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Displaying results 1 - 73 of 73
Sequence 9An interesting aspect of this study was the difference in teachers' connotations of words used on the questionnaire.… |
Sequence 1NORMALIZATION by Chulanganee Fernando Ms. Fernando J>resents an in-depth mew of the genesis of the i,dea of… |
Sequence 22contained and invited me to come talk about them at the October 2001 NAMTA conference in Columbia, MD. McMillin realized that… |
Sequence 32paper and pen to record his thoughts and sketch his passionate observations of the Sierra Mountains. The process of writing… |
Sequence 17child and the natural world. Certain urban children without means of transport have never seen a farm or farm animals. Maurice… |
Sequence 1community: a hallmark of our aPProach by Connie Black All the basics of the Montessori prepared environment are put into an… |
Sequence 28 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Dr. Montessori understood and appreciated the importance of community in… |
Sequence 1Blending differing PersPectives of Parents and guides: meeting Parents Where they are and Bringing them along on the Journey… |
Sequence 1Grace and courteSy for the whole School by Mary Lou Cobb Mary Lou Cobb gives a framework from a very practical point of view… |
Sequence 1Wondering aloud by Carla Foster Presenting the Montessori tools of the great lessons highlights the power of storytelling in… |
Sequence 1a WorkManshiP of risk: The crafTing of ThoughT in an age of sPeed and disTracTion by Maggie Jackson “How much can one… |
Sequence 1sTraTegies To suPPorT concenTraTion by Annette Haines Annette Haines provides a comprehensive overview of concentration… |
Sequence 1Theory inTo PracTice: advancing norMalizaTion for The child under Three by Alyssa Conklin-Moore Alyssa Conklin-Moore… |
Sequence 1idenTifying True norMaliTy in The eleMenTary child by Kay Baker Kay Baker offers a look at the needs and manifestations (… |
Sequence 1creaTive engageMenT: handWork as folloW-uP Work by Ellen Lebitz “To a great extent, we all must “do” in order to learn.”… |
Sequence 1helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in The MonTessori classrooM: inTroducTion by Catherine Nehring Massie… |
Sequence 1helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in a MonTessori classrooM: The role of The occuPaTional TheraPisT by Barbara… |
Sequence 1helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in a MonTessori classrooM: The role of The Physician by Maureen Murphy-Ryan… |
Sequence 1Strategies to Support Concentration This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled Finding the Hook: Montessori… |
Sequence 14AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 155 Strategies to Support Concentration This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled… |
Sequence 15AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 155 Strategies to Support Concentration This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled… |
Sequence 2732 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 References Blain, Lionel. “Two Philosophies Centered on Hope: Those of G… |
Sequence 7Study Approaches to the Problem of Child Care by Niles Newton Many young children and many desperate mothers need help.… |
Sequence 1Study Approaches to the Problem of Child Care by Niles Newton Many young children and many desperate mothers need help.… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 78An interesting aspect of this study was the difference in teachers' connotations of words used on the questionnaire.… |
Sequence 11NORMALIZATION by Chulanganee Fernando Ms. Fernando J>resents an in-depth mew of the genesis of the i,dea of… |
Sequence 145Mary Kay Malloy and the staff of West Hills Montessori School are to be corn• mended for making this conference run so… |
Sequence 208FOR FALL OF '93. Primary teacher to team teach in small day home setting. Beautiful envi- ronment in the museum district… |
Sequence 203Montessori History: Cosmic Perspectives, Real Implementation cap- tured the imagination of participants in Orlando in March. A… |
Sequence 160abiding interest seek out information about the natural world, peoples far way, and human technological achievements.… |
Sequence 257Maryland Chesapeake Montessori School, An- napolis, MD, is seeking an AMI-trained Elementary teacher, beginning Fall 1997.… |
