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Sequence 5CHAPTER 2 The Sensorial Richness of Prenatal Life The idea that nothing penetrates the uterus is definitely outmoded. The… |
Sequence 6intensity of the Montessori vision that makes the system work; knowl- edge of the materials is bound by the interiority of the… |
Sequence 1THE BOTANICAL CARDS by Mario M. Montessori This insightful article illustrates the underlying developmental principles which… |
Sequence 6stand. They would bring this back and take another which contained other pictures to which to apply other names. Experience… |
Sequence 1THE KODAIKANAL EXPERIENCE Kahn-Montessori Interveiw From late 1942 to March, 1944, Maria Montessori was interned against her… |
Sequence 6child can experience in nature that there is something eternal, present everywhere and always, which seems to have organized… |
Sequence 5observe her subjects in a holistic manner; consequently, her research was naturalistic or ethnographic. From her first… |
Sequence 6A critical factor in this study is what was measured. Bereiter did not measure what the Montessori program was teaching by the… |
Sequence 12Commentary The design and execution of this study is quite acceptable, but one criticism of the study would be the small… |
Sequence 6References Banta, T.J. Tests for the evaluation of early childhood education: The Cincinnati Autonomy Test Battery (CATB). In… |
Sequence 63. The student demonstrates automatic execution of the skill. E.g: Can you tell me how "0 Come Little Children&… |
Sequence 5director (and occupied this charge until his deathi Branches are func- tioning in many European, Asian, and American countries… |
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 16promptings of the moral self, that erects obstacles and barriers in the way of the development of intelligence, that condemns… |
Sequence 4While augmenting the design, Montessori 2000 will also unjfy the national Montessori infrastructure and expand this network to… |
Sequence 10Project ff: Humanities/Great Civilizations Objectives Upper Elementary and Middle School Development A special curriculum,… |
Sequence 15social sciences would include anthropology, sociology, psychology, moral philosophy, aesthetics and art history, comparative… |
Sequence 6coverage in the Washington Post. NAMTA, with its specialization in media, will manage the publications and videos resulting… |
Sequence 9Hildegard Solzbacher, Preschool Teacher Trainer, Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative 2l01 W. Good Hope Rd., Glendale,… |
Sequence 1SELECTED APPENDICES The following appendices are several examples of the appropriate submissions which provide detail to… |
Sequence 9Hildegard Solzbacher, Preschool Teacher Trainer, Montessori Teacher Education Collaborative 2l01 W. Good Hope Rd., Glendale,… |
Sequence 12coverage in the Washington Post. NAMTA, with its specialization in media, will manage the publications and videos resulting… |
Sequence 70social sciences would include anthropology, sociology, psychology, moral philosophy, aesthetics and art history, comparative… |
Sequence 75Project ff: Humanities/Great Civilizations Objectives Upper Elementary and Middle School Development A special curriculum,… |
Sequence 87While augmenting the design, Montessori 2000 will also unjfy the national Montessori infrastructure and expand this network to… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX II WHAT IS MEET US IN ALEXANDRIA? by John Wyatt and Elizabeth Tardola After school, selected students from inner… |
Sequence 2At birth, we suddenly find ourselves here for a brief, particular time, in a particular geography, culture, community, and… |
Sequence 3One must account for what is seen by what is unseen. An AJexandrian model of knowledge assumes that organized curiosity is the… |
Sequence 5as subtle, demanding, and fragile an undertaking as examining the most difficult subject matter in the curriculum. Obviously,… |
Sequence 6expressions of daily life. Latin has the ability to establish a sense of "felt" continuity with the past and… |
Sequence 7Asians, Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Syrians, Armenians, and Arabs. The students encounter Alexandrian mathematics, physics… |
Sequence 84. Writing samples compared from day one and samples at the end of each of the cycles. 5. Latin sentence for analysis and… |
Sequence 9This teacher training can be done on a small scale-a six-week summer session---or on a much larger scale which examines each… |
Sequence 12Instructors can search for simuJation programs that will support the content of the curriculum from a historical, biological,… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 3I want to go on now to the natural sciences, whose methods, whose scope, and whose limitations have been relatively well-… |
Sequence 8kitchen. Adding section by section, piece by piece, they discovered the style pattern and saw that the repeats in Malory are… |
Sequence 21by the husband. This cycle is found among the Native Americans of the eastern United States and Canada as well as among the… |
Sequence 11logical characteristics and each needs a prepared adult to help the individual help himself. The four planes of development… |
Sequence 12product of a Casa dei Bambini and a Montessori elementary class which have followed vigorously Dr. Montessori's formula… |
Sequence 18of the race. And we have the adolescent to prove otherwise to us. "If we gave the world to the small child,"… |
Sequence 17HISTORY, CMcs, GEOGRAPHY, AND ECONOMICS 1. What is the democratic ideal? How, when, why, and where has it arisen in the… |
Sequence 14NAMTANEWs The Montessori Academy Is Full A new kind of summer program intended to encourage depth, The Montessori Academy… |
Sequence 1THE KEEPERS OF ALEXANDRIA: A MlsSJNG LINK FOR MONI'ESSORI IIIsTORY? introduction by David Kahn story by John Wyatt, PhD… |
Sequence 5together any civilization and compare their findings with modem times. For starters, the Montessori elementaty curriculum also… |
Sequence 6Alexander the Great, another Greek, was also a great traveller, founding Alexandria in Egypt, and many other towns named… |
Sequence 7that are real and necessary in order to take the path to maturity. Thus, for the purposes of introducing the Story of… |
Sequence 1THE GREAT STORY OF AI.ExA.NoRJA by John Wyatt, PhD Strange,~ I've been watching here, captured in the sounds and… |
