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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 175
Sequence 16development, and the disadvantaged child; second, teacher training and teacher and teaching differences; and third, the… |
Sequence 1A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 119. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 8already present in them so that the ext.ension and abduction of the lifted leg were to be observed with displacement of the… |
Sequence 912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 1KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH MONTESSORI ROOTS An Interview with Mildred Gunawardena In an interview with Damd Kahn, Mildred Guna:… |
Sequence 9Other Additional landscaping and fencing will be required. Cost estimate; $15,000. Shared Main School Building Facilities… |
Sequence 15Lewis Thomas can help us in this passage from The Fragile Species. I understand about randomness and chance, and selection,… |
Sequence 8The catechist's task is to create specific conditions so that this relationship may be established, but to withdraw as… |
Sequence 5and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many children called hyperactive are attentive when their activities are of interest to… |
Sequence 21The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 4words of Bob Samples, Sir Isaac Newton, and Jerome Bruner as cited in Samples' The Metaphoric Mind: The inventive… |
Sequence 11edge? It becomes doubtful whether even the universe will suffice. How did it come into being, and how will it end? A greater… |
Sequence 7whose study of native creolized languages has led him to some surprising conclusions. It seems thatcreolized languages,… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 193Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 206whose study of native creolized languages has led him to some surprising conclusions. It seems thatcreolized languages,… |
Sequence 18moment in time for all time. It is time that has significance for all times and all people. It is a moment in time to be… |
Sequence 2The earth venture, the life venture, is a single ven- ture. If the other living forms don't succeed we cannot succeed… |
Sequence 13• Values and Attitudes Having worked with all of the above models that explore Place as Pedagogy, it is easy to applaud the… |
Sequence 3matter? Is it knowledge of how to do a certain list of tasks with proficiency? Or is it something even more general-a tool to… |
Sequence 5or "land lab," it is a community effort and will be used by the entire community. The enrichment of the… |
Sequence 10cycles in nature through observation and experience, a child will have a base upon which to build more theoretical… |
Sequence 26Th is observation experiment, although traumatic for some, opens the door to self-observation and discovery. It allows us to… |
Sequence 8sense, regardless of how it turns out" (Havel 181). Optimism cannot be commanded, as Frankl observes, but hope can be… |
Sequence 9many levels (extensions), be self-correcting (flexible), and be open- ended (creative). It should teach care of and respect… |
Sequence 7waiting below a good rapid. We take canoes, because in canoes you have to work together. You have to call out what you see and… |
Sequence 24Emily Dickinson captures the experience of a teacher desperately attempting to encounter the human potential in each child at… |
Sequence 17to hold in our hearts and minds the big picture, and for the love of our children and the future, to keep our own fire of hope… |
Sequence 14the structure itself should function for contemporary children as an essential part of the prepared Montessori environment.… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Carlyle, Thomas. 011 Heroes, Hero-Worship n11d the Heroic i11 History. 1865. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.… |
Sequence 73Tolstoy, Leo. A111rn Knre11111n. l'W York: Viking Penguin, 2000. Viii on, rran~ois. Th!' Poems of Mn,ta Frn11rois… |
Sequence 41high and there's low. That's just how people are. And how are most people? Think about that bell-shaped curve for a… |
Sequence 65Binocular Vision Working Group. "The Use of Tinted Lenses and Colored Overlays for the Treatment of Dyslexia and… |
Sequence 24projects itself into the future and is sunk in the remotest ages of the past, thereby linking the past to the present and the… |
Sequence 13great dissolver" (From Childhood to Adolesce11ce 46). A lot of carbon was buried in the sedimentary rocks with the… |
Sequence 15Atkins, Peter W. The Periodic Ki11gdo111. New York: Basic Books, 1995. Ball, Philip. The l11gredie11ts: A Guided Tour of the… |
Sequence 11Berry, Thomas. The Great Work Berry, Wendell. Tire U11settli11g of America Brown, Lester. P/a11 B 3.0: Mobilizi11g to Save… |
Sequence 14Berry, Thomas. "It Takes a Universe." Save the Hermitage. June 3, 2009 <https:/ /… |
Sequence 28early and continue to build incrementally on their independence and realization of empowerment. We show them that even though… |
Sequence 13help children to meet your goals: to become citizens of the world and to unite in working for peace on Earth. REFERENCES… |
Sequence 10How did Montessori put it? Knowledge can best be given where there is eagerness to learn, so this is the period when the… |
Sequence 6The Way Young children seem to want to point out to us that tl1eir way of going to God is different, for example, from what… |
Sequence 32Docu111c11/s, ed. Austin Flannery, op (New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1975), p. 917. 12. Maria Montessori, I… |
Sequence 565 Verschuur • Ecosystems in the Backyard: Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary level, but by becoming… |
Sequence 9143 Leonard • Deepening Cosmic Education brought to their newly settled areas of the world. Elementary children love this… |
Sequence 1the Great worK of the new MillenniuM by Thomas Berry Thomas Berry explores the meaning of work from the standpoint of human… |
Sequence 12154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 While they can be problem makers, (a bit tangled at times in social… |
Sequence 31191 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace reform issues of our time. These student groups form the backbone of peace… |
Sequence 2050 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 superficial and temporary; with time, they fade into obscurity. It is… |
Sequence 3060 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Brown, John Seely & Thomas, Douglas. A New Culture of Learning:… |
Sequence 1577 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace Finally, it’s really only during the last or third period of the experience when we start… |
Sequence 28180 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 dows not designed with their needs in mind. While it’s tempting to… |
Sequence 1539 Jackson • A Workmanship of Risk pean rebellion against tyranny. Yet the artist deliberately chose to depict not the… |
Sequence 64350 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Chang, Y.-S., Owen, J.P., Desai, S.S., Hill, S.S., Arnett, A.B., Harris… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 101 only enjoy what she described as “the privilege and good fortune of becoming its assistants… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 68AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 101 only enjoy what she described as “the privilege and good fortune of becoming its assistants… |
Sequence 65AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 69AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 101 only enjoy what she described as “the privilege and good fortune of becoming its assistants… |
Sequence 1344 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Maria Montessori was well aware of the amazing work of the microbes (… |
Sequence 5A Non-Montessori Bibliography for Parents by Peggy Stern Baruch, Dorothy. New Ways of Discipline. New York: McGraw Hill, 1949… |
Sequence 815 1946 "Incentives to Development and Means of Early Education," The Psychoanalytic Study of rhe Child. II… |
Sequence 5152 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 79Haring, Norris. (1963). Reflections upon contemporary learning theory and application in a structured environment Paper… |
Sequence 92Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 94Didactic materials. (1919, November 6). Times Educational Supplement, p. 557, (2). Dwyer, Muriel. (1973). Operation solid… |
Sequence 143145 Maraschiello, Richard. (1981). Evaluation of the rekinder arten head start program 1979-1980. (Report No, 8132.… |
Sequence 165167 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND MANACEHENBT A. Administration Dunn, Paul J. & Callahan, John Biyer. (1963). How to… |
Sequence 171173 Harmon, Thomas. (1965). The Hudson Montessori Association. Montessori Review,!, 9-11, (3). Harmon, Thomas. (1965/66… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 200202 Hanrath, c. .!., 7-8, (1972). (2) . First AMI training course in Mexico. Comnrnunications, l Harmon, Thomas. (1967… |
Sequence 3Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 75development, and the disadvantaged child; second, teacher training and teacher and teaching differences; and third, the… |
Sequence 113Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA PRIMARY AND/OR ELEMENTARY Direc- tor/ress for Northern California. The school… |
Sequence 118Ghent Montessori School seeking August 1987 Primary (3-6) and Elementary (6-9) trained teachers. Established school of 110… |
Sequence 99A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 96teaching experience (administrative background preferred). Ability to pro- vide for professional development of fac- ulty… |
Sequence 499. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 33already present in them so that the ext.ension and abduction of the lifted leg were to be observed with displacement of the… |
Sequence 10912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 72KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH MONTESSORI ROOTS An Interview with Mildred Gunawardena In an interview with Damd Kahn, Mildred Guna:… |
Sequence 137Week Fbur: July 22 w July 26, 1991 REESTABLISHING GOD'S ORDER ON EARrH: Education for Hierarchy Attention thi.s week i.… |
Sequence 138Texts: Guest Scholars: • Abelard, Duuectica: First Complete Edition of the Parisian Manuscript, edited y L.M. DeRijk. Assen… |
Sequence 109Other Additional landscaping and fencing will be required. Cost estimate; $15,000. Shared Main School Building Facilities… |
Sequence 197submit resume and references to: Ronald D. Cameron, Kingston Montessori School, P .0. Box 1416, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L… |
Sequence 165Primary guide needed for 1993-94 school year. Small Catholic Montessori school in a fast growing area of the Northwest.… |
Sequence 52Lewis Thomas can help us in this passage from The Fragile Species. I understand about randomness and chance, and selection,… |
Sequence 176U.S. Virgin Islands VIRGIN ISLANDS MONTESSORI SCHOOL seeks applications for MON- TESSORI JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER for September… |
Sequence 71The catechist's task is to create specific conditions so that this relationship may be established, but to withdraw as… |
Sequence 159and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many children called hyperactive are attentive when their activities are of interest to… |
Sequence 184Canada PHOENIX MONTESSORI SCHOOL is expanding. Forthe 1994-95 school year we are offering three positions; pri- mary, lower… |
Sequence 217Minimum teacher salary is $24,413.00 (1994-95 Salary Schedule). An AMI or AMS elementary certification is necessary as well… |
Sequence 266free housing, health insurance, bo- nus, R/T tickets, vacation and sick leave. Year round opening. Any inter- ested party is… |
Sequence 109The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 212grade students. Although we are unsure if we will have any teacher openings for the 1999-2000 school year, we encourage… |
Sequence 130words of Bob Samples, Sir Isaac Newton, and Jerome Bruner as cited in Samples' The Metaphoric Mind: The inventive… |
Sequence 137edge? It becomes doubtful whether even the universe will suffice. How did it come into being, and how will it end? A greater… |
Sequence 41whose study of native creolized languages has led him to some surprising conclusions. It seems thatcreolized languages,… |
Sequence 54Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |