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Displaying results 1 - 87 of 87
Sequence 15Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 35its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 36Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 20References Egan, K. (1986). Teaching as story telling: An alternative ap- proach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary… |
Sequence 10Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. S. J. Costelloe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 28Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 3really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 11Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Church.… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 16Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." Four Quartets. 1943. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Fitzgerald,… |
Sequence 10homes and health clinics, our early childhood centers and classrooms, America's schools and human service institu- tions… |
Sequence 12You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 10REFERENCES Grazzini, Camillo. "The Four Planes of Development." The Child, the Family, the Future. AMI… |
Sequence 15Montessori, Maria. The California Lectures of Maria Montessori, 1915: Collected Speeches and Writings. Ed. Robert G.… |
Sequence 18Korpela, K. "Adolescents' Favorite Places and Environ- mental Self-Regulation." Journal of… |
Sequence 16On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 30Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 14Books Celebrntio11 of the U11folding of the Cosmos. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Darwin, Charles. The Formation of Vegetable… |
Sequence 15Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 11Montessori, Maria. Tile For111ntio11 of Mn11. 1955. Oxford: Clio, 1989. Montessori, Maria. Unpublished lectures. Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 18REFERENCES Arensburg, Baruch, & Anne-Marie Tillier. "Speech and the Neanderthals." Endeavour 15.1 (… |
Sequence 20CONCLUSION Fundamental to the Montessori approach to learning are the three respects-respect for self, respect for others (… |
Sequence 38hand were two 50 Euro bills, the equivalent of about $145, which he quietly handed her. I turned away so he would not see that… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 1723 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 32192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Hart, Roger. Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Citi- zenship.… |
Sequence 4399 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist bibliOgraPhy Joosten, A. M. “Errors and Their Correction.” Bombay: Indian… |
Sequence 1660 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 brain-… |
Sequence 23285 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges Danner, N. & Fowler, S.A. “Montessori and Non-Montessori… |
Sequence 13Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 4The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 6Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 9Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 43The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 80AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 139Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 10Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 44The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 81AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 140Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 1445 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science Marsh, George P. The Earth as Modified by Human Action: Man and Nature.… |
Sequence 3The children led a low-level, understimulated day in unchanging. often cramped surroundings. Many did not get the love and… |
Sequence 52Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 5354 Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education Held at Oxford from August 12-19 1 1918. (1918). London: Women's… |
Sequence 37Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 49its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 50Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 90References Egan, K. (1986). Teaching as story telling: An alternative ap- proach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary… |
Sequence 126Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. S. J. Costelloe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 62Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 187Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 326really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 109Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Church.… |
Sequence 156Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 172Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." Four Quartets. 1943. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Fitzgerald,… |
Sequence 100homes and health clinics, our early childhood centers and classrooms, America's schools and human service institu- tions… |
Sequence 45You may perhaps condemn the plan [so let us think of the Appendices] as visionary and unpractical, but I hope that you will… |
Sequence 167REFERENCES Grazzini, Camillo. "The Four Planes of Development." The Child, the Family, the Future. AMI… |
Sequence 81Montessori, Maria. The California Lectures of Maria Montessori, 1915: Collected Speeches and Writings. Ed. Robert G.… |
Sequence 174Korpela, K. "Adolescents' Favorite Places and Environ- mental Self-Regulation." Journal of… |
Sequence 22On October 28, 1931, Mahatma Gandhi told Maria Montessori in a speech at the Montessori training college in London: You have… |
Sequence 316REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 219Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 245Books Celebrntio11 of the U11folding of the Cosmos. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Darwin, Charles. The Formation of Vegetable… |
Sequence 246Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. Tile For111ntio11 of Mn11. 1955. Oxford: Clio, 1989. Montessori, Maria. Unpublished lectures. Dr. Maria… |
Sequence 39REFERENCES Arensburg, Baruch, & Anne-Marie Tillier. "Speech and the Neanderthals." Endeavour 15.1 (… |
Sequence 125CONCLUSION Fundamental to the Montessori approach to learning are the three respects-respect for self, respect for others (… |
Sequence 268hand were two 50 Euro bills, the equivalent of about $145, which he quietly handed her. I turned away so he would not see that… |
Sequence 302292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 2923 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 198192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Hart, Roger. Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Citi- zenship.… |
Sequence 10799 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Scientist bibliOgraPhy Joosten, A. M. “Errors and Their Correction.” Bombay: Indian… |
Sequence 6660 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 brain-… |
Sequence 291285 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges Danner, N. & Fowler, S.A. “Montessori and Non-Montessori… |
Sequence 31Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 90AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 89 (2) Language development takes place in a series of overlapping stages. The explosion only… |
Sequence 127The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 161Strategies to Support Concentration page 160 references Didymus, Johnthomas. “Egyptian Girl, Aisha Mustafa, Invents New… |
Sequence 4845 Leonard • Cosmic Stories and Contemporary Science Marsh, George P. The Earth as Modified by Human Action: Man and Nature.… |
Sequence 15The children led a low-level, understimulated day in unchanging. often cramped surroundings. Many did not get the love and… |
Sequence 60Mack, Jane. (1976). Conference announcement. The Constructive Triangle, l, 5, o>. Montessori congress. (1951, May… |
Sequence 6154 Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education Held at Oxford from August 12-19 1 1918. (1918). London: Women's… |