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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 392
Sequence 47- - Montessori National Curriculum for the First Plane of Development from Birth to Six Years ,-- I Activities include:… |
Sequence 62Montessori Nat1onal Curriculum for the First Plane of Development from Birth to Six Years Geography Content Strand I… |
Sequence 68Molltessori Natiollal Curriculum for the First Plane of Developmem from Birth co Six Years Content Strand Knowledge, Skills… |
Sequence 73Montessori National Curriculum for the First Plane of Development from Birth to Six Years For this reason, the guidelines… |
Sequence 78Montessori National Curriculum lor the Second Plane ol Development from Six to Twelve Years Children's House for a vIsIL… |
Sequence 84Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years how these domains are interrelated… |
Sequence 101Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years… |
Sequence 120Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Si)( to Twelve Years Writing: spelling Writing:… |
Sequence 142Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years I Multiply a fraction by a… |
Sequence 143Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years Percentage I-recording and… |
Sequence 153Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six 10 Twelve Years Geometry and Measurement… |
Sequence 166Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years >---- Volume: solids f… |
Sequence 170Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years Subsequent science experiments… |
Sequence 177Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of De•elopment from Six to Twelve Years Society and civilisation needs… |
Sequence 178Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twel,e Years - I Our Nation Build knowledge… |
Sequence 179Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six lo Twelve Years Landforms Review knowledge of and… |
Sequence 180Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Slx to Twelve Years I The creation I Explore and… |
Sequence 181Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from SiK to Twelve Years f Geography: first… |
Sequence 188Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane ol Development from Si~ to Twelve Years Society and civilization (2nd… |
Sequence 189Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years Migration Study the movement of… |
Sequence 190Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years I Australian I political… |
Sequence 191Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years The study of the world Study of… |
Sequence 192Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Si~ to Twelve Years L Australian citizenship… |
Sequence 194Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years - - reference and research… |
Sequence 216Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane of Development from Six to Twelve Years Dance Styles Appreciation… |
Sequence 235Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years The Montessori National… |
Sequence 252Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years English Introduction… |
Sequence 285Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years History and the… |
Sequence 286Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sncteen Years Timelines are used and… |
Sequence 296Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Students then pose one… |
Sequence 9PART II Growth For the first decade or so, our work took place in a generally uniform social environment; therefore, it… |
Sequence 4110 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 unceasing toil of these agents explain so many of the phenomena with… |
Sequence 8142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 we can help the child see how each contributes an essential part in the… |
Sequence 10118 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 Each culture is represented by a horizontal line at • the appropriate… |
Sequence 1nurturinG the reSPectful community throuGh Practical life by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann’s depiction of practical life… |
Sequence 395 Abbott • Battling for the Soul of Education of numerous decisions taken in times past by policymakers as they reacted to… |
Sequence 1Building spoken language in the first plane by Joen Bettmann Through a strong Montessori orientation to the parameters of… |
Sequence 365 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace Box 1. The Children’s Eternal Rainforest: The Heart of Conservation in Costa Rica Per… |
Sequence 1The ObservaTiOn scienTisT by Molly O’Shaughnessy Once the reasons for habitual observation in the classroom have been es-… |
Sequence 6138 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 I also want to emphasize that this process of self-construction happens… |
Sequence 1The rOad hOMe by Molly O’Shaughnessy “Children have the potential to create a world we cannot imagine. This is our hope.” In… |
Sequence 2486 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 drawn to each of these sources of information. Rather than over-… |
Sequence 5The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 1Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 2AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 38AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 48AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 49Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 65The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 166AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 39AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 131 conference, we come together from around the world to Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the… |
