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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 146
Sequence 10disadvantaged children responded to the materials with unusual enthusiasm and respect. The order and beauty of the prepared… |
Sequence 9understand the past, but don't pretend to predict the future. We can't see past processes directly, but learn to… |
Sequence 2easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 6can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 10of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 5... he showed me a picture of the night sky taken with the big telescope. There were tens of thousands of stars and… |
Sequence 5Dr. McGregor Smith, retiring director of the Environmental Ethics Institute at Miami-Dade Community College in Miami, says,… |
Sequence 11An exceptional example of vertical history was the Columbus Quincentennary Exhibit at the National Gallery of Art nearly two… |
Sequence 6Alexander the Great, another Greek, was also a great traveller, founding Alexandria in Egypt, and many other towns named… |
Sequence 3another of a Euro-American provincialism, as though a majority of the world's population and their historical… |
Sequence 13As neuroscience probes the depths of human inner space, our respect for the marvels of the body, its intelligence and… |
Sequence 7was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 19place for the Japanese emperor in Tokyo.) Moreover, throughout Asia there are elaborate systems of geomancy (feng shui) which… |
Sequence 15What happened to it, then? Classical Greek culture of the city- state exists from about 700 to 300 BC, and then it starts to… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 2THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 8In the Hellenistic period we will see farms of 5,000, 10,000, 15,000- the largest I know of was over 70,000 acres in Egypt.… |
Sequence 10start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 25that is found in the blood of smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke. We've only relatively recently learned that… |
Sequence 16the Children's House, let them first know a friendly world, which they can love, admire, and feel at one with. Where they… |
Sequence 4only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 3the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 45the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 134only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 24All of this indicates how comprehensively Maria Montessori herself saw the concept of cosmic education and how seriously she… |
Sequence 13techniques, that after the 1970s the catch per person was at least stable, but since the 1990s it has gone down. Scarcity of… |
Sequence 26American Media, continued McClure's Magazine, May, 191 I This issue of McClure's magazine carried the first… |
Sequence 158Peace and Education, continued Caring for Young Refugees: Montessori in Southeast Asia Political upheavals in Southeast Asia… |
Sequence 49young man is supposed to wear to the chariot races as well as what exercises will mold attractive feet and biceps to excite… |
Sequence 12meta-cognitive f111e11cy of travel along the cen ter axis, which intensifies with intellectual move- ment from present to… |
Sequence 14· Origin of the city; comparison of Mesopotamian (anxiously walled in) and Egyptian (calm, ceremonial) cities; · Alexandria,… |
Sequence 20Nationalist and Independence Movements A. Origins of independence movements in Africa and Asia; B. Methods of achieving… |
Sequence 21two-way perspective (emic and etic) of exploring the dynamic between the U.S. and China. The study of a major world player in… |
Sequence 12diverse group of students in the classroom. The group talked about ethnocentrism and prejudice, stereotyping and cultural… |
Sequence 13bridge from Asia more than fourteen thousand years ago. 1 The Powhatan, the Susquehanna, the Delaware, the Cherokee, the… |
Sequence 7assistance in developing a funding submission and, with the help of other international colleagues, a proposal was developed… |
Sequence 16Because of their nomadic way of life, the Saa mi do not have permanent houses. They use easy-to-move tents, which are… |
Sequence 8and there are 192 countries that are members of the United Nations (UN). But that's not the end of the issue. There are… |
Sequence 18participation in actions meant to bring social justice to people in the classroom, in the community, all over the world. We… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI INTERNATIONALISM AND PEACE by Susan Mayclin Stephenson Over the past decade, S11sa11 Stephenson !,as been an… |
Sequence 2Thai Montessori school-no chairs or tables. One of the basic goals of Montessori primary education is to help a child adapt… |
Sequence 6Modern Education in Asia, and the Need for Montessori Today, modern education based on the British system can be found in… |
Sequence 7for places in college and the work force. The term "chalk and talk" is used to describe the methods whereby… |
Sequence 12Washing Clothing The bottoms of feet are considered polluted in much of Asia, and this is reasonable since animals defecate… |
Sequence 25Again, thank you for coming to see us. At our Donor Party Friday night, one of our parents brought up the project in Bhutan.… |
Sequence 26Tai and his grandfather reading Tinlin in Tibet. But what our grandchildren love are the stories I bring back from Asia about… |
Sequence 29Tibetan girls in dance costumes at TCV. measuring it. But it is the practical life that is the basis for all. When the… |
Sequence 1FROM PEACEMAKER TO PEACEBUILDER by Judith Cunningham Judith C1111ningha111 introduces the Montessori Model United Nations (… |
Sequence 16the later attachment to the words we use for those actions. "Never give more to the mind than you do to the hand,… |
