Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 07 Frameworks that Organize The Grove School As with the other case studies in this journal, Ben Moudry and Andrew Christopherson present a vision of a Montessori high school that is focused on fostering the adolescent personality in connection to society. This chapter uses concrete examples of the key…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 05 The Water Molecule: How Montessori High School, International Baccalaureate, and University Circle Bond… Using the water molecule as a metaphor, Marilyn Doerr presents a study of a Montessori high school that combines the elements of Montessori with International Baccalaureate (IB) and other institutions in the surrounding community that enrich the experience of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 03 Moral Development: From Cosmic Education to Adolescent Action "The most essential component to offering the children an education for peace is the emphasis on that which unites us." With this focus, Elizabeth Henke presents a picture of how Montessori students progressively develop a sense of moral, civic, and social…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 04 Designing Montessori Discipline Frameworks for All Settings During the process of conceptualizing the school of which she is the founding principal, Denver Montessori Junior/Senior High School, Katy Myers' driving question was, "What exactly is Montessori high school?" Her answer to this question gets to the heart of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 02 From Cosmic Education to Civic Responsibility Bookending her article with questions for the Montessori practitioner, Judith Cunningham provides a theoretical overview of how the Montessori child is empowered to enact social change and is inspired to work for the betterment of the world. Cunningham lays…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/3 01 How the Mathematical Mind of the Adolescent Develops from Early Adolescence to Late Adolescence "It is essential that we match our methodology with the psychology of the adolescent and as this changes throughout adolescence, so should our approach." Mike Waski provides an understanding of how to approach mathematics at the adolescent level from the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 14 Helping Children with Attentional Challenges in a Montessori Classroom: The Role of the Physician Maureen Murphy-Ryan offers a clinical look at attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her thorough definition of ADHD and the diagnoses that may occur simultaneously offer teachers an awareness of what this could look like in a classroom. However, it…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 13 Helping Children with Attentional Challenges in a Montessori Classroom: The Role of the Occupational… Barbabra Luborsky links the medical field and Montessori pedagogy to address atypical attention in children through the lens of the occupational therapist. She provides an overview of attention and sensory processing disorders and then informs about…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 12 Helping Children with Attentional Challenges in the Montessori Classroom: Introduction Catherine Nehring Massie provides important contextual information in considering children with attentional challenges. She discusses the prevalence of attentional challenges in today's culture and the contributing factors. She gives a general overview of the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 11 What's Going on with This Child? Child Study for the 21st Century Allison Jones and Jacqueline Cossentino have taken the term child study to describe the work they do with children experiencing challenges. Their approach to child study attempts to change the typical question of "What is wrong with this child?" to "What is…