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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 1556
Sequence 1Dr. z7[, zVfontuddori bonoure? at Rom.e 26L Dr. M. &Iontessori. honoured at Rome. "11 Messagero" of… |
Sequence 3are meant to be - is only a classroom full of Montessori materials and children's furnitw-e. It lacks the spirit of… |
Sequence 1THE FARM EXPERIENCE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE by Richard Barker Richard Barker's perceptive correlations… |
Sequence 5housing, feeding, reproduction and marketing management of poultry. This effort has immersed Dan, for an extended period, in… |
Sequence 1AN OVERVIEW OF ADOLESCENCE by Phil Gang The Origins of Adolescence Adolescence is viewed today as a period between puberty… |
Sequence 14Montessori explains that, "The teacher must have the greatest respect for the personality of the adolescent,… |
Sequence 1PSYCHIC ACTIVITY DURING PRENATAL LIFE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Dr. Montanaro's refreshingly clear… |
Sequence 3the widening gulf between affluent and improverished people, and the diversion of societal resources to military expenditures… |
Sequence 2With the move into the low income populations Montesserians will be able to address an oft voiced criticism of our work. Many… |
Sequence 2country's and state's histories. American leaders of the 19th century believed that no nation could survive, let… |
Sequence 7could make the children silent and yet claim freedom. The age-old misconceptions of freedom and discipline surfaced for… |
Sequence 2is to develop the interest of the child, and the pedagogical basis of the whole school is the developmental needs of the child… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL: AMI MONTESSORI: BACK TO THE FUTURE By David Kahn We are in the turmoil of becoming. And as one undergoes the… |
Sequence 1ON BUBBLES AND SUCH by C. A. Claremont Dr. Clarernont's ability to personify aspects of physics, to isolate the… |
Sequence 3touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 1l\flTCHELLELEMENTARYSCHOOL:A PROFILE SKETCH by Paula Biwer Paula Biwer chroni,cles the cwvelopment of Mitchell Montessori… |
Sequence 1New Montessori Scholarship__; THE ACQUISITION OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE THE NEBULA HYPOTHESIS by Annette Haines ThefoUowi:ng two… |
Sequence 3implementation and teacher training approaches. Lastly, this Journal introduces still another problem of Montessori… |
Sequence 8government should be constituted-as seriously as anyone I have read or met. His many volumes of correspondence are laced with… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCING LUCIANO MAZZETTI Luciano Mazzetti Dr. uuciano Mazzetti is the president of the International Montes- sori Center… |
Sequence 3wruch he is already a part. Then, by grasping that his interest in the events of home is akin to their own interests, they can… |
Sequence 6each of us might have something to learn. Often, those who proclaim themselves fit to make ethical pronouncements for the… |
Sequence 3progress had become very impo1tant in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Prior to that time people had thought more or… |
Sequence 1CLASS DISCUSSION A Scenario For The Trivium by Journet Kahn Dr. Kahn looks at the liberal arts of logic, grammm; and… |
Sequence 1NORMALIZATION by Chulanganee Fernando Ms. Fernando J>resents an in-depth mew of the genesis of the i,dea of… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND SUZUKI by Linda K. Thompson "'1ierever there is Mon-tessori, there are usually Suzuki Institutes… |
Sequence 2"Man himself must become the center of education and we must never forget that man does not develop only at… |
Sequence 5Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 1THE VISION OF THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY ACCORDING TO COSTA GNOCCHI by Grazia Honegger Fresco Looking at the first days of fke… |
Sequence 1A TRIBUTE TO THE INFANT CLASS TRADITION A PHOTO ESSAY by Rita Messineo Rita Messineo annotates this pi,cwrial essay… |
Sequence 1OBSERVATIONS ON SARA'S FIRST EIGHT MONTHS BY HER MOTHER by Grazia Honegger Fresco Mrs. Fresco's sensitive histnry… |
Sequence 2At the birth to three level the Montessori movement has years of experience to draw from though not experience in our own… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI MOVEMENT (1956) by A.M. Joosten The development of the Montessori movement i.s followed from, Mon- tessori s… |
Sequence 5director (and occupied this charge until his deathi Branches are func- tioning in many European, Asian, and American countries… |
Sequence 1MAHATMA GANDHI AND MARIA MONTESSORI (1969) by A.M. Joosten Mr. Joosten offers an interesting comparison of two important 2oth… |
Sequence 2imposed on Dr. Montessori who was considered an enemy alien. Being under restrictions himself, he could do nothing to have… |
Sequence 6are able to visualize any given lrnowledge. By 18 you have envisioned the whole universe. Then at 18 you decide what your… |
Sequence 2the Urban Education Goals, and the national Education Goals, all as hooks for our own efforts to put children first on the… |
Sequence 8salary and facility improvements; transition projects providing suppor- tive services to elementary school children and their… |
Sequence 3media acclaim, but was subsequently suppressed by American educators until Montessori schools all but disappeared by 1923.… |
Sequence 4tions of the social deficits education ought somehow co repair. Before then, cognitive issues had been in the foreground for a… |
Sequence 7alienated and the poor in our culture. All we can cite as success is the fact that a black middle class has moved out of the… |
Sequence 2The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has undenaken a comprehensive, long-term initiative to… |
Sequence 3• Enables all Americans to panicipate fully and intelligently in making sound personal, social, and political decisions… |
Sequence 4ioral sciences; mathematics, and technology, and the interrelationships among these fields. • Cares about high-quality… |
Sequence 10her clinical experience--if he or she had one, and if it was done well. These are big ifi. The kind of literacy that we are… |
Sequence 5principal. Bue, they always say, regression co the mean-even if this happens, it won't lase. So they did regress co the… |
Sequence 3which new, higher, more perfect forms of life appeared, as totally new conditions of existence on earth came about (Education… |