Sequence 3Figure 1. The world map of scientific discovery. and how the syllabus provides a vehicle for integrated science instruction.… |
Sequence 285Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years History and the… |
Sequence 5lution relative to place and time the adolescent could make come to life through the re-imagination of lives lived, using the… |
Sequence 10child as the agent of change. In The Discovery of the Child (67), Montes- sori writes of a British family who lived in India… |
Sequence 1656 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 In the elementary years, as children learn about world history and… |
Sequence 16176 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 the classroom into the real world and examining how individuals shape… |
Sequence 7189 Andrews • Joyful Engagement fully engaged, are fully in the moment, and experience what the psychologist Mihaly… |
Sequence 3141 Hacker • Promoting World Citizenship that the human family can be divided into separate groups based on inherent… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 32AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 33AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 372 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 gunship, with its seventeen cannons and its ability to sail fast in… |
Sequence 473 Christian • The Anthropocene: Threshold 8 twenty nations signed the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), which… |
Sequence 675 Christian • The Anthropocene: Threshold 8 of modern statistical analysis, computers allowed governments, banks,… |
Sequence 4with a bright green altar cloth and adorned with Christmas holly. Some of the older children carry the artistically good… |
Sequence 4One of the discoveries that you will make is that there will be only a few rhymes that apply to the prehistory time line, but… |
Sequence 5wage of a skilled craftsman. Their value, in Europe, was high until late in the Middle Ages when a European Cardinal received… |
Sequence 2protein has increased dramatically, and so we feed a good deal of our "extra" grain to livestock and poultry… |
Sequence 9education, culminating in profound speculative study; that he should undergo a great variety of practical experience to form… |
Sequence 216 myself into training because somebody told me about them. That day I bought The Absorbent Mind and E. M. Standing's… |
Sequence 8evidently there is tremendous attraction felt by the child for the spoken word, for the way people talk. One will even acquire… |
Sequence 1Mario M. Montessori Is Dead Chronicle of a Ceremony by Camillo Grazzini Mr. Grazzini's sensitive portrayal of the… |
Sequence 728 I find that the triangle theme can translate rather easily into math, language, and the cultural subjects of geography,… |
Sequence 5A second strategy open to the copywriter - and this is particularly useful for what might be called "luxuries&… |
Sequence 26disadvantaged children responded to the materials with unusual enthusiasm and respect. The order and beauty of the prepared… |
Sequence 118Ghent Montessori School seeking August 1987 Primary (3-6) and Elementary (6-9) trained teachers. Established school of 110… |
Sequence 103understand the past, but don't pretend to predict the future. We can't see past processes directly, but learn to… |
Sequence 133easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 60can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 55of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 59... he showed me a picture of the night sky taken with the big telescope. There were tens of thousands of stars and… |
Sequence 55Dr. McGregor Smith, retiring director of the Environmental Ethics Institute at Miami-Dade Community College in Miami, says,… |
Sequence 48An exceptional example of vertical history was the Columbus Quincentennary Exhibit at the National Gallery of Art nearly two… |
Sequence 62Alexander the Great, another Greek, was also a great traveller, founding Alexandria in Egypt, and many other towns named… |
Sequence 223Cambodia 'The Consortium" (of World Education, Save the Children, and World Learning) is seeking candidates… |
Sequence 101another of a Euro-American provincialism, as though a majority of the world's population and their historical… |
Sequence 99As neuroscience probes the depths of human inner space, our respect for the marvels of the body, its intelligence and… |
Sequence 120was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 205place for the Japanese emperor in Tokyo.) Moreover, throughout Asia there are elaborate systems of geomancy (feng shui) which… |
Sequence 254What happened to it, then? Classical Greek culture of the city- state exists from about 700 to 300 BC, and then it starts to… |
Sequence 256to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 40THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 351In the Hellenistic period we will see farms of 5,000, 10,000, 15,000- the largest I know of was over 70,000 acres in Egypt.… |
Sequence 353start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 164that is found in the blood of smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke. We've only relatively recently learned that… |
Sequence 150the Children's House, let them first know a friendly world, which they can love, admire, and feel at one with. Where they… |
Sequence 128only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 217the training of Montessori teachers: in Europe (Bergamo, Dublin, London, Paris, Perugia, Rome); in Asia (Bombay, Colombo,… |
Sequence 2238 Authentic, comp/et, Montessori at The Mont eginning June 200~ istants to Infancy: Ages 0-3 irector: Judith Orion… |
Sequence 222All of this indicates how comprehensively Maria Montessori herself saw the concept of cosmic education and how seriously she… |
Sequence 181techniques, that after the 1970s the catch per person was at least stable, but since the 1990s it has gone down. Scarcity of… |