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Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 6In our household, each member of the family had certain responsibilities. We were each a part of the establishment. Our work… |
Sequence 14Montessori explains that, "The teacher must have the greatest respect for the personality of the adolescent,… |
Sequence 5adolescents worked with the architect in designing the space. The results were similar; adolescents designed multi-faceted… |
Sequence 5Environmental deprivation is another factor. Families without proper food, clothing, and shelter are hindered from offering… |
Sequence 2is through our children. Peace through education in an environment that allows for mixed human experiences, facilitates the… |
Sequence 440 nation's first attempt to involve parents in the education deci- sion-making process. • Preschool Parents… |
Sequence 1THE MAROTTA MONTESSORI SCHOOL: A CONCEPT DEDICATED TO URBAN RENEWAL by Alcillia Jones Clifford There is an urgent calling… |
Sequence 2• Elementary age: better scholastic placement, improved achievement • Adolescent age: lower rate of delinquency, higher rate… |
Sequence 17Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 9variation in teacher backgrounds and interpretation of curriculum principles. Another problem is the dearth oflongitudinal… |
Sequence 108. For example, Diana Baumrind, "Current Patterns of Parental Authority:' Developmental Psychology Monograph,… |
Sequence 2EVOLUTION AS FACT There is no question that evolution is based on "extrapolation inter- polation, and rational… |
Sequence 9stresses the same idea in her writing: "the child must learn by his own individual activity, being given a mental… |
Sequence 44measures used. Second, while the groups seem homogeneous within- groups and across matched groups on most factors, one problem… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 2Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 3Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 2Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 3Tamminen, A. W. & Weatherman, R. F. (1967). An evaluatum of a presclwol training program for culturally deprived child… |
Sequence 2Dependent variables in the study were the motor skill of eye-hand co-ordination, visual perception skills of figure ground and… |
Sequence 6Montessori and the Humanities means a clarification of goals. We have a saying in Montessori - "Montessori is an aid… |
Sequence 11fifteen years earlier, as King knew, when Henry David Thoreau was in jail for. refusing to pay a poll tax because he believed… |
Sequence 10Elements of the Definition of Class Discussion I. An interchange between students, not primarily between stu- dents and… |
Sequence 1Montessori: The Humanities Connection Mythos, Logos, and the Generalist Ideal by David Kahn Montessori education may be a… |
Sequence 4tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can't go to the… |
Sequence 8- the syntax or predictable structure of the language. For example, at the simplest level beyond pictures and labels, a book… |
Sequence 2best conduct a collaborative project which would provide impartial involvement of both AMI and AMS. With the assistance of NAM… |
Sequence 1PARENTS AS FIRST EDUCATORS IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Judi Orion Judi Orion s description of hame care of the infant-toddler for… |
Sequence 2surrounding Geauga County indicate that affordable, convenient, qual- ity day care is a critical concern for area parents… |
Sequence 5the facility by different personnel which always adds stress to any program. (Good teachers, especially Montessorians, do not… |
Sequence 2the Urban Education Goals, and the national Education Goals, all as hooks for our own efforts to put children first on the… |
Sequence 1THE MONTFS.SORI CoNfRIBUTION TO EDUCATIONAL REFORM APROWGUE by David Kahn Washington, D.C., March 1, 1991. Operation Desert… |
Sequence 3My point, of course, is that the pathways to reform have always been multiple and winding. Sometimes a pathway is like Robert… |
Sequence 4teach students about the politics, sociology, and economics of the revolution- ary world changes that we' re living… |
Sequence 1must repair." I think that quote speaks co our condition very directly. Those words are rather different from the… |
Sequence 13References Brown, Rexford. (1989a). 'Testing and thoughtfulness." Education Leader- ship, 46 (7), 31-33. Brown… |
Sequence 6coverage in the Washington Post. NAMTA, with its specialization in media, will manage the publications and videos resulting… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 16Other Participating Institutions and Societies American Montessori Society Beloit College Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 2Other Participating Institutions and Societies American Montessori Society Beloit College Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 12coverage in the Washington Post. NAMTA, with its specialization in media, will manage the publications and videos resulting… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX I HERSHEY MONTESSORI ERDKINDER PROJECT A Preliminary Proposal by Michael Bagiackas Hershey Montessori School has… |
Sequence 2HERSHEY MONTESSORI SCHOOL'S OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Pat Doyle Proctor Hershey Montessori School is located in a semi-… |
Sequence 1Plant Sale (Upper Elementary) by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker A venture into the business of growing and selling annuals and veg•… |
Sequence 1Suddenly We Have a Nursery (Upper Elemetltary) by Michael Bagiackas An unexpected gift of 50 three-year-old plants just… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 2They bear on the human quite evidently, but as we look at a discipline like macroeconomics, it hardly seems to fit easily into… |
