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Displaying results 1 - 93 of 93
Sequence 2"The child in the elementary is learning to organize and plan his day, has more control over when he is going to do… |
Sequence 5with familiar ones at first, but the proportion of unfamiliar patterns was to be increased until the child could imitate… |
Sequence 3immediately oversee the development of these arts in the relations between the student discussants, while simultaneously… |
Sequence 5to discourse daily about virtue and self-examination. But he finally proposes a small money offering· guaranteed by his… |
Sequence 7feelings of others. Why couldn't he pursue his mission and still be accepted by others? Seems to me he'd have a… |
Sequence 8Mr. C: Well, I can accept that. But I still don't think that money, power and fame are evils, as Socrates says. Mr. B: I… |
Sequence 9Ms. A: Yes, that's why oratory would fail too. Even a speech in a grand style would fail where experience and feelings… |
Sequence 10Ms. A: Well, man does some things that don't require a body. Leader: Such as ... Ms. A: We think. And therefore thinking… |
Sequence 14seeking martyrdom by not saving himself? Or is there a real opposition between surviving in Athens and obeying the gods? In… |
Sequence 7Lillard, Paula Polk. (1972) Mant.essori a modern approach. New York: Schocken Books. Orem, R.C. (1974) Montessori her method… |
Sequence 7Asians, Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Syrians, Armenians, and Arabs. The students encounter Alexandrian mathematics, physics… |
Sequence 6The danger of textbooks is that their similitude, their averaging of information, their limited scholarship, and their lack of… |
Sequence 9• c:: I,) 0 ;·; I,) • ... ,, c:: ·- QI 0• QI .. a. CII .: . .c= c.,•- • .ii: OCI) (J .. .... • .ii: c:: • o… |
Sequence 8The capacity to heighten significance and enlarge meaning by thinking about events "romantically" can be… |
Sequence 4The elementary student is especially sensitive to historical context. The sense of time and duration crystallizes out of a… |
Sequence 13excavating ruins and describing how to build. The techniques, the skills, the information about building and sculpting were… |
Sequence 6exploitation somewhat irrelevant. If it costs just $3 to rent a Pocahontas video, do you really care if Michael Eisner made $… |
Sequence 12-------------------------------- --~ we are attempting to do with the Erdkinder project in Cleveland is to bring farm and… |
Sequence 18• human settlement and needs of settlement, including impact studies • evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Sequence 81• human settlement and needs of settlement, including impact studies • evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Sequence 5PROTOTYPE YEAR J (HUMANITIES IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH FARM OCCUPATIONS) Architectural Principles in Buildings and Bridges… |
Sequence 6in our 1998 report on the project to the AMI Peda- gogical Committee, "The goal for us this year is to… |
Sequence 6-Independent interdisciplinary study is begun in accordance with student's interest following the excursion. It would be… |
Sequence 19critics. I think in this case the Right was right, that eventually our capitalist system would create so many goods and… |
Sequence 22appearances. Jim provided on the farm support as farm manager. We keptthe focus pretty directed, with student choices… |
Sequence 23find their own identities as emerging social beings? Did conscious- ness create a bridge between how communities of people… |
Sequence 30In some ways, it started with our election study, when two people were invited to each represent the views of Gore and Bush on… |
Sequence 31was magical. Even for the most reticent students-who were very reluctant to get up and do it-it was a moment of triumph when… |
Sequence 1My followers will surely continue without me. I just hope that they do not become victims of Epicureanism. As for the Stoics… |
Sequence 3work together, move forward in history. This is what the adolescent must experience and absorb: division of labor, the… |
Sequence 15In comparison to even fifty years ago, let alone the time of Spinoza, no one can dispute the arrival of the enormous comfort… |
Sequence 44rupting the good principles of their original virtuous nature ... but the true, content mortal alone earns and cultivates… |
Sequence 9erism at a grand scale and new forms of freedom possible, industrial- ization also caused new inequalities and poverty, and… |
Sequence 14· Origin of the city; comparison of Mesopotamian (anxiously walled in) and Egyptian (calm, ceremonial) cities; · Alexandria,… |
Sequence 4to keep track of all these scrolls. Each book might have multiple scrolls, and they all had to be numbered and organized.… |
Sequence 3Of the many cultures of humankind, of the plenitude of history's eras and their mass of pivotal artifacts, we reasoned… |
Sequence 8With the picture of Rome's history cradled in our cerebella, we move on to an overview of the orders of architecture,… |
Sequence 289Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Detailed studies:… |
Sequence 5lution relative to place and time the adolescent could make come to life through the re-imagination of lives lived, using the… |
Sequence 1the adolescent: taKinG on the tasK of huManity— conductinG the dialoGue between nature and suPranature by Laurie Ewert-… |
Sequence 167Cardboard Model of an old Amsterdam house made by girl 9 1/4 years of age. (1925). Call of Education, !, 229-30, (2).… |
Sequence 2labelled - and libelled - as a pornographer. That is the method of character assassination, of attacking people - to take what… |
Sequence 3Professor Moritaki and Mr. Takahashi but they were more than puzzled to know what they could do to change what they saw as the… |
Sequence 12term "teacher" and why the term "director" or "directress" was preferred… |
Sequence 49"The child in the elementary is learning to organize and plan his day, has more control over when he is going to do… |
Sequence 58with familiar ones at first, but the proportion of unfamiliar patterns was to be increased until the child could imitate… |
