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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 105
Sequence 119. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 8I have already said that the evolutionary engine ofnatw-al selection is a terrible one and, until very recently, we were as… |
Sequence 22Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 15Dumtschin,). (1988, March). Recognize language development and delay in early childhood. Young Children, p. 20. Geyer, G. (… |
Sequence 16Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 30Healy, J. (1990). Endangered minds: Why children don't think and what we can do about it. New York: Touchstone/Simon… |
Sequence 37• Use the "gentling the violence" technique, developed by a Hungarian woman named Magda Gerber, who founded… |
Sequence 38Branden, N. (1997). The art of living consciously. New York: Simon & Schuster. Briggs, D.C. (1970). Your child's… |
Sequence 19Hakim, Joy. "Reading, Writing, and ... History." History Mat- ters! (May 1996): 19 pars. 1 Dec. 1998 <… |
Sequence 28the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 16Light Expanding, Radiant Rushing, Giving, Receiving It burns in all of us, The Giver REFERENCES Cajete, Greg. Look to the… |
Sequence 24Return to the basics-focus on what is ultimately important in life. We must learn to use our senses again. Reclaim the gifts… |
Sequence 14DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 13DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 100Return to the basics-focus on what is ultimately important in life. We must learn to use our senses again. Reclaim the gifts… |
Sequence 34Standing, E.M. Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work. 1957. Rev. ed. New York: New American Library, 1984. Sternberg, R. &… |
Sequence 23Kirkby, Mary Ann. "Nature as Refuge in Children's Envi- ronments." Children's Environments… |
Sequence 10be recognized for who they really are, for the power they possess. We will work on relationships, first with one another, for… |
Sequence 26Th is observation experiment, although traumatic for some, opens the door to self-observation and discovery. It allows us to… |
Sequence 16Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." Four Quartets. 1943. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Fitzgerald,… |
Sequence 8sense, regardless of how it turns out" (Havel 181). Optimism cannot be commanded, as Frankl observes, but hope can be… |
Sequence 12tion in the years ahead, of this we are certain. We eagerly anticipate meeting people (practitioners and adolescents) who will… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. Dyer,… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Baylor, Byrd. The Way to Start a Day.1977. New York: Simon & Schuster-Aladdin, 1998. Coles, Robert.… |
Sequence 37extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 70REFERENCES Arendt, Hannah. Tire H11111a11 Condition. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1998. Aelian. Historical Miscella11y. Loeb… |
Sequence 71Esenin, Segey. Tl,e Heritage of R11ssia11 Verse. Ed. D. Obolensky. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1962. £very111a11. Medieval Drama… |
Sequence 18Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: Tl,e Psychology of Optimal £xperie11ce.New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Davis, Ronald D… |
Sequence 19Kohn,Alfie. Scl,ools 011r C/1ildre11 Deserve.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Kranowitz, Carol Stock, & Lucy Jane… |
Sequence 11Horner, Jack. "The Extraordinary Characteristics of Dys- lexia." Perspccti,•es 011 Ln11g11nge n11d Literacy… |
Sequence 8Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |
Sequence 17BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Earthworms Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of n11 Enrl/1wor111. New York: Crabtree, 2004. Simon, Seymour… |
Sequence 14Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Anecdotage. April 24, 2010 <http:/ />. Beckmann, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: St… |
Sequence 16Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 126-152. Arbuckle, T. Y., Vanderleck, V. F., Harsany, M., & Lapi… |
Sequence 22Schaefer, Lawrence." A Montessori Vision of Adolescence." Tl,e NAMTA Journal 18.3 (1993, Summer): 73-84.… |
Sequence 1250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 migrating animals: monarch butterflies, birds, creatures that move… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 31131 Lontz • Observation: A Practice That Must Be Practiced ---. To Educate the Human Potential. 1948. Oxford: Clio, 1989.… |
Sequence 1741 Jackson • A Workmanship of Risk 18. MacGregor, Jeff. “The Maestro.” Smithsonian Magazine, 46.8 (November 12, 2015): 52-86… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 6The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 3The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 106AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 4The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 65AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 107AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 47 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science outdoor education, forest kindergartens, schoolyard greening,… |
Sequence 1560 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Second, these words from Teilhard de Chardin: The day will come, when… |
Sequence 1290 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 90 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 REFERENCES Conway… |
Sequence 5A Non-Montessori Bibliography for Parents by Peggy Stern Baruch, Dorothy. New Ways of Discipline. New York: McGraw Hill, 1949… |
Sequence 69 Drummond, Margaret. (1920). Five years old or thereabouts. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, (96). Drummond,… |
Sequence 499. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 108I have already said that the evolutionary engine ofnatw-al selection is a terrible one and, until very recently, we were as… |
Sequence 30Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 107Dumtschin,). (1988, March). Recognize language development and delay in early childhood. Young Children, p. 20. Geyer, G. (… |
Sequence 165Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 238Healy, J. (1990). Endangered minds: Why children don't think and what we can do about it. New York: Touchstone/Simon… |
Sequence 103• Use the "gentling the violence" technique, developed by a Hungarian woman named Magda Gerber, who founded… |
Sequence 104Branden, N. (1997). The art of living consciously. New York: Simon & Schuster. Briggs, D.C. (1970). Your child's… |
Sequence 248Hakim, Joy. "Reading, Writing, and ... History." History Mat- ters! (May 1996): 19 pars. 1 Dec. 1998 <… |
Sequence 157the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 142Light Expanding, Radiant Rushing, Giving, Receiving It burns in all of us, The Giver REFERENCES Cajete, Greg. Look to the… |
Sequence 147Return to the basics-focus on what is ultimately important in life. We must learn to use our senses again. Reclaim the gifts… |
Sequence 234DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 48Standing, E.M. Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work. 1957. Rev. ed. New York: New American Library, 1984. Sternberg, R. &… |
Sequence 158Kirkby, Mary Ann. "Nature as Refuge in Children's Envi- ronments." Children's Environments… |
Sequence 58be recognized for who they really are, for the power they possess. We will work on relationships, first with one another, for… |
Sequence 154Th is observation experiment, although traumatic for some, opens the door to self-observation and discovery. It allows us to… |
Sequence 172Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." Four Quartets. 1943. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Fitzgerald,… |
Sequence 187sense, regardless of how it turns out" (Havel 181). Optimism cannot be commanded, as Frankl observes, but hope can be… |
Sequence 315tion in the years ahead, of this we are certain. We eagerly anticipate meeting people (practitioners and adolescents) who will… |
Sequence 38REFERENCES Covey, Stephen R. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. Dyer,… |
Sequence 101REFERENCES Baylor, Byrd. The Way to Start a Day.1977. New York: Simon & Schuster-Aladdin, 1998. Coles, Robert.… |
Sequence 116extent and use it in our dealings with children. For the children are the inheritors and passers-on of culture. They are… |
Sequence 199REFERENCES Arendt, Hannah. Tire H11111a11 Condition. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1998. Aelian. Historical Miscella11y. Loeb… |
Sequence 200Esenin, Segey. Tl,e Heritage of R11ssia11 Verse. Ed. D. Obolensky. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1962. £very111a11. Medieval Drama… |
Sequence 27Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: Tl,e Psychology of Optimal £xperie11ce.New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Davis, Ronald D… |
Sequence 28Kohn,Alfie. Scl,ools 011r C/1ildre11 Deserve.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Kranowitz, Carol Stock, & Lucy Jane… |
Sequence 54Horner, Jack. "The Extraordinary Characteristics of Dys- lexia." Perspccti,•es 011 Ln11g11nge n11d Literacy… |
Sequence 77Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |
Sequence 248BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Earthworms Kalman, Bobbie. The Life Cycle of n11 Enrl/1wor111. New York: Crabtree, 2004. Simon, Seymour… |
Sequence 113Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 166REFERENCES Anecdotage. April 24, 2010 <http:/ />. Beckmann, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: St… |
Sequence 226Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. 126-152. Arbuckle, T. Y., Vanderleck, V. F., Harsany, M., & Lapi… |
Sequence 220Schaefer, Lawrence." A Montessori Vision of Adolescence." Tl,e NAMTA Journal 18.3 (1993, Summer): 73-84.… |
Sequence 6050 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 migrating animals: monarch butterflies, birds, creatures that move… |
Sequence 302292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 4537 O’Shaughnessy • The Observation Artist wanted help writing a story that she wanted to tell with the mov- able alphabet.… |
Sequence 139131 Lontz • Observation: A Practice That Must Be Practiced ---. To Educate the Human Potential. 1948. Oxford: Clio, 1989.… |
Sequence 4741 Jackson • A Workmanship of Risk 18. MacGregor, Jeff. “The Maestro.” Smithsonian Magazine, 46.8 (November 12, 2015): 52-86… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 63 references Alexander, Entwisle, and Dauber. 1993. “First-Grade Classroom Behavior: Its… |
Sequence 106AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 167The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |