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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 131
Sequence 3Baylol", Byrd: I don't remembel' which book l found fil'st, but since then, it's become an… |
Sequence 6The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 2to accept the fact of evolution. Darwin lies beside Newton in Westmin- ster Abbey for this great contribution. His theory of… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 3Mitchell Montessori School Biwer • The Montessori Program has brought a stabilizing influence to the neighborhood. We… |
Sequence 2Existing Schools BuffaJo Dallas-Ft. Worth Minneapolis (Bennett Parkj /Daggettj !Sewardf Years In Operation or Projected… |
Sequence 5Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 6exploitation somewhat irrelevant. If it costs just $3 to rent a Pocahontas video, do you really care if Michael Eisner made $… |
Sequence 17who is still farming, they eventually have to come to you to ship their fruit back east and you can charge them at each stage… |
Sequence 14If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 12something about the life and times of the people. Two examples from the United States: "Old Texas." This… |
Sequence 2Our efforts soon focused on the mindset necessary to bring about fundamental change in an organization .... As a former… |
Sequence 7school leadership, these are relatively easy to achieve compared to the heart attitude that is central to leadership. One… |
Sequence 5school leadership, these are relatively easy to achieve compared to the heart attitude that is central to leadership. One… |
Sequence 10Our efforts soon focused on the mindset necessary to bring about fundamental change in an organization .... As a former… |
Sequence 19critics. I think in this case the Right was right, that eventually our capitalist system would create so many goods and… |
Sequence 4carefully-not only admit that they lose money on the growing; they welcome it. They like that loss, because that means… |
Sequence 10engaged personae that had formed was inescapable. Change then was both social and individual. APPROACHING NORMALITY: A STATE… |
Sequence 9But before I tell you about our next approach I'd like to add a footnote: Dallas is fortunate to have two public… |
Sequence 2EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 22BATON RouGE, LA-In the chaos that was Causeway Boule- vard, thls group of evacuees stood out: a 6-year-old boy walking down… |
Sequence 1THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPLES OF THE SILENT JOURNEY by Barbara Gordon Bnrbnrn Gordon recounts tlie evol11 tio11 of The Si lent… |
Sequence 34necessary s11 pport and re111cdiatio11. Chad's parents listened and considered the advice ea refully, then opted for… |
Sequence 41I wnlked bnck to the gnte with !he four- n11d five-yenr-olds who hnd nrrived enrly, tnking them two nt n time. "I… |
Sequence 2Lynn and I were attending the AMI International Congress in Amsterdam in 1979 when Dr. Silvana Montanaro first described Dr.… |
Sequence 18cial that this specialized instruction begin at the student's current level of reading skill development, rather than at… |
Sequence 12children than most Montessorians care to support but never fails to emphasize the fact that hands-on exploration, time in the… |
Sequence 48 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 lation as a whole. I believe that it is best to place young children in… |
Sequence 4168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 raise a $3,000 down payment. It came down to the deadline for closing on… |
Sequence 27381 Murphy-Ryan • The Role of the Physician of Children, Adolescents and Adults. Supplement to Journal of the American… |
Sequence 28382 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 the Texas consensus conference panel on medication treatment of… |
Sequence 6the Dallas public schools to open a private school and are currently continuing to train teachers. And Terry is standing in… |
Sequence 8Going forward, we must expect and encourage students to dig deeply into subjects and ideas they are curious about. Teachers… |
Sequence 1The Professional Montessorian: An Examination of Conscience By Charlene S. Trochta Ms. Trochta encourages the invaluable… |
