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Displaying results 19301 - 19400 of 40606
Sequence 100Pwn7>kin Moonshine. Tudor, Tasha. Henry Z. Walck, David McKay, New York, 1938. Scmu, 's Favo1·ite Story. Aoki,… |
Sequence 101Baylol", Byrd: I don't remembel' which book l found fil'st, but since then, it's become an… |
Sequence 102D(iys of U1e Mammoth Hunters, by Mary Elting and Franklin Folsom, and If Yo1.i Grew Up With Ge&rge Wash·ington by Ruth… |
Sequence 103A Variety of Interesting Readers for Primary and Early Elementary I Can Read Se1'ies: Harper & Row, New York.… |
Sequence 104The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 105THE NATURE AND THEORY OF SILENCE ACTIVITIES IN THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE by Mary Black Verschuur Ph.D With the incisiveness… |
Sequence 106Culturally too, silence has many interpretations. Within our society silence can be construed as inferring compliance or… |
Sequence 108Montessori did, however, write extensively on the will and the development of will in young children. Later interpreters of… |
Sequence 109ordinary noises consequent thereon. "9 The effort is made by each indi- vidual in the collective to suspend and… |
Sequence 110consciousness of the command he/she has over the control of his/her own body. When this conscious awareness is arrived at and… |
Sequence 111could make the children silent and yet claim freedom. The age-old misconceptions of freedom and discipline surfaced for… |
Sequence 112is expanded and we have the opportunity to reach out towards things which are normally beyond ow· reach, widening our horizons… |
Sequence 113requires participation. And finally, but importantly, silence should only be initiated at normal times when the room and those… |
Sequence 114Mr. Montessori stressed, however, that these lofty aims can only be sought by the individual exercise of will power. No amount… |
Sequence 115"' A.M. Joosten "The Silence Lesson" in AMI Co1111111111icalio11~ 4:(19(i7) 27. "Tape… |
Sequence 116"I hope very much that Montessorians o.f today and tomor- row will always keep in touch with the essence of Montes-… |
Sequence 117MURIEL DWYER: ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT by David Kahn Although Ms. Dwyer has written a short pamphlet entitled Key to… |
Sequence 118Dwye1·: Well, yes of course it does relate to being able to decode; some call that reading, although it is only a small part… |
Sequence 119is fundamentally outgoing. Then he must have the experiences, suffi- ciently wide experiences, and the language that goes with… |
Sequence 120bring them to the point where they can really cope with life. They are so adult-oriented and dominated. This is because of the… |
Sequence 122is to develop the interest of the child, and the pedagogical basis of the whole school is the developmental needs of the child… |
Sequence 123included as a mandatory part of our school curricula. On the other hand, Konstantil explained, "Here we give the… |
Sequence 124involved. It was based on diffel'enth1tion and individuation which is a holis- tic pl'ocess. It was not just a… |
Sequence 125bond. If we can work together to liberate the child from a type of education that is stuck in a quagmfre of old belief systems… |
Sequence 126EDITORIAL: AMI MONTESSORI: BACK TO THE FUTURE By David Kahn We are in the turmoil of becoming. And as one undergoes the… |
Sequence 127of beliefs, its ability to ignite the enthusiasm and commitment of teach- ers, stems from a spiritual and undiluted energy… |
Sequence 128basically teachers turned trainers. How objectively valid is that pro- cess in terms of maintaining Montessori heritage?… |
Sequence 130There is, in AMI circles, an evolving sense of a need to build linkages between the integral idea and the experimental… |
Sequence 131intensity of the Montessori vision that makes the system work; knowl- edge of the materials is bound by the interiority of the… |
Sequence 132tofight mediocrity, and renew our own fires by returning to the first flames, the sources of Montessori. These sources are,… |
Sequence 133NAMTANEWS NAMTA Initiates Montessori Public School Study Working in conjunction with the Ohio Montessori Training Institute… |