Sequence 262We are purchasing 5 acres of property with creeks, trees and a lovely view and will soon start designing our own facility.… |
Sequence 221Qualified candidates need an under- standing of Montessori philosophy, and strong interpersonal and mana- gerial skills. We… |
Sequence 545contained and invited me to come talk about them at the October 2001 NAMTA conference in Columbia, MD. McMillin realized that… |
Sequence 208NAMTA NEWS NAMTA DtCITAL PRODUCTIONS TO RELEASE FOUR NEW VIDEOS Utilizing our team of videographers, Tim Kahn and Joe… |
Sequence 293NAMTA Conferences 2005-2006 Montessori Perspectives on the Human Personality Dallas, TX: October 13-16, 2005 Double Tree… |
Sequence 46Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori Education Offering the Master… |
Sequence 53Call: Julianna Acheson 207-645-9773 Or: Maryland Bryant Woods Montessori ChHdren's House in… |
Sequence 242LOYOLA COLUIGBJNN.ilYLAND Washington Montessori Institute at Loyola College in Maryland Graduate Programs in Montessori… |
Sequence 43paper and pen to record his thoughts and sketch his passionate observations of the Sierra Mountains. The process of writing… |
Sequence 59child and the natural world. Certain urban children without means of transport have never seen a farm or farm animals. Maurice… |
Sequence 137 Black • Community community: a hallmark of our aPProach by Connie Black All the basics of the Montessori prepared… |
Sequence 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Dr. Montessori understood and appreciated the importance of community in… |
Sequence 6761 Sobel • Place-Based Education Place-Based education: connecting classrooms and communities closing the achievement gaP… |
Sequence 9791 Joyce • Blending Differing Perspectives of Parents and Guides Blending differing PersPectives of Parents and guides:… |
Sequence 71 Schaefer • Social Cohesion, Grace, and Courtesy: An Editorial Social coheSion, Grace, and courteSy: an editorial by Pat… |
Sequence 145139 Cobb • Grace and Courtesy for the Whole School Grace and courteSy for the whole School by Mary Lou Cobb Mary Lou Cobb… |
Sequence 5751 Foster • Wondering Aloud Wondering aloud by Carla Foster Presenting the Montessori tools of the great lessons highlights… |
Sequence 2923 Tribute • John Robert Snyder ParT one finding The ‘hook’: MonTessori sTraTegies To suPPorT concenTraTion Part one of… |
Sequence 3125 Jackson • A Workmanship of Risk a WorkManshiP of risk: The crafTing of ThoughT in an age of sPeed and disTracTion by… |
Sequence 5145 Haines • Strategies to Support Concentration sTraTegies To suPPorT concenTraTion by Annette Haines Annette Haines… |
Sequence 6963 Conklin-Moore • Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization Theory inTo PracTice: advancing norMalizaTion for The… |
Sequence 10599 Baker • Identifying True Normality in the Elementary Child idenTifying True norMaliTy in The eleMenTary child by Kay… |
Sequence 127121 Lebitz • Creative Engagement: Handwork as Follow-Up Work creaTive engageMenT: handWork as folloW-uP Work by Ellen… |
Sequence 269263 Massie • Helping Children with Attentional Challenges helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in The MonTessori… |
Sequence 293287 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in a MonTessori classrooM… |
Sequence 361355 Murphy-Ryan • The Role of the Physician helPing children WiTh aTTenTional challenges in a MonTessori classrooM: The… |
Sequence 435429 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds Our benefits package includes indi- vidual health, dental and disability insurance, a… |
Sequence 124118 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 WJISHING'I'ON .M.ON'IE6SOII IN6'1'ITUTE JI?… |
Sequence 156AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 155 Strategies to Support Concentration This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled… |
Sequence 3232 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 References Blain, Lionel. “Two Philosophies Centered on Hope: Those of G… |
Sequence 25Study Approaches to the Problem of Child Care by Niles Newton Many young children and many desperate mothers need help.… |
Sequence 53Racine Mon1csso11 School has an opening for a Montessori pre-school 1eachcr beginning Fall 1982. Applicant mus1 have BA and… |
Sequence 71SOUTHEAST NEEDED FALL 1983: One AMI Primary and one Junior teacher. Start own class in stable. viable school in Winston-… |
Sequence 11Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |