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Sequence 2This interdisciplinary approach to the study of the humanities makes full use of the characteristics of young adolescents to… |
Sequence 5matter at that, whatever direction our imagination may take, it shall discover no empty place ... our imagination seems to be… |
Sequence 7Their own writing will be a reflection of that extensive reading. They write what I call, with apologies to Bach, "… |
Sequence 4His work brings to life the idea of inquiry as dialogue-the shared and cooperative pursuit of truth among people of knowledge… |
Sequence 6students were taught confusions. At times, assignments were framed so that "culture" was a sort of umbrella… |
Sequence 7in the l:,ook changed. How did circumstances lead them to alter their beliefs, attitudes, or behavior? Lee wrote a paper… |
Sequence 5The great works of the human mind in the western intellectual tradi- tion fulfill this requirement in a preeminent way. The… |
Sequence 2learn is not enough; stimulation is not teaching. Since whatever can be learned by instruction must necessarily have been… |
Sequence 6The Greek Educational Analogue We look to the classics at this point, not to suggest that a study of the ancient culture… |
Sequence 12all ... (ln relation to the Greeks, she writes in To Educate the Human Potential:) So a critical faculty of mind was awakened… |
Sequence 2present, the oriental peoples were tied to the past and it was therefore called "education by recapitulation.&… |
Sequence 3tell the young because anything that he receives into his mind at that age is likely to become indelible and unalterable; and… |
Sequence 4Plato's educational proposals also arouse distrust because to preserve the unity of the State, he destroys the family as… |
Sequence 5given to childhood. Quintilian divides the training of an orator into three stages: (a) the early stage of home education up… |
Sequence 6women, though from his saying that both the parents should be cultured we may draw the conclusion that girls also were to be… |
Sequence 5methods of such ingenuity to their offspring. Thinking began in earnest with the teaching of chinking. As a result, our… |
Sequence 8the strong-willed person fighting his own desires. BU. You're beginning to sound like your old teacher, Plato.24 \\i•… |
Sequence 1116 William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator I.I Oanuary I, 1831), 4. 17 N.E. 11.6, 1106b36. 18 N.E. 11.6, 1107a6; cf. III.4, J l… |
Sequence 7Asians, Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Syrians, Armenians, and Arabs. The students encounter Alexandrian mathematics, physics… |
Sequence 9These metrically arranged units of sound, then, accumulated line by line in the Homeric poems to repeat the heroic story. The… |
Sequence 10poetic culture that preceded them. In particular, they highlight Plato's reasons for wishing to exclude poets from his… |
Sequence 36Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 9Mover, itself unmoved. This Mover he called God. Aristotle's God was not the sort of being one would be inclined to… |
Sequence 7is commonplace to think of moving from teaching to administration as a promo- tion! Benjamin Franklin knew better, as he… |
Sequence 15The group read and reread books and essays already assigned to their students, such as Ibsen 's An Enemy of the People… |
Sequence 9• c:: I,) 0 ;·; I,) • ... ,, c:: ·- QI 0• QI .. a. CII .: . .c= c.,•- • .ii: OCI) (J .. .... • .ii: c:: • o… |
Sequence 5together any civilization and compare their findings with modem times. For starters, the Montessori elementaty curriculum also… |
Sequence 4of the word, in the sense of Socrates and Plato, the master or majenta who recognizes that in every child and perhaps in every… |
Sequence 13analysis of sounds relative to speech is essentially auditory-visual-tactile- kinesthetic exercises connected with the… |
Sequence 9students the opportunity to apply ideas to their per- sonal lives first. Thus, a Socratic Practice group may be studying… |
Sequence 17with friends, social situations, or reading for pleasure. Worry and anxiety happen a lot in school; they happen a lot on the… |
Sequence 4tion of agrarianism, I will try to suggest to you, is tied to Western culture. In other words, Western culture would not have… |
Sequence 13for the poor as well. Pericles reminded the Athenians, "We have no objection against the poor as long as they're… |
Sequence 18know it today will be destroyed or saved because of the West- maybe destroyed in the rain forest and maybe destroyed in… |
Sequence 5var, and you mix the two and combine the best of human and natural possibilities. I'll give you an example of what I… |
Sequence 9that skepticism to everything-like Bill Clinton's talk. Everybody thought it was a wonderful talk, but it was a God-… |
Sequence 3Howard Gardner's work and the present state of his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which debunks traditional notions of… |
Sequence 4What does the Meno tell us? The Meno tells us about Socrates' visit to his friend Menon. On this visit, he has a… |
Sequence 5Descartes' exclamation •1 think therefore I am• leaves little space in the classroom for the physical world or the… |
Sequence 21• the nature of the story (Homer, the Bible) • the nature of dialogue (Aristotle and Plato) • the history of religious… |
Sequence 78• the nature of the story (Homer, the Bible) • the nature of dialogue (Aristotle and Plato) • the history of religious… |
Sequence 8not be valid) that the universe may not be as old as some of the stars in our galaxy. But on bal- ance the theory of… |
Sequence 9sometimes the universe actually embodies a theorist's dreams. When this happens, it can have the force of a religious… |
Sequence 12If you play a drum, the skin vibrates in waves. If you could get very close to it and slow things down considerably, you would… |
Sequence 3We of the past century have been educated in a particular and odd sort of way. We divided the whole of reality and the… |
Sequence 4Naturally, one must ask what originally was the impulse that moved Plato to make such a happy distinction. As a human being… |
Sequence 17exist in other cultures. We're not supposed to speak of Western chauvinism now, but I think that I can prove to you that… |
