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Sequence 5that is overwhelming for the moment? (Elicits the collaboration of the group) Sarah: Individualizing, Lois-have you tried… |
Sequence 4animal. Thjs pitiable creature wantonly devours cookies for no reason beyond blind desire, simply "because they are… |
Sequence 6of my first smokdess year I had lost the urge. And now, to tell you the truth, I find cigarette smoke positively offensive. I… |
Sequence 6Let us take a look at what Montessori was really saying about peace and education. I want to read a little here from the… |
Sequence 11another person until they got to be seven years old. That's called decentering. You start out egocentric so that you… |
Sequence 5After the lesson I remarked to the teacher that I wished I knew the children better. He happened to be close by, so I said… |
Sequence 6and sticking it on his face, was actually getting more attention than I. I was not willing to go to those lengths, so I told… |
Sequence 20,--------------------------------- -- -- When you are working with clay or you are working with paints, with music, etc.,… |
Sequence 25you saturate a child in an environment of so-called logical conse- quences, that child, if he grows up and thinks he can get… |
Sequence 28WHY REWARDS FAIL How come? Very quickly, let me suggest a couple of possible reasons (see Figure 2). If you want more on any… |
Sequence 31than limiting the number available, but not as good as moving away from the reward and punishment approach altogether. There… |
Sequence 46What a great teachable moment. What a great opportunity to talk with him about exactly this. At seven you certainly can,… |
Sequence 8requires it; it requires that we dialogue. If you dialogue, you've got to be culturally salient. I think you will hear in… |
Sequence 14'I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to pay attention to that anymore.' That's what this is… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 10it in his 1995 keynote address to this very group, "Ml validates what one sees good teachers doing every day: looking… |
Sequence 12What make-believe story can generate greater drama, greater ex- citement, a greater sense of significance-the bigness of it… |
Sequence 10Seven weeks after fertilization, Jessica and Dave go in for her first obstetrician's appointment and learn that she is… |
Sequence 8awoke he found himself in the house of a farmer. The house was cool, for the mud reflected the sun. Then the hunter came out… |
Sequence 9you look at the long history of the West, that's the fight for the Western soul, and usually the period of the classical… |
Sequence 9A: Flipping up and down-I don't know ifl' d recommend flipping up and down with toddlers, because they'll try… |
Sequence 10And then finally I want to talk about this notion of the pitfall of progressivism because progressivism today is the dominant… |
Sequence 11better. So if I had been looking at birds instead of baseball .. .I Jove basebalJ and I want to goto the Mariners game tonight… |
Sequence 15interesting that this is what he drew from that. Six million Jews die, and he's talking about indifference and wonder.… |
Sequence 16embarrass anybody. This is a very interesting era in human history because we were born into a time of both magnificent… |
Sequence 11This shift of focus from objects to relationships is not an easy one because it is something that goes counter to the… |
Sequence 19ideas on the role of a school community in taking a more active role in leading the way? A. Well, I noticed that out there in… |
Sequence 22dissociation between intelligence and sexual behavior. Some of our "smart" politicians have taught us that… |
Sequence 24So surmounting obstacles is really important because there will be times, if you're trying to be creative in your… |
Sequence 1How MY STUDENTS SEE THEIR ADOLESCENT EXPERIENCE AND TURN OUT IN LIFE by John McN amara The chorus of letters written to… |
Sequence 9often recognize what a great human being he was, watched him become a master sailor in the summers, saw his desire to serve… |
Sequence 14dissuade children from tattling. We may even elect to demand that the child stop this pattern of tattling. Montessori teaches… |
Sequence 7to become a little more like this. The second possibility is that what we are doing with them has nothing to do with these… |
Sequence 29Here's what I think makes sense in a school, and I think many of you wiJI agree with this, and then Twill proceed to some… |
Sequence 30We do not teach fractions because kids are going to need to know about that next year, or because it's on our lesson… |
Sequence 17Upper elementary. Note the variety of work. Choose from the materials that are out." I've had several do that. I… |
Sequence 20things and said, "That's not the way I present that." So they've got to do their own. Even if I… |
Sequence 25there-and I didn't know it until I got there-were prospective par- ents. It was pretty difficult. They enjoyed it, but… |
Sequence 26being a child in so many years. And to try to get in touch with myself as a child is ... I can't even express it.&… |
Sequence 3Dr. Orr went on and mentioned that to combat environmental problems we need engagement, we need to insti I I-as he said… |
Sequence 5And so it went. [ eventually set out to find the answers myself. That's not something women are supposed to do, you know… |
Sequence 6into this notion-that there are only two alternatives, you either dominate or you are dominated. There is no partnership… |
Sequence 16I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 10make connections with their own experience. One of my past students came back to give the address to graduates and said that a… |
Sequence 4Figure 1. Timeline of mathematics. Graphic by David Waski. primary tracking mechanism used in our schools today. It has bad… |
Sequence 6conscious understanding of what he already knows. He knows that he knows. This, of course, is the beginning of self-awareness… |
Sequence 28symptoms that we would associate with ADHD, it's not ADHD, it's a traumatic brain injury. ADHD is a developmental… |
Sequence 40"This is what it's going to be. What can sixteen-year-olds do here? How far can they go?" Chris has… |
Sequence 4We've all heard the expression, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well." I think it was… |
Sequence 16Assisi as saying, "Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." What I try to do is preach… |