Sequence 1The Genesis of a Montessori Trainer By Rita Schaefer The University of Portland has accepted the Primary AMI Teacher Training… |
Sequence 216 myself into training because somebody told me about them. That day I bought The Absorbent Mind and E. M. Standing's… |
Sequence 1Carl Rogers Speaks to Montessorians Interview by Sylvia Dubovoy and Charlene Trochta Carl Rogers this past November… |
Sequence 1A WORLD CORE CURRICULUM by Robert Muller Assistant Secretary-General. United Nations Robert Muller's inspirational… |
Sequence 109TEACHER AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED !RISH MONTESSORI TEACHER AVAILABLE: Qualified to teach children between 2 1k and 12 years of… |
Sequence 117OHIO Cincinnati Public Schools needs four 6-12 trained teacher beginning September 1987. Send letters of inquiry and resumes… |
Sequence 118Ghent Montessori School seeking August 1987 Primary (3-6) and Elementary (6-9) trained teachers. Established school of 110… |
Sequence 101Baylol", Byrd: I don't remembel' which book l found fil'st, but since then, it's become an… |
Sequence 104The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 139AMI TRAINING CENTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AMI SUPPORTS FLEXIBLE FORMATS In June of 1987 the Pedagogical Committee of the Association… |
Sequence 144good. Please call James or Elizabeth Webster at (704)542-7021 for informa- tion. Send resumes or questions to OMNI… |
Sequence 96to accept the fact of evolution. Darwin lies beside Newton in Westmin- ster Abbey for this great contribution. His theory of… |
Sequence 144NORTH CAROLINA Montessori teachers needed for pre- school and elementary classes summer- /fall '88. Please send resume… |
Sequence 63beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 15Mitchell Montessori School Biwer • The Montessori Program has brought a stabilizing influence to the neighborhood. We… |
Sequence 155PENNSYLVANIA NEW HORIZONS MONTESSORI SCHOOL of Fbrt Washington, PA, founded 1970, invites appli- cations for primary and… |
Sequence 1181992-1993 NAMTA CONFERENCES October 1-3 October 15-17 November 6-7 December 4-5 February 5-7 March 19-20 April 30-May I… |
Sequence 51Existing Schools BuffaJo Dallas-Ft. Worth Minneapolis (Bennett Parkj /Daggettj !Sewardf Years In Operation or Projected… |
Sequence 164New Hampshire Well established Montessori school in Rye, H seeks experienced 3-6 teacher for year-round position beginning… |
Sequence 174Oklahoma Undercroft Montessori School is ac- cepting applications from AMI or AMS Elementary guides. Experience is pre-… |
Sequence 13Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 78AMI ell'mcntary dircctor/direclrcss for the fall of 199·1 \\7 ebstcr ,\lontessori School 1s a twenty-seven year old non… |
Sequence 215We offer an ideal class size, a spa- cious fully equipped classroom, very cooperative and supportive admin- istration and… |
Sequence 220New Mexico Small independent school in rural northern New Mexico needs an enthu- siastic Head of School starting 1995- 96.… |
Sequence 122Knoxville Montessori School is a small school of 45 students with a Primary Program of 30 students and an El- ementary… |
Sequence 269Weare dedicated toA.M.I. Montessori and have maintained an excellent reputation in the area. We have alJ A.M.l. teachers. We… |
Sequence 168Ohio. We will be starting our 3rd year with 45 students from age 2½ through 10. We will eventually grow to include8th grade… |
Sequence 262We are purchasing 5 acres of property with creeks, trees and a lovely view and will soon start designing our own facility.… |
Sequence 222tiable. For more information call col- lect (864) 232-3447, or (864) 235-5700. Write Norma Bylenga, 305 Pelham Road,… |
Sequence 245exploitation somewhat irrelevant. If it costs just $3 to rent a Pocahontas video, do you really care if Michael Eisner made $… |
Sequence 278who is still farming, they eventually have to come to you to ship their fruit back east and you can charge them at each stage… |
Sequence 369yr old NHMS, located in Phila suburb, boasts an exp. & dedi- cated staff, committed parent-run board of directors… |
Sequence 287around the school, eventually en- compassing infancy to Erdkinder. Immediate need for a primary teacher. Contact: Anna Marie… |
