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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 677
Sequence 1CURRICULUM FOR CARING: BUILDING A SENSE OF MISSION WITH THE ADOLESCENT by David Kahn and Marilyn DoelT Innovated as part of… |
Sequence 4evaluation. One point is clear-evaluation is an essential ingredient of the Montessori secondary program, probably because… |
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 5Another issue of particular importance was language. Within the classroom the children spoke Vietnamese, Laotian, Chinese,… |
Sequence 8The adults soon realized that the children's response was indeed substantial; concentration and independence began to… |
Sequence 1ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 11love, patience, and individual bonding with the children needed to be there because the adolescent was in a sense… |
Sequence 1WHEN THE KIDS FIGHT HOW TO INTERVENE HELPFULLY By Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish have written… |
Sequence 1A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 8land, to support future races. "21 The emotional depiction of coral as part of a cosmic legacy of doing right by… |
Sequence 9understand the past, but don't pretend to predict the future. We can't see past processes directly, but learn to… |
Sequence 1EXPLORING WITH THE NINE TO TWELVE CHILD by Kathleen Futrell Delineating a master portrait of a Montessori "upper… |
Sequence 2Dependent variables in the study were the motor skill of eye-hand co-ordination, visual perception skills of figure ground and… |
Sequence 1Urban Education PERFORMANCE OF MONTESSORI GRADUATES IN PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSROOMS Carol Takacs Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 8the subjects of geometry and language. In geometry the essentialist will be governed by the sensorial reality of the materials… |
Sequence 6Montessori and the Humanities means a clarification of goals. We have a saying in Montessori - "Montessori is an aid… |
Sequence 5that is overwhelming for the moment? (Elicits the collaboration of the group) Sarah: Individualizing, Lois-have you tried… |
Sequence 2best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 5the facility by different personnel which always adds stress to any program. (Good teachers, especially Montessorians, do not… |
Sequence 12References Brown, Rexford G. ( 1991). Schools of thought: How the politics of litera,cy shape thinking in the classroom. San… |
Sequence 4What makes the Montessori curriculwn work are: its long history of implementation, its focus on giving the keys (process) to… |
Sequence 19But I think that these more basic issues of working on collaboration, working on redefining the role of the teacher, on… |
Sequence 6informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 15I. Practical life enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the… |
Sequence 2ASSESSMENT Montessori 2000 provides an extremely important opportunity to further an unfulfilled assessment need that has… |
Sequence 3Guided by the belief that assessment of student progress should be based on multiple sources of evidence, the evaluation of… |
Sequence 4be an iterative process in writing and by telephone that will continue until the student outcomes are clearly specified. Task… |
Sequence 5of a variety of student activities required to master the objective. Student performance in these classroom activities, if… |
Sequence 7Design Review Team and Task Force Roster • Michael Bagiackas, Teacher-Head, Hershey Montessori School 10229 Prouty, Concord… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 15Gloria Dei Virginia Varga Hershey Montessori School Michael Bagiackas Judson Montessori School Jim Judson Lake Country… |
Sequence 3Gloria Dei Virginia Varga Hershey Montessori School Michael Bagiackas Judson Montessori School Jim Judson Lake Country… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 11Design Review Team and Task Force Roster • Michael Bagiackas, Teacher-Head, Hershey Montessori School 10229 Prouty, Concord… |
Sequence 30of a variety of student activities required to master the objective. Student performance in these classroom activities, if… |
Sequence 31be an iterative process in writing and by telephone that will continue until the student outcomes are clearly specified. Task… |
Sequence 32Guided by the belief that assessment of student progress should be based on multiple sources of evidence, the evaluation of… |
Sequence 33ASSESSMENT Montessori 2000 provides an extremely important opportunity to further an unfulfilled assessment need that has… |
Sequence 52I. Practical life enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of the… |
Sequence 79informed by their child's process of learning, early intervention is real, and Montessori principles are actualized in… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF A MONTESSORI OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Michael Bagiackas Toleration by earth's ecosystems to… |
Sequence 13Had the faculty done the right kind of homework and thought clearly about the words they were using and encouraging their… |
Sequence 14the t i n ings ngl o- fY, au & f>eau ng is po- ttry, tincf:'from the p f other na- tions, f… |
Sequence 1Cosmic Education at the middle school level, while including the areas of geography, biology, and geology, also includes the… |
Sequence 2Reading, seminars, field experiences, journaling, interviewing, and expository and creative writing are integrated into this… |
Sequence 4• Choose a specific ethnic neighborhood in the Cleveland area to research regarding its history, settlement, landmarks,… |
