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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 183
Sequence 6questions and the answel's in the scl'iµtul'e. We can re:;pond that "One time Jesus said 'I am… |
Sequence 7We begin the elementary years with a time line of creation, which is also introduced in a visual way with a ribbon fifty… |
Sequence 8"Found Sheep," which is not scolded by the Good Shepherd but car- ried happily on his shoulders. With great… |
Sequence 1THE CAsE FOR CREATION THEOLOGY by Peggy Stern Peggy Stern believes that today more than ever we need to re/,ate our… |
Sequence 18episodes. Specifically, there were the tales of Andersen, some of the short stories of Capuana, episodes of the life of Jesus… |
Sequence 3example is the cross. The original meaning of the crosses incised on prehistoric figurines of the Goddess and other religious… |
Sequence 6Freud's observations bear out that the androcratic psyche is indeed a mass of inner conflicts, tensions, and fears. But… |
Sequence 9from "first wave," or agrarian, to "second wave," or industrial, and now to "… |
Sequence 3of automatic repetition to which he ascribed great significance in all animal life, and discusses the idea of"… |
Sequence 1EVOLUTION AS PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION by Judith Cunningham-Scott Judith Cunningham-Scott's survey of the spiritual and… |
Sequence 8The one element that is absolutely fundamental and irreplaceable, that we absolutely cannot renounce as far as the… |
Sequence 7At the beginning we reacted with some fatigue, because it was hard to see that themes that had been studied with great care,… |
Sequence 6• "We want to be Good Samaritans." • "You have given us consciousness of a love that never ends, an… |
Sequence 7moment of a real encounter with the incarnate God. They knew Jesus walking from town to town as they do, hungry, thirsty,… |
Sequence 8• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 2Our mother, 1 five years in America and fresh to the ways of Ameri- can Catholicism, was not daunted by being a woman. A lay… |
Sequence 3everyone! Oh. So that's why lcan'tquarrel with my sisters-because I'd be fighting with Jesus in their hearts?… |
Sequence 4chairs in a bare beige room, the sun beating hot and yellow through drawn shades. My fear of Father Moore was the same terror… |
Sequence 8With my own children now grown, I am grateful for children who bring me down to earth and keep me grounded. Children- if we… |
Sequence 16this Ezekielian, Christlike, and" Apostolic" spirit while teaching chil- dren. 4 This, of course, means that… |
Sequence 6The theme of nature as promise, however, allows us to take the same scientific information that feeds naturalism and cosmic… |
Sequence 26things that we ordinarily leave out, both cultural and natural, within the ambit of our care. Christians will recognize the… |
Sequence 5But pedagogy ... has disdained to accept any contribution from anthropology; it has failed to see man as the mighty wrestler… |
Sequence 6Balancing Creativity and Service Although creativity and social service may seem dichotomous notions, it is the combination… |
Sequence 5world needs someone to bring it to fulfillment. This someone has to be the human creature, who, while physiologically… |
Sequence 8The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 5represents human work and the development of the intellect. We ask the question that has been asked throughout time, "… |
Sequence 11There are different ways to look at cosmic education and at the cosmic vision. One that Montessori talks about is how we… |
Sequence 13,--------------------------------~ --- Figure 7 is a picture again of the cosmic cross. This child shows herself in this… |
Sequence 3Where do such deep responses come from in children? What triggers them? What do they tell us about the religious nature of… |
Sequence 4Two MYSTERIES The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been called" the meeting ground of two mysteries: the mystery… |
Sequence 7THE ATRIUM And so we prepare a space, the atrium, where these great truths can be proclaimed and these mysteries explored. It… |
Sequence 8Jesus invites us to comprehend the depth and intimacy of his relation- ship with us, the providential love and care of the… |
Sequence 7thought about. Sometimes their framework is much better than I had in mind and sometimes I cannot see it from their point of… |
Sequence 9Young people from eighteen to twenty years of age Montessori called II die Wuestenkinder, 11 which means II the children of… |
Sequence 75Young people from eighteen to twenty years of age Montessori called II die Wuestenkinder, 11 which means II the children of… |
Sequence 6elevated to a new status in a religious context. The signs and symbols, the scripture and liturgy, the presentation of the… |
Sequence 1work of the spiritual sphere in our world through the eyes of the missionary. This is the true story of a missionary in… |
Sequence 4reveal to us, in certain moments, how he makes his own approach to God. (16) We approach the child with reverence and respect… |
Sequence 20that final experience, among many adults in the endless past, the standard that always has been offered to children for… |
Sequence 3A word about the title: before Sofia died in August 2011, she was able to give her "yes" to the final draft… |
Sequence 7Prayer The confirmation of what we said about the children's joy is found in the child's prayer, which is never the… |
Sequence 12who is privileged in the relationship with God. It is not insignificant that Jesus singled out the young child as the… |
Sequence 16one in the material is the incommensurability between such simple means which nonetheless manage to express such great… |
Sequence 17words (John 7:16): "Every catechist should be able to apply to one- self the mysterious words of Jesus: 'My… |
Sequence 30clarify that, even though we have limited our discussion here to the kerygma-the Christian message-we have been speaking… |
Sequence 5163 Excerpt • Like Leaven by Patricia Coulter This is particularly the case in relation to the child’s religious for- mation… |
Sequence 3praying with these words: "Goodness, light, Amen.", and so, "Jesus is beautiful, is beautiful.&… |
Sequence 4meditate the teaching even more deeply. Parables are a method of teach- ing that help us to meditate by ourselves. What have… |
Sequence 2RELIGION AND EARLY CHILDHOOD The child at home before five years old, before he goes to school at all, knows practically… |
Sequence 4with a bright green altar cloth and adorned with Christmas holly. Some of the older children carry the artistically good… |
Sequence 2The parable opens a door to us, but to walk ahead on the path that departs from it - this is ours to do. The parable, however… |
Sequence 1The Child As Parable (from Euntes Docctc XXV /Po111ijicol Unil'ersit_,. Urbo11io110. /971/ pp. 509-5/4/ By Sofia… |
Sequence 3In Mark's Gospel, the disciples do not dare to reply to Jesus when he questioned them as to what they had been speaking… |
Sequence 446 found way and comes to formulate in an essential manner a theme, which constitutes a foundational motif, and perhaps the… |
Sequence 754 tried to destroy his religious beliefs; and I think it would be criminal. Of course it would. And the same with a child.… |
Sequence 1Conclusion Religious Potential of the Child (Ages Three to Six) by Sofia Cavalletti Reaching the end of our brief… |
Sequence 1Recollections of Mother Isabel by Gerald Dzura As clear as on that day, I can picture a tiny woman in purple and white… |
Sequence 91questions and the answel's in the scl'iµtul'e. We can re:;pond that "One time Jesus said 'I am… |
Sequence 92We begin the elementary years with a time line of creation, which is also introduced in a visual way with a ribbon fifty… |
Sequence 93"Found Sheep," which is not scolded by the Good Shepherd but car- ried happily on his shoulders. With great… |
Sequence 42THE CAsE FOR CREATION THEOLOGY by Peggy Stern Peggy Stern believes that today more than ever we need to re/,ate our… |
Sequence 87episodes. Specifically, there were the tales of Andersen, some of the short stories of Capuana, episodes of the life of Jesus… |
Sequence 152example is the cross. The original meaning of the crosses incised on prehistoric figurines of the Goddess and other religious… |
Sequence 155Freud's observations bear out that the androcratic psyche is indeed a mass of inner conflicts, tensions, and fears. But… |
Sequence 158from "first wave," or agrarian, to "second wave," or industrial, and now to "… |
Sequence 32of automatic repetition to which he ascribed great significance in all animal life, and discusses the idea of"… |
Sequence 154EVOLUTION AS PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION by Judith Cunningham-Scott Judith Cunningham-Scott's survey of the spiritual and… |
Sequence 145The one element that is absolutely fundamental and irreplaceable, that we absolutely cannot renounce as far as the… |
Sequence 16At the beginning we reacted with some fatigue, because it was hard to see that themes that had been studied with great care,… |
Sequence 47• "We want to be Good Samaritans." • "You have given us consciousness of a love that never ends, an… |
Sequence 48moment of a real encounter with the incarnate God. They knew Jesus walking from town to town as they do, hungry, thirsty,… |
Sequence 49• "Catechist and children are very happy, particularly the little ones (three to four years)." • "… |
Sequence 52Our mother, 1 five years in America and fresh to the ways of Ameri- can Catholicism, was not daunted by being a woman. A lay… |
Sequence 53everyone! Oh. So that's why lcan'tquarrel with my sisters-because I'd be fighting with Jesus in their hearts?… |
Sequence 54chairs in a bare beige room, the sun beating hot and yellow through drawn shades. My fear of Father Moore was the same terror… |
Sequence 58With my own children now grown, I am grateful for children who bring me down to earth and keep me grounded. Children- if we… |
Sequence 78this Ezekielian, Christlike, and" Apostolic" spirit while teaching chil- dren. 4 This, of course, means that… |
Sequence 135The theme of nature as promise, however, allows us to take the same scientific information that feeds naturalism and cosmic… |
Sequence 155things that we ordinarily leave out, both cultural and natural, within the ambit of our care. Christians will recognize the… |
Sequence 82But pedagogy ... has disdained to accept any contribution from anthropology; it has failed to see man as the mighty wrestler… |
Sequence 550account of the significance of each work to the course, which empha- sized the teachings of their protagonists in particular.… |
Sequence 556Balancing Creativity and Service Although creativity and social service may seem dichotomous notions, it is the combination… |
Sequence 15world needs someone to bring it to fulfillment. This someone has to be the human creature, who, while physiologically… |
Sequence 36The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 51represents human work and the development of the intellect. We ask the question that has been asked throughout time, "… |
Sequence 57There are different ways to look at cosmic education and at the cosmic vision. One that Montessori talks about is how we… |
Sequence 59,--------------------------------~ --- Figure 7 is a picture again of the cosmic cross. This child shows herself in this… |
Sequence 65Where do such deep responses come from in children? What triggers them? What do they tell us about the religious nature of… |
Sequence 66Two MYSTERIES The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been called" the meeting ground of two mysteries: the mystery… |
Sequence 69THE ATRIUM And so we prepare a space, the atrium, where these great truths can be proclaimed and these mysteries explored. It… |
Sequence 70Jesus invites us to comprehend the depth and intimacy of his relation- ship with us, the providential love and care of the… |
Sequence 95thought about. Sometimes their framework is much better than I had in mind and sometimes I cannot see it from their point of… |
Sequence 187Young people from eighteen to twenty years of age Montessori called II die Wuestenkinder, 11 which means II the children of… |
Sequence 104elevated to a new status in a religious context. The signs and symbols, the scripture and liturgy, the presentation of the… |
Sequence 151work of the spiritual sphere in our world through the eyes of the missionary. This is the true story of a missionary in… |
Sequence 154reveal to us, in certain moments, how he makes his own approach to God. (16) We approach the child with reverence and respect… |
Sequence 382that final experience, among many adults in the endless past, the standard that always has been offered to children for… |
Sequence 269Qualified applicants will be AMI or AMS Montessori credentialed for 3-6 and must be highly quali- fied under NCLB (No Child… |
Sequence 99A word about the title: before Sofia died in August 2011, she was able to give her "yes" to the final draft… |