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Displaying results 1 - 51 of 51
Sequence 6The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 8increased funding to make PCCs available in every community as part of a continuum of preventive services. Local Efforts at… |
Sequence 6is why they start a search for know ledge of that Truth. Such is also the case with Montessori's search into how children… |
Sequence 15in the child an epiphany of human nature, a Jerusalem as a city of God, as she states in the introduction to Education for a… |
Sequence 8In 1915, Dr. Montessori traveled to California to attend the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. She… |
Sequence 231In 1915, Dr. Montessori traveled to California to attend the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. She… |
Sequence 4To sum things up in Dr. Montessori' swords, "A creature can be led astray by something that is in itself quite… |
Sequence 2THE CHILD IN NATURE: MONTESSORI' s ANSWER TO THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS by Phyllis Pottish-Lewis lll this article, fo1111ded… |
Sequence 1118 Chapter II School, Family and Society 11.1 Let's save the children! San Diego, 1917: "Last summer I went… |
Sequence 1317 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest we have established two departments: the Education Department… |
Sequence 33 Lawrence • The Revelation of the Universal Child of their place in the universe, of the sheer scale and diver- sity and… |
Sequence 3Robbins • Ecopsychology 109 “Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can… |
Sequence 154156 s. Personality Goldberg, Lois s. (1975). IES Arrow-Dot longitudinal study of personality development in preschool… |
Sequence 113Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE CALIFORNIA PRIMARY AND/OR ELEMENTARY Direc- tor/ress for Northern California. The school… |
Sequence 104The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 139Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE ALASKA Fairbanks Montessori School, 2014 30th Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99701. 1 Teacher AM/PM $… |
Sequence 93Personals Positi.cnis Available ALASKA Seeking Montessori Teacher, primary (3-5), AM/PM SY 88-89/89-90. Salary $17,600-24,… |
Sequence 111Personals: Positions A vaillwle ALASKA Seeking Montessori Teacher, primary (3- 5), AM/PM SY 88-89/89-90. Salary $17,600-24… |
Sequence 107increased funding to make PCCs available in every community as part of a continuum of preventive services. Local Efforts at… |
Sequence 147Texts: Guest Scholars: 142 • Einstein, Albert, Relativity: The Special and General Theory, translated by Robert W. Lawson… |
Sequence 356Good salary, benefits. MCDC is a small 2 classroom school in a con- verted house, founded in 1978. It is located in a rural… |
Sequence 68is why they start a search for know ledge of that Truth. Such is also the case with Montessori's search into how children… |
Sequence 77in the child an epiphany of human nature, a Jerusalem as a city of God, as she states in the introduction to Education for a… |
Sequence 184If interested, please send or fax resume and handwritten cover let- ter to: Paula Biwer, Administrator, PO Box 736, 5200… |
Sequence 16In 1915, Dr. Montessori traveled to California to attend the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. She… |
Sequence 186To sum things up in Dr. Montessori' swords, "A creature can be led astray by something that is in itself quite… |
Sequence 222ary commensurate with experience and education, benefits offered. The Renaissance School Leslie Hites, Head of School 3668… |
Sequence 25THE CHILD IN NATURE: MONTESSORI' s ANSWER TO THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS by Phyllis Pottish-Lewis lll this article, fo1111ded… |
Sequence 229miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. Please send re- sume or contact: Juli Inman 21 William St. Cotati, CA 94931… |
Sequence 132118 Chapter II School, Family and Society 11.1 Let's save the children! San Diego, 1917: "Last summer I went… |
Sequence 267Teacher who will act as your men- tor, or to start fresh as the Head Teacher in a brand new classroom, where you will have… |
Sequence 200194 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 Montessori School, our mission is to cultivate the whole child for… |
Sequence 207201 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds For the first time ever, academic year AMI Elementary (ages 6-12) training is coming to… |
Sequence 2317 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest we have established two departments: the Education Department… |
Sequence 232226 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 work as a collaborative teammate. Montessori experience is a plus.… |
Sequence 233227 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds erations. Qualifications include an Undergraduate Degree, Montessori Training, and 4+… |
Sequence 239233 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds For the first time ever, academic year AMI Elementary (ages 6-12) training is coming to… |
Sequence 278272 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 classifieDs Alabama Certified teacher to multi age class of 3, 4,… |
Sequence 83 Lawrence • The Revelation of the Universal Child of their place in the universe, of the sheer scale and diver- sity and… |
Sequence 187182 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Classifieds Arizona Creo School is expanding the Children’s House and… |
Sequence 188183 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds this year to obtain training prior to starting a classroom. Please visit our website,… |
Sequence 109Robbins • Ecopsychology 109 “Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can… |
Sequence 43teacher in attractive resort area. AMI pre- ferred. Contact Marie Scott, Montessori Children's Center, 200 W. 7th St.,… |
Sequence 61MONTESSORI CHILDREN HOUSE OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS seeks a teacher for growing primary class. Pleasant Ozark town; near… |
Sequence 69MONTESSORI IN SOUTH AFRICA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL has a vacancy for an AMI dircc1or/ess from Sept '8 I. Fully equipped… |
Sequence 5450 EDWARDS MO TESSORI SCHOOL. bilingual education. ,eeking AMI ELEMENTARY TEACHER FOR THE FALL. This AMI 4 class• room… |
Sequence 7470 Excellent opportunity available for Primary Mon• tessori Directress with established school in Uni- versity town. Respond… |
Sequence 60I I 1214 Varela St .. Key West. FL 33040. SEEKING full or pan time experienced and qual• ified direc1ress. Salary… |
Sequence 162156 s. Personality Goldberg, Lois s. (1975). IES Arrow-Dot longitudinal study of personality development in preschool… |
Sequence 74CENTRAL US Head 1eachcr neetlctl for Fall of 86. School in 9ih icar Re,ponsiblc for age, 3 K. AMS or .\Ml ex pericnc-.:d.… |
Sequence 75Adminis1ra1or wanted. Catholic Montessori school established in 1976; enrollmenl of 150 children ages 2½ 10 12 years.… |