Sequence 141who eajoy working together in a beauti- ful, established, expanding school. Palm Harbor Montessori School is located on a 5… |
Sequence 53immediately oversee the development of these arts in the relations between the student discussants, while simultaneously… |
Sequence 55to discourse daily about virtue and self-examination. But he finally proposes a small money offering· guaranteed by his… |
Sequence 57feelings of others. Why couldn't he pursue his mission and still be accepted by others? Seems to me he'd have a… |
Sequence 58Mr. C: Well, I can accept that. But I still don't think that money, power and fame are evils, as Socrates says. Mr. B: I… |
Sequence 59Ms. A: Yes, that's why oratory would fail too. Even a speech in a grand style would fail where experience and feelings… |
Sequence 60Ms. A: Well, man does some things that don't require a body. Leader: Such as ... Ms. A: We think. And therefore thinking… |
Sequence 64seeking martyrdom by not saving himself? Or is there a real opposition between surviving in Athens and obeying the gods? In… |
Sequence 53Lillard, Paula Polk. (1972) Mant.essori a modern approach. New York: Schocken Books. Orem, R.C. (1974) Montessori her method… |
Sequence 123Asians, Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Syrians, Armenians, and Arabs. The students encounter Alexandrian mathematics, physics… |
Sequence 55The danger of textbooks is that their similitude, their averaging of information, their limited scholarship, and their lack of… |
Sequence 58• c:: I,) 0 ;·; I,) • ... ,, c:: ·- QI 0• QI .. a. CII .: . .c= c.,•- • .ii: OCI) (J .. .... • .ii: c:: • o… |
Sequence 78The capacity to heighten significance and enlarge meaning by thinking about events "romantically" can be… |
Sequence 96The elementary student is especially sensitive to historical context. The sense of time and duration crystallizes out of a… |
Sequence 78excavating ruins and describing how to build. The techniques, the skills, the information about building and sculpting were… |
Sequence 245exploitation somewhat irrelevant. If it costs just $3 to rent a Pocahontas video, do you really care if Michael Eisner made $… |
Sequence 124-------------------------------- --~ we are attempting to do with the Erdkinder project in Cleveland is to bring farm and… |
Sequence 166• human settlement and needs of settlement, including impact studies • evolution of the environment in relation to human… |
Sequence 103PROTOTYPE YEAR J (HUMANITIES IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH FARM OCCUPATIONS) Architectural Principles in Buildings and Bridges… |
Sequence 104in our 1998 report on the project to the AMI Peda- gogical Committee, "The goal for us this year is to… |
Sequence 187-Independent interdisciplinary study is begun in accordance with student's interest following the excursion. It would be… |
Sequence 342critics. I think in this case the Right was right, that eventually our capitalist system would create so many goods and… |
Sequence 438appearances. Jim provided on the farm support as farm manager. We keptthe focus pretty directed, with student choices… |
Sequence 439find their own identities as emerging social beings? Did conscious- ness create a bridge between how communities of people… |
Sequence 446In some ways, it started with our election study, when two people were invited to each represent the views of Gore and Bush on… |
Sequence 447was magical. Even for the most reticent students-who were very reluctant to get up and do it-it was a moment of triumph when… |
Sequence 448I once met Alexander the Great-I respectfully call him that. He came up to me looking rather sympathetic. "Yes?&… |
Sequence 449My followers will surely continue without me. I just hope that they do not become victims of Epicureanism. As for the Stoics… |
Sequence 189work together, move forward in history. This is what the adolescent must experience and absorb: division of labor, the… |
Sequence 144In comparison to even fifty years ago, let alone the time of Spinoza, no one can dispute the arrival of the enormous comfort… |
Sequence 173rupting the good principles of their original virtuous nature ... but the true, content mortal alone earns and cultivates… |
Sequence 219erism at a grand scale and new forms of freedom possible, industrial- ization also caused new inequalities and poverty, and… |
Sequence 260· Origin of the city; comparison of Mesopotamian (anxiously walled in) and Egyptian (calm, ceremonial) cities; · Alexandria,… |
Sequence 150to keep track of all these scrolls. Each book might have multiple scrolls, and they all had to be numbered and organized.… |
Sequence 196MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: PATHWAYS TO GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING by Phyllis Pettish-Lewis Phyllis Pottish-Lewis has… |
Sequence 233Of the many cultures of humankind, of the plenitude of history's eras and their mass of pivotal artifacts, we reasoned… |
Sequence 238With the picture of Rome's history cradled in our cerebella, we move on to an overview of the orders of architecture,… |
Sequence 295Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Detailed studies:… |
Sequence 326lution relative to place and time the adolescent could make come to life through the re-imagination of lives lived, using the… |
Sequence 185175 Ewert-Krocker • The Adolescent: Taking on the Task of Humanity the adolescent: taKinG on the tasK of huManity—… |
Sequence 7268 THE CHARLOTTE MONTESSORI SCHOOL in Charlotte. N.C. is seeking a Primary level teacher. Begin August 15. I 983. Would… |
Sequence 5046 Opcn111g for J-<i Mon1c,<,0n teacher at Whitby School. Take over an C\Ulbh,hcd cla;_, of 25 child· ren with… |
Sequence 175Cardboard Model of an old Amsterdam house made by girl 9 1/4 years of age. (1925). Call of Education, !, 229-30, (2).… |
Sequence 25labelled - and libelled - as a pornographer. That is the method of character assassination, of attacking people - to take what… |
Sequence 26Professor Moritaki and Mr. Takahashi but they were more than puzzled to know what they could do to change what they saw as the… |
Sequence 35term "teacher" and why the term "director" or "directress" was preferred… |