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Displaying results 1 - 63 of 63
Sequence 6comparison, and choice, and since their interest is held by the movement provided by the apparatus, they are motivated to act… |
Sequence 7Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 1610. Jerome S. Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Universiry Press, 1966). I l. Alexis Carrel,… |
Sequence 35its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 22Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 22Ceci, S.J., & Liker, J. (1987). IQ and reasoning complexity: The role of experience.Journal of Experimental Psychology… |
Sequence 18At least some of the teenagers in this study were demonstrating that they understood the requirements of growth. They had… |
Sequence 24Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 22Radke-Yarrow, Marian, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, & Michael Chapman. "Children's Prosocial Dispositions and… |
Sequence 8Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 30way to envision the related processes of education and human devel- opment. The synthesis of these perspectives also provides… |
Sequence 31Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, & Kevin Rathunde. "The Devel- opment of the Person: An Experiential… |
Sequence 2emerge from this collective sharing. There is no fantasy or real person somewhere out there to tell us whether we are on or… |
Sequence 12in the sequence of activities, stronger mentoring relationships and community ties, and multifaceted tasks and problems that… |
Sequence 37of Human Development. Ed. R.M. Lerner. New York: Wiley, 1998. Vol. 1 of Handbook of Child PsychologiJ, Wil- liam Damon, ed.-… |
Sequence 3NAMTA's Center for Adolescent Studies (Project 2012) is initiat- ing a new research study after its previous success with… |
Sequence 35Psychology: Vol. 1. Theoretical Models of Human Develop- ment. Ed. R.M. Lerner. Series ed. W. Damon. 6th ed. New York: Wiley… |
Sequence 17Chawla, Louise. "Life Paths into Effective Environmental Action." Jo11rnn/ of E11viro11111e11tnl Ed11cntio11… |
Sequence 30Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Barrack, A. C." A Journey of Love: The Influence of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology on Parent-Child… |
Sequence 9Howlin, Patricia. CJ,i/dre11 wit!, A11tis111 and Asperger Syn- dro11,e: A C11ide for Practitioners and Carers. New York:… |
Sequence 18Carver, Charles & Scheier, Michael. "Themes and Issues in Self-Regulation of Behavior." Perspectives… |
Sequence 3135 Shanks • Building the Inclusive Montessori School gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/08/20130823281583. html#axzz2navMMDyo&… |
Sequence 2048 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Group flow participants are the highest performers. Cross, R., &… |
Sequence 2250 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 “We had been working like crazy on this project” quotation. Page 11 of… |
Sequence 2351 Sawyer • Group Flow and Group Genius Group flow fades after a few years. Page 376 of: Weick, K. E., & Roberts, K… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 21Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 131Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 150AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 132Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 151AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 24comparison, and choice, and since their interest is held by the movement provided by the apparatus, they are motivated to act… |
Sequence 25Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 2210. Jerome S. Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Universiry Press, 1966). I l. Alexis Carrel,… |
Sequence 49its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 30Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 32Ceci, S.J., & Liker, J. (1987). IQ and reasoning complexity: The role of experience.Journal of Experimental Psychology… |
Sequence 199At least some of the teenagers in this study were demonstrating that they understood the requirements of growth. They had… |
Sequence 210Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 209Radke-Yarrow, Marian, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, & Michael Chapman. "Children's Prosocial Dispositions and… |
Sequence 13Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 44way to envision the related processes of education and human devel- opment. The synthesis of these perspectives also provides… |
Sequence 45Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 75Greenough, W.T., J.E. Black, & C.S. Wallace. "Experience and Brain Development.'' Child Development… |
Sequence 98REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, & Kevin Rathunde. "The Devel- opment of the Person: An Experiential… |
Sequence 41emerge from this collective sharing. There is no fantasy or real person somewhere out there to tell us whether we are on or… |
Sequence 535in the sequence of activities, stronger mentoring relationships and community ties, and multifaceted tasks and problems that… |
Sequence 52of Human Development. Ed. R.M. Lerner. New York: Wiley, 1998. Vol. 1 of Handbook of Child PsychologiJ, Wil- liam Damon, ed.-… |
Sequence 9NAMTA's Center for Adolescent Studies (Project 2012) is initiat- ing a new research study after its previous success with… |
Sequence 46Psychology: Vol. 1. Theoretical Models of Human Develop- ment. Ed. R.M. Lerner. Series ed. W. Damon. 6th ed. New York: Wiley… |
Sequence 173Chawla, Louise. "Life Paths into Effective Environmental Action." Jo11rnn/ of E11viro11111e11tnl Ed11cntio11… |
Sequence 219Experience." Applied Develop111e11ta/ Science 5 (2001): 158- 171. Rathunde, K. "Family Context and Talented… |
Sequence 171REFERENCES Barrack, A. C." A Journey of Love: The Influence of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology on Parent-Child… |
Sequence 78Howlin, Patricia. CJ,i/dre11 wit!, A11tis111 and Asperger Syn- dro11,e: A C11ide for Practitioners and Carers. New York:… |
Sequence 206Carver, Charles & Scheier, Michael. "Themes and Issues in Self-Regulation of Behavior." Perspectives… |
Sequence 4135 Shanks • Building the Inclusive Montessori School gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/08/20130823281583. html#axzz2navMMDyo&… |
Sequence 5448 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Group flow participants are the highest performers. Cross, R., &… |
Sequence 5650 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 “We had been working like crazy on this project” quotation. Page 11 of… |
Sequence 5751 Sawyer • Group Flow and Group Genius Group flow fades after a few years. Page 376 of: Weick, K. E., & Roberts, K… |
Sequence 20AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 19 in regard to the adolescent) were clearly hypothetical. Regardless, she believed these ideas… |
Sequence 39Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |