat, and one contains sounds that… |
Sequence 23ROSALIE: I'm almost finishing a course in dyslexia. So if you'd like I will answer as well as I can for someone who… |
Sequence 9amazing was that ninety percent of the catalog was teaching people not to use his products anymore. He started talking about… |
Sequence 18a couple stores in that area, and we publicized the need to remove the dam, and we gathered money to try to get it taken down… |
Sequence 9presented the parents with the plan. There were questions: When will the children have time to play if they are in a… |
Sequence 2Let me start by recounting a story of a middle school principal who had a problem. The problem was that the girls in her… |
Sequence 3The organization of this discussion of successful intelligence is that first I'm going to do an introduction, which I… |
Sequence 7as a teacher, or as a resident living in a community, want to be able, in part, to shape the environment-to make it a better… |
Sequence 9the way we are, just as we work together in society and in our friendships-we need to work together in that way within… |
Sequence 10are very good at the analytical skills or the creative skills but are frustrated because they can't make things work for… |
Sequence 14become worse at, there are other things that you may become better at. So what you want to do is capitalize on the things you… |
Sequence 20awful, then just don't do it, whatever "it" is. Some of the real fiascos we're having in corporate… |
Sequence 7intra personal element is added as you think, "OK, I get panicky every time I see the Sicilian defense. I need to… |
Sequence 4Camillo Grazzini: Creative imagination enables all of us, adults and children, to produce or create something new, something… |
Sequence 2NATURE EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION by Kevin Rathunde Kevin Rathunde turns his research lens to the task of finding out the… |
Sequence 8BKG: Yes. DK: Well, that's a problem for all of us. So could you elaborate on the mystenJ and what your guided intuition… |
Sequence 1THE ROLE OF THE DISCIPLINES FOR COSMIC EDUCATION by Baiba Krumins Grazzini Baiba Krumins Grazzini continues to discuss… |
Sequence 3difficult to be conscious. Literally, from zero to three, it's not possible, at first. I'm not sure it's always… |
Sequence 9as we came into the hospital room. My father said, "Mary, I'd like you to meet my daughter and tell her about… |
Sequence 9these sentences" when that sterile, decontextualized approach to lit- eracy instruction makesreadingand writing… |
Sequence 44But won't kids just go home and play video games if we don't give them homework? Here's what I say: First,… |
Sequence 13them to people worthy of admiration, they are going to find their heroes in sports figures or movie stars or musicians-people… |
Sequence 16antisocial peers. This calls to mind the old ideas of "born criminals" and "bad seeds,"… |
Sequence 3Dr. Orr went on and mentioned that to combat environmental problems we need engagement, we need to insti I I-as he said… |
Sequence 4how much action there is going to be. The best evidence that cynicism is widespread is the materialism we see around us. This… |
Sequence 11A COLLABORATIVC TEAM APPROACH JACQUIE MAUGHAN I'm from Pacific Crest Montessori School in Seattle, and we're… |
Sequence 14accommodate those specialists' coming in to our school, so they don't all have to get on the little yellow bus and… |
Sequence 15purpose is to be able to get information about how a student is processing: where the holes are, where the difficulties are.… |
Sequence 31hundred years without special education staffs. So even though the sophistication of information-specialized information-is… |
Sequence 10DOING THE WORK This woi:k is demanding. I don't have to tell anyone here that. It is demanding. 1t's messy. But it… |
Sequence 4own the commutative property. lt was not taught to that child. We have to continue, whatever materials we use, not to forget… |
Sequence 9science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:… |
Sequence 11This is what Piaget missed, leaving so many early-childhood programs adrift in a morass of developmentally appropriate activi… |
Sequence 9baby can actually see out of the cestina to see what is around her and can move her arms and legs without obstacles. Our… |
Sequence 18For people who are not in the medical or psychological world, to say disability or disorder feels awfully harsh, doesn't… |
Sequence 36the world; the gene for that implicit social learning is gone. Social Stories describe a situation, skill, or concept in terms… |
Sequence 45There will be an activating event-something that elicits a startle response. "What do you mean we're going out… |
Sequence 10Figure 5. Illustration of Alexandria, from The Great Tale. is teaching a group of eighteen children in Alexandria how to read… |
