Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 10 Supporting Elementary Children in Crisis "Just as every child is human, every child, no matter the circumstances, deserves an education that promotes his or her development to the fullest human potential." Using Cornerstone Montessori, a public Montessori school, as a case study, Liesl Taylor sets…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 09 Guiding Children "Back from the Edge" Preparing an Environment to Support Children at Risk "The children who demand more attention than others, who are disruptive, unmotivated, oppositional, aggressive, or do not give us the positive feedback we get from othersâ¦This is where we dig in and find compassion, and understanding, and the knowledge that…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 08 Parent Education in the Home Charo Alarcón speaks about the work of Lumin Education in partnering with parents, Early Head Start, and a national program called Parents as Teachers (PAT) to come together to serve low-income families. Recognizing that parents cannot prioritize their child…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 07 Supporting Students Who Have Experienced Trauma Travis Wright presents an important understanding of trauma that leads to a new perspective of "challenging" behaviors in the classroom. "Trauma is not an event in itself, but is instead the reaction to extremely stressful life circumstances... When children…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 06 Creative Engagement: Handwork as Follow-Up Work "To a great extent, we all must "do" in order to learn." Ellen Lebitz begins with this overarching truth as a lead-in to a close look at handwork in the elementary environment. She explains the benefits of handwork for the second-plane child, including it…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 05 Identifying True Normality in the Elementary Child Kay Baker offers a look at the needs and manifestations (observed characteristics) of the developing human being, specifically of the second-plane child. She outlines key ideas in thinking about these needs and manifestations and discerns the pedagogy…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 04 Theory into Practice: Advancing Normalization for the Child under Three Alyssa Conklin-Moore discusses normalization in the child under three from several perspectives. She takes an extensive look at the child, including orienting parents to the Montessori environment, the child's entrance into the environment, addressing the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 03 Strategies to Support Concentration Annette Haines provides a comprehensive overview of concentration across the planes. She first lays the foundation for thinking about student engagement: It must be understood that concentration is found through the interest of the child, which is guided by…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 02 A Workmanship of Risk: The Crafting of Thought in an Age of Speed and Distraction "How much can one fathom in a heartbeat or know deeply at a glance? In a culture smitten with technology, what does good thinking look like?" This question sets the stage as Maggie Jackson explores society's relationship with devices and society's use of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 42/2 01 The Myth of the "Perfect" Child Drawing on both extensive professional and deeply personal experience, Sarah Werner Andrews' vision of working with children carries profound respect and love throughout her guiding insight. She shares an understanding of those children who are the most…