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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 112
Sequence 1ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 2credits include the percussion soundtrack to the movie Apocalypse Now and percussion consultant to the Smithsonian Institution… |
Sequence 3ent cultures. This experience can help to diminish prejudice and cultural stereotyping by establishing personal relationships… |
Sequence 12Comer, J. Home-School Relationships as They Affect the Academic Success of Children. Educn/io11 a11d U1·bnn Society, 16, 1984… |
Sequence 38letters, Go Fish was used to teach numbers and each child spent 8-10 minutes on the Talking Typewriter. Results Results… |
Sequence 2third of all American children. Several states already have school populations where minority children are in the majority.… |
Sequence 3the aspects of schooling identified by NCAS and others that must change if we are serious about educating all of our children… |
Sequence 474 Mont,essorians can: • Provide a model of classroom "mainstreaming'' of all children in heterogeneous… |
Sequence 14We are not always successful in achieving our objectives of parent involvement and in using the strategies 9f participation… |
Sequence 153 Ana Maria Villegas and Paula Biwer, 1990. "Parent Involvement in a Montessori Program: The Denver Public School… |
Sequence 6ethnic groups struggling for popular control over the schools. In the midst of ugly strike and turmoil, there appeared quiet… |
Sequence 15you put on the biggest reforms you can think of, success is ultimately an issue of local implementation. The second major… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX IV SYSTEMIC REFORM by Rexford Brown Brown outlines the approach of the Education Commission of the States… |
Sequence 5Figure 1 State & Community Strategy Elements Overview I. Coherent Sense of Direction . Why change is imperative .… |
Sequence 5opment guarantees the unfolding of basic "experience expectant" systems. Refinements of language, such as… |
Sequence 3priations and authorizations processes for such programs rely on outcome-based measures of effectiveness-generally,… |
Sequence 15Meister, G. R. (1991). Assessment in programs for disadvantaged students: Lessons from Accelerated Schools. ERIC Document… |
Sequence 7discoveries of Maria Montessori, which are set forth in this book, special assistants were trained to guide the mothers in the… |
Sequence 2PREPARING OURSELVES TO SEE THE TRUE NATURE OF THE CHILD by Lynne Lawrence Lynne 1..Awrence describes the fundamental… |
Sequence 33Although Montessori certainly saw many benefits to placing a boarding school on a functioning farm, we have seen that her… |
Sequence 7*Kahn, David. "The Kibbutz, Boys' Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder." NAMT A Quarterly 4.… |
Sequence 26Figure 4. Students' Perceptions ofTheir Teachers and Schools • Montessori o 1hditional 2.7 Teacher Support..… |
Sequence 2NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 4THE CHILD IN THE FAMILY: THE JOURNEY CONNECTS WITH FAMILY LIFE Back from Bergamo training in America, my wife and I met our… |
Sequence 138Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 6Through Schools Attuned, an in- novative service model and pro- fessional development program, the institute seeks to… |
Sequence 32Facility Ownership Forty-seven percent of the responding schools rent their facilities while 53% own them, up from a 50-50… |
Sequence 35REFERENCES Bagot, Kathleen L. "Perceived Restorative Components: A Scale for Children." Children, Yo11th… |
Sequence 39247 Luborsky • Occupational Therapy and Montessori—Kindred Spirits Lap pads,… |
Sequence 9191 Rupp • Navigating the World of Technology with Kids services for storage and sharing, such as Google Docs or Office 365… |
Sequence 1Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 112AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 117Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 113AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 118Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 36 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 PlACe-BAseD eDuCATioN The heart of this approach is connecting people to… |
Sequence 912 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 oNliNe rePorTs Clark, Delia. Learning to Make Choices for the Future:… |
Sequence 3Response: Furthermore, supplemental staff could be in residence in the summer cutting down on airfares for imported lecturers… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 1Marva Collins American Public Education, and Maria Montessori by Rita Kramer Ri1a Kramer presems Momessori in a posi1h'… |
Sequence 2eighties, Montessori enrollment trends may suffer as people look for "conven- tional" alternatives or less… |
Sequence 1427. Do you receive state aid? Yes 9 19% No 39 57% 28. Are state and local standards imposed? Yes 24 43% No 32 57… |
Sequence 58 Chicago Board of Education. (1977). Options in Public education: a source document, Available from National… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 6THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Buttoning and On Requisition List for London County… |
Sequence 11THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Part No. 25. A.-Six Red Cylindrical Boxes, each containing a… |
Sequence 107MASSACHUSETIS St. Joseph Montessori School, Massachusetts, currently accepting applications for Directress in a well-… |
