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Displaying results 18901 - 19000 of 40606
Sequence 9THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MA TERI AL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Bauriicc Sense Tablets. Part No. 18. This apparatus… |
Sequence 10THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Cabinets ojf Wooden Insets and Firameso Part No. 22.… |
Sequence 11THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Part No. 25. A.-Six Red Cylindrical Boxes, each containing a… |
Sequence 12THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES.-Continued. Sandpaper Letters. Part No. 27. Set of twenty-six "… |
Sequence 13THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continu,d. T.he Lairge Sciript · Le1t1teirs. The smaller letters are 2¼… |
Sequence 14.THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES.-Continued. Number Frame§o Part No. 30a. Two printed Nu_mber Frames,… |
Sequence 15THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. The Numerical Rodso Part No. 32. Ten Solid wooden Rods, in… |
Sequence 16THE MONTESSORI DIDACTlC MATERlAL. Extra (Not included in the complete Set.) 11 ~ ...... . ·1, ADVANCED SERIES, J 120… |
Sequence 17THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. EXTRA lTEMS.-Continued. Designs for Colouringo Reduced, facsimiles ,from·,Packet No. 2.… |
Sequence 18THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. EXTRA ITEMS .-Continued. Giraded Wooden CyH.ndeirso SET A. Reduced illustration of Set A… |
Sequence 20THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. No. I. No. 1. Bead Frame 10½ ins. high, four wires each carrying ten coloured glass… |
Sequence 21THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Chaurts foll" the Study off the Individual Child. Set of Biographical Charts… |
Sequence 22THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Set of Twenty-eight Bells. Comprising one octave of naturals, ·mounted on white stands… |
Sequence 23THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. The l\1IcoJ11ltessori Training College~ ROSSLYN HILL HAMPSTEAD LONDON, N.W.3. Dr.… |
Sequence 1.+ .a o gH*mHK\.RËgHE . #SÈ'+e I KS<ffi+HË( \Fts@\FglsHA 4l+1KR{$&Ë Rlnlffi ffi !.& ffi &… |
Sequence 2\ , q{{S, SWWffiÈilN.tiE=+N6[EXtEÈ]SU r . HBF . H+àf*$tëÈruffià=Èffirs r .. #=ssë,ftíHs Ë)trËËw@ . F$FËRxlE[FfiuÍsFÈFs… |
Sequence 3@ {l!u ilnr ïs f( It ft{#flÊ . ff#. FëÊF - EKE+R].(#]ëÉ<" Ët0q ,P " i n#SËg'I!#HftqqK… |
Sequence 1MARIA MONTESSORI - PIEDAGOGEN MED DET STORE HJERTE 79 S0nnen af den moderne smab0rnsundervisnings grund hegger fort�ller om… |
Sequence 280 DET BEDSTE . .. blev ansat ved universitetets psykiatri ske klinik, hvor det var en af hendes opgaver at bes0ge byens… |
Sequence 384 DEY BEDSTE ... overbefolket lejekaserne og hen i bedre lejligheder. Men mens foneldrene var pa arbej de, og de st0rre… |
Sequence 4MARIA MONTESSORI - P/EDAGOGEN MED DET STORE HJERTE 87 I Casa dei Bambini lxrte b0rnene at skrive fire-fem maneder, for de… |
Sequence 5MARIA MONTESSORI - P/EDAGOGEN MED DET STORE HJERTE 89 lige udlrendinge", fortsatte mor med at undervise.… |
Sequence 1Een rnoeder om nooit te vergeten MARIO MONTESSORI TOEN IK een jongen was werd ik eens in ons huis in Rome vroeg in de… |
Sequence 262 HETBESTE en zelfverwerkelijking in gang zet. Als ik terugdenk, is het moeilijk te bevatten hoe zij zoveel gepresteerd… |
Sequence 364 HETBESTE Augustus verscheidene honderden arme gezinnen uit hun vuile en overbevolkte kazerne woningen gehaald en… |
Sequence 466 IJEN MOEDER OM NOOIT TE VERGETEN Toen hoorden zij de vrachtauto weg rijden. Mijn zoon ging naar beneden en keek… |
Sequence 1TR By Marto MonTEssort uex [ was a boy I was woken carly one morn- ing at our house in Rome by the shaking of my bed and a… |
Sequence 2with the urge and the power to ful- fil themselves. In finding a way to liberate that power she ¢ the world a new approach… |
Sequence 31965 the university’s psychiatric clinic, where one of her duties was to visit the city’s lunatic asylums to pick subjects… |
Sequence 4project had taken scveral hundred poor families out of a dirty, over- crowded tenement and put them in more adequate houses… |
Sequence 5October specially prepared cnvironment, one in which he could make his own discoverics and arrive at concepts throughhis… |
Sequence 6house; it belongs to a friend of children.” Tt was signed with the communist emblem: the hammer and sickle. In country… |
