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Displaying results 18801 - 18900 of 40606
Sequence 3is that the child has been burdened with all the labor needed to provide the adult with culture. His sufferings, his desires… |
Sequence 4the dignity of children and young people and to secure for them the place in society that they should rightfully have in these… |
Sequence 1From the Archives THE MONTESSORI APPARATUS. (1919) By Claude A. Claremont, B.Sc. Assistant to Dr. Montessori in her… |
Sequence 2classes. Further, they render possible a new science by enabling the observation of free children, who are nevertheless able… |
Sequence 3adjustment of the movements, a closer attention; and hence it is quite natural that it should come later. The older children… |
Sequence 1Part I DEVELOPING THE MONTESSORI ADULT Children Learning; Montessori in Practice by Paula Lillard Viewing her own class in… |
Sequence 2I I I I themselves. It is through exercising their wills in the classroom that they gradually develop self-discipline and… |
Sequence 3development deteriorates into socializing for socializing's sake. They seek to depend on a charismatic leader among their… |
Sequence 4interest in the world about him. I want to build this interest into a permanent response to life. If a child ends his… |
Sequence 5I follow the same reasoning in introducing written language into the environment. Again, the children's interest is the… |
Sequence 6I I I I concentration. ln a partylike atmosphere or one with a great deal of bustle and confusion, the children respond to… |
Sequence 7l try to develop flexibility. A rigid, controlling person cannot lead the children to independence and self-disciplined… |
Sequence 1A Career in Montessori Education by Rita Schaefer Rita Schaefer presents an objective view of Montessori career options, as… |
Sequence 2Of course, not all these traits need be highly developed as one enters the field. The work gives daily opportunity to develop… |
Sequence 3I ! ~ ll 11 teaching credential have the possibility of entering a public Montessori School. Beyond this level are… |
Sequence 4the furniture, the pictures on the wall, the arrangement of the materials, the variety and selection of objects reflects their… |
Sequence 5The occupational hazards of too much pride and anger in ones spirit are the major personal challenges with which any educator… |
Sequence 6Once a year the teacher will prepare a talk for a parents group or civic club. Occasionally s/he will be asked to be… |
Sequence 7-protection of the rights of social order -maintenance of an attractive environment -acting out a wide variety of work… |
Sequence 1montessorian with a small "m" an introspective journey by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene's long career… |
Sequence 2I I I choice must be made. They can continue to upgrade their level of meeting these needs, i.e., attaining ever higher… |
Sequence 3- being an advocate for children's rights and needs in a world that has yet to truly understand and respect them.… |
Sequence 1Goodbye Montessori A Personal Account by Martha Kent At 1he Lhreshold of reriremenl. Manha Kem /akes a nostalgic look at her… |
Sequence 2Photo by Ann Luce thought, the equal inclusion of cultures everywhere brought increasing areas of knowledge within my… |
Sequence 3II I The usefulness of Montessori training outside of the classroom was impressive in several ways. Ln my adjunct career as… |
Sequence 1Montessori Careers by Carol Dittberner Ms. Diffberner"s itinerare career presents a personal evolution leading to… |
Sequence 211 I 1, II Ii I I There [ sat, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in July of 1973, and I had not yet found any classes of my own. A… |
Sequence 3Missionaries of Charity, the sisters of Mother Teresa. At every step of their development I was wishing I'd taken the… |
Sequence 4!I I children and trying to see what is universal in their revelations to us and what still requires more thought and study… |
Sequence 1Proposal - The Montessori Atrium by Carol Dittberner and Joan Miller I As an elaboration on the career of the Montessori… |
Sequence 2and the actual place of prayer. The children's atrium is the environment between the Church and the school. Tactile… |