Sequence 49AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 121 adolescent needs relevant work with a clear purpose: real work such as cooking, cleaning,… |
Sequence 50Part Three The Positive Psychology of the Adolescent Becoming Adult Introduction by David Kahn 1. The Power of Montessori’s… |
Sequence 66The Casa dei Bambini: Paths to Culture page 104 or history, dependent upon a higher order of mental ability? A friend of… |
Sequence 167AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 69 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science Krishnaswami, Uma. Beyond the Field Trip: Teaching and… |
Sequence 976 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 nections, the way Ted Sizer did with his opening homeroom period of 35… |
Sequence 1JOEN BETTMANN _________________________________________________________________________ Joen Bettmann was a highly regarded… |
Sequence 3Certainly many features of the Casa could be used to help these children, but really cognitive stimulation is not the only… |
Sequence 2social integration of the handicapped and multiply handicapped child. They have systematically applied Montessori therapy to… |
Sequence 6unlocks leads to nothing of interest to the child. Either the door led to something that was of great interest to the teacher… |
Sequence 514 Cued speech is not that difficult to learn, especially for Montessori teachers. During the State hearing a member of the… |
Sequence 4older members of the class first choice on the major parts, don't you think? (Assenting comments from the group -… |
Sequence 3good for discussion because all it leads to is other people saying, "Ooh" or "Aah" or &… |
Sequence 3She was joined by Joseph Hamilton who is currently the director of the program at the Montessori Junior-Senior High School in… |
Sequence 2that the Directress is the active link between the child and the environment but that as the child increases, the role of the… |
Sequence 2the leadership of Barbara Gordon - quiet, persuasive, and able to bring a community of teachers and parents together in a… |
Sequence 48Revesz, Geza. (1925). Progressive education. The Call of Education, 2 71-73, (3). Rogers, George W. (1977). Maria… |
Sequence 160162 Schmid, Jeannine. (1978). the regular classroom. 638). (9). Montessori for eve one? Ada tin Montessori for ERIC… |
Sequence 177179 Perra, w. (1958). Appreciation of a mother-teacher. Around the Child, 2, 61-62, (2). Petersen, Robert C. _!2,… |
Sequence 1Education as Peace by John Bremer Dr. Bremer's article portrays, in superb literary style, the contradictions of the… |
Sequence 100MR. KAHN GOES TO AUSTRALIA Montessori Week-Sydney, Australia, November, 1986 "Based as it is on liberty, the… |
Sequence 101Their brand of Montessori is an act of educational reform. They are taking the Montessori ideal as a "whole system… |
Sequence 108OHIO Hudson Montessori School is currently accepting applications for a Director/ess at the 6-9 and 9-12 year old Elementary… |
Sequence 74tions differed depending upon whether or not she was present when the behavior ocurred. Turner (1978) designed a test for… |
Sequence 77McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 133easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 134touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 135bedside table was a prayer book, and a new book by Luciano Mazzetti (speaking at the Summer Washington Conference) and a note… |
Sequence 96teaching experience (administrative background preferred). Ability to pro- vide for professional development of fac- ulty… |
Sequence 116Two AMI Assistants to Infancy teachers for one Infant Community and Nido. School currently has 1 Nido, 4 Infant Communities… |
Sequence 117SCHOOL FOR SALE Sonoma, California. One primary class- room school 3-6. Solid reputation in 9th yr. Complete class and play… |
Sequence 47behavior by males is absolutely unknown in the animal kingdom except in chimps and humans. So if one is interested in the… |
Sequence 72topographical features mentioned in each tale or look at beginnings and endings. Children can write further adventures of a… |
Sequence 141TENNESSEE Administrator for established Montessori school with 3-6 and 6-9 dasses; adding 9-12, fall, 1990. New facility on… |
Sequence 60can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 155PENNSYLVANIA NEW HORIZONS MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Fbrt Washington, PA, founded 1970, invites appli- cations for primary and… |
Sequence 156INNER CITY MONTESSORI ASSOC.,2 Eum- lla St., Burwood NSW 2134, Australia. Queensland Australia: Beautiful One Day, Perfect… |
Sequence 65WHOLE L\NGUAGF.: A WHOLE EDUCATIONAL REFoRM by Yetta M. Goodman and Kenneth S. Goodman Citing the progressive movement of… |
Sequence 55of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 78In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 56Stories A small group of children can write a collective story. The direccress asks questions and writes down rhe children… |
Sequence 198viduals and social organizations to deal with complexity and change in ways which are both adaptive and creative. The emerging… |
Sequence 207OHIO Positions open for Montessori teachers. Elmmuary dirrr- rms (,~ I to 3) and primary rrnchn(ages 3 to 6). AMI or… |
Sequence 7EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 27In particular, their myths, and the range of techniques used to transmit them, differ significantly. It is inevitably… |
Sequence 209WYOMING MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF CASPER. Wyo- ming, now accepting applications for AMI El- ementary Guide for new class… |