Sequence 1JfITINI MARIA MONTESSORI Maria Montessori, maailman tunnetuimpia pedagogeja, kehitti ensim maisena mania niista kasvatusmenel… |
Sequence 290 VALI'Iif'T fALAT Syyskuu . I della ja sai lisaksi pian apurahankin. 1 1tariao lueonoimaan mielisairaanhoi… |
Sequence 392 VALITUT PALAT Syyskuu mutta erisomtma kelloja jarjestele malla lapsi oppii tuntemaan savelia ja ryhmittamaan ne… |
Sequence 494 VALITUT PALAT Kaduilla ajaa ramisteli lojalistien kaartin kuorma-autoja pidattarniissii. Francon kannattajiksi epailtyja… |
Sequence 1L'etre le plus extraordinaire ·, . que J aze connu Ma mere, Maria Montessori PAR MARIO MONTESSORI J 'in-AI… |
Sequence 270 SELECTION DU READER'S DIGEST septembre Si je le voyais ! - Tu sens le sol qui tremble ? Je hochai la tete… |
Sequence 372 SELECTION DU READER'S DIGEST septembre ettc con fcren ·e su ita daus le proches de pupiLrcs qu Jes eleves public un… |
Sequence 474 SELECTION DU READER'S DIGEST septembre et professeur firent cercle autour les poussaient leurs aspirations, et de… |
Sequence 576 SELECTION DU READER 1S DIGEST je comm j'avai fait, petit gar on. mere etait morte. ElJe erait aUee Je quitlai la… |
Sequence 1Maria Montessori war eine bedeutende Padagogin. Ihre Erziehungsmethoden fiir das friihe Kindesalter werden heute in… |
Sequence 298 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSORI Oktober dann als geniale Padagogin und Bc griinderin der wcltumfasscnden Bc wcgung for… |
Sequence 3100 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESS01<1 Oktober !assen, sic erhielt auBcrdcm cin Stipendium, und ihrcn Lebcnsuntcr-… |
Sequence 41965 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSORI 103 Blitzartig wurdc ihr klar, daB dicsc Kinder nicht nach ctwas EBbarcm gicrtcn,… |
Sequence 5104 ME/NE MUTTER MA.RIA MONTESSORI Oktober Aber wahrend dieEltern bei der Arbeit und die groBercn Kinder in dcr Schu lc… |
Sequence 6106 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSORI Oktober ALs MARIA MONTESSORI kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus Indien nach Europa… |
Sequence 7108 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSOR/ Oktober fiinf Jahren konnten die meisten und Mutter war allein mit dreien Kinder der Casa… |
Sequence 8112 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSORI Oktober ten einem Ruf nach Indien und halfen dort bci dcr Ausbildung von Lehrcrn. In… |
Sequence 16 A. XVIU • VOL. XXXV - N. 203 SELEZIONE rlal Readers Digest AGOSTO 1%5 fl meglio da lle riviste e dai libri migliori ©… |
Sequence 28 SELE::(,IONE DAL READER'S DIGEST Agosto di evolversi, e trovando il modo di liberare questa forza latente dette al… |
Sequence 3IO SELE:(,IONE DAL READER'S DIGEST Agosto luppare il corpo, la mente, la per sonalita: invece di essere tenuti iso… |
Sequence 412 SELE�}ONE DAL READER'S DIGEST Agosto bimbi che avevano appena comin ciato a scrivere qualche parola, mia madre… |
Sequence 1- 17 ARG. 19. NR. 9 DET BESTE--- fra ledende tidsskrifter og aktuelle b0ker utvalgt av Reader's Digest ,n etter… |
Sequence 2DET BESTE September som forsker og senere som gant og utstralte stor kvinnelig pedagog. Hun var antropo- charme. Hun satte… |
Sequence 318 DET BESTE September fremst forundret mor, var ikke at tilbakestaende barn kunne klare seg sa godt, men at normale barn… |
Sequence 420 DET BESTE man dessuten italiener, gjorde ikke det faren mindre. En lastebil stoppet ute pa gaten, og «milicianos»… |
Sequence 1Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 Maria Montessori, uma das mais ilustras educadoras do mundo, criou muitas… |
Sequence 2Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 2 em seres humanos com o desejo e a capacidade de se satisfazerem a eles… |
Sequence 3Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 3 Montessori conseguiu admissão com o ganho de uma bolsa e ainda um dinheiro… |
Sequence 4Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 4 sentado sem se mexer; ao menor movimento, o aluno era castigado. “O nosso… |
Sequence 5Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 5 surpresos. E logo, um por um, começaram também a conseguir escrever dizendo… |
Sequence 6Seleção de The Reader’s Digest Outubro, 2020 6 Ouviram o som do camião a partir. O meu filho desceu as escadas e… |
Sequence 1LOS RAMBIN! DE MARIA MONTESSORI 55 Los bambini de Maria Montessori PoR MARIO MoNTESSORI Maria Montessori, una de las mas… |
Sequence 256 SELECCIONES DEL READER'S DIGEST Noviembre jaron que estudiara para maestra, la {mica carrera abierta entonces a… |
