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Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 12product of a Casa dei Bambini and a Montessori elementary class which have followed vigorously Dr. Montessori's formula… |
Sequence 18behavior and learning such as posture and coordination, the development of directionality and laterality, and the development… |
Sequence 3of life when young people lhrive on real life experience and active involvement. And lhe adults seemed to the adolescent… |
Sequence 20Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 145Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 11This clear separation would help communication both within the adult Montessori community and also with the world at large.… |
Sequence 151This clear separation would help communication both within the adult Montessori community and also with the world at large.… |
Sequence 11computer I cell phone ban. She and her father jokingly referred to the period of withdrawal that she experienced from her… |
Sequence 6I return to the main question: Can the syllabus be applied in other settings? If we know what the intent is, we certainly can… |
Sequence 19the Children's Houses firsthand in the years up to 1915, returning to write books and articles in support of the new… |
Sequence 21School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 17Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolesce11ce. 1948. Rev. ed. Trans. A.M. Joosten. Oxford: Clio, 1996. Montessori, Maria… |
Sequence 4Of course, ultimately, we all have the words of Maria Montessori to turn to in our quest for understanding. To start, I… |
Sequence 12hear a baby's cries in the next room and ignore it, saying, "Oh, babies cry. They'll outgrow it."… |
Sequence 10For our school, the project has provided an opportunity to heal some of the discomfort felt in the neighborhood when we bought… |
Sequence 38hand were two 50 Euro bills, the equivalent of about $145, which he quietly handed her. I turned away so he would not see that… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 2Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 2Dr. Montessori's meeting with Pope Pius XII and glides over Pope Benedict XV's great personal interest in Monressori… |
Sequence 66Cohen, Sol. (1972). Montessori comes to America, 1911-1917. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 1, 358-372, (14). Cook,… |
Sequence 2classes. Further, they render possible a new science by enabling the observation of free children, who are nevertheless able… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 19product of a Casa dei Bambini and a Montessori elementary class which have followed vigorously Dr. Montessori's formula… |
Sequence 172behavior and learning such as posture and coordination, the development of directionality and laterality, and the development… |
Sequence 11of life when young people lhrive on real life experience and active involvement. And lhe adults seemed to the adolescent… |
Sequence 102Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 111This clear separation would help communication both within the adult Montessori community and also with the world at large.… |
Sequence 143computer I cell phone ban. She and her father jokingly referred to the period of withdrawal that she experienced from her… |
Sequence 63I return to the main question: Can the syllabus be applied in other settings? If we know what the intent is, we certainly can… |
Sequence 21the Children's Houses firsthand in the years up to 1915, returning to write books and articles in support of the new… |
Sequence 23School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 342Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolesce11ce. 1948. Rev. ed. Trans. A.M. Joosten. Oxford: Clio, 1996. Montessori, Maria… |
Sequence 26Of course, ultimately, we all have the words of Maria Montessori to turn to in our quest for understanding. To start, I… |
Sequence 34hear a baby's cries in the next room and ignore it, saying, "Oh, babies cry. They'll outgrow it."… |
Sequence 193For our school, the project has provided an opportunity to heal some of the discomfort felt in the neighborhood when we bought… |
Sequence 98SPANNING SPACE by Claude A. Claremont Claude Claremont's little treasure book Spanning Space is a11 imagina- tive… |
Sequence 268hand were two 50 Euro bills, the equivalent of about $145, which he quietly handed her. I turned away so he would not see that… |
Sequence 262Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 321Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 23Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 31Dr. Montessori's meeting with Pope Pius XII and glides over Pope Benedict XV's great personal interest in Monressori… |
Sequence 74Cohen, Sol. (1972). Montessori comes to America, 1911-1917. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 1, 358-372, (14). Cook,… |
Sequence 54classes. Further, they render possible a new science by enabling the observation of free children, who are nevertheless able… |