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Displaying results 1 - 32 of 32
Sequence 3WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 16ERDKINDER: THE EXPERIMENT FOR THE EXPERIMENT Interview with Margaret E. Stephenson and A.M. Joosten The followi11g… |
Sequence 17The parents have to accept that you cannot give guarantees for one year. We can guaran- tee that we will get the child to a… |
Sequence 3WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 2EARTH SYSTEMS AND HUMAN HISTORY by Peter Gebhardt-Seele In this stark review of the grim history and future of humanity and… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 2THE STUDY OF THE EARTH AND LIVING NATURE by Jacqui Miller Apart from 1/lerely nlludi11g to tlte biologicnl sciences, Jacqui… |
Sequence 1scaffoldIng for dIscovery In the thIrd Plane by Laurie Ewert-Krocker Laurie Ewert-Krocker emphasizes the teacher’s role in… |
Sequence 923 Rathunde • Creating a Context for Flow and work, or that it was related to the positive outcomes discussed earlier in… |
Sequence 1At Home in the Natural World by Jim Roberts Jim Roberts emphasizes the importance of sensorial experiences of na- ture at… |
Sequence 2Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 1Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |
Sequence 44 urban school to be an acceptable compromise it will have to be organized along more traditional lines. So the task for the… |
Sequence 1Report from Atlanta by Marsha Kleis The mere notice of an AMI National Study Conference - Adolescence: An Ex- ploration -… |
Sequence 1Montessori's Concept of Personality: The Development of Inner Peace by Michael Gross Using a careful analytic approach… |
Sequence 145WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 231ERDKINDER: THE EXPERIMENT FOR THE EXPERIMENT Interview with Margaret E. Stephenson and A.M. Joosten The followi11g… |
Sequence 232The parents have to accept that you cannot give guarantees for one year. We can guaran- tee that we will get the child to a… |
Sequence 293WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 170EARTH SYSTEMS AND HUMAN HISTORY by Peter Gebhardt-Seele In this stark review of the grim history and future of humanity and… |
Sequence 255First Montessori School of At- lanta is accepting applications for Primary Guide and Elementary Guide. Applicants must have… |
Sequence 71A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 222THE STUDY OF THE EARTH AND LIVING NATURE by Jacqui Miller Apart from 1/lerely nlludi11g to tlte biologicnl sciences, Jacqui… |
Sequence 137 Ewert-Krocker • Scaffolding for Discovery in the Third Plane scaffoldIng for dIscovery In the thIrd Plane by Laurie Ewert… |
Sequence 2923 Rathunde • Creating a Context for Flow and work, or that it was related to the positive outcomes discussed earlier in… |
Sequence 13At Home in the Natural World by Jim Roberts Jim Roberts emphasizes the importance of sensorial experiences of na- ture at… |
Sequence 23Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 65Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |
Sequence 84 urban school to be an acceptable compromise it will have to be organized along more traditional lines. So the task for the… |
Sequence 4036 Papers have been received on Language as Self Expression, Art, Practical Living Management, Facilities, The Urban… |
Sequence 37Report from Atlanta by Marsha Kleis The mere notice of an AMI National Study Conference - Adolescence: An Ex- ploration -… |
Sequence 38Montessori's Concept of Personality: The Development of Inner Peace by Michael Gross Using a careful analytic approach… |