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Displaying results 1301 - 1400 of 40606
Sequence 6ethnic groups struggling for popular control over the schools. In the midst of ugly strike and turmoil, there appeared quiet… |
Sequence 7As for the efforts to compensate for past wrongs, to remediate present deficiencies where black children were concerned, there… |
Sequence 8Indeed, were it not for all this, it would be hard to conceive of desegregation in many places, of bussing plans, of open… |
Sequence 9the series of reform repons, beginning with A Natwn at &k. On the one hand, the stress was placed on measurable… |
Sequence 10cion of thinking children, active in dialogue and in seminars. There was the introduction into the educational sphere of… |
Sequence 11do with dialogue, conversation, narrative, multiple realities and intelligences, the problematic of contesting meanings. Also… |
Sequence 12emphasis on teacher research-and research grounded in teachers' questions. le may be felt, here and there, in anention… |
Sequence 13refusing manipulations from without. For me, in its opening to possibility, it connects with aesthetic literacy-an imaginative… |
Sequence 1THE MFANING OF EDUCATIONAL REFORM by Jerome Bruner Jerome Bruner has the ability to view curriculum with its foll interactive… |
Sequence 2not exist externally in nature, but were essentially insrrwnents of the mind. We also knew that it was crucial to make… |
Sequence 3history is a way of thinking about the past. It isn't the past. Physics isn't about nature, it's a way of… |
Sequence 4teach students about the politics, sociology, and economics of the revolution- ary world changes that we' re living… |
Sequence 5the prevention task to the schools. This is madness! What we need is a reform movement with a better sense of where we are… |
Sequence 6that questions what school is all about. "Why am I going to school?" "Am I learning anything here… |
Sequence 7alienated and the poor in our culture. All we can cite as success is the fact that a black middle class has moved out of the… |
Sequence 8that readiness is not only born but made. You make readiness. The general proposition rests on the still deeper truth that a… |
Sequence 9story-like about the model. For what we grasp better than anything else are stories, and it is easy for children (or adulcs)… |
Sequence 10can't that runle get there if he has to keep going another half? I have heard kids say there has to be something wrong… |
Sequence 11colors of the spectrum, the rainbow. He came to the very counter intuitive, though low elementary conclusion, that white light… |
Sequence 12realized that this was like those rabbit-pirate pictures or the vase-profile pic- tures where you have a reversible… |
Sequence 1THE OB)ECl1VFS OF THE PAIDEIA PROPOSAL* by Mortimer J. Adler "Piecemeal refonn measures beget piecemeal results, if… |
Sequence 2The other is an even more serious mistake. It consists in thinking that equality of opponunity can be expected co lead to… |
Sequence 3With the advent of democratic instirutions so very recent, it is not surpris- ing that we have not yet established a… |
Sequence 4Founh is the error of assuming that there is only one kind of learning and one kind of teaching, the kind that consists in the… |
Sequence 1PAIDEIA by Patricia F. Weiss As an implementor of the Paideia. schools, Patricia Wem gets to the heart of the Paideia… |
Sequence 2parents would wish for their own children, the best education for the best being the best education for all; 4. schooling at… |
Sequence 3Paideia is not a fixed curriculum, it is determined on site by the teachers involved according co the observed needs of the… |
Sequence 4ongoing basis as the program continues to reinforce and develop the concept of teaching as an an and to nourish and support… |
Sequence 1MONfFSSORI: ANSWERS 10 PROBLEMS OF EDUCA11ONAL REFORM by Mary Maher Boehnlein Mary Boehnkin posits Montessori's view of… |
Sequence 2approach such as Montessori, it is dealing with many levels: the preparation of teachers, the content of the learning… |
Sequence 3Montessori conceived of human tendencies which are aided in their fulfill- ment by sensitive periods in which learning is… |
Sequence 4What makes the Montessori curriculwn work are: its long history of implementation, its focus on giving the keys (process) to… |
Sequence 1IMPLEMENTING MO~RI IN THE URBAN SECTOR by Sandra J. Sommer Sandra Sommer, an energeti.c school principal demonstrates what… |
Sequence 2I. Strong parent support for a Montessori program 2. Motivation by the Board of Education to implement a Montessori program… |
Sequence 3how classes are constituted so that there is gender, age, and racial balance. It also has ramifications for budget and finance… |
Sequence 4place as stated, in team meetings and for the staff as a whole. lnservice for instructor assistants is mostly on-the-job… |
Sequence 1WHOLE L\NGUAGF.: A WHOLE EDUCATIONAL REFoRM by Yetta M. Goodman and Kenneth S. Goodman Citing the progressive movement of… |
Sequence 2curriculum is embedded in the culture and social experiences of the larger community. Past Educational Reforms Although… |
Sequence 3and not a panicipant in the process. Plans for schools and buildings, ways to organize classrooms and groups within… |
Sequence 4whole language is not a simple extension of any of its compatible antecedents. Whole language is concerned not only with… |
Sequence 5community members are viewed as resources and are involved in curricular planning and the evaluation of their children.… |
Sequence 6their language. Learning occurs and is influenced by the experiences in which the students are engaged. A half century of… |
Sequence 7idea. Since language is pivotal in a person's learning through experience, it is the very core of the teaching-learning… |
Sequence 8builds thought, language, and concepts. And this need for integration aero~ the curriculum guides the organization of time,… |
Sequence 9involvement, staff development, the impact of traditional schooling on many of the children, and "how to build a… |
Sequence 10Whole language teachers use their own creative energy tfJ initiate learning experiences. This may take the form of stimulating… |
Sequence 11and take the necessary risks to work at this level of commitment. But it means a new view of teachers in the educational… |
Sequence 12References Atwell, N. (ed.). (1989). Coming to know: Writing to I.earn in the intermediate grades. Ponsmouth, NH. Heinemann… |