Sequence 134even included a cookbook of the recipes served. The ratings were universally positive for both cuisine and pedagogy. Ow·… |
Sequence 137NAMTA Workshops Winter.:__Spring 1988 PREVIEWS SEA'ITLE WASHINGTON March 5, 6, 1988 CULTIVATING THE HARMONIOUS… |
Sequence 138CHICAGO, ILLINOIS April 15-17, 1988 MAC-NAMTA CONFERENCE PRINCIPLES OF STAFF DYNAMICS This conference will be particularly… |
Sequence 139AMI TRAINING CENTER ANNOUNCEMENTS AMI SUPPORTS FLEXIBLE FORMATS In June of 1987 the Pedagogical Committee of the Association… |
Sequence 140Personals: Postio11s Available ARIZONA Montessori Teache1· with 2 year AMI Training & 2 yrs experience in AMI… |
Sequence 141Bright Star Montessori School is seeking experienced primary and elementary guides for the 1987-88 school year. Bright Star… |
Sequence 142Educational/Executive Director. Well established, 26 yr old school in a pictur- esque Chicago suburb. Parent/Infant through… |
Sequence 143St. Joseph Montessori School, Massachu- setts, currently accepting applications for Directress in a well-equipped class-… |
Sequence 144good. Please call James or Elizabeth Webster at (704)542-7021 for informa- tion. Send resumes or questions to OMNI… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 146SEEKING POSITIONS AMI-trained (2 1/,! • 12) almost 15 yrs experience as classroom teacher and administrator, M.Ed., address… |
Sequence 147PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Approximate MaiUng Date December, 1987 January, 1988 Spring, 1988 April, 1988 May, 1988 Summer,… |
Sequence 148New NAMTA Video Selections Five Going On Six - Montessori Style A help to Montessori Schools wanting to demonstrate… |
Sequence 149VIDEO/FILM ORDER FORM Name: School: Home Address: ,um C'II)' \!Alt "' School Address: ~ftc1 ,… |
Sequence 150146 Jon R. Osterkom Died December 7, 1987 Most 'Will remember Jmi Oster/wrn fer his frwrul,ly and upbeat voice… |
Sequence 151KAYBEE MONTESSORI, INC. APPROVED MONTESSORI APPARATUS • Infant-Toddler Material • Books • Furniture • Glass Bead Material… |
Sequence 152MONTESSORI Education for life. NIENHUIS MONTESSORI USA 320 PIONEER WAY. MT. VIEW. CA 94041 (415) 964-2735 |
Sequence 1&) NAMTA Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences |
Sequence 2r north american~ .11, ! ,.!! ~ .. II ... teachers' _. WHAT IS NAMTA? The North American Montessori Teachers… |
Sequence 3SOWING THE SEEDS OF THE SCIENCES Part I Origins of Montessori Sciences........................................... 1 The… |
Sequence 4Part I Origins of Montessori Sciences Each of the following articles represents an historical phase of development of… |
Sequence 5I j ~ blade ~ ve,ns ~ margin ~ stem There is some inner urge at work: some inner interest which leads the child… |
Sequence 6THE BOTANICAL CARDS by Mario M. Montessori This insightful article illustrates the underlying developmental principles which… |
Sequence 7Observation, classification, abstraction and symbolism are essential elements of the human mind. Is it surprising then that… |
Sequence 8word "paard." The other, which struck me forcibly, was the impor- tance of the word to represent what he had… |
Sequence 9After two years and a half the pace seems to quicken and the field to expand. The child possesses then about 250 words.… |
Sequence 10some leaf shapes in the garden and asked the children between eight and ten to memorize their names in the presence of the… |
Sequence 11stand. They would bring this back and take another which contained other pictures to which to apply other names. Experience… |
Sequence 12this stage of life the child seems to have a veritable hunger for words. Furthermore, in such a library he seems to find a key… |
Sequence 13main or the tap root, and so one for the lateral roots, the root hairs, and the root cap. These three envelopes form the first… |
Sequence 14next envelope - presented successively - contains cards with defini- tions, out of which the names have been taken and written… |
Sequence 15followed until all the strips have been placed. Then the teacher takes one of the corresponding booklets and slowly, page by… |
Sequence 16ON BUBBLES AND SUCH by C. A. Claremont Dr. Clarernont's ability to personify aspects of physics, to isolate the… |
Sequence 17the mind could follow it. The boys - one aged seven, the other barely three and a half - wanted to show me this phenonmenon… |
Sequence 18something abstract and therefore dull, when it should be romantic. And the difference is a very slight one, nothing but the… |
Sequence 19till we came to something that stopped us. The air does just this. It falls into every hole in the ground, filling it right up… |
Sequence 20Yet, how lucky for all of us that it is done! If it were not, the least jump into the air would take us right off into space,… |
Sequence 21"If you take all the charts and timelines and call it Cosmic Education, that is ridiculous. It goes much further than… |
Sequence 22THE KODAIKANAL EXPERIENCE Kahn-Montessori Interveiw From late 1942 to March, 1944, Maria Montessori was interned against her… |
Sequence 23was taking the RAFers through enemy territory to a place near Bel- gium where they could cross to go back home. And my two… |
Sequence 24Montessori: You had to construct the environment in order for the animal to live. For each animal there was a special… |
Sequence 25depend on sunshine, water, earth, men and animals. This is a real aspect of the world's functioning. We saw purpose in… |
Sequence 26Kahn: Another part of Cosmic Education are the charts and the time- lines. Doesn't your original work in Kodaikanal run… |
Sequence 27child can experience in nature that there is something eternal, present everywhere and always, which seems to have organized… |
Sequence 28Part II Montessori and Science Today In 1988, it is important to look at ongoing development of science activity in relation… |
Sequence 29The natural sciences call the child into a vital relation- ship with the earth and its family, as a participator in a journey… |
Sequence 30SOWING THE SEEDS OF THE SCIENCES: OUR GIFT TO THE FUTURE by Audrey Sillick Audrey Sillick 's flowing pose reflects… |
Sequence 31remain a part of its essence. Our land, yours and mine, is today dan- gerously close to sundown. Yet, for us, as Montessori… |
Sequence 32belongs to the realm of the intellect whose function it is to discrimi- nate, measure and categorize. Intuitive knowledge is… |
Sequence 33place and teacher, leaving impressions which incubate in the absorbent mind. Those experiences remain even while the conscious… |
Sequence 34the result of an accumulation of information, but of a continued trans- action with the mystery and wonder of a living world.… |
Sequence 35environment at this primary level provides the means for a systematic ascent toward knowledge. The order, focus and seqence in… |
Sequence 36MONTESSORI EXPERIMENTS FOR EVERY SEASON by Carol Gale and Kathy Moore Ms. Gale and Ms. Moore provide a series of experiments… |
Sequence 37Roots and Stems Materials: Carrot with tops, leafy stalk of celery, two jars of water tinted brilliantly with food coloring,… |
Sequence 38Following our discussion of the parts of the leaf, in the fall we collect and classify as many different kinds of leaves as we… |
Sequence 39Leaf Classification Materials: Leaves from the press, time-line paper, permanent glu- ing tray, pencils. Procedure: As a… |
Sequence 40Mater Amoris School Seed Collages Materials: Collection of seeds as above, permanent gluing tray, construction paper.… |
Sequence 41In the spring, the lima bean seed lends itself nicely to dissection and examination of the parts of the seed. Since it… |
Sequence 42EXPERIMENTS WITII SEEDS These experiments are interesting extensions of lessons on parts of the seed and the needs of seeds.… |
Sequence 43Needs for Germination Materials: Four jars the same size, cotton, seeds, oil, water, lables for jars. Procedure: In a jar… |
Sequence 44PLANTS - BULBS Before planting the Amaryllis bulb, choose an inexpensive bulb to dissect and examine the parts of the bulb.… |
Sequence 45NON-FLOWERING PLANTS The fall is a good time for studying non-flowering plants. The damp fall weather produces a wealth of… |
Sequence 46A STUDY OF LIFE CYCLES It is possible and exciting to study different life cycles during the school year. Some of our studies… |
Sequence 47PHYSICAL SCIENCES During the winter months we begin our exploration of the physical sciences. Buoyancy Materials: Large… |
Sequence 48Gravity The study of the force of gravity is a logical followup to the study of the forces of magnets. Much of what the… |