Sequence 6sicy of Rome Medical School. There are many stories of the "petty persecu- cions" she endured with good… |
Sequence 7Whilst everyone was admfring my idiots I was searching for the reasons which rould keep back the healthy and happy children of… |
Sequence 16promptings of the moral self, that erects obstacles and barriers in the way of the development of intelligence, that condemns… |
Sequence 15le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 2Don't call it Montessori. If it works along Montessori lines, that is good. But there is no Montessori method for the… |
Sequence 10viva] of the fittest demands, safeguarding tradition in order to under- stand how co achieve social and technical skills… |
Sequence 4perspective, education becomes a process of assisting human develop- ment, working coward full and whole construction. le… |
Sequence 1THE IMPORTANCE OF MONTESSORI 2000 New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was founded in 199 l by Lamar… |
Sequence 2in the United States. With all educational levels currently operating in America, the year 2000 calls for the first… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI 2000 MISSION T he United States of America is thirsting for bold, new education designs. The exponential knowledge… |
Sequence 4in America and abroad. It was a favorite early childhood curriculum of the "War on Poverty" of the sixties… |
Sequence 31Middle School Community: Montessori 2000 Expected Outcomes Participation in Montessori education is a character-building… |
Sequence 36Middle School Community: Montessori 2000 Expected Outcomes Participation in Montessori education is a character-building… |
Sequence 63in America and abroad. It was a favorite early childhood curriculum of the "War on Poverty" of the sixties… |
Sequence 89MONTESSORI 2000 MISSION T he United States of America is thirsting for bold, new education designs. The exponential knowledge… |
Sequence 92in the United States. With all educational levels currently operating in America, the year 2000 calls for the first… |
Sequence 93THE IMPORTANCE OF MONTESSORI 2000 New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was founded in 199 l by Lamar… |
Sequence 3educationalese all have a purpose. But in my estimation they represent exercises in minutiae-the kind of minutiae that… |
Sequence 4A second source of difficulty for the historian is that the documents we still possess were written from a particular point of… |
Sequence 17teachers to work with administrators on a plan for released time distribution and an in-service schedule for the system.… |
Sequence 21Naturally, it is possible to be so unrelenting as a teacher that too much is demanded of students, or the wrong things… |
Sequence 7children from their earliest entrance into the educational community will be accli- mated to the developmental possibilities… |
Sequence 7of my ·career was washing dishes with Bernard Shaw after a very large social gathering. Bernard Shaw's share of the… |
Sequence 8kitchen. Adding section by section, piece by piece, they discovered the style pattern and saw that the repeats in Malory are… |
Sequence 13English. So, English literature dropped. When you had a German-speaking ruler and a German-speaking court, it affected what… |
Sequence 10Another one is "those youngest best," which means, historically, that iri a matriarchate, the youngest son… |
Sequence 15Some of the Native American tales preserve the original animal marriage, and some of the Japanese do. There is nothing… |
Sequence 19to escape marriage with the father. The mother is dead before the story is opened, and that is why the father is wanting to… |
Sequence 2Schools cannot start too early to encourage the refinement of taste in children, to present for their learning the fine… |
Sequence 4eve'fythlng' turns on the na- ture of the habits, Including ha&its of language, we Jorm by accident and… |
Sequence 3Montessori talked a good deal about the "spiritual preparation" of the teacher(1936, pp. 115-123), and it… |
Sequence 1THE AooLESCENT AND THE FUit.JRE by Margaret E. Stephenson Miss Stephenson presents adolescence in a definitive theorectl… |
Sequence 19Early Years of Exploration and Settlement in America I. Ideas to Investigate for Reports a. Europeans who reached North… |
Sequence 2Th&i;young' child de- mands, "Help me to doit myself.n:rheado- lescent demands, "Help me to… |
Sequence 32. To enable the students to trace their own ethnicity and ancestry and to grow in appreciation for the uniqueness and… |
Sequence 12the millennia, centuries, half-centuries, and even decades. We can also see the sequence of these frameworks. Second, there is… |
Sequence 3who spoke a language no one knew and made boxes of caroed ivory for rare medicines imported from India. 7bere was a sailmaker… |
Sequence 5opment guarantees the unfolding of basic "experience expectant" systems. Refinements of language, such as… |
Sequence 15We must have a conversation that stretches out across this nation and creates an advocacy for children that rejects all nay-… |
Sequence 1THE ECOLOGY OF TIIE MIND by Luciano Mazzetti The title of this lecture, "The Ecology of the Mind," comes… |
Sequence 1THE DEVELOPMENTAL CRISES OF THE FIRST THREE YEARS by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Introduction In our growth… |
Sequence 1A six-year-old's drawing of the Good Shepherd and sheep (lstituto Assunzione, Rome). 60 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. /9, No… |
Sequence 2THE CHil.D AND TIIE ADULT by Sofia Cavalletti 7be one who makes himself as little as this little eh ild is the greatest i:n… |
Sequence 9References Albe rich, E. 0972). Natura e compiU di u.rza catechesi modenza. Torino-Leumann: LDC. Aquinas, St. T. (tr. 1941… |
Sequence 7teaching, which are now standard fixtures in the early education scene in America. Dr. Montessori was strongly influenced by… |
Sequence 8the teacher must awaken the spirit of the child. They considered the moral preparation of the teacher to be the key to… |
Sequence 1Timeline of Montessori Adolescent Programs 1900 1910 1907: Casadei Bambini founded In Rome 1920 1930 early 1930s: first… |
Sequence 2concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of young children; (5) provid- ing experiences for children that are outside of the… |
Sequence 8organization-as well as with managing their behavior. It is more sur- prising to discover, in the writings of Russian… |