Sequence 1------------------- - PROJECT 2061: EDUCATION FOR A CHANGING FuruRE by F. James Rutherford Introduction In his… |
Sequence 2The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has undenaken a comprehensive, long-term initiative to… |
Sequence 3• Enables all Americans to panicipate fully and intelligently in making sound personal, social, and political decisions… |
Sequence 4ioral sciences; mathematics, and technology, and the interrelationships among these fields. • Cares about high-quality… |
Sequence 5limited number of already involved sites, then build momentum within two years with a larger set of carefully selected and… |
Sequence 1COAUTION OF ~ENTIAL SCHOOLS by Michael Goldman In straight-forward language, Michael Goldman challenges the conference to… |
Sequence 2Let me give you a little background on the Coalition of Essential Schools. Ted Sizer, the chairman, whom you will meet… |
Sequence 3The ultimate goal of this colonialization project was for the kids to make a presentation to their parents who were going to… |
Sequence 4success because the kids were able co model what we were doing. But co gee the kids to do something like the Paidc;ia program… |
Sequence 5oversee. I became daddy for 15 kids, something that also is built into the structure of the school. But within that advisory… |
Sequence 1HELPING Om.DREN THINK by Matthew Lipman The distillation of the thinking process is a necessary component for schools and… |
Sequence 2every school, at every grade levd, a course that represents a pilot version of what we think education can be. I do not… |
Sequence 3courses, but raise them to a higher level. For example, co understand the subject matter of history, one needs to understand… |
Sequence 49. The new course would exemplify the ideal possibilities of educational experience. Such an experience would provide… |
Sequence 5methods of such ingenuity to their offspring. Thinking began in earnest with the teaching of chinking. As a result, our… |
Sequence 6But the situation, while bleak enough, is not without hope. I suppose that our society is not one that suffers ideas gladly,… |
Sequence 1CRmCAL THINKING by David Perkins David Perkins' self-conducted interview about Critical Thinking puts forward the… |
Sequence 2Why not? Well, there are a couple of reasons. First of all, there is a lot that critical thin.king isn't about. For… |
Sequence 3goals seriously, it turns out that we need a lot more critical and creative thinking as a part of the process of education.… |
Sequence 4would call integrative mental models-big pictures, maps, images, even poetry that help set things into place. Research shows… |
Sequence 5But we don t have time for awther curriculum. We have enough troubk with the regular curriculum without adding a… |
Sequence 6I think is missing, and I chink ic' s missing on a massive scale even within some very valuable instructional methods. A… |
Sequence 1must repair." I think that quote speaks co our condition very directly. Those words are rather different from the… |
Sequence 2everything else that's imponanc in the schools, and that everything that is imponanc in the school is affected by the… |
Sequence 3and also of Rexford Brown's. This very simple, old-fashioned matter having to do with learning and therefore with… |
Sequence 4"textbooked" it, but only rarely did we cast it, in terms of intriguing and interesting questions. So, if… |
Sequence 5kind of question, one subject matter, others are engaged by another set. You know that when you want to get a group of kids… |
Sequence 6"on task." So the typical American high school srudent spends seven 35-minute periods on usually five or six… |
Sequence 7civilities of life allow you to think wdl. And good schools do that. They have to be very simply organized in order co unleash… |
Sequence 8stand that you can't teach biology or anything else unless you're a philosopher. So those are some examples. I could… |
Sequence 9conventionally defined. The aphorism "Less Is More" should dominate: curricular decisions should be guided… |
Sequence 10first (teachers and scholars in general education) and specialists second (expens in but one panicular discipline). Staff… |
Sequence 11Rexford Brown 108 The NAMTA journal-Special Edition |
Sequence 1of the school districrs we studied in the United States was committed to fostering, on a wide scale, the kinds of activities… |
Sequence 2learning. We came to call this language "talkinbout," because we saw so many people talking about reading… |
Sequence 3the barriers is an absolute deterrent, but the total combination constitutes a formidable challenge. We asked teachers and… |
Sequence 4schools, much can be done to structure and use time differently. Teachers can "block time"-that is, put two… |
Sequence 5given reason why there is not more thoughtfolness in the schoolr. Teachers feel that they must cover an already sprawling and… |
Sequence 6the l 990s begin. One aims co ceach elements of thinking and problem solving direccly, either as subjects in themselves or,… |
Sequence 7through infusion of thinking into the entire curriculum-do not call for struccural changes in schooling as we now know it.… |
Sequence 8performance is related to intelligence, and that intelligence is primarily a product of genetic inheritance. The bell-shaped… |
Sequence 9than basic skills, because they will most probably be doing low-level work after they leave school. Some people told us that… |
Sequence 10her clinical experience--if he or she had one, and if it was done well. These are big ifi. The kind of literacy that we are… |
Sequence 11kindergarten through grade 2, intermediate schools, middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Time, coo, is… |
Sequence 12across subject areas {reading and writing, for instance). Union leaders and managers see things differently; so do ethnic… |
Sequence 13References Brown, Rexford. (1989a). 'Testing and thoughtfulness." Education Leader- ship, 46 (7), 31-33. Brown… |
Sequence 143. Q}ltstioning strategies. Do teacher or students ask open-ended questions or questions that call for analysis, synthesis,… |
Sequence 15Michael G. Fu/Ian 124 The NAMTA]ournal-Specia/ Edition |
Sequence 1about change effectively. In making the change process explicit, I want to make it clear chat I'm not talking about… |
Sequence 2systems. And of course, another irony is that those who preach change always preach how someone else should go about change,… |
Sequence 3talk about these things in a much more differentiated way. It's not just their changing or their not changing; they are… |