Sequence 23if you ever watched the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.) The Wayback Machine can take you to old sites. It's a Jot of… |
Sequence 2try to integrate everything in all subjects, all the time. 1 think these strategies miss the point. Integration is often an… |
Sequence 2I'm not going to call it an "issue." Technology isn't necessarily a problem itself, but it… |
Sequence 4it because I grew up in a Montessori school. This Montessori thing has always been a part of my life, and as a result I think… |
Sequence 12Colin: No, one computer cannot constitute a prepared environment. In The Formation of Mm1, Montessori says, "If the… |
Sequence 14Later that morning, Kevin approached me. "Colin, can you show me how the website thing works?" He had other… |
Sequence 3Then one girl, who, up to this time, would have said she didn't Like math, looked at us and said, "You guys are… |
Sequence 5four hours one will have driven 140 miles; that if peanuts cost 40 cents an ounce and a bag of them costs $2.20 then there… |
Sequence 8principal, I used my principal prerogative and brought the check- erboard home. J said, "Okay, Dorothy, let's… |
Sequence 22length of the equilateral triangle is multiplied by three and this product is multiplied by the length of the apothcm or… |
Sequence 21~ble 2. Comments From Low Fascination Students About What "Grabbed Your Attention and You Would Like to Remember… |
Sequence 37"There is," says Montessori, "powerful inner development going on. This is a mystery just as the… |
Sequence 1STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 33were building the foundation for a just, harmonious society. This truth was brought to me very powerfully in my primary… |
Sequence 2PRACTICAL LIFE AT SAN LORENZO: IMPLICATIONS FOR ERDKINDER by Paola Trabalzini Translated by Frank Amodeo and Mariabambina… |
Sequence 3shopping centers. Can such a world ever be a true home for human beings? Can it ever be a place to return for peace and… |
Sequence 1Interview: Mae Gadpaille: Montessori Daycare in the Roxbury Ghetto Mae Gadpaille has worked in the heart of Roxbury,… |
Sequence 8Kahn: They must really love you. Gadpaille: Some of them do and some of them don't. But before it's over they do… |
Sequence 9that both parents must work. They cannot survive in the economic world without two incomes or welfare. They don't make… |
Sequence 1"Aren't You Glad You Don't Believe In Group Art?" By Nel Weniger Just before Christmas as my… |
Sequence 1Looking at the Individual Child Interview Emma Plank, editor of a new book On Development and Education of Young Children,… |
Sequence 4children to see this actually happening. I want to see the spontaneous activity. I wanted to see it happening. Kahn: How old… |
Sequence 3Other important areas of involvement for the novice Montessori teacher include the following: I. Planning, so he/she is ready… |
Sequence 2camping, I thought of the trips as nature study excursions, and did the camping part in the easiest possible way. Only… |
Sequence 3SO Neill: What? Montessori: New to the world. And one of his unconscious tasks is to classify his environment, to be able to… |
Sequence 552 Montessori: But, at the time, for instance, if the child wanted to play with something of his father's, the mother… |
Sequence 754 tried to destroy his religious beliefs; and I think it would be criminal. Of course it would. And the same with a child.… |
Sequence 956 Montessori: He couldn't read or write at the age of seventeen? Neill: No, he couldn't. He learned because he… |
Sequence 3These changes mean that au1omaticall} the roles and responsibilities of all other institutions having anything to do with… |
Sequence 9What is the reaction of the teacher to class regression after a holiday or vacation? By and large she is angry that the group… |
Sequence 628 magic. He became his old self again. In the afternoon he greeted his sister with "I've been promoted. I… |
Sequence 2328 magic. He became his old self again. In the afternoon he greeted his sister with "I've been promoted. I… |
Sequence 42What is the reaction of the teacher to class regression after a holiday or vacation? By and large she is angry that the group… |
Sequence 2for the child, that also helps. If the teacher has a real respect for the child as a separate individual, and if the teacher,… |
Sequence 3Rogers: l think there are many different ways of helping the child learn content and I do regard that as important, but I don… |
Sequence 7are meant to be - is only a classroom full of Montessori materials and children's furnitw-e. It lacks the spirit of… |
Sequence 68specialists. And in their differences lie the roots of their cooperation. In their cooperation lie the roots of our… |