Sequence 2People came from the ends of the earth to live in Alexandria. Everyone entered through the Gate of the Sun and left through… |
Sequence 3who spoke a language no one knew and made boxes of caroed ivory for rare medicines imported from India. 7bere was a sailmaker… |
Sequence 4The heart of the Mouseion was the Library, with its 500,000 books. Any book brought into the city by anyone became the… |
Sequence 5Within the course of endless generations of human beings and hun- dreds and hundreds of years down to our time, the great… |
Sequence 21Blumenfeld, P. C., Pimrich, P. R., & Hamilton, V. L. (1986). Children's concepts of ability, effott, and conduct… |
Sequence 3of life when young people lhrive on real life experience and active involvement. And lhe adults seemed to the adolescent… |
Sequence 8This Is a wonderful profession, but It Is not easy. We must pro- vide the structure for the soclal group and have clear… |
Sequence 112Clay, M. (1991). Becoming literate: The construction of inner control. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Clay, M. (1993). Reading… |
Sequence 160This Is a wonderful profession, but It Is not easy. We must pro- vide the structure for the soclal group and have clear… |
Sequence 5and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 9the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 1THE CASA OF SEVRES, FRANCE by Margot Waltuch Margot Waltuch's pictorial documentation and personal description of her… |
Sequence 2THE NORMALIZED CHILD by Kathleen H. Futrell Kit Futrell's classic, based on a parent talk she first delivered in 1966,… |
Sequence 2"Respect This House" is Mario's anecdote about the early days of the Spanish Civil War, and it is… |
Sequence 1Child working with Botanical Cards, Laren, Holland, 1939 lO The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 23, No. 2 • Spring 1998 |
Sequence 2Laren, Holland THE BOTANICAL CARDS by Mario M. Montessori The Botanical Cards are one of the items of the Montessori… |
Sequence 9and "Where is the fruit?" Eventually we made several groups of envelopes which dealt with flowers and fruit… |
Sequence 2of creation should fashion that the e it but absorb it i h~y will feel that o lace to live in, a p ace w ere generosity… |
Sequence 8Montessori: Yes. In the olden times, Dr. Montessori had the children up to six, and then from time to time would keep children… |
Sequence 8THE INTERNATIONAL STUDY CENTRE Since Maria Montessori inaugurated the first Casa dei Bambini in 1907, Montessori schools have… |
Sequence 1Margot Waltuch, Ada Montessori, and Mario Montessori Baarn, Holland, 1963 50 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 24, No. I • Winter 1999 |
Sequence 5She was a teacher, a leader, and a charismatic personality, but she was full of humanity and fun. She felt you could not live… |
Sequence 7ing fourteen leaf-shaped insets with wooden frames. The study of leaves launched the children into a detailed and particular… |
Sequence 10several languages. His genuine kindness attracted them all. He under- stood the immense importance of their inner power, their… |
Sequence 10better still, to the value of work in general, "with its wide social connotations of productiveness and earning power… |
Sequence 1STORY UPON STORY by Kathleen Allen Kathleen Allen demonstrates what it means to be a II storyteller of the truth."… |
Sequence 7This biographical piece also serves as modeling, showing the children how a story of someone's life could be told, not… |
Sequence 11the plungers. Recreating this experiment in a simple form helps bring the story to life ina way that just hearing it can'… |
Sequence 12can you tell about how different a Latin-speaking mind was? We are so used to a particular order in our sentences, called… |
Sequence 1Silver polishing, Laren, Holland, 1948 16 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. I • Winter 2000 |
Sequence 9Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 18• human settlement and needs of settlement, including impact studies • evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Sequence 81• human settlement and needs of settlement, including impact studies • evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Sequence 184Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 226Silver polishing, Laren, Holland, 1948 16 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. I • Winter 2000 |
Sequence 17But as well as this material territory to be exposed to the child, with the ways in which man has come into contact with other… |
Sequence 12The four planes of development, as recognized by Dr. Montessori, are four stages, relatively equal in length, in the formation… |
Sequence 13Houses and Montessori elementary schools increase around the world, there will probably come about an increasing demand for… |
Sequence 20the stone gatherers and their geological discoveries, through the food gatherers and their botanical discoveries, through the… |
Sequence 27for humanity only if he is recognized as being the product of two earlier planes of development. Dr. Montessori recognized… |
Sequence 2THE HISTORICAL GENESIS OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH by John Wyatt John Wyatt has worked with Montessorians for seven years in… |
Sequence 7the informed speaker or writer aware that a preposition had a myste- rious side to its function. As a trained speaker or… |
Sequence 3by a resonating membrane "like the stretched surface of the drum." If nothing happens, the centers for… |
Sequence 2emerged with prominent Montessori educators of the suburbs and cities deciding to move into the "third plane"… |
Sequence 11ing examples of spontaneous discipline through visiting ex- isting Montessori adolescent programs, consolidating past… |
Sequence 7Activities: • Frameworks of material and spiritual needs of people • Frameworks of human tendencies • Timelines • Knowledge… |
Sequence 16ERDKINDER: THE EXPERIMENT FOR THE EXPERIMENT Interview with Margaret E. Stephenson and A.M. Joosten The followi11g… |
Sequence 20tessori children, to one day be able to have a Montessori Erdkinder. But be very active. It is better to do something than… |
Sequence 1Joosten: You say that the first-year children may not be able to manage more than four and a half days. You also are a mother… |
Sequence 3good as its criteria and the controls and the people executing the experiment must have clarity of vision. But anyone's… |