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Displaying results 1 - 74 of 74
Sequence 7age children. In a sense this has been our equivalent of the wartime experience of the British children and their teachers. We… |
Sequence 3weeks befol"e I found out what was happening. They finally admitted to me that they were banging on the wall between… |
Sequence 4nineteenth-century reaction; and, while I'm not a conventional believer, I don't consider myself irreligious.… |
Sequence 6lower jaw decrease in size. We've even found a transitional form with an elegant solution to the problem of remaking jaw… |
Sequence 10ape-like primates, waddling reptiles, jawless fishes, worm-like inverte- brates, and other creatures deemed even lower or more… |
Sequence 11kindergarten through grade 2, intermediate schools, middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Time, coo, is… |
Sequence 2the common experience for fashioning questions in the right way to reveal what they know, rather than just revealing… |
Sequence 16History cannot be written on the basis of official decisions and documents alone. If our descendants are to understand fully… |
Sequence 6A Montessori teacher who is willing to learn and change based upon his or her own ob!3etvations and careful record keeping… |
Sequence 12Meeting Individual Needs in the Elementary Prepared Environment Uses of the Materials Another way we avoid labeling children… |
Sequence 15becomes the steward of rooted plants in the garden. Here the task is more defined. The light needed is probably more grounded… |
Sequence 2THE HUMAN TENDENCIES by Margaret E. Stephenson At Dr. Montessori's last public lecture she disclaimed the atten- tion… |
Sequence 6Q:To what degree can you take the philosophical realizations of Cosmic Education that take place in the second plane (the… |
Sequence 12• Children too need to feel that what they do is necessary, important and appreciated ... that feeling came across strongly… |
Sequence 6find another way of nurturing. Nursing is not the only way to nurture a child. So, we do this gradual process. When we… |
Sequence 31almost certainly incapable of harming the fetus. Microwave ovens are not dangerous. A lot of people were worried about… |
Sequence 3Where do such deep responses come from in children? What triggers them? What do they tell us about the religious nature of… |
Sequence 20A. I think we' re only beginning to reach that. Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, at the University of Michigan, have led… |
Sequence 14pa per letters, and the words for the sensorial attributes. In spite of this, I started noticing how the children were… |
Sequence 15As a daily procedure in one Casa, the children line up to walk to the park. The guide quietly counts to see that all the… |
Sequence 5Neither does it surprise us to learn that Montessori students spend less time in passive listening and watching media, and… |
Sequence 7men. They had sixteen or seventeen vice presidents, all world-class or ex-world-class athletes. None of them knew anything… |
Sequence 28learning. Assessment also should involve analytical, creative, and practical, as well as memory components. You make the… |
Sequence 5adolescent, so it naturally has to be one of the fundamental elements of an adolescent program. The second element Montessori… |
Sequence 15interest in, what is extraordinary, what is magnificent; and they have a natural tendency to hero worship. All of this can be… |
Sequence 6John Dewey, the American philosopher, has a very interesting idea. He says, if you want to know what is going on, one way to… |
Sequence 6Latin, the significance of which was prominent when the culture was a literary culture, is not as essential today. [ts… |
Sequence 15It is a big thing. It has Jed us as far as this general statement: Colin: Music is part of life and so should be part of our… |
Sequence 17By the way, one of our former students, now a college freshman, says that dealing with the crops and the chickens in our… |
Sequence 21members of a couple signal their intentions to purchase items and their attitudes toward money would fill a small book. The… |
Sequence 6Kahn: How is the nap set up? Gadpaille: There are two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. The boys are in the gym… |
Sequence 7Kahn: What would be the typical schedule of a child's day in your center? Jordon: We follow very much the same routine as… |
Sequence 7the same lecture that I sent my trainees. The lecturers told me that my children were better than the adults, because the… |
Sequence 10Neill: l had the wrong experience- Montessori: But if you want to know what I'm doing in my old age, I'm trying to… |
Sequence 434 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 1734 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 3playground. Little faces crowded all around him from time to time to ensure that their ideas were being incorparated. By 2 pm… |
