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Displaying results 1 - 94 of 94
Sequence 1PSYCHIC ACTIVITY DURING PRENATAL LIFE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Dr. Montanaro's refreshingly clear… |
Sequence 5Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI MOVEMENT (1956) by A.M. Joosten The development of the Montessori movement i.s followed from, Mon- tessori s… |
Sequence 6sicy of Rome Medical School. There are many stories of the "petty persecu- cions" she endured with good… |
Sequence 7Whilst everyone was admfring my idiots I was searching for the reasons which rould keep back the healthy and happy children of… |
Sequence 6A great deal of learning is dependent upon early sensorimotor integration and perceptual maturation. Children learn first… |
Sequence 9the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 1SCIENCE AND FAITH: MARIA MONTESSORI' S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION by Robert G. Buckenmeyer Dr. Buckenmeyer' sarray of… |
Sequence 5phers from Socrates, in the Apology, referring to himself as a midwife; through the early Medi- eval period, beginning… |
Sequence 10At the same time, she identifies herself as a student of philosophy. She even translated an 1866 English edition of a book by… |
Sequence 2THE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: PREPARATION FOR WRITING AND READING by Sylvia 0. Richardson Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Sequence 163THE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: PREPARATION FOR WRITING AND READING by Sylvia 0. Richardson Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Sequence 1LANGUAGE ACQUISITION by Silvana Montanaro Dr. Montanaro' s concise presentation of language development in children… |
Sequence 3depressed, and one may feel the need of that solace for strength when depressed. But the wine itself does not feel the need… |
Sequence 2In the early summer of 1896, a young woman graduated from the faculty of medicine and surgery in the University of Rome.… |
Sequence 4PART ONE: MARIA MONTESSORI IN 1896 Tn the early summer of 1896, a young woman graduated from the faculty of medicine and… |
Sequence 6sciences that saw an exp.losive growth in psychology, in sociology, .in anthropology, and in pedagogy. It was an age of… |
Sequence 7Montessori looked around the ward and saw only beds. Nothing but beds. The room was completely empty of anything that would… |
Sequence 11Butitisin the human con- text that we must come to un- derstand the depth of this tragedy-the terrible wrench to a mother… |
Sequence 12declared that she would dedicate herself to pedagogy. Then she began her studies of the learning problems of normal children… |
Sequence 8The Journey Begins Mario Montessori, Rome, 1886 The infant, the child, the adoles- cent construct every part of the… |
Sequence 6opening up toward interests that give life to their intelligence, to witness the happiness that comes to them through every… |
Sequence 9To the extent that Montessori's work is known outside the Montessori world, it is seen as a pioneering effort toward a… |
Sequence 2Claude decided to earn an advanced degree in engineering at the University of Rome. The winds of war were blowing on the… |
Sequence 3By his own accounting, he was the only English-speaking man to do so. Maria Montessori must have quickly recognized the poten… |
Sequence 1XI Preface "One day, from the heart of a great poet came the mystical question: 'Who is man? Where does he… |
Sequence 4XLV of the various [talian editions. The passages were sometimes retranslated because the original translation in English did… |
Sequence 2XVI Didactics "Mauro Laeng" - University of Roma Tre - and promoter of educational and documentary… |
Sequence 8I O Part One - Toll'ard the Children's /-louse: The Formation Years managed to move him so much that the good friar… |
Sequence 1214 Parr One - Toward 1he Children's House: The Forma1io11 Years 13 The years 1877-1900 saw eleven women admitted to… |
Sequence 13From Childhood 10 Yowh 15 observation as the method for understanding the patient's mental world. and made moral… |
Sequence 318 Part One - To1rnrd the Children's House: The Formation Years psychiatrist Augustin Morel had first written about and… |
Sequence 924 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years based on four fundamental types - moral madness,… |
Sequence 139 Chapter IV Anthropology in School IV. l Studies of philosophy and anthropology "Enrolled at university as a… |
Sequence 442 Par/ One - Toward /he Children's House: The Forma/ion Years did the school system do in the face of such biological… |
Sequence 5Anthropology in School 43 anthropological data were supplemented for pedagogical purposes. Her study of regional ethnic… |
Sequence 644 Part One - Toward the Children ·s llouse: The Formation Years ' Luigi Crcdaro ( 1860-1939) relined his s1Udies in… |
Sequence 27Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy 71 Randone was also a biological designer at the University of Rome. where Montessori may… |
Sequence 4246 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 disturb the stars,” as a Spanish poet once said. It means being… |
Sequence 3151 Shubitz • What is the Ideal Infant Group Care Environment In 1946, Adele Costa Gnocchi, professor of phi- losophy at… |
Sequence 48 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 finally settled on medicine as her life’s work. She became a physi- cian… |
Sequence 7107 Lontz • Observation: A Practice That Must Be Practiced To be better observers, we need to live in the pres- • ent. Not… |
Sequence 6Ana: I really wanted to be in the morgue scene. I had some really neat ideas on how to make it really scary, but I must have… |
Sequence 2with the urge and the power to ful- fil themselves. In finding a way to liberate that power she ¢ the world a new approach… |
Sequence 59PSYCHIC ACTIVITY DURING PRENATAL LIFE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Dr. Montanaro's refreshingly clear… |
Sequence 9Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 10THE MONTESSORI MOVEMENT (1956) by A.M. Joosten The development of the Montessori movement i.s followed from, Mon- tessori s… |
Sequence 51sicy of Rome Medical School. There are many stories of the "petty persecu- cions" she endured with good… |
Sequence 52Whilst everyone was admfring my idiots I was searching for the reasons which rould keep back the healthy and happy children of… |
Sequence 160A great deal of learning is dependent upon early sensorimotor integration and perceptual maturation. Children learn first… |
Sequence 107the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 63SCIENCE AND FAITH: MARIA MONTESSORI' S PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION by Robert G. Buckenmeyer Dr. Buckenmeyer' sarray of… |
Sequence 67phers from Socrates, in the Apology, referring to himself as a midwife; through the early Medi- eval period, beginning… |
Sequence 72At the same time, she identifies herself as a student of philosophy. She even translated an 1866 English edition of a book by… |
Sequence 84THE MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL: PREPARATION FOR WRITING AND READING by Sylvia 0. Richardson Dr. Richardson brings together her… |
Sequence 8LANGUAGE ACQUISITION by Silvana Montanaro Dr. Montanaro' s concise presentation of language development in children… |
Sequence 29depressed, and one may feel the need of that solace for strength when depressed. But the wine itself does not feel the need… |
Sequence 11In the early summer of 1896, a young woman graduated from the faculty of medicine and surgery in the University of Rome.… |
Sequence 13PART ONE: MARIA MONTESSORI IN 1896 Tn the early summer of 1896, a young woman graduated from the faculty of medicine and… |
Sequence 15sciences that saw an exp.losive growth in psychology, in sociology, .in anthropology, and in pedagogy. It was an age of… |
Sequence 16Montessori looked around the ward and saw only beds. Nothing but beds. The room was completely empty of anything that would… |
Sequence 20Butitisin the human con- text that we must come to un- derstand the depth of this tragedy-the terrible wrench to a mother… |
Sequence 21declared that she would dedicate herself to pedagogy. Then she began her studies of the learning problems of normal children… |
Sequence 10The Journey Begins Mario Montessori, Rome, 1886 The infant, the child, the adoles- cent construct every part of the… |
Sequence 11opening up toward interests that give life to their intelligence, to witness the happiness that comes to them through every… |
Sequence 112To the extent that Montessori's work is known outside the Montessori world, it is seen as a pioneering effort toward a… |
Sequence 217Claude decided to earn an advanced degree in engineering at the University of Rome. The winds of war were blowing on the… |
Sequence 218By his own accounting, he was the only English-speaking man to do so. Maria Montessori must have quickly recognized the poten… |
Sequence 98SPANNING SPACE by Claude A. Claremont Claude Claremont's little treasure book Spanning Space is a11 imagina- tive… |
Sequence 10XI Preface "One day, from the heart of a great poet came the mystical question: 'Who is man? Where does he… |
Sequence 13XLV of the various [talian editions. The passages were sometimes retranslated because the original translation in English did… |
Sequence 15XVI Didactics "Mauro Laeng" - University of Roma Tre - and promoter of educational and documentary… |
Sequence 24I O Part One - Toll'ard the Children's /-louse: The Formation Years managed to move him so much that the good friar… |
Sequence 2814 Parr One - Toward 1he Children's House: The Forma1io11 Years 13 The years 1877-1900 saw eleven women admitted to… |
Sequence 29From Childhood 10 Yowh 15 observation as the method for understanding the patient's mental world. and made moral… |
Sequence 3218 Part One - To1rnrd the Children's House: The Formation Years psychiatrist Augustin Morel had first written about and… |
Sequence 3824 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years based on four fundamental types - moral madness,… |
Sequence 53Chapter IV Anthropology in School IV. l Studies of philosophy and anthropology 39 "Enrolled at university as a… |
Sequence 5642 Par/ One - Toward /he Children's House: The Forma/ion Years did the school system do in the face of such biological… |
Sequence 57Anthropology in School 43 anthropological data were supplemented for pedagogical purposes. Her study of regional ethnic… |
Sequence 5844 Part One - Toward the Children ·s llouse: The Formation Years ' Luigi Crcdaro ( 1860-1939) relined his s1Udies in… |
Sequence 85Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy 71 Randone was also a biological designer at the University of Rome. where Montessori may… |
Sequence 256246 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 disturb the stars,” as a Spanish poet once said. It means being… |
Sequence 157151 Shubitz • What is the Ideal Infant Group Care Environment In 1946, Adele Costa Gnocchi, professor of phi- losophy at… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 finally settled on medicine as her life’s work. She became a physi- cian… |
Sequence 102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 Many years ago, the Montessori Center of Minnesota received a gift from… |
Sequence 115107 Lontz • Observation: A Practice That Must Be Practiced To be better observers, we need to live in the pres- • ent. Not… |
Sequence 38Announcements: AMI offers 0-3 training in Rome The first AMI-diploma course for the 0-3 level will be offered during the I… |
Sequence 25Ana: I really wanted to be in the morgue scene. I had some really neat ideas on how to make it really scary, but I must have… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2014 Mid-Year Article 4 Editorial Board Kay Baker, PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12),… |