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Displaying results 17101 - 17200 of 40606
Sequence 2156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 156 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 stitute, The AMI… |
Sequence 3Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 157 NAMTA–AMI LEGACY: WINDOWS OF CHANGE 1975-2020 David Kahn… |
Sequence 4158 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 158 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 sophical study in… |
Sequence 5Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 159 they were carefully nurtured and handed on to those who followed, providing meaning and… |
Sequence 6160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 NAMTA: A… |
Sequence 7Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 161 In the same first journal, Margaret Stephenson reminisced of a daycare in England during World… |
Sequence 8162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 162 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 using a grandiose… |
Sequence 9Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 163 least Maria Montessori thinks so. She indicates that what might be considered “to be rooted”… |
Sequence 10164 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 164 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 picture of what… |
Sequence 11Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 165 by them. Wonder is not an emotion of superficial people; it strikes root only in the person… |
Sequence 12166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 Thus the myth of… |
Sequence 13Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 167 szentmihalyi, and Maria Montessori integrated an important installation for deep devel-… |
Sequence 14168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 deep sense of… |
Sequence 15Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 169 become independent from the dictates of the body and learn to take charge of what happens in… |
Sequence 16170 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 170 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 vocabulary and… |
Sequence 17Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 171 Annette Haines: Spokesperson for Montessori Values, Scholarship, and Research,” AMI–NAMTA… |
Sequence 18172 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 172 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 The Montessori… |
Sequence 19Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 173 well-being and health framework. These pathways combined with progressive thinking were needed… |
Sequence 20174 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 174 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 Emily Dickinson… |
Sequence 21175 |
Sequence 1Editorial Report: Is Day Care a Justifiable Compromise for Montessorians? David Kahn, Editor Last summer the A.M.I. Study… |
Sequence 2I! I I II ~ I I 2 care that the human infant is subjected to community care before he is ready? In present day care… |
Sequence 3"The child in the home is an ideal situation ... But if we do not want to send children to state day care, who will… |
Sequence 4offers within the family. We can make a beautiful Casa for the children which hardly seems like a classroom at all, but there… |
Sequence 5work primarily to themselves - not to any expert-dominated institutional system. When it comes to love and security for the… |
Sequence 1Reminiscences and Thoughts About Montessori Day Care by Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson Montessorians have a contribution to… |
Sequence 2I think that small children need the security of knowing the people with whom they are passing their time. In day care… |
Sequence 3as a kind of social occasion. Afterwards, when the weather was good, the children went outside to play. We were lucky to be… |
Sequence 4had the ideal set up. There was a garden just outside the classroom. The children could go from the inside to the outside as… |
Sequence 1Parentectomy - Is It Ever Indicated? by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. Dr. Mendelsohn is making an observation which is just… |
Sequence 2causes one to wonder whether Europeans and others have weaker lungs than Americans. Taking the baby into the mother's bed… |
Sequence 3nant, give up her job and face the prospect of living near the poverty level or at least far below their present standard.… |
Sequence 4Child welfare refers, then, to a limited array of services over- whelmingly focused on the placement of children away from… |
Sequence 5The alternatives are simple and available. One need only look to the (rest of the) civilized western world, characterized by… |
Sequence 1Testimony - Joint House-Senate Hearing on the Child and Family Services Bill (June 20, 1975) by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.… |
Sequence 2The helping professional - social worker, teacher, obstetrician, pedia- trician, psychiatrist, psychologist, educator, nurse… |
Sequence 3Language continues to be one of our greatest stumbling blocks to meaningful communication. Let me give a few examples.… |
Sequence 4These cases went through the Dutch courts and finally to the Dutch parliament which ruled in favor of the Jewish parents. The… |
Sequence 5Child and Family Services bill we are considering today would either be totally unnecessary or drastically reduced in scope.… |
Sequence 6dentists, educators, psychologists, the television industry, and the con- struction industry. This combination of interests… |
Sequence 7Study Approaches to the Problem of Child Care by Niles Newton Many young children and many desperate mothers need help.… |
Sequence 1Study Approaches to the Problem of Child Care by Niles Newton Many young children and many desperate mothers need help.… |
Sequence 2The following issues especially need testing: l. What is the effect of mother-arranged child care versus government arranged… |
Sequence 34. What other alternative types of meeting the problem of over- burdened mothers are available and how do they work out for… |
Sequence 1Feature: Science Education and Scientific Education by A. M. Joosten We can, nowadays, hardly open a newspaper and read an… |
Sequence 2the two and the humanities feel called upon to defend a position well en- trenched behind age-old traditions, against an… |
Sequence 3contribution made by the teaching of science as a "means of development" will depend not merely on the… |
Sequence 4Her genius in this field has been too lightly "adapted" without sufficient thought to its own nature and to… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Montessori Materials from India by Steve Callender Most of us are aware that the Montessori Movement is… |