Sequence 3Unique Opportunity The Laufenburg Ranch, under the ownership of the Sonoma Land Trust, is unique in offering rich… |
Sequence 9At each of the above stages, children should be encouraged to write from one to several sentences about the topic which are… |
Sequence 10others treat them. Much inner-city violence, many acts of violence committed everywhere, are com- mitted because children… |
Sequence 2CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS OF Anol.ESCENTS: A COMPARATIVE STIJDY compiled by John Long Almost eve,y Montessori seconda,y… |
Sequence 9References Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development (1989). Tuming points: Preparing American youth for the twenty-first… |
Sequence 5Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 32I NIGHTS AWAY: Schools reporting a range I 36… |
Sequence 17You, the teacher, with your knowledge and attitudes about guiding the process of normalization, are the most important part of… |
Sequence 169You, the teacher, with your knowledge and attitudes about guiding the process of normalization, are the most important part of… |
Sequence 67. Build a consensus among staff regarding the extent of Montessori implementation. The Montessori faculty should have a… |
Sequence 10Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Karnes, M. et al. (1978). Immediate,… |
Sequence 12ences in them, listen to each other better, and be both more tolerant and more compassionate. Teachers adopting these… |
Sequence 1THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 1UNIFYING THE URBAN CONTRIBUTION: MOVING TOWARD ERDKINDER by David Kahn This article suggests that the Erdkinder is a… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Carnillo Grazzini The first section of Mr.… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 1PUBLIC MONTESSORI AND STATE-MANDATED ASSESSMENT by Keith Boehme and Elizabeth Wymer Keith Boehme and Elizabeth Wymer make… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI JOURNEY OF SELF by Eduardo J. Cuevas Eduardo Cuevas' luncheon talk explores the experimental nature of… |
Sequence 17Fried an, B. (1962). The feminine mystique. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Mann, A. (1996, August). [Untitled workshop]. In… |
Sequence 2ERDKINDER UNDER CONSTRUCTION: WHAT THE FARM SCHOOLS SHOWED Us by David Kahn Mr. Kahn is directing a project to start a farm… |
Sequence 5when the teacher observes the child's adaptation to the modern world, the educator becomes educated by just how the… |
Sequence 5streets in Washington DC! One can hardly go anywhere without being moved into a new traffic pattern. We get there, but it… |
Sequence 18The true nature is like gold-waiting underground to be discovered and brought to light. After many episodes of normalization… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Aries, P. Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage, 1962. Csikszentmihalyi, M. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal… |
Sequence 13community, since the former and the latter are quite distinct in terms of the community members, the aims, and therefore the… |
Sequence 23REFERENCES Alston, P., ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights. Florence, Italy:… |
Sequence 19ANTI-CONSUMERISM RESOURCES Consumer Alert 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 1128 Washington DC 20036 202-467-5809 fax 202-… |
Sequence 4These technological changes have produced a radical alter- ation in our way of revealing ourselves to others. As a… |
Sequence 2THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 8cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 4Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 25Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 13when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
Sequence 14when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
Sequence 99Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Madras, India: Kalakshetra, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Child in the Family.… |
Sequence 175Six-year-old girls dressed in white aprons and scarves are making no-bake cookies in the public kindergarten class of… |
Sequence 185cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 191THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A PERSONAL PILGRIMAGE by Marianne Moore Marianne Moore's eloquent characterization of the… |
Sequence 8of the Via dei Marsi were not superman. Perhaps we need to keep on reminding ourselves of the fact that these children were… |
Sequence 30way to envision the related processes of education and human devel- opment. The synthesis of these perspectives also provides… |
Sequence 16Csikszentmihalyi, M., & I. S. Csikszentmihalyi. Optimal Experience: Studies of Flow in Consciousness. New York:… |
Sequence 15THE PEDAGOGY OF PLACE by Pat Ludick Pedagogy of Place as presented in Pat Lu dick's article looks at pedagogy of place… |
Sequence 19you are not good at waiting. How can you be? We are, in Europe, suffering from the defects of old age, and that is why we… |
Sequence 22had obviously briefed When children grow up farming, they start to himthatpeoplewereflee- see natural laws that exist that… |
Sequence 3THE FARM EXPERIENCE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN A CHILD' s LIFE by Richard Barker Richard Barker's pioneering work in… |
Sequence 11not whether the schools were better or worse after the changes, but that there was a deeply felt need for reform based on the… |
Sequence 5requirements of head and hand. Montessori actually says that the methods should allow the student to alternate his or her… |
Sequence 16GEOMETRY AND ERDKINDER by Nathaniel J. McDonald Nate MacDonald's chronicle of his first year of teaching geometry at the… |