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Sequence 6Finally, these youngsters would emerge with a sense of mission. They would understand the connection between personal vocation… |
Sequence 18environment. He is like the spider, whose web, whose field of action, is enormous in comparison to the animal itself (… |
Sequence 103environment. He is like the spider, whose web, whose field of action, is enormous in comparison to the animal itself (… |
Sequence 9are also connected directly to one another by a circular dotted line. Can you see the dotted line that connects every single… |
Sequence 15Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 207 Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970. Prezzolini G.,… |
Sequence 16208 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Scientific Pedagogy' to 'The Discovery… |
Sequence 5REFERCNC[S Cavaletti, Sophia. L1r•i11g Lil11rg11: Ele111c11/nry Refl1•c/io11s. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publication<… |
Sequence 15127 Mosher • Into the City a references Kahn, David. “The Unfolding Drama of the Montessori Adolescent in America.” The… |
Sequence 37207 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment 65. King, p. 18. 66. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, p… |
Sequence 6The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 3The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 4The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 16 A. XVIU • VOL. XXXV - N. 203 SELEZIONE rlal Readers Digest AGOSTO 1%5 fl meglio da lle riviste e dai libri migliori ©… |
Sequence 1Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 Maria Montessori, uma das mais ilustras educadoras do mundo, criou muitas… |
Sequence 11Finally, these youngsters would emerge with a sense of mission. They would understand the connection between personal vocation… |
Sequence 583The consciousness of knowing how to make oneself useful, how to help mankind in many ways, fills the soul with noble… |
Sequence 159environment. He is like the spider, whose web, whose field of action, is enormous in comparison to the animal itself (… |
Sequence 105are also connected directly to one another by a circular dotted line. Can you see the dotted line that connects every single… |
Sequence 221Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" 207 Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970. Prezzolini G.,… |
Sequence 222208 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Scientific Pedagogy' to 'The Discovery… |
Sequence 9REFERCNC[S Cavaletti, Sophia. L1r•i11g Lil11rg11: Ele111c11/nry Refl1•c/io11s. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publication<… |
Sequence 133127 Mosher • Into the City a references Kahn, David. “The Unfolding Drama of the Montessori Adolescent in America.” The… |
Sequence 213207 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment 65. King, p. 18. 66. Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, p… |
Sequence 167The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 7AMI Treasure Article 2023 — p.7 Maria Montessori studiò e fu pioniera nel suo approccio rivoluzionario all’educazione in un… |