Sequence 4middle school environment on to another level of risk and finally out into the Cleveland community, the fact is that the… |
Sequence 2SURVEY OF MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS: INTERPRETIVE COMMENTARY by John Long Introduction Let me Lell a personal story… |
Sequence 8The work of this stage of development is adaptation to social life. The adolescent is vulnerable to the development of all… |
Sequence 70The work of this stage of development is adaptation to social life. The adolescent is vulnerable to the development of all… |
Sequence 9Delegate Agency: An organization designated by a Grantee to operate a Head Start program, using funds channeled through the… |
Sequence 1WORLD MONTESSORI: RENEWAL THROUGH COOPERATION by David Kahn What is the task confronting education? It is above all the task… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI AND THE "GLASS HOUSE" by Alan Bonsteel, MD Dr. Bonstee/' s article not only conveys… |
Sequence 2these "deficient" children, in 1907 she took her new teaching prin- ciples to "normal"… |
Sequence 3In addition to help from her longtime assistants, Helen Parkhurst and Adelia Pyle, Montessori was accompanied by her son,… |
Sequence 4lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 7The great work for the child, as for all humans, is to become a conscious collabo- rator with the unfolding of the universe… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 7THE RESURGENCE OF COSMIC STORYTELLERS by Brian T. Swimme Brian Swimme' s insight into the Story of the Universe… |
Sequence 16the spectrum. On the small end-20- and 30- and 40-acre farms-we see a person who inherits a farm and finds out that if raisins… |
Sequence 5Figure 1 suggests that the vision and understanding of Erdkinder must come through a variety of pathways, beginning with… |
Sequence 38Grazzini, C. (1996). The four planes of development. The NAMTA Journal, 21(2), 208-241. Kahn, D. (1997a). Normalization and… |
Sequence 13Maslow, Abraham H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. NY: Viking, 1971. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans.… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 2FOREWORD When I was asked to prepare a blurb for this presentation, I decided it was important to give some background… |
Sequence 3story, is clearly touched by the Montessori ideas-whether they have ever heard ofMaria"Montessori or not, whether or… |
Sequence 16Pendleton, Renee, comp. & ed. The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI: A LEARNER TAUGHT BY CHILDREN by Robert G. Buckenmeyer In 1915, Maria Montessori traveled to San Francisco… |
Sequence 2phenomenon have more disas- trous effects than in education. Teachers have the best inten- tions, but best intentions kill… |
Sequence 11I wish you to enjoy the vision of the human being in the first season of life, blossoming at the warmth of a Person, or of a… |
Sequence 13the teacher and the scientist an Apostolic spirit. This Apostolic spirit sees not only the spirit of study about the child but… |
Sequence 21The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 2The motivational underpinning to learning the facts is that they are woven into a relationship between facts and concrete… |
Sequence 12-------------------------------- --~ we are attempting to do with the Erdkinder project in Cleveland is to bring farm and… |
Sequence 28the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 2THE CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSE by Brian Swimme Edited by Connie Barlow This article portrays the… |
Sequence 8In 1915, Dr. Montessori traveled to California to attend the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. She… |
Sequence 11She "jumped off" into new territory without having a plan in place-and let her commitment to fighting for… |
Sequence 2they knew that there was more than Practical Life, Art Expression, Spoken Language, and Music. But the materials got there… |
Sequence 4Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 7Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 1NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Sequence 25Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 24REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher Education Collabo-… |
Sequence 75REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher Education Collabo-… |
Sequence 99Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 141NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Sequence 172Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 175Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 177they knew that there was more than Practical Life, Art Expression, Spoken Language, and Music. But the materials got there… |
Sequence 228She "jumped off" into new territory without having a plan in place-and let her commitment to fighting for… |
Sequence 231In 1915, Dr. Montessori traveled to California to attend the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. She… |
Sequence 2THE HAND-THOUGHT-LANGUAGE NEXUS by Frank R. Wilson Frank Wilson's scholarly book depicts cognitive scientists and… |
Sequence 1Cleveland Elementary Course, directed by Miss Stephenson, 1988 Miss Stephenson and trainers Kay Baker and Peter Gebhardt-… |
Sequence 7this celebration in Cleveland recognizing the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of NAMT A, I would ask that we again… |
Sequence 5PROTOTYPE YEAR J (HUMANITIES IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH FARM OCCUPATIONS) Architectural Principles in Buildings and Bridges… |