Sequence 105ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 106credits include the percussion soundtrack to the movie Apocalypse Now and percussion consultant to the Smithsonian Institution… |
Sequence 107ent cultures. This experience can help to diminish prejudice and cultural stereotyping by establishing personal relationships… |
Sequence 28Comer, J. Home-School Relationships as They Affect the Academic Success of Children. Educn/io11 a11d U1·bnn Society, 16, 1984… |
Sequence 56letters, Go Fish was used to teach numbers and each child spent 8-10 minutes on the Talking Typewriter. Results Results… |
Sequence 76third of all American children. Several states already have school populations where minority children are in the majority.… |
Sequence 77the aspects of schooling identified by NCAS and others that must change if we are serious about educating all of our children… |
Sequence 7874 Mont,essorians can: • Provide a model of classroom "mainstreaming'' of all children in heterogeneous… |
Sequence 97We are not always successful in achieving our objectives of parent involvement and in using the strategies 9f participation… |
Sequence 983 Ana Maria Villegas and Paula Biwer, 1990. "Parent Involvement in a Montessori Program: The Denver Public School… |
Sequence 120Coursework will be divided between two consecutive summers, the first scheduled for July 1 to August 2, 1991 and continuing in… |
Sequence 26ethnic groups struggling for popular control over the schools. In the midst of ugly strike and turmoil, there appeared quiet… |
Sequence 145you put on the biggest reforms you can think of, success is ultimately an issue of local implementation. The second major… |
Sequence 135APPENDIX IV SYSTEMIC REFORM by Rexford Brown Brown outlines the approach of the Education Commission of the States… |
Sequence 139Figure 1 State & Community Strategy Elements Overview I. Coherent Sense of Direction . Why change is imperative .… |
Sequence 97opment guarantees the unfolding of basic "experience expectant" systems. Refinements of language, such as… |
Sequence 170Colorado COME TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS-- AMI/ AMS-primary, elementary and middle school Montessori teachers needed for Fall,… |
Sequence 124priations and authorizations processes for such programs rely on outcome-based measures of effectiveness-generally,… |
Sequence 136Meister, G. R. (1991). Assessment in programs for disadvantaged students: Lessons from Accelerated Schools. ERIC Document… |
Sequence 255McGrath, 5237 Ashton Road, Sarasota, Florida 34233. Telephone 941 /922-4949, fax 941/922-7660. PALM HARBOR MONTESSORI… |
Sequence 348PRESENTING.,, Kay Baker is AMI Elementary Director of Training at the Washington (DC) Montessori Institute. Wmfried Bohm is… |
Sequence 37discoveries of Maria Montessori, which are set forth in this book, special assistants were trained to guide the mothers in the… |
Sequence 76PREPARING OURSELVES TO SEE THE TRUE NATURE OF THE CHILD by Lynne Lawrence Lynne 1..Awrence describes the fundamental… |
Sequence 298NEW NAMTA VIDEOS Now available in USA NAMTAis proudtopresent thevideo Montessori in Action: Learning for Life for the first… |
Sequence 323Although Montessori certainly saw many benefits to placing a boarding school on a functioning farm, we have seen that her… |
Sequence 330*Kahn, David. "The Kibbutz, Boys' Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder." NAMT A Quarterly 4.… |
Sequence 41Figure 4. Students' Perceptions ofTheir Teachers and Schools • Montessori o 1hditional 2.7 Teacher Support..… |
Sequence 59NAMTA's MIDDLE SCHOOL RESEARCH HITS THE MARK by Annette M. Haines I have finally had the privilege of reading Kevin… |
Sequence 118THE CHILD IN THE FAMILY: THE JOURNEY CONNECTS WITH FAMILY LIFE Back from Bergamo training in America, my wife and I met our… |
Sequence 40CLASSIFIEDS Arizona North Phoenix Montessori has immediate openings. Full time and part time assistant positions avail-… |
Sequence 1Volume32 Number 1 Winter2007 N·A·M·T·A J 0 u The Montessori Century Concept: A Continuing Process in Reality R N A The… |
Sequence 140Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 187Through Schools Attuned, an in- novative service model and pro- fessional development program, the institute seeks to… |
Sequence 39Facility Ownership Forty-seven percent of the responding schools rent their facilities while 53% own them, up from a 50-50… |
Sequence 252REFERENCES Bagot, Kathleen L. "Perceived Restorative Components: A Scale for Children." Children, Yo11th… |
Sequence 8276 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 American Association on Environmental Education), (summer). Fontaine,… |
Sequence 253247 Luborsky • Occupational Therapy and Montessori—Kindred Spirits Lap pads,… |
Sequence 197191 Rupp • Navigating the World of Technology with Kids services for storage and sharing, such as Google Docs or Office 365… |
Sequence 53Montessori and Assessment: Some Issues of Assessment and Curriculum Reform introduction This study investigates the impact… |
Sequence 58AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 57 references Archibald, D. A., & Porter, A. C. (1990). Mandated Testing and Topdown… |
Sequence 96 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 PlACe-BAseD eDuCATioN The heart of this approach is connecting people to… |
Sequence 1512 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 oNliNe rePorTs Clark, Delia. Learning to Make Choices for the Future:… |
Sequence 49NAMTA News: Directory - Extras! The 1981 NAMTA DIRECTORY is available now. It offers the most complete listing to date of… |