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Displaying results 201 - 300 of 1883
Sequence 16fixed in your mind. What is your place in the cosmos? What is the child's place in the cosmos? What is our purpose on the… |
Sequence 17Fried an, B. (1962). The feminine mystique. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Mann, A. (1996, August). [Untitled workshop]. In… |
Sequence 13Theologically, the responsibility of the human is to perceive the evolutionary universe as the primary revelatory experience… |
Sequence 30is because children will enjoy and live more fully and fulfill their potentials. But also because they are more likely to… |
Sequence 21quite accurate analysis. I think we all have to realize that farms like mine are being destroyed in California. All of my… |
Sequence 38Grazzini, C. (1996). The four planes of development. The NAMTA Journal, 21(2), 208-241. Kahn, D. (1997a). Normalization and… |
Sequence 7My own experiences working with children and farming con- firmed what Sarver (1985) postulates: that caring for another im-… |
Sequence 10studied, the experience of working with the earth and connecting it to curriculum only enhanced the learning. Despite the… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. "Gott und das Kind." Trans. Helene Helm- ing. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Montessori-… |
Sequence 16It is important for us not to change the vision of Dr. Montessori by creating a reductive attitude to what we do, by focusing… |
Sequence 19Montessori, Maria. The Montessori Method. Trans. A. George. 1912. New York: Schocken, 1962. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Aries, P. Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage, 1962. Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal… |
Sequence 12likelier to have more rewarding relationships with their mothers and fathers than the bored. This should not be surprising,… |
Sequence 13Maslow, Abraham H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. NY: Viking, 1971. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans.… |
Sequence 31REFERENCES Buys Town. Dir. Norman Taurog. Perf. Spencer Tracy. MGM, 1938. Carroll-Abbing, John Patrick. A Chance to Live:… |
Sequence 15Open up to nature And enter Yet another world THE FUTURE CHALLENGE: FORMING A NEW CONSCIOUSNESS There needs to be a &… |
Sequence 5Many would argue that on the question of protection of children this is too strong a statement and that in many cases children… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 24Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 16encode (write) multiple forms of representation creates opportunities for activating, developing, and refining our minds. We… |
Sequence 18two great-great-great-grandparents, and so on until you get to the "eighteen greats" level, where you have… |
Sequence 19Hakim, Joy. "Reading, Writing, and ... History." History Mat- ters! (May 1996): 19 pars. 1 Dec. 1998 <… |
Sequence 10birth of new life. "The personality of the mother," she observes, "is characterized by this: with… |
Sequence 4center of our efforts to insure, in Gianna Gobbi's words, "healthy psychic life and [to pave] the way for human… |
Sequence 11I wish you to enjoy the vision of the human being in the first season of life, blossoming at the warmth of a Person, or of a… |
Sequence 6The current spiritual renaissance, even outside traditional reli- gious institutions, shows the necessity and the desire of… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. Education for a New World. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1946. Montessori, Maria. The… |
Sequence 7• We will get to see how the human being is formed, the human being who is made "in the image of God" and… |
Sequence 21The Last Bargain "Come and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.… |
Sequence 23Tagore, Rabindranath. The Crescent Moon. New York: Macmillan, 1920. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. Building the Earth. Denville… |
Sequence 4Implicit in each of the Great Lessons are practical experiences that make the stories part of ordinary day-to-day activities… |
Sequence 16The human is a great collaborator. And nature welcomes a gentle intervention. The trees' wounds will heal, and the maple… |
Sequence 28the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude A. Claremont. Oxford, England: Clio, 1994. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 14If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 18rational consciousness, to that which can be known and measured and defined. But life is made upof opposites, typified by the… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI AND Music by Elise Braun Barnett With the sense of discovery characteristic of a first-generation Mon tessorian,… |
Sequence 9hearts (131). This was in 1949. It is just as true-perhaps truer-in 1999, fifty years later! Our job as educators is to aid… |
Sequence 16Light Expanding, Radiant Rushing, Giving, Receiving It burns in all of us, The Giver REFERENCES Cajete, Greg. Look to the… |
Sequence 12Montessori, Maria. "The Four Planes of Education." AMI Communications (1971, #4), 4-10. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 20Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 21Richardson, Sylvia 0. "Curricular Considerations in Pro- grams for the Retarded: Application of the Montessori Model… |
Sequence 1NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Sequence 16preparing the person for the meditative side of life. Isn't this what contributes to a better society? Isn't this… |
Sequence 24Return to the basics-focus on what is ultimately important in life. We must learn to use our senses again. Reclaim the gifts… |
Sequence 25Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 24REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher Education Collabo-… |
Sequence 6the fact that mental and motor activity which should form one unity are found separate. If the individual does not succeed in… |
Sequence 25REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 26Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. 1936. New York: Stokes, 1939. Orem, R.C., ed. Montessori: Her Method and the… |
Sequence 21Creativity is vital. It's easy to overlook. But it's easy and fun to use when you have the right spirit and the… |
Sequence 14DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 15Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 10to understand others' points of view and sees diversity as a strength to be tapped. 7. Without the commitment of both… |
Sequence 2to understand others' points of view and sees diversity as a strength to be tapped. 7. Without the commitment of both… |
Sequence 12Lepper, M.R. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Chil- dren: Detrimental Effects of Superfluous Social Con- trols… |
Sequence 13DeVries, R. "Constructing Excellence." 1S'h Missouri Con- ference of the Young Years: Constructing… |
Sequence 28Creativity is vital. It's easy to overlook. But it's easy and fun to use when you have the right spirit and the… |
Sequence 49Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. 1936. New York: Stokes, 1939. Orem, R.C., ed. Montessori: Her Method and the… |
Sequence 50REFERENCES Montessori, Maria." Advice to Teachers." Montessori Notes [publication ofThe Montessori Society… |
Sequence 69the fact that mental and motor activity which should form one unity are found separate. If the individual does not succeed in… |
Sequence 75REFERENCES The Adolescent Colloquium: Summary of the Proceedings. Cleveland, OH: Montessori Teacher Education Collabo-… |
Sequence 99Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 100Return to the basics-focus on what is ultimately important in life. We must learn to use our senses again. Reclaim the gifts… |
Sequence 126preparing the person for the meditative side of life. Isn't this what contributes to a better society? Isn't this… |
Sequence 141NURTURING THE RESPECTFUL COMMUNITY THROUGH PRACTICAL LIFE by Joen Bettmann Joen Bettmann 's depiction of Practical Life… |
Sequence 144Richardson, Sylvia 0. "Curricular Considerations in Pro- grams for the Retarded: Application of the Montessori Model… |
Sequence 145Finally, and most important, Montessori demanded humility and careful clinical observation on the part of the teacher. She had… |
Sequence 193Montessori, Mario. The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education. Amsterdam: Association Montessori lnternationale, 1966.… |
Sequence 194REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 227Montessori, Maria. "The Four Planes of Education." AMI Communications (1971, #4), 4-10. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 22Q: Do you think that a child absorbed in a video game is in Flow? A: Yes, they can be in Flow, and usually they stay in Flow… |
Sequence 34Montessori, Mario M.,Jr. Education for Human Development. NY: Schocken, 1976. Montessori, Renilde. "Human Education… |
Sequence 19[Interview with Donald Brownlee]. [Minneapolis] Star Tribune February 5, 2000. Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of Consciousness in… |
Sequence 20gogy as Applied to Child Education in "The Children's Houses." 1909. Trans. Anne E. George. New York:… |
Sequence 18with the gifts of its mission of free- dom, its colorful history of different peoples, its art and literature that tell that… |
Sequence 12Every staff person at Lake Country School will tell you that they have met the noble adolescent. Every adolescent guide who… |
Sequence 13REVIEW OF THE GREAT WoRK BY THOMAS BERRY by Gerard Leonard Thomas Berry's latest book, The Great Work, is a very… |
Sequence 27brain and spinal cord of mammals a very, very long time ago, and had endowed the monkey's limbs with assured, acrobatic… |
Sequence 28Language and the New York: Norton, 1997. Donald, Merlin. Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of… |
Sequence 19Becker, Wesley C. "Consequences of Different Kinds of Parental Discipline." Review of Child Development Re… |
Sequence 20Feshbach, Norma Deitch. "Studies of Empathic Behavior in Children." Progress in Experimental Personality… |
Sequence 21Kohn, Alfie. No Contest: The Case Against Competition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Landes, William M., & Richard… |
Sequence 22Radke-Yarrow, Marian, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler, & Michael Chapman. "Children's Prosocial Dispositions and… |
Sequence 5There are many issues to be examined and kept to the fore as we innovate within limits. There are questions, for example,… |
Sequence 8Thanks to Charlene Trochta, Charlotte Kovach Shea, Carol Alver, Sanford Jones; thanks to David Kahn and everyone else who… |
Sequence 30way to envision the related processes of education and human devel- opment. The synthesis of these perspectives also provides… |
Sequence 31Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B.Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 32Koch, S., & D. Leary, eds. A Century of Psychology as Scie11ce. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. Lerner, R. 011 the… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. What You Should Know about Your Child. 1948. Adyar, Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1966. Montessori, Mario.… |
Sequence 34Standing, E.M. Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work. 1957. Rev. ed. New York: New American Library, 1984. Sternberg, R. &… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, & Kevin Rathunde. "The Devel- opment of the Person: An Experiential… |
Sequence 1PREPARING FOR THE WORLD OF WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Barbara Schneider, David Shernoff, and Lisa Hoogstra "… |
Sequence 15that adolescents have very few opportunities to gain experiences that might translate into future careers. By the end of high… |
Sequence 16Csikszentmihalyi, M., & I. S. Csikszentmihalyi. Optimal Experience: Studies of Flow in Consciousness. New York:… |
Sequence 9REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Eliot, Lise. What's Going On in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. New… |