Sequence 27Features of Nonfiction Writing Nonfiction writing is crafted by authors, not written by a com- mittee or a machine. The… |
Sequence 6dren are born ready to learn because the human species is naturally and innately curious? Some children may not be “ready for… |
Sequence 8that children can take apart, reassemble, use and repair. This is because early farm artifacts - the butter churn, the… |
Sequence 230 of my existence because I can't go to a concert in New York or San Francisco or Cleveland or to the theater without… |
Sequence 2for the child, that also helps. If the teacher has a real respect for the child as a separate individual, and if the teacher,… |
Sequence 9that is overwhelming for the moment? (Elicits the collaboration of the group) Sarah: Individualizing, Lois-have you tried… |
Sequence 83animal. Thjs pitiable creature wantonly devours cookies for no reason beyond blind desire, simply "because they are… |
Sequence 85of my first smokdess year I had lost the urge. And now, to tell you the truth, I find cigarette smoke positively offensive. I… |
Sequence 162Let us take a look at what Montessori was really saying about peace and education. I want to read a little here from the… |
Sequence 124another person until they got to be seven years old. That's called decentering. You start out egocentric so that you… |
Sequence 136After the lesson I remarked to the teacher that I wished I knew the children better. He happened to be close by, so I said… |
Sequence 137and sticking it on his face, was actually getting more attention than I. I was not willing to go to those lengths, so I told… |
Sequence 27,--------------------------------- -- -- When you are working with clay or you are working with paints, with music, etc.,… |
Sequence 33you saturate a child in an environment of so-called logical conse- quences, that child, if he grows up and thinks he can get… |
Sequence 36WHY REWARDS FAIL How come? Very quickly, let me suggest a couple of possible reasons (see Figure 2). If you want more on any… |
Sequence 39than limiting the number available, but not as good as moving away from the reward and punishment approach altogether. There… |
Sequence 54What a great teachable moment. What a great opportunity to talk with him about exactly this. At seven you certainly can,… |
Sequence 134requires it; it requires that we dialogue. If you dialogue, you've got to be culturally salient. I think you will hear in… |
Sequence 140'I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to pay attention to that anymore.' That's what this is… |
Sequence 256to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 222it in his 1995 keynote address to this very group, "Ml validates what one sees good teachers doing every day: looking… |
Sequence 89What make-believe story can generate greater drama, greater ex- citement, a greater sense of significance-the bigness of it… |
Sequence 58Seven weeks after fertilization, Jessica and Dave go in for her first obstetrician's appointment and learn that she is… |
Sequence 274awoke he found himself in the house of a farmer. The house was cool, for the mud reflected the sun. Then the hunter came out… |
Sequence 352you look at the long history of the West, that's the fight for the Western soul, and usually the period of the classical… |
Sequence 81A: Flipping up and down-I don't know ifl' d recommend flipping up and down with toddlers, because they'll try… |
Sequence 164And then finally I want to talk about this notion of the pitfall of progressivism because progressivism today is the dominant… |
Sequence 193better. So if I had been looking at birds instead of baseball .. .I Jove basebalJ and I want to goto the Mariners game tonight… |
Sequence 197interesting that this is what he drew from that. Six million Jews die, and he's talking about indifference and wonder.… |
Sequence 198embarrass anybody. This is a very interesting era in human history because we were born into a time of both magnificent… |
Sequence 170This shift of focus from objects to relationships is not an easy one because it is something that goes counter to the… |
Sequence 110ideas on the role of a school community in taking a more active role in leading the way? A. Well, I noticed that out there in… |
Sequence 50dissociation between intelligence and sexual behavior. Some of our "smart" politicians have taught us that… |
Sequence 52So surmounting obstacles is really important because there will be times, if you're trying to be creative in your… |
Sequence 149How MY STUDENTS SEE THEIR ADOLESCENT EXPERIENCE AND TURN OUT IN LIFE by John McN amara The chorus of letters written to… |
Sequence 178often recognize what a great human being he was, watched him become a master sailor in the summers, saw his desire to serve… |
Sequence 156dissuade children from tattling. We may even elect to demand that the child stop this pattern of tattling. Montessori teaches… |
Sequence 37to become a little more like this. The second possibility is that what we are doing with them has nothing to do with these… |
Sequence 59Here's what I think makes sense in a school, and I think many of you wiJI agree with this, and then Twill proceed to some… |
Sequence 60We do not teach fractions because kids are going to need to know about that next year, or because it's on our lesson… |
Sequence 96Upper elementary. Note the variety of work. Choose from the materials that are out." I've had several do that. I… |
Sequence 99things and said, "That's not the way I present that." So they've got to do their own. Even if I… |
Sequence 104there-and I didn't know it until I got there-were prospective par- ents. It was pretty difficult. They enjoyed it, but… |
Sequence 105being a child in so many years. And to try to get in touch with myself as a child is ... I can't even express it.&… |
Sequence 218Dr. Orr went on and mentioned that to combat environmental problems we need engagement, we need to insti I I-as he said… |
Sequence 236And so it went. [ eventually set out to find the answers myself. That's not something women are supposed to do, you know… |
Sequence 237into this notion-that there are only two alternatives, you either dominate or you are dominated. There is no partnership… |
Sequence 119I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 180make connections with their own experience. One of my past students came back to give the address to graduates and said that a… |
Sequence 198Figure 1. Timeline of mathematics. Graphic by David Waski. primary tracking mechanism used in our schools today. It has bad… |