Sequence 288located on a gracious eight-acre campus in Dallas, Texas. We'd like to know more about you if: this advertisement… |
Sequence 200Please visit our website atwww. ~ems. Send resume, three references and cover letter to: Corvallis Montessori… |
Sequence 22If you can't look him straight in the eye. He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest, For he's with… |
Sequence 93something about the life and times of the people. Two examples from the United States: "Old Texas." This… |
Sequence 163school is committed to maintaining beautiful, fully equipped classrooms. The building is architecturally strik- ing and was… |
Sequence 237Our efforts soon focused on the mindset necessary to bring about fundamental change in an organization .... As a former… |
Sequence 242school leadership, these are relatively easy to achieve compared to the heart attitude that is central to leadership. One… |
Sequence 207Child's View Montessori School is seeking a certified Montessori Guide. Position is available immedi- ately, but a… |
Sequence 342critics. I think in this case the Right was right, that eventually our capitalist system would create so many goods and… |
Sequence 375carefully-not only admit that they lose money on the growing; they welcome it. They like that loss, because that means… |
Sequence 426engaged personae that had formed was inescapable. Change then was both social and individual. APPROACHING NORMALITY: A STATE… |
Sequence 258Paula Fein Chair, Director Search Committee Greene Towne School 2121 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Fax:215-563-4016… |
Sequence 260,--------------------------- - --- ---- of ll0children. Currently our school has one toddler class, three primary and one… |
Sequence 235competitive salaries, full individual health coverage and 403(b) retire- mentcontribution. Interested candidates should send… |
Sequence 249equipped/beautiful classrooms, Diverse staff/student population, comprehensive benefits and com- petitivesalary.… |
Sequence 136But before I tell you about our next approach I'd like to add a footnote: Dallas is fortunate to have two public… |
Sequence 194EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 61age commensurate wj th experience and education. Please send resume and cover let- ter with stated reason for applying to… |
Sequence 164BATON RouGE, LA-In the chaos that was Causeway Boule- vard, thls group of evacuees stood out: a 6-year-old boy walking down… |
Sequence 80THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPLES OF THE SILENT JOURNEY by Barbara Gordon Bnrbnrn Gordon recounts tlie evol11 tio11 of The Si lent… |
Sequence 267The Montessori Middle School admits students of any race, color, disability, religion, sexual orienta- tion, national and… |
Sequence 269Email rebeccal@ Come to the beautiful Hill Coun- try and cultural center of central Texas. Due to… |
Sequence 366Accredited program and teacher training program on site. Call 864-654-4483 E-mail: director@clemson mon… |
Sequence 137necessary s11 pport and re111cdiatio11. Chad's parents listened and considered the advice ea refully, then opted for… |
Sequence 144I wnlked bnck to the gnte with !he four- n11d five-yenr-olds who hnd nrrived enrly, tnking them two nt n time. "I… |
Sequence 251Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to: John McNamara, Principal Ruffing Montessori School 1285… |
Sequence 132Lynn and I were attending the AMI International Congress in Amsterdam in 1979 when Dr. Silvana Montanaro first described Dr.… |
Sequence 243peti tive salary and benefit package. Nest led against the Cascade Moun- ta in foothills in the picturesque Willamette… |
Sequence 226cial that this specialized instruction begin at the student's current level of reading skill development, rather than at… |
Sequence 311Salary commensurate with ex- perience+ healthy bonus based on parent and student satisfaction For additional information con… |
Sequence 407The Montessori Training Center of Minnesota Enjoy the rewards of he/ping Ch//dren develop In harmony with life ... Upcoming… |
Sequence 409an enrollment of 250 students, ages fourteen months through fifteen years. Weare the first LEED, (green) school in Texas and… |
Sequence 157We also seek resumes for a house parent and a licensed Spanish tead1- er. We are a stable and dedicated community that is… |