Sequence 3I I 58 SELECClONES DEL READER'S D!GE-S_T Noviembre El primer paso consistio en libe rar a los niiios civilizandolos… |
Sequence 460 SELECCIONES DEL READER'S DIGEST emblema comunista de la hoz y el martillo. En un pais tras otro, la guerra cerr6… |
Sequence 1Min rnor Maria Montessori AV MARIO MONTESSORI OM LITEN pojke vacktes jag ti digt en �org�n i var villa i Rom av att mm… |
Sequence 280 MIN MOR MARIA MONTESSORI forvarvandet som en gladjefylld pro- "Fi:ir mycket att gi:ira." Som liten… |
Sequence 3' 82 DET BAST A. . . november Rom for att valja ut la!npliga studie- barn att utveckla sin kropp och person objekt.… |
Sequence 484 MIN MOR MARIA MONTESSORI rarna var pa sina arbeten och de aldre barnen i skolan, forvildades smabar nen. Man beslot att… |
Sequence 586 MIN MOR. MAR.IA MQNTESSOR.I med en klass som just hade Hirt sig skriva nllgra ord, skrev l')on foljande mening pll… |
Sequence 688 MIN MOR MARIA MONTESSORI MoNTESSORI.MBTODBN har under liingre tid tilliimpnts i ett tiotnl svenska forskolor, bl. n. en… |
Sequence 1o THE : “NAMTA JOURNAL |
Sequence 2rnorthamerican~ 11, J .; g ., ., .. ... teachers' ..; WHAT IS NAMTA? The North American Montessori Teachers'… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI FRONTIERS volume 12 number one A Montessori Vision of Adolescence by Lawrence Schaefer… |
Sequence 4"We need a powerful vision of adolescence because there are aspects of our culture that disorient, perhaps even… |
Sequence 5A MONTESSORI VISION OF ADOLESCENCE by Lawrence Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's deve/,opmental outlook for the adolescent arises… |
Sequence 6v1s10n of early adolescence, not about all of this period of development. Also, it is my opinion that Montessorians have a… |
Sequence 7are meant to be - is only a classroom full of Montessori materials and children's furnitw-e. It lacks the spirit of… |
Sequence 8This responsibility is doubly crucial for teen-agers. They need it in order to maturate properly, but they also need it… |
Sequence 9planning, etc. This energy flows from life's vital force, the elan vital. The symbol for this is a flame. In early… |
Sequence 10need to build and create. The hand and the mind have a special connection in early adolescence. They must come to know how… |
Sequence 11collective wisdom about youth. The story is titled, The Spirit in the Bottle. 1) There was once a poor woodcutter who worked… |
Sequence 12boy thrust back the cork. "Ah, do let me out! Ah, do let me out!" the Spirit cried out very piteously. 15… |
Sequence 13with the common image of the adolescent in the mind of today's adults. The father, on the other hand, is wearied by… |
Sequence 14The intellectual, moral and social growth we seek for our children requires structuring more prime educational time in… |
Sequence 15THE FARM EXPERIENCE: ITS IMPORTANCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE by Richard Barker Richard Barker's perceptive correlations… |
Sequence 16I think what has impressed me most about the Amish is that their survival these four hundred years seems to be rooted in a… |
Sequence 17having lived among them for 11 years I know from experience that they have many fewer problems than those of the English… |
Sequence 18and maintaining this living world in a microcosm. He asserts that his later work on man's place in history is rooted in… |
Sequence 19housing, feeding, reproduction and marketing management of poultry. This effort has immersed Dan, for an extended period, in… |
Sequence 20In our household, each member of the family had certain responsibilities. We were each a part of the establishment. Our work… |
Sequence 21age children. In a sense this has been our equivalent of the wartime experience of the British children and their teachers. We… |
Sequence 22successful Amway business involves participation by every member of the family. They called it their urban farmstead. The… |
Sequence 23AN OVERVIEW OF ADOLESCENCE by Phil Gang The Origins of Adolescence Adolescence is viewed today as a period between puberty… |
Sequence 24By this time many industrial leaders began to recognize the dependence of industry on the existence of a reasonably educated… |
Sequence 25environment and where the transition from childhood to adulthood is not marked by a long period of preparation. Adolescent… |
Sequence 26During adolescence the young person separates from the older generation, re-evaluates his parental models and their values,… |