Sequence 6I'm a military historian by training. The battlefield is the ultimate laboratory of an idea. I hate to say that, but it… |
Sequence 11was very well-meaning. But as soon as people got capital for them- selves, what did they do with it? Did they go out and buy… |
Sequence 20balance is the profile of the agrarian: The agrarian alone understands that proper balance. We go back to the image of… |
Sequence 24within a citizen is to bring a skepticism. And citizens then bring that skepticism to everything-like Bill Clinton's… |
Sequence 8HUMANITIES PROJECTS 2000-2001 Study of the Maya I. Study of Living Things II. Technology and the Building Up of Civilization… |
Sequence 30In some ways, it started with our election study, when two people were invited to each represent the views of Gore and Bush on… |
Sequence 1My followers will surely continue without me. I just hope that they do not become victims of Epicureanism. As for the Stoics… |
Sequence 4them what elements they suggest for a prepared environment for adolescents. l. The adolescent must adjust to a new physical… |
Sequence 20our approach, though subordinate to the first three objectives, was (4) the presentation of related nomenclature and… |
Sequence 21These "noble" or "true" characteristics" have been en- capsulated as character… |
Sequence 4erything in the beginning, but he or she directs every particle's behav- ior at any moment in time. This directing is… |
Sequence 10through that window? What kind of a God is singing that song? What kind of a God conditions the nature of nature? In our… |
Sequence 5The challenge to us as educators is to equip our students with the prac- tical skills, analytic abilities, philo- sophical… |
Sequence 16end everything, including the people, the cities, and the countries one loved. But still, why did bad things happen to good… |
Sequence 20that final experience, among many adults in the endless past, the standard that always has been offered to children for… |
Sequence 22consciousness of its dignity and worth" (To Educate the Human Poten- tial 21). To the chorus of people who might… |
Sequence 6thought. In fact, from Plato through Descartes, and con- tinuing in modern, positiv- istic science, a link between emotion… |
Sequence 22--- ------------------------------ seeming independence from nature and our bodily existence. The first Semitic aleph-beth… |
Sequence 4Now specifically to attend to architecture, architects, and their role within the spinning, intelligible world of Montessori… |
Sequence 12beings, stated, "One's character determines one's fate" (cited in Kirk, Raven, &… |
Sequence 14This road, Ao·oss the withered moor, It is all that God offers. (cited in Blyth 192) And after the time of the writing of… |
Sequence 15In comparison to even fifty years ago, let alone the time of Spinoza, no one can dispute the arrival of the enormous comfort… |
Sequence 17philosopher with students happens to be Friedrich Nietzsche (1844- 1900). [t is understandable in the sense that Nietzsche… |
Sequence 18sion makes light of Nietzsche, but the Nazi party's misinterpretation and misuse of this philosopher created a very real… |
Sequence 20inspire" them to learn. If the answer was negative or uncertain, the candidate apparently was urged to go into some… |
Sequence 42modern curriculum. There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations. Instead of… |
Sequence 43exhibited in the later, experienced, seasoned tone of the old Plato of his last work, The Lnws. Intimidating? You bet. In… |
Sequence 44rupting the good principles of their original virtuous nature ... but the true, content mortal alone earns and cultivates… |
Sequence 51Latin or Greek, a sort of formal stream-of-consciousness prose with little punctuation-in written manuscript form, not even… |
Sequence 5books, television, and computers. As these technologies have grown, so has the potential risk of disembodiment. Abram's… |
Sequence 26last lecturec, and formally examine the students. She would also personally sign the diplomas of the students who passed their… |
Sequence 31There are times when the tiredness at day's end feels over- whelming. But there is no number for calling in sick and no… |
Sequence 32perceptible brush of pursed pilgrim lips, two at a time, rounded in a kiss, or perhaps a slight graze of the hand, creating… |
Sequence 33The School of Athens. Plato is pointing up, indicating his philosophy that truth is knowable through pure ideas and… |
Sequence 289Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Detailed studies:… |
Sequence 2244 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Confronted by these problems, I have asked myself if, in Maria… |
Sequence 9111 Schaefer • History and Civility referenceS Barker, Sir Ernest. Traditions of Civility. 1948. Cambridge University Press… |
Sequence 16106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 cated interdependencies. We cannot afford to be ignorant of one half of… |
Sequence 480 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 something: cautionary tales of a fallen kingdom or hubris punished. If… |
Sequence 1868 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 1 • Winter 2016 about the way the world works and the way that we work as human beings… |
Sequence 527 Orr • The (Missing) Politics in Environmental and Sustainability Education straightforward: Politics, policy, and… |
Sequence 7until Einstein and the physicists began to challenge the mechanistic view - was not a scientific age, but a scientistic age.… |
Sequence 8conceive of himself as presiding over a continuous discussion of the aim and destiny of the institution. He must insist upon… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Man: A Course of Study Kahn-Bruner Interview Jerome Bruner's recollection of his famous Man: A… |
Sequence 334 Language may be studied from the humanistic point of view that it is an adaptive medium whereby the human relates to his… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 22 the education world today. In it, she explains the ideas and methods that first brought her acclaim and, more recently,… |
Sequence 1Education to Wonder and the Kingdom of God by Sofia Cavalletti The following two selections are excerpted from Sofia… |