Sequence 3Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 1INTERVIEW WITH HILDEGARD SOLZBACHER Director or Training, AMI Montessori Institute Administrator, New World Montessori School… |
Sequence 2Catholic girl's high school all at the same time. Next, 1 did all the planning, administrating, and teaching of a new… |
Sequence 3'What kind of a human being will I be todayr How will I affect others today?' It is these thoughts that explain why… |
Sequence 4IL 60044, 312-234-8313.) Lillard: "You said that you knew very early that you wanted to give your life to children.… |
Sequence 1Part II Career Variations Finding the National Role: Building Potentialities by David Kahn In an attempt to project the… |
Sequence 2milestones. Usually a school is founded by a visionary who creates a successful classroom experience which in turn expands the… |
Sequence 3setting. They need academic stimulus relative to their varying stages of professional development. A blanket in-service… |
Sequence 4"materialize" the Montessori viewpoint and to make it part of a continuing heritage has been talked about,… |
Sequence 5'J Organizer is a low cosl integrated computer program developed by a parent in Virginia. Or, you may remember, some… |
Sequence 1Obstacles To Learning: Recognizing and Assisting The Middle Class Child From An Addicted Family by Judy Shepps Batlle The… |
Sequence 2arouse in a teacher is great - and teachers have been known to get physically ill and even choose different career options… |
Sequence 3best way that children should learn. One of the indicants that a Cooperator is present, as opposed to one for whom the… |
Sequence 4* • * The above types are the external shell within which the classroom teacher will find the young child from an addicted… |
Sequence 5guidance counsellor and evaluated. It is then no small wonder that the Cooperator does the right thing for the wrong reasons… |
Sequence 6averages and to compute in his head how each batting average will change from day to day if the baseball player is successful… |
Sequence 7part of the same ball of secret wax. The child becomes mute. It is easier to be learning disabled than 10 be disloyal and tell… |
Sequence 8the feeling qualities that exist inside of the shell that the Space Cadet lives within. What then are the qualities of life… |
Sequence 9As curious as this may sound, the only path into the closed world of this type of child is through the nonverbal… |
Sequence 10Before looking at how the teacher is to reach the young child within the acting out exterior let us look again at the… |
Sequence 11this child? Two conditions need to exist in order for any interventions to be made. First, the teacher has to be able to… |
Sequence 12whatever innovative means she deems necessary in order to get the child committed to staying in the class setting and thus… |
Sequence 13References Baute. Judy Shepps: Reflections on learning: Notes of a Sraff Psychologist in a Montessori Seuing NAMTA Journal,… |
Sequence 1Montessori Syntopican: Proposal Abstract b} Mary Boehnlein and David Kahn To date there is no definitive chronicle of… |
Sequence 2on a male dominated philosophical heritage. The Montessori Synropicon and Annotated Bibliography of two million words will be… |
Sequence 3later studies did seek the sources of her philosophy such as Birchnell (1970) on philosophy, Keough (1973) on receptivity to… |
Sequence 4make a significant contribution to current needs. An accurate, up-to-date reference work is needed to assist in advanced.… |
Sequence 1Henson Valley Montessori Goes The Robert Leathers Playground Way by John R. Demore The following feature portrays a 1101•el… |
Sequence 2In August 1985 the HVMS Board of Directors decided to upgrade the existing playground ... How should it be done?"… |
Sequence 3playground. Little faces crowded all around him from time to time to ensure that their ideas were being incorparated. By 2 pm… |
Sequence 1Individual Parent-Teacher Conferences by anc} Hildick Ms. Hi/dicks article is straightforward and sensible. delineating the… |
Sequence 2Some of these conferences are parent initiated and some are teacher initiated. Some conferences are for conveying academic… |
Sequence 3together. Let the class know you welcome the opportunity to meet with their parents. Physical Seuing 1. A comfortable and… |
Sequence 4tionship and in choosing the methods 10 be used. 9. Be aware of your emotional reactions if parents question or disagree with… |
Sequence 1Montessori (Advance d Series) |
Sequence 222 .4 ,l:8 15-18. 19.;..20 9 '9 21,23 |
Sequence 3CAT A LOGUE No. IO B. l?c=J D 0000 liilliil(0)1ta ii:e& II) i cdl ca Ct ll C (ADV AN CED SERIES) FOURTEENTH… |
Sequence 4The Montessori Didactic Material. u=ic:J============c::==~ooooc:===::::i============c::::J7J D D D ~ D □ 0 0 □ D… |
Sequence 5[? CJ===========c=======iooooc::::::===::::::i===========CJ 7J D D 0 ~ D D 0 0 D D ~ D The Advanced Series of… |
Sequence 6The Montessori Didactic',Material. ADVANCED SERIES-ARITHMETIC SECTION. ~ ~ Reduced facsim.le of one Set of Ten Rods… |
Sequence 7Tlie Montesso:rf: Didactic'' Material. • The Arithmetic Board. Size 9¾X9¼ ins. Complete with Number Slips and Red… |
Sequence 8The Montessori' Didactic Material. Horizontal Bead Frame. and Number Cards. No. 3. No. 3. Wooden Bead Frame as… |
Sequence 9The Montessori Didactic Material. Bead Chains, Squares and Cubes. For demonstrating the Square(_and Cubes of Numbers. Short… |
Sequence 10The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-ARITHMETIC SECTION-continued. Long Division Apparatus. Long '… |
Sequence 11The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-ARITHMETIC SECTION-continued. Cretonne Satchels. For Division and… |
Sequence 12The Montessori Didactic Material. ADV AN CED SERIES-continued. GRAMMAR SECTION. Exercises in Word Study. (INFLEXION OF… |
Sequence 13I' r The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-continued. Net Ref. Per No. Box 34. Declension of Pronoun… |
Sequence 14The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-GRAMMAR SECTION-continued. " Printwrite " Script Cut-Out… |
Sequence 15The Montessori Didactic Material. • ADVANCED SERIES-continued. Parsing Trays, etc.-continued. Group C. Consisting of Boxes… |
Sequence 16The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-continued. ~ VERB '(The Yerh.l er nGminal pr1d1cat1.) Wh~? . What… |
Sequence 17The. Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES-continued. GEOMET.RICAL SECTION. Advanced Series of Metal Insets. Each… |
Sequence 18The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES OF MET AL INSETS-continued. THIRD SECTION Each plate, complete with Insets… |
Sequence 19The Montessori Didactic· Material. ADVANCED SERIES OF METAL INSETS-FOURTH SECTION-continued. PLATE No. 63. 11/6 net.… |
Sequence 20The Montessori Didactic Material. ADVANCED SERIES OF METAL INSETS-continued. PLATE No.:-48 49 50 51 52 53 Section of… |
Sequence 21The Montessori Didactic Material. Set of Models . Ill Apparatus for the Study and Calculation of Areas Comprising eleven… |
Sequence 22The Montessori Didactic Material. Models for Solid Geometry-continued. :Philip & Tacey, Ltd. GROUP B. A series of… |
Sequence 23The Montessori Didactic Material. ADV AN CED SERIES-continued . . MUSICAL SECTION. Set of Twenty-eight Bells. Comprising… |
Sequence 24The Montessori Didactic Material. MUSICAL SECTION-continued. Musical Signs, Note and Naming Discs, etc. Net s. d. '~… |
Sequence 25The Montessori Didactic Material. MUSICAL SECTION-continued. The Tone Bars. A series of twenty-five Metal Bars, making two… |
Sequence 26[r CJ============c====:::::iooooc:::==:=:i=============c:::::i 7J D D THE MONTESSORI T~AINING COLLEGE, ROSSLYN HILL… |
Sequence 27t --~-w. .-:-,:. ' . • i}i{· & " ~~ • :.,,;i • ' I!', acturers of~ EveJ."y·… |
Sequence 1Montessori The Primary Apparatus |
Sequence 2THE :'.\10NTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Section M. Fifteenth Edition. CATA.LOGUE of the Montessori Didactic… |
Sequence 3P,irt No. la, b, c, d. 4. 5. 6. 7a-k. 16a, b. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Tlhe Complete… |
Sequence 4THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. Prim.ary Ma1terialo The interest aroused in the child mind by the whole of this… |
Sequence 5' 'rHE MONTF,SSOl.U DIDACTIC MA'rElUAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. The Part No. 4. Ten solid wooden… |
Sequence 6THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES .-Continued. Buttoning and On Requisition List for London County… |
Sequence 7THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES.-Continued. Part No. 16a. Part No. l6b. Smooth and Rough Surfaces.… |
Sequence 8THE MONTESSORI DIDACTIC MATERIAL. PRIMARY SERIES.-Continued. Part No. 20. Colour TabRetso Part No. 19. Part No. 21. Made… |