Sequence 21age children. In a sense this has been our equivalent of the wartime experience of the British children and their teachers. We… |
Sequence 79weeks befol"e I found out what was happening. They finally admitted to me that they were banging on the wall between… |
Sequence 98nineteenth-century reaction; and, while I'm not a conventional believer, I don't consider myself irreligious.… |
Sequence 100lower jaw decrease in size. We've even found a transitional form with an elegant solution to the problem of remaking jaw… |
Sequence 104ape-like primates, waddling reptiles, jawless fishes, worm-like inverte- brates, and other creatures deemed even lower or more… |
Sequence 125kindergarten through grade 2, intermediate schools, middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Time, coo, is… |
Sequence 178the common experience for fashioning questions in the right way to reveal what they know, rather than just revealing… |
Sequence 162History cannot be written on the basis of official decisions and documents alone. If our descendants are to understand fully… |
Sequence 145A Montessori teacher who is willing to learn and change based upon his or her own ob!3etvations and careful record keeping… |
Sequence 220Meeting Individual Needs in the Elementary Prepared Environment Uses of the Materials Another way we avoid labeling children… |
Sequence 112becomes the steward of rooted plants in the garden. Here the task is more defined. The light needed is probably more grounded… |
Sequence 10THE HUMAN TENDENCIES by Margaret E. Stephenson At Dr. Montessori's last public lecture she disclaimed the atten- tion… |
Sequence 94Q:To what degree can you take the philosophical realizations of Cosmic Education that take place in the second plane (the… |
Sequence 396• Children too need to feel that what they do is necessary, important and appreciated ... that feeling came across strongly… |
Sequence 42find another way of nurturing. Nursing is not the only way to nurture a child. So, we do this gradual process. When we… |
Sequence 170almost certainly incapable of harming the fetus. Microwave ovens are not dangerous. A lot of people were worried about… |
Sequence 233NAMTANEWS NAMTAJouRNALs: PRODUCTION REPORT AND SCHEDULING With the release of a nearly definitive 600 page Journal in… |
Sequence 65Where do such deep responses come from in children? What triggers them? What do they tell us about the religious nature of… |
Sequence 155A. I think we' re only beginning to reach that. Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, at the University of Michigan, have led… |
Sequence 79pa per letters, and the words for the sensorial attributes. In spite of this, I started noticing how the children were… |
Sequence 80As a daily procedure in one Casa, the children line up to walk to the park. The guide quietly counts to see that all the… |
Sequence 80Neither does it surprise us to learn that Montessori students spend less time in passive listening and watching media, and… |
Sequence 195men. They had sixteen or seventeen vice presidents, all world-class or ex-world-class athletes. None of them knew anything… |
Sequence 56learning. Assessment also should involve analytical, creative, and practical, as well as memory components. You make the… |
Sequence 51adolescent, so it naturally has to be one of the fundamental elements of an adolescent program. The second element Montessori… |
Sequence 361interest in, what is extraordinary, what is magnificent; and they have a natural tendency to hero worship. All of this can be… |
Sequence 52John Dewey, the American philosopher, has a very interesting idea. He says, if you want to know what is going on, one way to… |
Sequence 152Latin, the significance of which was prominent when the culture was a literary culture, is not as essential today. [ts… |
Sequence 64It is a big thing. It has Jed us as far as this general statement: Colin: Music is part of life and so should be part of our… |
Sequence 66By the way, one of our former students, now a college freshman, says that dealing with the crops and the chickens in our… |
Sequence 188members of a couple signal their intentions to purchase items and their attitudes toward money would fill a small book. The… |
Sequence 42Kahn: How is the nap set up? Gadpaille: There are two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. The boys are in the gym… |
Sequence 26Kahn: What would be the typical schedule of a child's day in your center? Jordon: We follow very much the same routine as… |
Sequence 55the same lecture that I sent my trainees. The lecturers told me that my children were better than the adults, because the… |
Sequence 61Neill: l had the wrong experience- Montessori: But if you want to know what I'm doing in my old age, I'm trying to… |
Sequence 3834 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 61playground. Little faces crowded all around him from time to time to ensure that their ideas were being incorparated. By 2 pm… |