Sequence 2The detailing is what compensates for many of the other imperfections. A simple example is the spindle box. The numerals 6 and… |
Sequence 3KNOBLESS CYLINDERS In a word, useless. The last (smallest) pieces (in all four sets) had rockered ends and would not stand.… |
Sequence 4ROUGH AND SMOOTH BOARDS They make two special boards. One is a gradation of rough and the other is a gradation of smooth.… |
Sequence 5GEOMETRIC SOLIDS The Indian set comes with 10 as opposed to the nine you're used to. The extra is a very nice triangular… |
Sequence 6STRIP BOARDS Beautiful and substantial. Sixes and nines are in different styles. How- ever, the blank strips with our… |
Sequence 1School Management: Toward a Handmade Materials Ownership Policy by David Kahn This policy has been submitted to the Ruffing… |
Sequence 2Category A- SCHOOL OWNED MATERIALS All materials donated by parents, assistants, libraries, schools etc. are the property of… |
Sequence 3Materials which are purchased in Europe and which are not available in the United States (e.g. zoology pictures) may be… |
Sequence 1Classroom Management: Chaining Children with Drugs by T. A. Yonder Haar T. A. Vonder Haar rallies against a form of child… |
Sequence 2his own day-to-day surroundings - the parent and the teacher. To assist them in the diagnosis, widely used checklists are… |
Sequence 3and as the brain functions better, the child behaves in a more normal pattern; and therefore, hyperactive children become less… |
Sequence 4under medication for hyperactivity; most of them, he believes, are minor- ity children who are particularly enthusiastic about… |
Sequence 5scribe as a problem is practically almost the average child that goes to school. They have all of these kinds of problems ...… |
Sequence 6gist Francis M. Crinella of the Sonoma State Hospital in Eldridge, Cali• fornia, is among the dissenters: " ...… |
Sequence 1Parent Education Exchange: A Child's Home Environment by Barbara Kahn The Parent Education Exchange invites… |
Sequence 2A long chest held Johnny's clothes. The drawers were the right height for him to open and look inside. The four drawers… |
Sequence 3Johnny could write or draw on the wall and a scrubbing exercise with brush, soap, sponge, drying cloth and bucket was set up… |
Sequence 1Editorial Report: Montessori Elementary: Where Do We Go From Here? by David Kahn If the Montessori elementary is to survive… |
Sequence 2RECOMMENDATIONS: Over the past few years, in an attempt to share their independent curriculum development, Montessori… |
Sequence 3the elementary training should follow the same course. What are some of these techniques for the "direction"… |
Sequence 4In discussing the Montessori uniqueness, we must include the "moral development" dimension which is inherent… |
Sequence 1Montessori Futures by Larry Lewis Mr. Lewis makes little distinction between Montessori elementary and Montessori pre-… |
Sequence 2the loss of human perspective and then of moral values. It is a lesson applicable to our field as well: work done solely for… |
Sequence 3both traditional and Montessori schools, Dr. Montessori and her work were welcomed and honored in the 1920's and 1930… |
Sequence 4the child in his fundamental human development. Faith in the power of the child is necessary to keep on the path, for there… |
Sequence 5I am hopeful with respect to internal factors. Although our society seems determined to immerse itself in materialism to the… |
Sequence 1The Montessori Curricular Approach to Moral Development by David Kahn The subject of moral development has not been discussed… |
Sequence 2Learning is a moral process in which the child is presented facts which cause him to reflect on his singular life task as it… |
Sequence 3fish, marsh, plants, ferns, amphibians, dinosaurs, [lowering plants, birds ... mankind. From nothing the world grew into… |
Sequence 4the child who leads the complaining life, constantly expressing his dislikes and is consequently disliked. Such a child is the… |
Sequence 5concepts of evolution vivid and personal. Here is a composition of a seven year old child exposed to the evolutionary timeline… |
Sequence 6constrictor, mice and rabbit to school, where he set up a class menagerie and did animal research. His classmates were… |
Sequence 7The theme of emotion and self-learning applies to the teacher's self-discipline as well. The teacher must not restrict… |
Sequence 8the child-the concept of universal need. A Christian and a Moslem have a. different wor/,d view but both have the same need to… |
Sequence 9\ alu1•s of appn•<·iation, coop<•ration and <•mpathy have their place in school and family lifr. Thcs… |
Sequence 1Man: A Course of Study by Jerome Bruner Bruner's Man: A Course of Study is the only commercial elementary curriculum… |
Sequence 2continuity between him and his animal forebearers. For man represents that cru- cial point in evolution where adaptation is… |
Sequence 3subject. The subject must not, to begin with, be presented as a normative one-as an exercise in how things shouui be writt1::n… |
Sequence 4F'inally, and with the benefit of the children's increased insight into the nature of languag-e. we return to the… |
Sequence 5with tools: if a skilled carpenter happens not to have brought his chisel to the job, he can usually use something else in its… |
Sequence 6A first task is lo lead children to recognize explicitly certain basic patterns in a (·on<-rt't r society,… |
Sequence 7competence. It is present in human play, in the increased variability of human behavior when things get under control. Just as… |
Sequence 8It may reflect what is believed about the celestial bodies and their relation to man; it may tell how man came into being, how… |
Sequence 9concurrently activate a passion for bringing order in Lo what has been studied, Lht- task is well started. A word first about… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Tribute to True Reading by John Thiel Literary inclusions for the elementary level are essential Sound… |
Sequence 2must be identifiable to the child. Whether fantastic tales or true life adventures, these books should concern questions the… |
Sequence 3the margins to note a particular use of each term. At present they are familiar with nine, associating each with its… |
Sequence 4Let us suppose that our program is well launched. We have sailed through quite a few months of discussions. Each reader is… |
Sequence 1Parent Education Exchange: Voluntary f'ood Habits of Normal Children by Clifford Sweet Our parent education exchange… |
Sequence 2When questioned concerning the methods used to get a meal down which satisfies parental anxiety, the reply indicates coaxing… |
Sequence 3Children who arc allowed to omit a food at will do not develop a lasting dislike for it as they do when it is forced on them… |