Both the Montessori community and the Catechesis of the Good
Shepherd lost a friend,… |
According to this "guide" model, our school leaders would ob-
serve, give lessons, model values, interact… |
school's distinctive features as well as some challenges. A consensus
seemed to be forming around these goals:
•… |
Metanoia. It may happen in a flash of insight or a slow warming of
the heart, but this personal transformation is a necessary… |
by Gary Looper
Gary Looper's response to the whole-school development process sug-
gested by… |
DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con-
ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific
community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
flexible curriculum; accommodating a broad range of individual dif-
ferences; supporting individual, cultural, and linguistic… |
ofMontessori's. We have no direct
evidence that Vygotsky read
Montessori,butwedo know that a
Montessori class was… |
So Montessori was excluded, and eventually the progressive educa-
tion movementcentered in Geneva became "the center… |
Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from
the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
by Annette Haines
A survey of constructivism and… |
Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes
[publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
or teaching aids are working in the same classroom, and teachers must
keep records of student progress. These difficulties,… |
serviceable in other aspects. I have often found a remarkable improve-
ment in children's performance from the moment… |
And very significantly she added:
Before many years have gone by, the teachers of primary
education will be interested solely… |
Montessori had no intention
of presenting a precise and
crystallized system of educa•
tion, but considered herself
rather… |
be filled somehow, and the field is open to individual attempts and
interpretations of Montessori's ideas. We need to… |
We need to know whether the practices
Montessori did not personally test are
universally successful, whether there
are no… |
avoid the arrest of spontaneous movements and the imposition
of arbitrary tasks. It is of course understood that here we do… |
teachers would protest against having so many children in a class and
would say that a class of twenty to twenty-five is… |
and movement, Martha Kent wrote that "Montessori has no precise
method of spelling beyond the dictation of phonetic… |
to do everything it wants, only that teachers should help it
learn independently: "Liberty is not being free to do… |
only learn to adjust themselves to the demands of an
ordered environment. This means that the staff must take
the… |
The second group of subjects should include moral education,
mathematics (using special methods of teaching and "… |
From all this the result will be not only "self-discipline" but
a proof that self-discipline is one aspect… |
It is necessary that human personality should be prepared
for the unforeseen, not only for the conditions that can be… |
was a necessity; now there is admiration for his parents, for
their morality, arising from feelings that his parents are… |
Edinburgh in 1935: "1 have found that the child, in his development,
passes through certain phases, and the phases in… |
the fact that mental and motor activity which should form
one unity are found separate. If the individual does not
succeed in… |
class, as well as its discipline, depends on the interest of the
children in their work.
Further advice to the teachers was… |
But the child "resists interference by
the adult who thinks he can help him by his
power. For this uncalled-for… |
by Roland A. Lubienski Wentworth
Dr. Wentworth's lifetime, 1900-1997, overlaps the life and… |
The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings.
Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher Education Collabo-… |
• human settlement and needs of settlement, including
impact studies
• evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Pedagogy of Place suggests that study is attached to land-based and
community-based… |
experience in the elements of social life" (102). Looking to the eco-
nomic self-sufficiency of the adolescent farm… |
The specific nature and purpose of an occupation may inspire a
student to… |
In the Erdkinder, the cosmic
of the Montessori
elementary years is made more
conscious, more concrete. It is… |
by David Kahn and Laurie… |
truly integrates all elements of the world, allowing full and active
participation on the part of children and adults alike,… |
of the earth. Work in the Erdkinder takes two directions-manual
intellectual, both of which are necessary for civilized… |
socially conscious person with a strong desire to contribute to society.
Renilde Montessori says, "The adolescent is… |
experience of what is studied in class. lf the children study herbs and
their classification, they should be able to visit a… |
when] he wants to possess the world as his theater of
perception. (Nabhan & Trimble 28)
Paul Shepard speaks of this… |
The motive running through
cosmic education is service.
Everything that exists has a
service to perform, from the
plants to… |
how best to serve children who stay for extended hours. In the earlier
part of this century, many of the children stayed in… |
The child needs to continue experiencing the living environment-
the wilds, plants, animals, rocks, various kinds of terrain-… |
Our first task is to nourish the natural urge within the child to
connect to her environment-to
develop a reverence for it. A… |
The child by nature loves the environment. By helping the child
forge an emotional bond with nature, we help guarantee… |
the natural en vironrnen t, to experience a real leaf before offering the
nomenclature for it, to offer substantial outdoor… |
Teachers need to recognize and to help parents recognize that love
of the environment cannot happen in the abstract. Empathy… |
In The Secret of Childhood, Dr. Montessori said, "The adult's envi-
ronment is not a life-giving environment for… |
Ponds were identified as the home of frogs or the home of the turtles.
A massive solitary rock on the edge of a garden was a… |
by Molly O'Shaughnessy
Molly O'Shaughnessy has written a definitive article… |
The Game itself calls upon the will of each individual to birth
silence, carry it to another place, and hold it once in the… |
• The timing is essential. If we can anticipate the need, the child
feels our thoughtfulness. He is grateful for the lesson… |
by Joen Bettmann
Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Richardson, Sylvia 0. "Curricular Considerations in Pro-
grams for the Retarded: Application of the Montessori
Model… |
Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and
careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
One example would be learning the function of the article. The
materials are a plastic box containing assorted small objects,… |
When a child can read back the words he or she has made with the
moveable alphabet, the teacher introduces the Phonetics… |
to make a new one, such as deleting the rn from smack. In each case, after
the children say the word or sound, they take the… |
writing is an essential point that has been overlooked in education
and has surfaced only recently in language research.… |
of quality and contrasts; e.g., colors are graded according to tint and
to richness of tone, silence is distinct from non-… |
Montessori viewed graphic, or written,
language as offering to a child an
Children from birth to two
years are exposed to… |
The sensorial materials are designed to attract children's a tten-
tion, to "educate the… |
such as listening and marching to music, playing with balls, bean-
bags, swings, etc. may be included.
The children like… |
direct preparation for writing and reading. In an era when education
was stereotyped and discipline in the schools was almost… |
by Sylvia 0. Richardson
Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of
the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
opportunity to see what sort of
work level the children were
achieving in the Montessori
In the Montessori class,… |
Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World
interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Romanian Montessori Association to celebrate the 90th birthday of
its founder, Dr. Ilie Sule-Firu. Dr. Sule-Firu was an ardent… |
Aida Cretu, new AMI diploma holder,
and Mihaela Fulga, Inspector for the
region's five hundred kindergartens
and also a… |
First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an
Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
they knew that there was more than
Practical Life, Art Expression, Spoken
Language, and Music. But the materials
got there… |
form their own organization for mutual support, the Montessori
Teachers' Association of Pennsylvania, which they did.… |
assimilated from the environment, without any need for direct instruc-
tion." As you know, Montessori could be… |
something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center
in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the
course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook
could retreat to her album work.
By the time we arrived,… |
essence of Montessori, who in a variety of ways contributed to make
Montessori a dynamic force in education here and around… |